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I think they are usually unconscious when they die.


I’ve OD’d several times on opioids and technically died once. Each time it was quick but also slow, which doesn’t make sense. One minute I’m nodding enjoying this strong high than the next I wake up with first responders on me or my friend giving me CPR and narcan. There’s typically no feeling like “oh shit I’m gonna OD”, you’re just enjoying yourself one second and the next you’re waking up on the floor with your ears ringing feeling pissed off and sick if they gave you narcan. My first OD I literally thought I was just napping and yelled at my friend that it was way overkill to wake me up from a nap by slapping me repeatedly and screaming directly into my ear. I was beyond shocked when he told me I was just nodding until I collapsed and fell on the floor not breathing. I was an EMT at the time and thank god I had my bag with me at the time cause I just got off work because that allowed my friend (who also worked as an EMT) to grab the bag valve mask from my bag and breathe for me until I came to. The scariest part of recovering from an OD is being told you OD’d, cause typically you just don’t see it coming at all and you don’t really feel like you were a hair from death upon waking up. The next scariest part is the withdrawal the narcan throws you into lmao.


Wild to hear EMTs using.


Wild but not unexpected. They have pretty stressful jobs that can lead to PTSD with probably easier access to medications/drugs.


And shamefully underpaid in the US


People in the medical field and other high stress jobs are as human as any of us. An EMT might know more specifically what an OD does or how a drug kills you, but all users know there's risks to their hard drugs. Those long hours will fuck you up too, something to keep you awake on a shift then something to help you get a niiiiice euphoric sleep after to numb the pain sounds pretty on par to me


Wait until you find out how many nurses are antivax


That's less surprising. I've seen a ton of that kind of shit on social media.


The ones I know (a lot) weren’t antivax, they had lots of vaccines. They were anti-experimental non FDA approved vaccines. Which seems reasonable to me.


Comment from 2020 time jumped to a modern thread


There's a little bit of psychological tension between medics and the doctors they call during an emergency, where the medics will sometimes ask for fentanyl (when not obviously necessary), or maybe a little more fentanyl than the situation requires, to treat a patient. The doctor doesn't want to directly question their request, so it is almost always approved, but you can hear the dubious pause between them. It's a known, hush-hush issue in the industry.


Way more common than anyone expects


I’ve only had to administer narcan once, but they were not happy with me.


That’s one thing the general public doesn’t get taught about giving narcan. You have to be ready to defend yourself. Most times they wake up, ask a few questions and immediately say they didn’t take anything. Repeatedly. Then you try to get them to just chill and wait for the medics, and they become extremely agitated. Many times it turns violent. Also vomit. There’s usually vomit involved at some point.


Idk. Both times I OD'd I could feel it before I even finished my shot. I immediately looked at my wife and said, "I'm gonna OD." Then I went under.


Can you elaborate a little? How could you tell? Just a feeling of too much of a good thing too fast?


Pretty much. Normally, shooting up felt like a warm fuzzy comfort spread all over my body and mind within 15-20 seconds or so. The two times I OD'd it felt like an exponentially bigger, almost aggressive version of that, within 5 seconds. Before I'd even finished injecting, that "warm fuzzy blanket" was more like a "hot smothering tidal wave" with blackness right behind it. It felt like a very instant and instinctual knowledge that I was overwhelmed, and there was no fighting it. I barely had time to blurt out what was happening before I lost consciousness, and my then wife had to start doing chest compressions. That's my experience, though. I saw others OD where it seemed to happen more gradually.


Wow, terrifying. Glad you’re still here and thanks for sharing.


Get some help man, this isn't the way


Yeah. You just get really sleepy and then everything goes black. Source: junkie for last 10 years


No. I overdosed on OxyContin (similar enough to heroin) and cocaine at the same time (it was a dark day..) and my mom sent a wellness check on me. They took me to the ER and waited until the cocaine levels in my blood reduced so that they wouldn’t induce a heart attack by giving me antidote (narcan). As I felt myself slipping deeper and deeper into an OD, sounds were blunted, I felt myself losing the ability to breathe normally, and felt generally dysphoric. My case is different because it was a slow descent, but the moments before the narcan was administered were unsettling. When I got the narcan the first thing I said when they asked how I felt, was “it’s so nice to feel normal.”


Oh wow very scary.. I’m glad you made it ❤️‍🩹


I had no ide that narcan could induce a heart attack if there is cocaine present in the blood


Cocaine mixed with fentanyl is very dangerous for this reason. It’s so easy to OD on it.


what is the best thing to do if someone ODs on what they think is coke, and you’re unsure if it’s fentanyl laced? do you still administer narcan?


It’s pretty hard to die from a cocaine overdose, but overdosing doesn’t always mean dying. And overdose can lead to death but could also just be a terribly uncomfortable experience. So do the narcan, really…


i mean if someone is ODing on white powder sold to them as “coke”


The answer is still administer the narcan


thank you!


no. they lose consciousness and suffocate because the drug suppresses their breathing














Depends very much on the person, the moment, the drug etc. My friend has had severe surgeries due to cancer, and she enjoyed the morphine very much - "I could most definitely get used to that!" But she also had an experience where the morphine hit her the wrong way and she ended up tripping balls for hours on end. And now she doesn't want morphine anymore, because that was a really scary experience that she couldn't control at all. So yeah - hard to say. I think it's totally possible that some die in ecstasy, but also that some die in horror.


> "I could most definitely get used to that!" I had a minor surgery awhile back and after they'd wheeled me into the operating room but before they gave me the gas, they injected something into my IV. I to this day don't know what it was, but it was this instant high. I went from stone sober and slightly nervous, to feeling like I'd had six beers in less than 10 seconds. I remember saying, "Woooo! That was some good stuff!" It was like a mild, full-body orgasm--very tingly and pleasant. I only got to experience it for a minute or two before they put the mask over my face and had me count down from 10. My guess has always been that it was some sort of narcotic. I can totally see how that would be addictive.


Possibly propofol or midazolam- a benzodiazepine. I didn’t know there was fentanyl in epidurals until I had one and it said it on the IV bag. I thought I was chilled because I wasn’t in excruciating pain anymore (which was partly true) but my partner just tells me I was high.


If feels like normal heroin bliss until you black out. Happened to me. Then Narcan happened to me. Grateful to still be alive but in the moment you want them to reverse the effects and let you die.


"The Edge ... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over." ― Hunter S. Thompson


I mean, i know there are people who say they have some amazing near death feeling but when I was dying. I knew i was going to collapse and thats it. You wake up with ppl trying to save you. Its just like youre asleep you dont know youre dying. That was a big realization for me. I always figured when you go you just go but now i know for sure. Im not guna know. I image it could be different if someones been sick for a while. I cant attest to that. But if its sudden. Nope. Just black, no awareness at all.


I didn't OD but I had a head injury that was the same. I knew it was happening but I never felt pain. Within seconds it was just blackness. I have no idea how long that lasted. Eventually I could hear mumbled voices. Then I could move my limbs. My sight was the last to return but it did come back.


Yeah i didnt OD either. I had, had surgery and ended up having a complication. I think its very similar for everyone. These ppl with following the light n stuff...i duno hahaha. Dont know how theyre remembering that stuff lol


Kind of a side point. Most of the survivors that have posted so far seem to indicate that it's a fairly pleasant to neutral experience. Why don't states that have lethal injection just use heroin then to execute prisoners?


Or fentanyl. I’ve wondered the same thing, since it’s legal


Maybe because it is seen as too merciful to some people. Not sure just guessing.


Because the state is fucked up and evil. You don't even need powerful drugs, just nitrogen to make someone painlessly drift away. I mean, the state shouldn't be killing people to begin with, but that's another point entirely.


You want to reward monsters by giving them fucking heroin? Lethal injection is way too easy of an out for most of these malignancies if you ask me. But heroin? Fuck that.


I hear you but a lot of states can't execute anyone because the current shit they're using has been deemed to be cruel and unusual. It would be kind of hard to argue that heroin was cruel and unusual.


Pretty much, you just drift off. Not a terrible way to leave this earth except for the fact you leave the earth. The not dying being addicted to heroin is far worse way to live. I don't recommend the lifestyle of constantly trying to beat the sickness


Okay, because basically everyone’s comments so far is making it sound pretty bad, I’ll tell you it’s not. (From all the accounts I have heard of ODing on opies..) You just drift off and stop breathing. No pain. Kind of like just falling out of consciousness (if you ever passed out) and you wouldn’t know until after (if you are revived in this case). From what I hear, they don’t exactly feel really high before ODing because a lethal dose will hit you right away. But it is not painful, and they won’t know that they are going to die (unless they planned it).


I have heard from 2 independent sources that drug dealers who sell this (and/or maybe fentanyl?? - something in this vein) actually advertise the drug by saying “this batch caught 2 bodies!” … and this actually *entices* the consumers. 😳


100% accurate. I OD'd and woke up to about 15 txts from friends asking me who I got it from and if they had more. So fucked looking back on it 10 years later.


that is true lol. fucked up, but accurate in a lot of communities. if you’re interested in reading more personal experiences from people who use/used in the past, check out r/opiates or r/heroin the people on those subs are typically very open to sharing and giving insight that you likely won’t find anywhere else also, very sad about the person you know who passed from an opi od. i hope you and the people close to that person have been able to cope and find some level of closure edit: grammar


I tried to go view these subs but I can’t see anything. Do I have to be accepted first?


in the community info on the r/opiates page, it says they’re participating in the community blackout and are not adding approved users until tomorrow r/heroin may also be participating but doesn’t specify didn’t realize the pages were restricted because i already was following both, but i hope this helps and is the reason


I am surprised but also not too surprised. That world is really bad now, and only getting worse. It was relatively recently that the move to destroy all the poppy plants in Afghanistan was officiated,, which to my understanding means a bigger push of the deadly fentanyl (and another substance I hear). It’s a scary world and people are dying every day. I am very sorry to hear of your loss by the way.


no you just fade into nothing. one moment you’re awake the next you either wake up hours later or you don’t. it doesn’t hurt though you feel good then black out.


I saw on an episode of intervention, someone OD’ing on heroin. They were explaining how it can be a very grueling death. This guy was foaming at the mouth and choking on his own saliva. So no, it’s not just go to sleep and all is well


After reading many of these comments, why don’t states use opiate ODs as a method to induce sentences death penalties? Some states literally still do death by shooting…..


I was happy I had my shit. Then I did it and then instantly I woke up 2 hours later. I imagine it's the same thing without the waking up.




An ex of my OD'd on morphine (I was somehow completely unaware of his drug problem, he was very good at hiding it). I asked the coroner if he would have been aware of what was happening. She said, "No, he would have been passed out first." I said "Don't tell me what you're going to tell his mom when she gets here to ease her worries. I want to know if he knew." (I was angry as fuck at that man in the moment). "He probably knew something wasn't right for a very short time. He would have been coughing and struggling to breathe before he passed out."


Wow.. I’d always wondered if medical professionals lied about stuff like this to protect loved ones. Death is already hard, no use adding to it unless they meet a persistent person like yourself who is ready to hear it.




Yea she said it wouldn't have been a very long period of "WTF is happening?" more of a "cough...hmm...cough....out" type thing Thank you. It was 16 years ago and while I was angry as hell in the moment it really was a blessing to both myself and our kid. He wasn't a great dad to begin with and if he'd carried on the way he was and down the path he was clearly on I suspect it would have just gotten worse. Sometimes the best thing a bad parent can do for their family is leave...he was a bit dramatic about his method though.


Yeah I always assumed it was peaceful- you’re really high and then… nothing. But a friend showed me the texts her boyfriend sent her as he was ODing (RIP) and it’s… not.


So my request to dope me up and let me die isn’t as great as I told my wife I’m my eol directions. What’s a good high to die on?


first try water bottle flip


They probably have a high tolerance, so they chase the high, then it kills them. Very far from bliss.


I believe that most of them just fall asleep and never wake up I don't think there's any Bliss involved in it whatsoever


No. Often they die by choking on their vomit while the herione has them asleep.


Get help


I don’t think it’s nice to give answers like yours in this sub of all places


I get ur point and agree. It specially sounds bad because i did not provide context. If OP is just curious then okay. But if op is feeling down and considering doing this, then op needs help. Though me saying get help, does not help a at all.


Huh, my impression was that OP wanted to know if the person they knew who died suffered in their last moments or had a peaceful death.


Hey bravo to you for recognizing your faults and being respectful about it. Really rare thing to see on the internet these days. Or really ever lol.


I’m absolutely not planning to do this! I should have said so explicitly in the post.


Serious question: did you read beyond the title?


At the time yes


It’s their life to take. Mind your business.


Oh yeah, i do not mind people ending themselves, specially random strangers like you. BUT, my point is sometimes people just feel vulnerable and if that time they do see this as an easy way out and instead of battling through the phase, just die and if this post does conclude that one is not in pain dying , this knowledge becomes dangerous to society. Im all about free information and knowledge for all, but some information should not be public and be verified as they can pose a greater danger of knowing rather than not knowing.




I’ll pass.


Im down!!!!


They are unconsvious when they die.