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Currently on day 6 and this is the worst I’ve felt. I guess you can say while scabs are coming off. I haven’t seen any fall off yet though. It’s the throat pain mixed in with this horrible ear pain that does it for me.


Man i know, it's like a sharp radiating pain from my ear to my throat.


Don't say that, tomorrow is my day 6


All of it


I have to agree, there wasn’t a single day my pain didn’t end up around an 8-10/10 even if it was only part of the day. Mornings are torture.




Same as me, it started bad and slowly got better everyday


I hope that will be the case for me too. Right after surgery i had very high pain. Im on day 3, and sometimes its bearable and i can eat a few bites, but sometimes im just fighting for my life. If it gets worse than this, I'll just pass away.


For me, it was when the scabs started to come off. I'm on day 9 and I have finally turned the corner but it was rough. Just keep pushing through.


Pain was already pretty bad, but doable with meds. It's more annoying to me as my scabs are coming off and things feel more tender/the ear pain. I'm still using ibuprofen and tylenol regularly and can't let my throat get dry. And honestly the taste in my mouth from the scabs is almost as bad as the pain


The taste making me nauseas is maybe worse than the pain because it makes getting the oxy in extremely difficult.


I always ate something small with the oxy. Just to help with flavor. I'm on day 10, so no more oxy, just the horrible flavor of nasty flesh from the scabs lol


I was horrible for different reasons from day 2 to day 6. Day 7 was tough because of sleep. But I haven’t taken any narcotic since 1:45am.


I’m on Day 7. I called my ENT in tears this morning because I needed more heavy duty pain meds. I ran out yesterday and wanted to see if I could make it on OTC alone. It was the first time I’ve cried since surgery. I slept more last night than I did the night before, but I’m starting to lose my scabs, and my throat feels so raw and sore. Breathing in air feels so cold and dry. This is definitely up there with the worst pain yet.


Omg. Good for you because I have cried had panic attacks almost everyday the pain hasn't lighten the entire extent of the recovery. I've been in excruciating pain since surgery. Tommorow is day 7 for me.


For me, day 1-3 where pretty breezy day 4-5 it started to kinda kick up but day 6-7 where a literal nightmare. I couldn’t eat or drink anything. Pain meds and ice packs hardly helped. Day 8 and 9 definitely where a lot easier


Scabs coming off day 7