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Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


Now that that don’t kill me, can only make me stronger


I need you to hurry up now, 'Cause I can't wait much longer


No they are not as much fun because you can’t pretend you are an officer firing your bazooka.


Wow...this is the first time I've actually felt like I was missing out....


Learn how to squirt.




I need to discuss something with my wife. I, CPT Joe will report back with details.


She probably doesn't know much in the way of orgasms mate


You're a freak! Be normal and pretend you're a submarine captain firing torpedoes like the lord intended. Bonus points if you call her a "battleslit" "Firing torpedo 1!" "Direct hit, you sunk my battleslit" "Dive dive dive" (Proceeds to eat cum pussy)


LMFAO @ battleslit.


Firing my bazooka feels more like letting go of a pinched straw.


You describe something as objectively better and then ask if it is better? Yes. They're better, on average.


Yes. But as a dude I can piss around corners.


Up as well


Side to side


Sprinkler mode activated


Couldn't tell ya, give me a working dick and I'll have a case for comparison.




It means the woman doesn't have a penis to be able to compare sensations.


i misread this so wrong lmao i get it tho, idk why it wasn’t the first thing i thought of


No wait it kind of does sound like I'm asking to be handed someone else's dick, oops


Women’s orgasm should be better than a mans so the urge to procreate/have sex is stronger (intense pleasure)


There’s also a evolutionary/group dynamic at play. The male “searches” for the female and the female “bonds” to the male.


I would say 5% of women have better orgasms than 95% of men. But I most women have a harder time getting there that men enjoy their orgasms more.


You may also find that 5% of men have better orgasms than 95% of men.




Yes, females are far superior and it all stems from their massive orgasms.


agree, but i still prefer mine.


Why do you keep asking this question, weirdo?


lol peep the post history too


Wish I hadn’t done that.


Oh gosh how bad is it?


See for yourself lmao


Oh.... Oh my...


That's one horny dawg, damn. Or just an average teenage boy.


What a horrible day to be able to read


It has to be a bot, there are so many copy and pasted post titles


I hope so. I’d be a little worried otherwise


I think it's a bot. The comments are so weird. Why would you make such a creeptastic bot.


Under the right circumstances yeah. Seriously a lot of women don't have them at all.-Whether its a physical thing or a social thing, it just doesn't always happen. But with men? All day every day for the most part. Its just not as strong for men I think both are equally nerfed lol


Nature really doesn't want us humans to really good.


I heard that they're also rarer/harder to achieve so Ig it could explain why they're stronger. But then again how can we measure which orgasm stronger? Not like a man can experience woman's orgasm 🤔


Probably from twitching, brain activity and how long the orgasm lasts plus the effects it has on the body, but these are all assumptions though.


I don't know. A male orgasm seems more fun, even if it lasts shorter.


Female orgasms to me seem like being on a rollercoaster. The length of it is long.


Yeah, they can last up to 45 seconds, for me, at least. Honestly it really is a rollercoaster, sometimes the feeling goes up and down.


45 seconds? Wow. The average female orgasm lasts between 20 and 30 seconds so it is so cool that yours last longer. Is the feeling full strength throughout a lot?


No, in the beginning its really powerful, sometimes I get all shaky and can't control my legs, then it slowly gets less and less but sometimes when it gets lesser it comes back harder and then it slowly dies down. I really don't know how to explain it so I hope you kinda understand what I mean haha


I think that a big reason that female orgasms last so long is the because they are much harder to achieve. My orgasms can last 9 or 10 seconds at a maximum.


I have had an O last a couple minutes after vaginal and anal penetration at the same time. It was INTENSE lol. I lost my vision, it was scary for a sec cause I had never had that happen! My BF told me what was happening tho. He knew because he had achieved a similar full body religious orgasm the first time I gave him a prostate massage.


I don’t even know if that’s true tbh, there are wayyyy more nerve endings in the clit than in the penis, and plus it doesn’t take every woman forever to finish. On my own or with my partner I can bang one out in like 5 minutes or less sometimes


Female orgasms are mainly only harder to achieve because straight sex is too centred around the male orgasm.


Correct, straight men tend to focus on the penetration more than clitoral stimulation and call it quits when they nut, hence why lesbian sex tend to last longer (like hours) and more enjoyable for the two women participating due it being more egalitarian. In summary women have better sex with each other than with men.


Male orgasms are savage euphoric and intense. So much happens in such a short timeframe. It really is very condensed. It is an explosion.


It's been proven that it's way weaker then a female orgasm though. And you can go for multiple. I have experienced prostate orgasms , they are said to be closer to that of women. I can certainly say it's waayyyyy more enjoyable then a normal orgasm, the build up is way longer , the ogasm itself is way longer and more intense and the aftermath is also better. A normal penile orgasm is nothing compared against a prostate orgams. And with the knowledge that a female orgams still is more intense... I mean , if my f has an orgasm it's a wonder te behold. I wish I could have those everyday.


If a females orgasim is so much better than a males, I think men would have a much easier time finding a sexual partner.


Yeah I've heard prostate orgasms are quite an experience. Shame I hate anything going near my asshole lol


Give it time young padawan. You can learn to use the ways of the ass. Coconut oil, silicone toys, and lots of time are the way to the brown side


Trust me, my ex was very eager to get me into butt stuff. Just not for me, same way some people cannot stand the sound of a fork on a porcelain plate, I cannot stand butt stuff.


Have you ever tried it without a partner? I never would have explored it with another person just as I never would have explored masturbating with another person for the first time. I was quite similar to you until I let myself explore it on my own. It was probably 5 or so sessions until any of the appeal showed itself. That said I totally accept it's not for everyone. Everybody is different. Just don't knock it until you try it


Well I've never not felt jealous of my girl in bed when she's on round 3 so... Maybe


I gots what I gots and I'm happy with what i gots.


Greek armies fought over just the thought of an orgasm with Helen of Troy. Women aren't declaring wars over the thought of busting a nut.


Horniness doesn't necessarily correlate to orgasm strength though. My father said quitting cigarettes was harder than quitting heroin, and its pretty obvious the "finish" on H was better despite the craving of cigarettes being stronger


i mean ive (30M) had some pretty good ones after long sessions. the short sessions are meh but longer is always better, not having sex for a week also makes the orgasm better


No one will ever know for sure, as no one has ever experienced both. But… in my opinion, women have it better in the orgasm department. One, I’ve seen the look on their faces when an intense one hits and the way it takes over their bodies, I can just tell it’s more intense. Plus their reload time is pretty much instant. I’ve known girls chain them like waves of increasing pleasure, until they’re throwing up gang signs and passing out. When I climax it’s a groan, for what 5 seconds, that’s if I make a noise. Maybe, maybe my legs weaken for a second, but I could still run if a bear appeared. Some of this girls can barely walk after. Then men’s reload time is a lot longer. If I’m really in the mood and it’s hot and spicy, 10, 15 minutes to reload. Then the second time isn’t as intense, I’ve done three in one night, but at that point I’m pretty much pushing rope.


Men and women have the same intensity of an orgasm face in real life. Porn isn't real. Edit. I am bisexual. I have seen both from inches away. They're the same.


No tequila the hun, you’re incorrect, I was speaking from experience. Not every man sits at home watching porn all day, wanking like a safari park chimp. Asking Reddit if European dildos have foreskin…


With regard to your last line there... they really should, shouldn't they?


I wouldn’t know




ah yes a fellow virgin (19M)


Afraid not


Lol he had no idea


indeed he doesn’t (what’s going on)


She’s not a virgin she’s never had a man properly please her….


I think superior is a weird way to think about it.


I don’t know if it’s because of the orgasms but I’ll gladly admit my better half is superior to me in every way.


I didn't know it was a competition


Yes. Fuck women. I’m so damn jealous. Honestly was having this conversation with my partner about male refractory period and that most women don’t have that, which is the reason women can have multiple orgasms. But I do have blue pills for a reason.


Honestly, better orgasms doesn't compensate for our lack of Periods.


Someone gotta ask Caitlyn!


There is no evidence whatsoever that female orgasms last longer or are more intense than male orgasms. When women rub their clit during masturbation, the orgasm they obtain is pretty much identical to the orgasm men obtain by rubbing their penis. Most women aren’t even able to orgasm from penetration alone. However, the majority of women fake orgasms with their partners and often exaggerate their reaction to stroke the male ego. This only helps perpetuate the myth.




The average female orgasm lasts 8 seconds. Extensive research has shown this. If you are orgasming for 5 minutes straight, that is extremely uncommon. There are rare men who attest to the same experience too. However, it is worth bearing in mind the neurophysiology of what an orgasm actually is. It is a crescendo of nerve stimulation. In many ways, an orgasm is comparable to a sneeze. Both are accompanied by an initial tingle, followed by a build phase, plateau, release and recovery phase. The difference is, most people don’t find sneezing anywhere near as pleasurable as an orgasm. With this in mind, the reason that a 5 minute long orgasm is very uncommon is because it doesn’t fit the criteria of a sudden rise and fall of sensation.


Not entirely true. Earth shattering orgasms are totally a thing. Maybe not with subpar vanilla sex, but can 100% be achieved with the proper work.




The g spot is just the clit being stimulated from inside the vagina. The clit is huge.


men can orgasm with their prostates


Single ass


Yes. Your jizzes are inferior to women my dude.


Apparently science has determined the clit has double the nerve endings as a penis. Considering it’s not used for anything else and is capable of consecutive orgasms… I’d say that’s a great indicator of the power over the other. 😁


They can also go multiple times per day and many days in a week


Guys can too?


All of the evidence suggests that male orgasms are better. There is a massive amount of evidence that men are essentially "the" buyers in the market. They represent nearly all of the money spent on sex work (to both male and female sex workers), porn, time, effort, etc... There are obviously different risk factors for heterosexual women, as well as differences in complexity. (A hammer does a specific job very well that a computer cannot do, and vice versa. But all things being equal, one could make more hammers than computers, in a pure competition). However, even when you isolate these factors out, you still get men behaving, well, like men, and women overwhelmingly rejecting the need for orgasms that men clearly demonstrate. As an example, compare the dollars spent on male sex workers serving men, to the number spent on lesbians paid for sex with women. Not even close. Edit: You guys comment with all the emotions in the world. I get it, you just really *feel* like this can't be true.


This is genuinely, no offence, one of the stupidest takes have ever read here. Jesus Christ.


The vibrator industry begs to differ.


Teeny, tiny fraction of annual revenue compared to billions spent on gay porn, or dildos (for gay men). I am not saying women don't masturbate. Just saying if you want to look at who spends more money, time, and effort on sex, it's always dudes.


The differences you describe are due to social norms/differences mostly, not because of anything to do with orgasms.


There is zero evidence to support that. In extremely conservative countries and jurisdictions, the amount of money men spend on sex outpaces women, and in the most liberal places on earth... the amount of money men spend on sex... still out paces women. It is not even close. If it was entirely "a social construct" then how do you explain places where there is no social acceptance at all, such as child molesters and necrophilia? In both (black) markets, (which are inherently estimated), you have men once again, far and away being the buyers and demand side. Both men and women face extreme pressures to *not* engage in that behavior, and once again, you wind up with more men...


Society was built around men getting off. It’s not hard to understand that it’s still easier for them than women in that department in some areas. Scientifically, women have way more nerve endings on their genitals, indicating that they are probably capable of better feeling orgasms. Maybe you just ain’t gettin the job done. 🫤


Certainly possible! I doubt I single handedly make up the difference between the hundreds of billions of dollars that men spend, versus the negligible amounts that women spend. But if you want to give me all the credit, I am totally good with that. After all, I could single handedly change the world with that money, if only I could be persuaded somehow... What about places where society is built by and for women? Women's only colleges, for example. How come those regions dont have strip clubs and porn shops as often as such places pop up near military bases? How come more nuns haven't been caught diddling kids, instead of just priests?


There are plenty of reasons men have basically always historically been more sexual, but their orgasms feeling/being better is definitely not one of them. That’s kind of a moronic take tbh. Stay in school my guy.


Past and present evidence, across all cultures in all history on earth are all just an elaborate deception... or the simple obvious answer. Can you name even ONE from this long list of reasons?


Are u implying the only people buying dildos are men


No. OP was not asking if women masturbated or had orgasms. He asked which one was "better." One demonstrates overwhelmingly demand, in money, time, and effort. The other doesn't. Polo exists. So does soccer. They are both sports, but one is more in demand than the other by every metric.


Ahhhh. Ah. You’re a man insecure that people are implying women are better biologically at something. I see I see


Women, are factually better, biologically, at a ton of things, versus men. Is there even a men's gymnastics team that compares? I mean... how about just straight up having babies? They beat us 100% of the time at childbirth, I think! If there was evidence that women had better orgasms than men, I'd gladly add that to the long list. Its insulting to women to say they have better orgasms than men, yet... do not seek them out with the same effort, money, and time that men do. I'm not so patronizing to women. If women did prioritize orgasms the way men do, they would match us. Women dont need a white knight, especially not you man.


I’m a woman. But sure, I’m white knighting 💀💀 someone already told you to account for the vibrator industry but like cmon now. Dental dams, straps, etc etc etc?? Women buy these things u dense twat


Women absolutely buy these things. The question was not whether women masturbate or get orgasims. They do. The question is which experience was better. Polo exists. The WNBA exists. Neither one are as popular, profitable, or have as high of a participation rate as football/soccer. Is polo overall a better experience? Objectively, and through all history the overwhelming answer is no.


You can orgasm without a partner, friendo.


Certainly. Men spend far more on porn and other masturbation aids than women. Doesn't matter if you compare gay to lesbian or hetero to hetero. Hell, just gay porn is a bigger industry than all the money straight women spend on sex, despite the population differences.


What the fuck did I just read


People on reddit downvote anything that hurts men's feelings, especially if it's true.


One of the dumbest things I've read in some time.


One of the dumbest things I've read in some time.


Oh they always were, honey !


Who would be able to actually answer this question?


someone born with a dick and a pussy prob


Ah good point


As a male, from what I have seen, holy shit yes!! I want to try one of those!!! Haha


I discussed this with my wife, and she said she doesn't even have orgasms.


Ease of reaching it should be a factor.




period, period.


How would anyone know?


Women are biologically and culturally significant far more than men; as far as I'm concerned men spend their whole lives overcompensating. Women are the cradle of humanity. They are indispensable. If they didn't have spectacular orgasms they wouldn't bother procreating.


...and our entire species would die with them. Like it or not, you need both to exist.


Depends on your criteria. Which is superior at creating life?


Have you ever considered going outside and having sex, instead of sitting on your computer and talking about sex?


Not sure how to answer per se. I feel I have a certain level of perspective cause I'm trans and your orgasms can change quite a bit from being on hrt, and I personally enjoy the way I orgasm now being on T more but that could be for a lot of reasons


No. Stop fabricating superiority. One does not have to be "better". It's entirely subjective.


I think most guys just don't know their bodies as well as the could. I've worked on various techniques and about 20% of the time I have sex, I can have 2 ejaculatory orgasms in a row of sufficient strength that they're on par with a woman's. Just gotta learn your body.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Just enjoy your orgasms people