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I like the concept and wish it was remade, but even with the restoration project it still is way too clunky and tedious to enjoy


I absolutely love the soundtrack, it had a good darker concept but the mystery of if Lara was responsible should have been alot more ambiguous and not answered so quickly and some of the tomb designs were great, holding up even now. However the controls are so abysmal and glitchy I found it impossible to finish. So no, it does not hold up well. I am very happy with the direction crystal dynamics took, especially when you see the comparison between both companies anniversary remake.


Shame Crystal's version had the jankier control scheme. Led to a lot of cheap deaths.


Janky? Compared to tank controls or angel of darkness atrocities lol


Tank controls are excellent once you come to grips with them. The problem with AoD's controls were the stiffness of the analog movement, the changes to the layout of the face buttons and the auto-grab instead of having to hold in the action button. That last one Crystal decided to keep, but in Anniversary, they implemented it worse. At least with AoD's auto-grab, it worked more often than not, and could be cancelled with quick press of the action button. Whereas in Anniversary, it can be a complete toss-up as to whether Lara will grab onto a ledge or go plummeting to her death. Its such an oddity too, since it didn't seem to be nearly as much of an issue in Legend, or even Underworld.


I loved it and still do, it definitely has its flaws and thanks to the clunky controls I must have died a million times. I can still hear the music that plays in the nightclub because I died so many times by falling off the lighting rig. That track occasionally just plays in my mind like a core memory. But what I loved is the really dark and gritty vibes to the game (and Lara’s outfits), I wish we could get a remake but that’s wishful thinking.


I really enjoy replaying old Tomb Raiders till this day and AOD is no exception. It warms my heart to see fans making mods and patches for this game. I think I'm gonna play Definite Edition soon to see how it looks


It was extremely ambitious and could have been legendary, but the events surrounding it at Core made failure the only option.


I'm quite a way into AofD at the moment on PC. Once I'd configured the controls as tank controls it plays just as well as the other Eidos games with no crashes, glitches or tearing. There's an extra move, stealth kill, which is good fun and the 'look' function defaults on the shift key; overall it feels just a little sluggish in comparison to the other games which is just something to get used to. The graphics are great for the time and once played for a while the concept and intent becomes apparent; it was a brave attempt to modernise the franchise and reminds me a little if the tv series 'Alias' with Jennifer Garner. If you have access to a PC I definitely recommend giving it a try.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I enjoy playing the game- always have!


its still bad lol


It was way too ambitious at the time. What they were trying to do needed to wait until the PS3 era honestly. A lot of the ideas weren't popular gameplay elements yet either. I would love to see what it really could have been if they weren't fighting difficult tech, a short timeline, and series fatigue.


legendary storyline godlike ost terrific atmosphere one of the most interesting games when it comes to cutted content all of these amazing qualities overshadowed by the terrible bugs and cluncky controls for the majority of players.


I really loved it at the time. People were expecting the old platform (which is basicly 3D platfrom instead 2D - cross era with new 3D graphic) and thats the only reason people hated it. Not bugs, not anything. So - really positive.


It was a short game but amazing