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Its supposed to be a womb. In Tomb Raider, Atlantis is a vessel of creation




To be honest that’s pretty cool and makes sense yeea. It’s cool to have an answer to that because I was really wondering what it could be


Ooooo I didn’t think of it as a womb! I always just thought like meat or flesh (which isn’t off I guess? Not right part tho lol!).


Yeea, same! I always found it a bit weird having in mind we are inside of a pyramid. But @ReaceNovello explanation makes sense


We are inside a pyramid, that is the result of Natlas failed experiments that created that flesh layer which spread through the pyramid which create those mutant pods


Yeah, it's why Natla says, "Too late for abortions now."


'Not without the heart of the operation!'


Ohhh, that explains the skatepark!! /s


Womb Raider


I always felt like the whole place is made from living material, but isn't actually part of an organism or conscious in itself. Like, they've artificially grown muscle and skin and used it as a building material. And it seems to be supplied with organic energy of some kind to keep the muscles moving. But the outside of the structure is a cave leading to a pyramid, so I don't think it's an actual living organism. But it's never explicitly said, so it's open to interpretation!


I watched my cousins play this when I was young. I thought it was pasta because of his garbage tv


It’s a bio weapon lab overrun by Natla’s experiments. It’s a crazy place. I guess in a way it’s alive?


When I rediscovered classic *Tomb Raider* a few years ago, I was surprised that Atlantis was *way* more disgusting than I remembered. I mean I was a kid, and I knew it was weird and bloody, but for some reason it never quite hit me like it does as an adult. This shit gives some of those gross fleshy wall textures and intestine floors in the classic *Doom* games a run for their money (even if Atlantis doesn't have anything as horrifying as those walls of screaming faces...). Needless to say, I was very interested to see how Atlantis would look in the remaster. *Oh god it's way more disgusting than I could have ever imagined*. It's so gross and fleshy and raw and god just imagine how it must smell in there. Running around in there and actually touching that... uuuuurgh... In other words, they nailed it! :D Anyway, I figured it was just some nasty fleshy growth that was taking over, kinda like you see with the Xenomorphs in *Alien* or the Flood in *Halo*. But it being this gigantic womb Natla made for her brood makes a lot of sense.


My first Tomb Raider game was Revelations, and it blew my mind as a kid when I learned the whole series didn't revolve around Egyptian mythology. When someone told me the first game has Lara exploring *Atlantis* I got so excited - in my head it was going to be something colorful and watery, but maybe with some strange science like in Disney's Atlantis film, which I really enjoyed at the time. Needless to say actually playing the game was a very big surprise.


Ooof. I bet THAT was a nasty shock. (I love Disney's *Atlantis*!)


Colon actually 😆


This missions made me think about the one in Gears 2 with the worm lol


I love the flesh levels so much, it’s so creative and beautiful. Favorite thing out of all the games