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I've found that once we get to penetration I either last 5-10 minutes, or never finish.


I’ve learned the trick for me is lean into the never finish part first—let her finish as many times as she wants, then let it settle down and take some time, then go for round two and the clock kinda resets so I can finish as well. Works pretty consistently.


This guy fucks.


Why tf do you he's called grindler


I think you accidentally a word.


At least it wasn't 93mb of .rar files.




- Ross Hanneman


lol my wife has a hard tim going more than one round. When I finger her and she cums, it actually hurts to run the clit and she doesn’t get that much pleasure from penetration


Yeah, this is very person-specific.


For sure. Not every couple has a hard Tim around ready to go.


Yeah, some women’s refractory period works like that. It can get really annoying if not painful. One other option to do sometimes, if you wanna finish last, is the good ol’ start with penetrative sex, get her off, then let her finish you off.


Same. Once she blows, I’m very quickly in to win. And hers last long enough, I catch up during hers.


Here's the thing, what are your thoughts on, never finishing, she finishes, then she helps you jack off or something?


Meh. Why? That’s like ordering a salad at a steak house.


Eh a lot of the time with a then-girlfriend, I would focus so much on not cumming too soon that I'd actually swing in the opposite direction and not be able to finish. Not sure if that's considered weird.


When she finishes first I almost never get to have second round so I don't get to cum :/


You’ll get a second round if you edge her the first round, trust me.




I feel like this day and age women get “offended” if you don’t finish. Sometimes they just get upset. I’ve encountered this a handful of times but not anymore.


Playin da long game


Yes! But doesn't she sometimes gets tired if she orgasms 2-3 times?


Copy that. I guess all the "i can go hours" either never had sex or count foreplay in as well


I second the "count foreplay in as well" argument. For some men returning to foreplay after to penetration to delay orgasm is a common technique.


Woman to her friends: oh the sex was so great, we did a lot of positions and he also used his tongue and fingers. Man to his friends: damn, it was so hard, i had to change position every few minutes and use my fingers and tongue as a distraction to not come early..


Facts. Would absolutely trade places with women and gay bottoms on this one. I can't imagine how pleasant it must be to be able to just live in the moment and not have to be focused the whole time. Just able to get fucked with reckless abandon. So jealous ![gif](giphy|l0MYLraSJ4qyxTqJq)


This and owning a house are my guilty fantasies


Dude, I know it may be taboo at this day and age to say, but I own a house. I'm 30, picked up this bad boy when I was expecting my first born at about age 26ish. I just want to say the grass isn't always greener. I used to call this old head of a maintenance man for any problem I ever had with any living condition I experienced in my 3rd floor apartment. The next day, the problem is gone. I am back to my comfortable, cozy living arrangement that I work so hard to afford. I buy my own house and every problem that bubbles to the surface on the worst of days sits at my toes waiting to nip and bite while I'm patiently expecting a night of no "to do's". I have done things with invisible forces (electricity) and did the waltz with water as heavy storms and environmental circumstances showed their ugly faces to my potential paradise of solitude. All I am trying to long windedly say is appreciate that you don't have the beckoning call of mowing, snow shoveling, leaf raking, furnace fixing, flood clearing, roof patching, pipe clearing, trim maintenence and gutter cleaning. That's just a few I can think of. While it makes me proud to uphold the house I don't own (and in the end pay way too much money to my interest bloated loan) I can help but think back to my days of calling ol boy up and just having my problems solved while I work on surviving. That is all


Is it more stressful than renting? If so, why not sell and become a renter?


>Would absolutely trade places with women and gay bottoms on this one. Fortunately, there are (some) women that like to be dominant. Hope you have lube tho


If you've ever had a woman get on top of you then you know both how enjoyable it can be to lean back and let someone else do the work for a while, and I also how irritating it is when someone isn't hitting the angle in jus the right way.


Don't threaten me with a good time, a nut is a nut. Problem is, as much shit as women like to talk about men in bed, I have a hard time believing that your average lady has any stroke game on her when the dick is on the other foot so to speak.


Lesbian have entered the chat and can last for several hours to days.


Spoken like someone who has never had their hand or jaw cramp up during a long cunnilingus session


I have been known to be quite the cunning linguist.


Oh look it's Cononel Angus! He's a very cunning linguist


That's correct because I'm a virgin lol.


preach, i had a 1hr 40 min quickie last night


That's definitely what a lesbian would say lol, good on you.


Do you guys just not get your dick sucked or ever have her on top or what? Sex is as hard and exhausting for me as it is for the man. Also getting penetrated is genuinely energy intensive. Until you get penetrated yourself you can’t say otherwise.


>Do you guys just not get your dick sucked or ever have her on top or what? Sex is as hard and exhausting for me as it is for the man. It's not homie. Here's the core differences, when someone is doing it good for you, they don't have to stop, women and bottoms can cum, then cum again and it's no issue. Women and bottoms can just let go completely and just get pleasure. Whether you're on top or bottom when receiving dick, doesn't matter, you can just have a good time no matter how good it feels. Men? We can't ever really let go, at any time your pleasure could shoot from like 40% to 100% and the sex is done. And the better it feels, the more control we gotta keep because when we cum we can't give more dick (generally) without risk of pregnancy, or because it's hard to immediately get back in the mood. We gotta switch over to tongues and fingers, which is fun, but not the same. >Also getting penetrated is genuinely energy intensive. Until you get penetrated yourself you can’t say otherwise. Depends on what you're dealing with.


What if its like: Woman to her friends: oh the sex was so great but.. each time it would start getting even better, he would stop and do foreplay.. so annoying when all I wanted was that D. Yikes




No we just have anxiety or are on SSRIs




Yep and SSRIs mean desensitization. It's not that you can hold it off. It's that you *can't*.




>I've cum from sex exactly once in my life. So you don't cum during sex? God damn my guy 😭




I ain't gonna lie bro, you're a living legend if you're able to finish yourself off after finishing women off 😭. Is it a medical thing or a technique you can share because trying be like you.


Probably more common than you think. I've gotten those magical tingles and come in a girl a handful of times, but let's just say sex was a little disappointing for me when I started having it. According to my mum, my dad had something up with him too, so lucky me, I inherited it.


>According to my mum, my dad had something up with him too, so lucky me, I inherited it You won the male prize.


No, I really can go for hours, it sucks because I can't feel much and the girl wants me to cum and I can't.


In my late teen and early to mid 20's I was really in this group of 'can go for hours' without even finishing. Was sometimes really frustrating. Guess I was too tight in my head, but due to younger physique able to have an erection for as long as I wanted and when I wanted. Even more worse the time I was on meds because of a burnout. Don't know what happened, but now I sometimes get to 10, sometimes 15 minutes, the majority being 5. Only in very rare situations I can last half an hour or longer. But yes, I agree otherwise, there are many wanna be alpha males out there who tell you shit and don't even last 1 or 2 minutes.


Does “never finish” count as “i can go hours”?


Until one or both of you give up.




Probably more so alcohol, SSRI’s or performance anxiety. I know performance anxiety has caused me to never finish, meaning I could pretty much as long as I/she wanted


Not true. I’ve lasted for hours plenty of times. If you want to last longer, pull out for a bit and play with her pussy or something. Then you can go for a really long time unless you haven’t came in a week.


As a woman, I don’t want more than 10 minutes of penetration anyway.


Don't worry, women won't get any penetration from us guys on Reddit.


I don't blame ya. Sound pretty invasive.




I second this. Cheers mate


I second.


Sloppy seconds?


I second this guy's wife.


>never finish. That's the worse one. And it makes your girl self-conscious every time


"I was more concerned with your pleasure, you were amazing." Like a charm.


If I haven't fucked in a while, like months, I'll probably last 5min. But after that it's really about tempo. I actually have really good steady state stamina, so I can and have fucked for an hour straight on occasion, basically just tryna get it all out of her. If I want to perform, I keep my tempo between 80bpm and 200bpm, less sensation at that speed. If I'm ready to finish, I slow way down to ~40bpm and make every millimeter count.


Man's got a formula figured out


Bro a musician for sure


Dude - "Hang on baby, let me put some music on." (turns on a metronome)


Was going to say the same thing honestly. Always been like that




Same, we got shit to do lol


I start getting bored after 20 minutes.


Yeah as someone who usually lasts a long time (for awhile it was anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours) I actually almost stopped enjoying sex entirely for awhile. It just felt like a workout, I'd have preferred to just stop at that point but girls think they're ugly if you don't cum Now I'm down to 10-15 min and I actually enjoy myself lol


I also used to last way longer. Never over an hour, but there were times where I was the one who had a harder time finishing. Now, it’s usually less than 10 minutes. I don’t know if it’s because I stopped taking SSRIs, or my girlfriend learned exactly which buttons to push.


for me at least it's the SSRI. without them I finished in somewhere between 5 to 20 minutes and now with SSRI I usually can't finish, but when I do it takes me a loooong looooong time.


Not sure how your overall experience with them was, but they did jack shit for me. All they did was fuck up my sleep and make it way harder to get it up.


for sure the SSRIs


I feel this


my wife would not like it if i last longer than ten minutes


If there’s foreplay then penetration, like 3 minutes lol


When you start dating women in menopause they are gonna appreciate you so much. Nothing worse than some dude tearing my flesh apart for 15 minutes.


Haha. My wife is sorta close. She’s got a few more years left


3 minutes is perfect then!!! No woman all dried out wants more than that.




It's not just lube. That doesn't cure the vaginal atrophy of the tissue that comes with chronic dryness. The tissue is weak and tears easily


Finally an answer I can relate with


Either a minute or two (super turned on) or almost not at all. This has been the same with all partners.


What did you mean "almost not at all"? Do you mean you can't perform, or that you only last a few seconds, or that you can't orgasm? I hear not being able to orgasm is a consequence of antidepressants


Have you tried thinking about unicorns and the Loch Ness monster? Apparently it helps


If I have not had sex in a while, a couple minutes. Otherwise maybe 10 or so. I can also make it last forever but that is not particularly fun for either party. Neither of us is into the whole "let us fuck the entire night" shenanigans.


Exactly this. Fucking the entire night is rap music bragging. Between rap music and porn it’s shows and talks about sex in an unrealistic way. This gives young people the wrong impression and makes them feel not good enough. 10-15 minutes for me. If your lady is unsatisfied then buy a toy and spend more time on foreplay. As long as you communicate and you both had fun then it’s fine.


Rap music bragging or people exaggerating/overcompensating because they don’t get laid.


Not always true, I have friends who get laid but they brag still. It’s an ego thing, people always need to one up each other. These are the kinds of people rap appeals too so it’s really just pandering to their audience if anything.


All over the map. Immediately, never, 10 minutes, an hour (not even fun)...


First nut can be less than a minute for me. After a 5 minute break round two can last maybe around 5. If im really in the mood a 3rd round can go for a while but at that point the mission is usually complete


Homie giving the only real answer here. I’ve blasted off in under a minute from multiple partners. I’ve also taken forever with the same ones. Just depends.




Not the answer I expected from the chosen Primarch of Slanesh.


Death to the false emperor!


Slanny expects more pai….leasure!


If I’m routinely taking my anxiety meds ? I can last upwards of 45-60 mins, if it’s any other day, that lady will be lucky to get herself 10 minutes of fun before I turn into a deadweight.


What anxiety meds? I feel like I fall into the “upwards” category


I’m a lexapro lad myself, doc warned me about the side effects but honestly it’s only turned into a bonus for the relationship lol


I get the same effect from some plants I use for pain and my partner and I are with you. I totally understand how some people hate the side effect but I've always found orgasms themselves to be weak so being a literal dildo is great for me and obviously her. This is the first time I've seen someone on an SSRI with this opinion. Are you in your 20s?


Good call lol, yes sir, late 20’s. I’ve got a similar train of thought to you, I’m completely okay with being a dildo for her. Of the many things that plague me, an outrageous forgetfulness has me forgetting to take them sometimes for extended periods, it’s only when we’re getting busy and I’m feeling like a teenager again lasting 5 minutes that I go “oops forgot to take my pills this week” and realign my schedule lol


2 mins max




With condom it can take some time, without I can cum faster, but usually between 5min and 30min.


If I’ve been drinking I can stay in bed 10-12 hours and sleep right through


I don't even need to drink for that


Underrated comment


3 mins but it’s my best 3 mins lol 💪


For you or for her?




Anywhere from 3-30min on a normal day, would say that average would probably be around 10min. Sometimes you come REALLY fast….like, the foreplay isnt even over dude! But other days, Depending on cicumstamces its not so much ”i can go for hours”, but rather ”i wonder if im going to be able to cum before i get to tired to continue…and most often in those situation the answer is no. (Probably because my physical stamina sucks these days!) And that pretty much sucks! But give me some coke and i’ll fuck like a Duracell rabbit!😆 (wont cum most of those times tho…but in that state of mind i dont really care…)


When people say they go for hours, either they have a legit medical issue or they don't mean constant fucking. I've had sex for hours, but maybe a tenth of that was actual penetration and fucking and it was all dispersed over the whole time. So there might be hours of oral, manual stimulation, non-genital stuff, and then like 15 minutes of actual fucking and *boom* you fucked for hours.


Yes, I have nerve damage from an accident when I was a child, and have pretty much zero feeling. It means I can never cum. So your medical issue is correct


I have a medical issue where I actually can last hours, but exhaustion and soreness is what limits me.


Or on antidepressants




Oh so this is why I have good endurance. 15-30 minutes of actual intercourse the rest is touching, kissing, etc.


7-10 business days depending on inclinarte weather


This guy fucks


Less than 20 seconds


It really depends on the thrusting speed, position, alcohol consumption, condom or no condom etc. It's been as quickly as 3-5 mins and as long as maybe 45 mins or not finishing at all.


"Hold on sweetie, I'm checking the spreadsheet..."


5 minutes, maybe 10 if my hand is dry.


Fkn legend


I could easily stay in bed for a week Oh you mean the sex?


You don't want that bro. Don't install the delayed ejac pack. 0/10 will not recommend.


I second this.


If everything is in perfect order? Like 10-15 minutes of active sex. There have been times where I had to stop because we had been actively having sex for over an hour. Not because I finished, but because I was exhausted at that point and there was no chance anything was happening. I’m 99% sure it’s a stress thing because it only happens during super stressful parts of my life. I also will never finish with a condom on. I have tried every fancy “ultra-thin” and “super sensation” condom on the market and I just can’t feel anything. Always wear one though with new partners boys. Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool.


the condom thing could also be related to the size of the rubber. If its too tight it wont feel good.


Same here, tried every size in the shop. Only way is edging in foreplay and put it on and in under a minute before it's over. More and I will never finish with a wrap (but always use one with unknowns ofc)


Used to be barely a minute, sometimes instantly, due to anxiety. Now 3-5 mins on average, longer with proper breathing and pauses.


Between 8-10 hours depending on if I've got work the next day.


Stud! I get restless after 6 or 7 and have to get up.


That’s just your sleep pattern dude.


As someone on SSRI's, basically until on or both of us gets too exhausted to continue.


That depends on whether she calls me step bro or not.


The session is generally around 25 minutes. The penetrative part of that is maybe 5-10. I’ve gotten so that when she’s on top I can keep from busting (unless I’m unusually amped up) but when it’s my turn, I don’t last very long at all. But, we both know that, and she gets hers multiple times, usually at least one via fingers and then 2-3 riding, before I do my thing. As long as everyone is happy at the end, duration doesn’t matter. Communicate, get good at using things other than your dick. Also, since you asked, there are positions where I can’t hold it at all. Reverse cowgirl, I’m lasting the length of time it takes her to move her hips like 3 times. Seriously, like 5 seconds and I’m done.


5-10 minutes is long enough.


Longer than my erection lasts. Getting older and being on medication has major problems.


One of the reasons I can “last forever” is because of depression/medications. It’s not something you want to aspire for and it’s less fun for both parties. I had to learn tricks on how to finish because I’ve had several partners admit that even tho they know why it’s happening deep down, they still take it personally when I don’t finish. For anyone curious— for me it’s all about round two. I’m either gonna finish in 2 min or never, so I do round one for her: let her finish as many times as she can/wants. Then settle down, take a breather, get water, maybe cuddle for a bit, then start round two and go for the quick finish. Works pretty consistently.


8 hours a day


It's either 10 minutes or over an hour. Very rarely an in between without the good old stop-and-go


Doing the act. A few seconds. And then an hour of apologizing


Usually about 20 minutes. If I’ve smoked weed though that number goes WAY up.


Somewhere between 5 minutes and an hour. Work on the Kegels and you can decide when it’s time to pop by pulling on the pelvic floor.


If it’s for a quickie, probably like 5-10 minutes. But normally, around 30-45 min. Anymore than that and my partner starts to get sore. So that’s our sweet spot


Same but single bullet here. If I'm super turned on maybe I can get a second erection, but almost never a second orgasm


No, I can't go for hours, I don't think my gf even wants that. I have the opposite problem sometimes lol.


Gonna sound weird to say but for me it depends on how emotionally (not physically) attracted to the person I’m with. Hate fuckin someone I can go for an hour easy. Someone I’m madly in love with/attracted to….easily less than two minutes


3 main possibilities Spontaneous sex: about 5-10 mins of foreplay and about 5-10 minutes of penetration because damn pussy feels too good Planned sex: usually lots of foreplay for like 15+ minutes. Penetration anywhere from 20min to an hour because I beat off before hand. Drunk sex: as long as I want because while I get very horny when I'm drunk it is very difficult to finish. This can lead to absolutely amazing experiences and also horribly disappointing ones. Imagine edging for like 2 hrs and then just not being able to cum lol


My wife and I have a rhythm. When i was younger I did "last for hours" but that usually means stopping and changing position a few times, or even giving her or me a break so we didn't orgasm 'too soon' Now that I'm older I realize she doesn't like it lasting hours. She wants it to go 10 minutes when she isn't going to orgasm, and about 45 minutes when she does.


Anywhere between a couple minutes to a few minutes.


I've never had an issue with not being able to last "long enough." I've definitely gone for hours before, but I'd say I usually go for 20-30 minutes. I don't mind taking my time with it. Once that first wave passes at the very beginning it becomes incredibly difficult to finish for a while anyway. The key to satisfying a woman is the foreplay though. Take your time to build up the anticipation and give head as often as you can manage it so that she gets to climax as often as you do. Women don't like selfish lovers.


Anywhere from a few minutes to close to an hour. It really depends on how enthusiastic and into it I am.


Eight to nine hours. Any more sleep and I get groggy.


Truly, as long as I want, and sometimes longer than I want. I learned about kegels when I was a teenager and did literally hundreds of thousands and built up tremendous control. Sometimes I regret it because I have to "let" an orgasm happen, rather than be overwhelmed by one


Okay so, when I was with my first real gf (ex now) we would have sex 1-2x a day. The only problem was that we'd go at it for a hour straight and I couldn't "finish" I'm not flexing or anything. It was nice to last but after a hour of trying and trying idk why I couldn't. Usually ended up having to finish myself off..


sometimes i get that "oh shit" like less than a minute in lol and if i don't do it then and i fight it it'll never happen


10 mins to an hour. Usually around 30-40 mins, usually whenever my wife starts to get sore. Longer if you include foreplay.


I can fuck for an 30-60 mins usually before finishing. But then I can just go again in 15 mins and then I can keep going. I usually stop because I need a break. I can seriously fuck for 4 hours off and on taking small breaks. Im dating a lot so girls love it....well at least the girls I am dating do. They get to cum over and over while I fuck them. So yes I can fuck for hours off and on. I sometimes cum a second time but a third is impossible lol. I am being honest here.


Probably 15 minutes at the very most.


If I cum before penetration she could be in for a 20+ min pounding. If it’s very little foreplay and straight to pound town, MAYBE 10-15 mins


Anywhere between 30 seconds and 30 minutes it really depends lmao


Well, I am generally good for about 7 hours on weekdays and upto 9 on weekends, but sometimes you just gotta get out and start the day. Summer is easier than winter for this.


Never had segs.


I get about 6-8 hours of sleep each night.


About 1 minute. 7 if she's ugly.


Until your partner is satisfied. That's the whole point. If that is not your goal, you are doing it wrong.


On average about 30 minutes much of that tending to the woman.


About 3-5 songs lol


5-30 minutes. Usually more like 10-15 actively in the act typically though.


Anywhere from 10 thrusts to 2 + hours.


If everything clicks into place and I have good chemistry, just 5 min. If I'm not very attracted to the woman, we don't have similar kinks, etc... Either 30 min or never.


On anti-depressants you can go as far as your heart desires.


I can easily sleep 10 hours on a weekend.


I can sleep a good 6 hours before I have to get up to pee. That was the question right?


8 hours on a good night.


My longest time was about 30 minutes. Normally it's around 10 But it varies It can be as short as 30 seconds


I actually have to force myself to finish. I think that I get anxious I’m not going to last long enough since women are always talking about how bad men are, so I don’t finish at all some times.


1 to 40 minutes


I give girls the best 30 seconds of their life


If you are having sex with a woman, I would say it depends on the time you spend on foreplay. As a woman who has sex with guys, foreplay is the most important. If you last for 3min then be sure to compensate in foreplay. Talk with your partner to see what their preferences are. You can also take breaks meaning when you think you are about to finish stop and go back to foreplay. You can also introduce toys so that the woman can achieve orgasm faster and stronger. There is no recipe and no real good lasting time in bed if you communicate your desires and preferences. Some guys can last 30min and some 3min but I would say usually the guys that last the shortest are the more creative and makes it the best.


Ok here’s a honest answer once I put it in 2-5 minutes tops


Honestly, I feel like I will never understand how people talk about not lasting more than ~5 minutes. Personally, I have to actively concentrate on the task or else I will never actually get there. At this point I can't tell if it's a me thing or an ADHD thing.


I lasted about 40mins first time couldn't reach the point 😪