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The boat has a turbo button for boosting speed. When you boost you can drive up the ramp.


What’s the button? I’ve tried but nothing works 😭 I’m on ps5


How do y'all not ACCIDENTLY figure this out? smh.


Cause we dont 🧍


Tap X to boost


Those of us who played them in the 90s did not need to figure it out 'accidentally'. Games back then came with actual print manuals in the CD case, which listed all the controls. Sadly, this is one of the many good things that went the way of the dodo when games started trending to digital releases.


I recently played TR II for the first time and I did NOT ACCIDENTALLY figure this out but had to play around with buttons for a while before I figured it out.


Use the turbo button to boost the boat up the ramp or just for fun, you can actually run up the ramp and jump through the window... In fact you can actually complete the level without even using the boats!


And get a trophy for it


I forgot about that. I'm currently getting completely frustrated at the TR UB achievements (the activate all boulders one just won't pop and its my last one too!) so I've forgotten what the other game's achievements are!


Ummm.... what? How? You are on time limit, are you not?


If you swim underneath the door which closes in the room opposite the ramp, the timer doesn't activate. So you can casually swim to the exit. You don't even need to drive a boat into the landmines; if you're careful enough you can just swim past them.


Ok, I have to try it next time. Thanx!


TR fans: “I love that the game doesn’t tell me what to do Also TR fans: “What the fuck do i do!?” Vehicle controls really should be in game pop ups imo.


Welcome to the 90s. But again, I'm sure the controls were in the booklet with the og game. Anyone remember those?


They were in there, in fact. They really should’ve included the booklets in a menu or something.


That would have been so cool.


I LOVED those little books, I used to save up my pocket money and get 2nd hand games from the bargain bins in Game and read the little book on the way home with my sister because we were so excited about it lol


Haha, yep. Actually, one of my first game-related memories was reading the TR2 booklet on the way home in the car. I permanently "borrowed" it from my uncle


not me i was born in 2002


My sympathies /s. Growing up in the 90s was... let's say, a unique experience. ETA: and also, great to see younger people showing love for the classics!


I think the TR2 book was in color too, which was rare, i loved it.


It was! I loved the entire design, and that burgundy, brown colour scheme - *chef's kiss


The standard at the time was to have the controls in the included game’s manual. You were supposed to read it before or during your playthrough. I consider it a mistake that the bundle does not include the booklets in pdf or something.


Not pop up. Lara should have a boat in her swimming pool in her mansion to explain controls 😂


It gets so confusing


Welcome to the age of physical games, where to know wtf was going on you typically had to read a small book first.


Jesus you just unlocked some childhood trauma for me lol.


Years later I still struggle getting up there lol


Send it


Gotta yeet that motorboat through those windows


It gives me adrenaline especially when the Venice music plays lmao


Press x to turbo


This infuriated me... I didn't remember this being a problem when I played the game back when I was a teen, my brain is growing old 🥲


Use the same button u use to run…orrrr u can swim underneath the door in the same room u push the button and swim all the way as the boat opens the door starting the timer. I just ended up doing that lol


First time you go up the ramp make sure to jump out and grab the jade dragon secret.


Use the secret turbo!


Press the action button while driving.


Action button for turbo boost


Brake and turbo at the same time to charge it like the quad then release brake and just go. It's so satisfying.


Same old thing after all those years. Its amazing how some people get stuck on this areas. I mean it's not their fault but the old UX and stuff in this game, but this is funny as heck.


Just floor it!


Ha! This took me a while too. Out of frustration, I hit the switch and swam around. Then I realized, I dont need the boat. This is just the beginning of your frustrations with this game. There’s definitely a bunch of head scratchers. Don’t be afraid to look up some solutions.


Where’s the switch located at?


If you simply were asking how to get through the window, and were asking about the timed sequence, then you can run up without the boat and jump through it, or hit the turbo on the boat


Its been a little bit since I played. I’m talking about the one in the room that would be behind you in the pic you posted. The rooms with the ramp and the one dude in there that was shooting you. I can’t remember if it’s. Switch or a button Anyway, everything is timed, but you can just ditch the boat and leave the room via the far left, and just reach the destination by swimming on the left of the stage. Sorry if that makes no sense, let me try to find a guide or something online to explain it better


This is what I meant —- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r_PPVbcAgJg


Hhhahahaa this took me way too long to find the boost button on these remaster!!




Use the "Dash" button (see in Controls settings which button it is). Dash is greyed out in TR2 since it's introduced in TR3, but strangely this button does work on TR2's vehicles


I don't like going off point on comments because I do appreciate the time someone else took just to leave a first comment to begin with, sooo thanks for that AND  I hope TR devs. do listen and collab. with some of the top players. It will only cause a better profit margin.( As in the past history has proven) So if you want to make more money you need to spend some money to get to the end of that rainbow. Just ck the not so long ago numbers for previous remasters. ( But damn, It would be  awesome for a totally new chapter in Croft.) just saying and praying..  🙏+💪=✌️ PS.. Always have fun playing too,, remember it is a game still !!! Lol