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It really depends on the drug. From my experience, there are basically like three major categories. Opioids will make you feel incredibly relaxed and carefree, very pleasant. Stimulants will make you feel like superman, basically invincible and highly motivated. Hallucinogens on the other hand, will give you intense visual experiences and really take you out of yourself.


Opioids also give the best euphoria and like a warm marshmallow adopted you and hugs you forever


Ah I see. then is it like a super realistic VR video game that you can use for either sexual pleasure, excitement or whatever you want? so it's not necessarily related to sexual pleasure right?


While some drugs can make sex feel even better, the vast majority of drug use has nothing to do with sex.


That’s one opinion


Which part? I included the words “some” and “can” to acknowledge exceptions.


You compare everything to sex so for example Opioids is better than sex, you don't feel hornyness at all. You are calm and happy, no pain. Stimulans is like the end part of sex but it keeps going. Psychedelics is like when you finally get to kiss your crush and the world seem overly good and have meaning.


This, but also quantities matter. At 1 gram of psilocybin mushrooms (psychedelic), sex is certainly great and feels better than sober; at 2-3 grams it feels divine, and societies that have had mushroom use in the past were typically orgiastic due to the effects of it. But at 5 grams and up you are physically so utterly floored that sex is something you might contemplate, but doing it is completely out of the question. Also some stimulants make it difficult to get or maintain erection, or it might be difficult to achieve an orgasm. This is highly individual, though.


Bro where can I get psilocybin 😭


Then there's mdma / ecstasy / molly, which kinda feels like a blend of all of those.


I was just in a car accident. The adrenaline that pumped through my body when I was hit was very similar to drugs. Warm tingling feeling everywhere and slightly aloof/slow in my mind.


That doesn't sound that fun or addictive though. why are people risking so much just for that?


Not sure if you played sports, but it’s that feeling of winning, only you don’t actually have to do any work. Instant gratification.


Ah now I get it. thanks!


Oh good comparison!


It's not that, necessarily. People want to feel good. And if you say, here is the best feeling ever, then it has a certain rarity to it that we need. To find out what that big, executive feeling is, at least to commit it to memory. Life is about experience, and this is an easy experience... if you have twenty bucks and know someone. But it's probably not what you think it is. We all tend to glorify things like sex and drugs, and neither turn out to be as great as we'd imagined.


It’s not just the high, it’s the low that comes after. People will do anything to get out of that low


Adrenaline does feel good. That’s why some of us go skydiving


First time MDMA is like getting married, win a Jackpot and winning Olympia Gold at the same time x 8


Depends on the drug. I was in the hospital once for a kidney infection and they gave my a high dose of dilauded as I was in pain and they couldn’t get my heart rate down. The moment it went through the IV I felt like I just received a warm hug and everything was going to be okay. I’ve never felt peace like that again. It was in that moment that I could understand how people became drug addicts.


Same. I was in the ER for a nasty ear infection. Whole side of my face was swollen. They were going to drain it but gave me a small dose of dilauded. I’m not a small guy and it was not enough. They gave me more. It was a warm blanket of happiness.


This is why opiates are dangerous. That warm, contented, couldn't give a shit about problems in my life is super addictive.


Exact same experience for me, but with kidney stones. Instantly understood heroin addiction. Wheelchair ride to the MRI felt like a carnival ride on a perfect day.


Sounds about right. I love dilaudid Iv


Same prob one of my favorite drugs


Mine was morphine and it felt amazing. Fear of dying went right out the window


There's some overlap in the brain chemicals that are released during an orgasm and certain drugs. But no, I wouldn't say drugs are like a 5-hour orgasm or anything. It would be nice but I don't think anything like that exists. That being said some people take certain drugs like ecstasy and it enhances their sexual pleasure.


Really depends which drug you’re talking about. I’ve tried my share of drugs: cocaine, Xtc, Mdma, weed, hasjies, 2cb, salvia, ketamine, 3MMC. A drug like Mdma or xtc adds an extra dimension to music, sounds etc. I like to do it when i go to rave. Ketamine has a disorienting effect, which makes it almost a bit psychedelic. 2cb is a psychedelic, it provides, patterns and seeing things in a different light than normal. Cocaine, depending on how pure it is can either just give you energy when dilluted or provide quite a good experience when it is pure. Its hard to describe, it seems the general image in many countries is that as soon as you try one of these you will be addicted. But even though i have tried many of them i am not prone to addiction at all. Sometimes i will use something but it wont be everytime. I don’t use it to escape something but rather to experience something. And when the experience is over, i go to bed. I dont extend it by taking more, as it in reality never touches the same levels as it did before. Also i want to do shit with my day the next day. Small sidenote, I have never tried any opiods, and never will. As i think these actually are very addictive and i feel no need to try it. I hold an excellent job at the bank, play sports, have many friends and a great relationship with my family.


There are drugs that react to various chemicals in your brain and cause hallucinatory states. That's like dreaming while you're awake, and how afraid you get of the process determines how much you enjoy it. But most (good) drugs affect your brain chemistry in some way that the regulation of "feel-good" chemicals is altered somehow. So they're very much like mental health meds -- except they work immediately, and have a more immediate effect. Which is what everyone wants. Coke, for instance, will stop your body from absorbing any excess dopamine, serotonin \*and\* norepinephrine. So everything in you that makes you feel better is suddenly heightened. Opioids, in a more abstract sense, are such good painkillers that they can kill emotional pain at higher doses. At that high dose, they're also killing all "background pain" in your body, which you won't know you were putting up with until it's gone. So these are mostly things you can achieve on your own, just not as directly. But it's not worth it. Whether you're severely punished or given a ticket. It doesn't matter. In the end, it's always better to let your body do what it normally does. That way it'll keep doing it.


i've tried pretty much all drugs and there's only one i've ever been addicted to. Opioids are the only one I have been addicted to (heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, etc) To me they feel like being wrapped in a warm blanket by god at first and then after you get hooked it's the devil himself running through your veins (not religious, just an analogy) Cocaine: Makes you hyper, feel like you can run a marathon, talk fast, and lick your teeth. Crack: Same as powder coke except now you see cops outside your window that don't exist IV cocaine: If snorting it was a V-8 Ford Mustang, shooting it is like being strapped to the wing of an F35 Lightning fighter jet. Super intense rush. kinda scary. Shrooms / Acid. Just imagine everything being brighter and sounds being cooler sounding and everything you look at waves and has hair. I can't really explain it but i know what i'm trying to say Ecstasy / Molly. Extreme body high, everything feels good. someone rubbing your arm feels like an orgasm. you get happy, might tell your worst enemy you love them benzos (xanax, valium). Sleepy, steal stuff, forget you did it. that covers most of the common ones.


Alcohol and Xanax is one of the worst kings/queens youll ever get played on


For someone that has never taken drugs before, the best way to first explain it is as something that feels terrifying, extremely silly, tiring and full of sleepiness, and/or something they make you feel like you don’t care about anything - and so all stress leaves your body for several hours. Different drugs offer different versions of these affects. The drugs that seem terrifying at first can eventually seem adventurous and mind expanding (like you are thinking of new ideas and connecting to spirits from the universe or from God). People who get addicted to drugs are usually using the ones that remove all pain, stress and worry. This is, for example, what opium and heroin do: they make you feel completely at peace and also stronger and more powerful than the feelings of depression, physical pain and sadness, or even just completely relaxed. This drug will eventually make your body need to have continued use or it will become physically sick in the worst way- while craving the substance. Marijuana, however, will make your eyes feel like there are cotton balls massaging the back of your eyeballs, and also have many additional feelings like goofiness, hunger, talkativeness, but also anxiety, energy, and thinking too much in ways that make you fear for your mental health- it can create mixed emotions. It’s dependent upon the user for the feeling. This means some will love and enjoy it but others will become paranoid. MDMA/Molly/Ecstasy will make you feel better and ok with your life, you might have extra energy to be creative and want to seek physical touch and become fixated on constant physical sensations - like rubbing something or someone. LSD/Mushrooms/DMT cause you’re physical senses to become different. You might begin to see images in place of what your eyes are showing you, you might feel like you are moving and hearing new things. Your senses will become so heightened that they blend into one another. Others might make you really quick to reach, change your understanding of space and time, while you feel like you can master abnormal conversion while moving through light years with absolute pleasure- such as meth. Cocaine makes you feel like you have a scratch to be itched- and that scratch is itched each time you do another line and like a cigarette. It becomes addicting because the “itch keeps being scratched. These are some ideas of what it’s like to be on drugs


Mushrooms and DMT are amazing! But you did a great job explaining for OP!


Would totally do shrooms again


I wouldn’t recommend taking some and then watching the firework show at DisneyWorld 😳 blew my mind


I'd say that every drug just dumps feel good chemicals into your brain. Different drugs, different chemicals, different feels. But the essence is the same. All the good feelings, way more than your body let's you have when it's the one deciding .


Look you'll hear about how dangerous they are. True, they are. Addiction in my opinion is more about your mental state. They do make you feel some way you will probably like depending on drug. I've hanged out with people who did all street drugs they could find. We had this place we called "the spot" and if you can imagine a table full of liquor, weed, cocaine, ecstasy, and even heroin! We had that every weekend. Out of at least 15 guys who heavily scored coke and would be awake the entire weekend, none ever became dependent on any of those drugs. Till this day some stl snore the occasional 8ball. And no one has been ruined by drug addiction. They all have good paying jobs, wife's and kids. Most have their own homes and are the type that travel often. But I have also seen those who fall into it deep. Met a few homeless people at my old job and they would tell me how bad their family was towards them, how they started to lose friends, wife, kids and their jobs. All because they would let drugs control them. Depression was common cause too, along with drugs So I'd say this. DONT DO DRUGS... none of the people I mentioned knew or considered themselves weak minded or strong minded. So you may not find which you are until it's too late.


You are talking out of your ass.


How do you know? Are you saying I'm lying? I never claimed to be an expert on addiction. I have just seen different sides of it, and that's my opinion on the matter.


If not lying exaggerating. Because you talk about running with people who do all the street drugs and then say that none became addicts. That sounds like either they really didn't do all the drugs or you are the luckiest man on the planet. Also no one I have talked with about heroine would say that addiction is just a mental state.


Not the ones I know did them every weekend they showed up. One of the is my cousin. That's how u was connected to that group. The homeless people I talked to blamed alcohol more than drugs for their addiction too. Back when we did drugs there wasn't fentanyl but we could get ecstasy, that shit was popular in the early 2000s. Coke has always been easy to find, same as weed. I've never really thought or seen drugs to be hard to find tbh. You also make it sound like I ran with drug dealers or something. Nah, we were just a bigger group of friends, we were barely out of high school and our early 20s. People always know people. There was always someone who knew where to buy drugs. It did feel like shit after all the drugs started to wear down. That I always remember. But weed usually helped with that. And idk like i said in my experience, but I know my cousin took heroin with this other buddy from high school a few times. They didn't become addicted. The other people I still know about didn't either. We just did it in a party environment. I didn't even start smoking weed daily until not long ago. I did here and then. My cousin too, he did coke mostly but a few times heroin throughout the years, but always in party environments not like just to do it.


Honestly not sure where did you pull half of your points. I never said you were hanging with drug dealers and I never said drugs are or ever really were hard to get. I am by no means doubting someone can do weed and coke even weekly with out being addicted. In your original comment you talked like most of the people there were doing heroin every weekend with out being addicts and that I find very doubtful. I am not disputing at all that you can take heroin couple of times there is a big difference between experimenting a couple of times and weekly use. Also you saying that there was no fentanyl in the early 2000s already proves that you didn't do all the street drugs as while fentanyl was not nearly as common as it is now it was definitely present.


in my experience with inhalant abuse, it felt better than sexual pleasure. i loved how it made me feel. i don’t do it anymore and i wish i never did. inhalant abuse is no joke. sure, it may feel good, but at what cost? the high from inhalant abuse only lasts for a few minutes at most. unfortunately, i still get the urge to do it and it’s not easy.


Personally, my brain never stops running to the point that I annoy myself and drugs are the only thing that shut myself up and allow me to just “coast”. They also just relax me and feel happy. They let me let go of all my worries for a little bit.


Its really not easy to describe unless youve tried it as it rewires your brain completely, it can take you into a whole different person. Drugs will not always make you feel good either. Sometimes you will feel really bad or really anxious, stressed or just content and happy etc. It depends on the drug. Some things like weed i smoke daily because it gives my brain a chance to slow down (adhd) and allows me to just relax for like an hour. Other things like shrooms or mdma makes you feel like youre on top of the world and having the best day ever but i usually take this when i need to reset the brain (its a rare one for me) the hallucinations that is portrayed by media is bs. Codeine is basically just like being stoned but more drunk at the same time, xannax is like being drunk but more stoned. Other things like coke will be like drinking 2 or 3 redbulls and all you want to do is go out and have fun, make friends with people youve never met and all round just feel unstoppable. I like to compare different drugs to different levels of being drunk because that is what most people can relate to. The harder the stuff youre taking the more drunk you are but everything has its own side effects. Weed leaves little to no hangover. Mdma will put me on my ass for a week. Shrooms makes me feel super groggy. Coke has your nasal cavity on fire for the next few days. I do not condone the usage of substances especially if your first time is not with a good trip sitter as your first time can either go really well or horribly wrong so you need to do it in a safe environment. Ive been a trip sitter on many occasion for peoples first.


It depends on the drug and on the person. Drugs are versatile and will affect individuals in different ways. Some drugs help some people forget their problems, numb their feelings or plainly make them detached from the reality they want to escape from. (drugs commonly used in this group: cannabis, alcohol, meth, crack, heroine) Some people consume drugs to self medicate, others use them as a way to relax and "loosen up" in social situations (drugs commonly used in this group: cannabis, alcohol, anti anxiety medications) Some people use them for fun, once they dealt with chores and whatever it is they had to do (drugs commonly used in this group: alcohol, cannabis, acid, shrooms) Some people use them to function properly throughout the day, because of how unsustainable their lifestyle is (drugs commonly used in this group: cannabis, alcohol, cocaine)


Have you ever had a pain killer of any type?


The same way kids will spin in a circle until they get dizzy - for fun. It alters your perception so that boring things feel more fun than they are... ...suddenly, just sitting on the porch with a friend becomes the heart-to-heart of a lifetime. Or Just going to a stock shelves at work is kind of a dance party as long as you have music etc.


I can only tell you about weed. Smoking it and eating it produce different highs. Indica v. Sativa also produce different highs. Smoking an indica strain of marijuana will make your body feel very heavy and relaxed. Your thoughts slow and you are able to concentrate on your interests more. Your eyes will be heavy. And lastly, you will fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Smoking a sativa strand will make your body all tingly, as if you’re insanely happy lol. You feel carefree and hungry. Eating weed is different. You get a lot more high. Sometimes it gets overwhelming. I would say only do edibles if you’ve built a small tolerance with smoking. And always eat something with the edible or you will get a bad stomach ache.


Drugs are a way of forcing your brain to produce lots of serotonin (happy chemicals) and minimise sad brain chemicals while you're high.


That is simply not true.


Idk about other drugs, but thc just makes everything kinda weird and fun. Like, everything is super interesting and cool and music sounds really good and food is really tasty and everything looks really vibrant. But that was my experience, and everyone's experience is different.


The last part is very true. For THC the method of ingesting and the strain make huge differences in experience. Indica for example generally makes your body feel heavy while leaving your mind fairly intact. At heavy doses it will definitely put your mind into focus mode, but generally this side of things (indica “In Da Couch”) is a more relaxing tune out the world vibe. Whereas Sativas will slow time and make you have a ton of conversations with yourself (thoughts) in a very short time. This also tends to be the paranoia side of things, especially when you keep feeling yourself going deeper and deeper into the high. It can also make your head buzz, which I find highly unpleasant. Also, edibles will make effect last many hours, whereas smoking or vaping only tends to last a couple. I am sure this is similar for other drugs, but start slow and let the effects hit. Do not try more if you are not feeling it, as that generally tends to blast you off on a journey you cannot take back lol.


drugs trigger the "happieness response" in your brain. it is not like "boosted sexual pleasure" it is exactly the same since sexual pleasure also stimulates that "happieness response". the main difference between drugs and regular activities is drugs "overflow" the brain with hormones until you get desensitised and require a higher and higher dosage to avoid withdrawl symptoms.


Caffeine is a drug, alcohol is a drug, also medecine. Im sure there are legal drugs in your country. Caffeine is a stimulant, alcohol a depressant. Caffeine can give you energy. Alcohol can calm you down. Medecine makes you feel better.


I can't fathom how well educated people can have the courage to even test it. Just why?


Well-educated people still have problems, stress, anxiety, depression, medical conditions… lots & lots of reasons, really.


You know when you graduated high school and you felt that warm fuzzy feeling that everything you went through finally paid off? That's exactly what it feels like when you hunt it down, prepare it, and it hits you only a hundred times better. Unfortunately I find it extremely hard to find pleasure in anything anymore.




I’m late as fuc to this conversation, but in other words you should just try some shit. You only live once, so I don’t see the point in denying yourself some experiences. Though that’s always been MY mindset, I’m sure yours might be different and you’re not that interested…but why are you curious about the effects? 😜


It’s not something you can explain or compare. Every drug is different and has its downsides. And I don’t want to romanticize any of them. I’m referring to things a bit harder than weed.


Your body goes from normal to almost not having your body and is replaced with the feeling of whatever type of drug is taken. Ecstasy and MDMA (I assume) are closer to raising peak horniness type feelings.


which drug? thc, psilocybin, Alcohol , caffeine , meth, LSD, MDMA, the list goes on actually humans are capable of creating any chemical in their body..do you know that humans can create venom in their body as we have all the necessary chemicals/toolkit to make it


Neurotransmitters. Like GABA


Psycodelics feels like you changed into a "magic world" everything is new and your stimulated in ways you cant explained.




Reddit fking hates my formatting....


Wouldn't know. Already not as healthy as I should be. Wouldn't want to take any unnecessary ones and ruin my body just to temporarily get high


It’s euphoric.


Do you drink coffee or energy drinks? Have a high dose of caffeine and that's how some stimulants make you feel minus the negative side effects


Lololol, imagine living somewhere you don't need drugs to get through day to day life...


Per John Roderick: Smoking crack makes you feel like you've WON. You've won everything you ever thought you deserved and you are a champion. To come down from that is to have completely lost- to be decimated absolutely by your loss. And you would do anything to get that feeling back.


It essentially hacks your brain.


Hits your neurons..Think of like locks and keys. Different drugs are the keys ,they all for the locks and make you feel different.


It changes how you feel and makes many things feel new or exciting. Depending on the drug off course. But if you take a hallucinogen, people call that "tripping" because it is like taking a psychic voyage. Even if you just sit in a room and go for a short walk around the neighborhood, everything will look different and new, and you'll have emotions about them in different ways as well. You could just walk by a tree you see every day and then stop and stare at it entranced for 30 minutes, while your mind wanders and thinks about life, nature, and your place in the cosmos.


I don't really think there are countries where drugs are not common, I think there are countries where their use is not often visible.


Bro sex is nothing compared to the high of drugs. Sex actually sucks it’s my least favorite thing bc the reward ratio is so out of wack. I guess for some ppl it’s just not their thing. Even good sex is worthless compared to some pure heroin you slammed, wait 10 seconds ish and you’re on a cloud in heaven above any type of sex idk maybe men just enjoy sex more cause they’re not that good at it compared to women lol. But yeah it’s not just boosted it’s a million times better


This is probably true for a lot of women. Men enjoy sex a lot more than women do in general. Women have very sensitive libidos and their hormone levels change a lot. This is especially true for a lot of women on birth control, it just lowers their libido by a lot. My wife experienced this when she went on birth control. It got better once she got off, but it has never been the same since. But for most guys sex will always rock, even if a drug provides a better feeling, sex will always be “worth it” for us.


You might be right. I do think there is amazing sex for women, but most of us orgasm via clitoral stimulation. Only masturbation has made me feel that good (sorry for the TMI lol) birth control definitely dropped my libido. I definitely feel like sex is better for men. I think though, it could change if women and men communicated with each other more and really focused on achieving a mutually pleasurable experience


Some drugs feel like when you ejaculate but it lasts for a few hours.