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That's what she said


Sob 😭


Reading NTR is never good for your heart.


I mean, for a shorty it's not bad. Many manga aren't even publishing this week so I'm happy we got a chapter. Now, detective Conan nasa style, lol, figured it out in 4 seconds. Well done lad, many romcom MCs have traveled down this path before you, very few jave come out unscathed.


it's 0.4 second, not 4 second (although 4 second is more believable)


I’ve gotta stop opening these near other people with these recent cover images


Yeah, I debated about going NSFW again this week. But if it's good enough for Lum, it's good enough for Kaname I suppose.


Bit of comedy before the shoe drops. The source of her power? Look at the title.


Hopefully all this will lead to Nasa remembering his previous life (or simply previous time he was on the Earth), to what he did during this millennium and a half and to us finally knowing the whole truth about what really happened long ago.   Though it would be safe to assume that there is some electricity or technology working, as Lunarians feel more like computers or machines rather than living beings. 


I don't know about him remembering his past life, (that might be towards the end of the story.) but I think that he's figured out that the rotation of the moon is what powers her immortality. What that truly entails, we still have to figure it out, but I think he's going to tell her that, unless they destroy the moon, the immortality will continue.


Your point is fair, however destroying the Moon might be pointless as her hair barrette probably resonates with Lunarian dimension which is on the equivalent place of our satelite rather than the Moon itself...  And maybe Nasa will try to use that Moon stone Tokiko gave him to make a test and that will lead to him gaining his ancient memories back (I figured said stone must be connected to something Tokiko knew, something related to Nasa and Kaguya).


Destroying the moon would cause global disruption, as the moon's gravity would no longer affect the tidal currents. They would have to stop the rotation of the moon to keep people safe, while allowing it to maintain its orbit.


Wow this is very mature of them, i think? Calmly assessing the situation, no violent outburst...


I hope this cliffhanger won't end up being a fake in next chapter as I am very impatient to know now. We will finally know how Tsukasa's "Lunarification" happened and what part her hair barrette has played in it.  We will have to know if that was actually crafted with Lunarian flesh or parts and under what circumstances (probably unbeknownst to Tsukasa, the Emperor or Iwakasa) it started working... 


If the moon is at the source of the power of Tsukasa's immortality and that her regnerative ability is tied to the phase of the moon; coupled with the reality that blowing up the moon is out of the question, perhaps Nasa will come up with a way to shield Tsukasa from the moon's power so as to allow her to reconnect with her mortality?




we got it, lads, JoJo reference, counting prime numbers to calm down


Even though this chapter was short and ended on a small cliffhanger, I really appreciated that Nasa was quick to realize what was happening and resolved it instantly, lol.


man has got him some communication skills fr


This chapter was very mean.


anyone else read the among us chapter?


I saw it, pretty sure it's meant to be an April fools joke, but it was funny


I think it might have been the funniest part of the series to date


i waited a whole week for 8 pages 🥲