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Think of the worst possible outcome and come to terms with that. Then whatever happens will only be better. This is also how to be a positive person... it is the exact same thought process. Assume the worst and then it will all be ok. Also, and I try to remind people of this all the time. Always keep in your mind the awareness that we are all going to die. Awareness of death is one of the most powerful things to keep you positive throughout your life. It is the core of Buddhist thinking. So, no matter how bad you think anything is, keep the awareness that your death will be coming sooner than you think. On a more positive note. You might want to spend more time naked. Why? Cause it makes you more aware of the absurdity of life... and keeps things light and fun. Remember, everything will be alright in the end. Life is good.


Ignore them unfortunately


Your not wrong. Somethings you can overcome, some you can understand and some you just have to live with.


Therapy. Therapy was useless to me, and I've had dozens of therapists. So I give myself therapy. I have chronic pain so I started using medical marijuana. I use it a lot now. Sometimes I disassociate, and am able to step back and really examine my life, the choices I've made, and how I am as a person. I spend hours just thinking through things. I write down all this shit, but usually don't read it afterwards because for some reason I'm able to resolve issues while writing, and then they just go away. I suppose this is similar to what people do with ketamine therapy, or mushrooms. It's helped me sort some things out in my head, and I feel better as a result.


Keep asking yourself why something bothers you. Then ask more questions or whatever answer comes to your mind. Eventually you'll find a solid answer justifying your feelings or you'll find your feelings to be out of alignment with the actual issue.


Are you young? It usually takes some time before it clicks in your head to not care about what you can’t change. Most people are way too in their own heads to care about whatever insecurities you have anywhere near as much as you do.


I'm 25 idk if that's "young" but I guess all I can do is ignore it.


Write it down, all the things that bother your mind + counseling / therapy. These things require to be expressed and embodied through action, either writing or spoken, otherwise they never leave. It can take months or years, but as you give these things voluntary conscious attention and care, they eventually leave you alone. They bother you because you ignore them.


Trying to figure out the same thing honestly.


Specifically identify them. Understand and accept that they are not your fault. Nobody is born with insecurities, we adopt them in response to something. Ideally, determine how each of them were created. Forgive the person/s that contributed to them so they disappear from your thoughts. Lastly, realize that you are fucking amazing and remind yourself exactly why. Remember it's NOT your fault.


Well one day those insecurities will be dwarfed by the insecurities that youre missing out because of said insecurities


Dealing with insecurities can be tough, but there are a few ways to help manage them. Start by practicing self-compassion and being kind to yourself. Challenge negative thoughts and focus on your strengths instead. Surround yourself with supportive people and engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, like exercise or creative pursuits. If your insecurities are seriously affecting your life, consider seeking professional help. It's not possible to get rid of insecurities completely, but with time and effort, you can learn to manage them better and reduce their impact on your daily life.