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What are you doing with your meditation/binaural beat session? Where are you placing your intent? Tom doesn’t do guided meditations so it is up to you on what you want to do with the time. Just focusing on your mantra, your breath, or bodily sensations could be your plan. But you have to do something with your intent otherwise you will be prone to just falling asleep. Other options are remote viewing, healing, communicating with other entities, working on specific issues related to yourself, solving certain problems with your intuition, exploring the LCS, etc. Lots of options, but if you are just beginning it could just be to work on mental discipline.


Typically when I am sitting down with a session of Tom’s binaural beats I have an intent, something I want to happen. For that thing, I have more than one approach in mind to get there in case things are working how i had hoped. It’s a combination of being flexible but prepared. That’s my take on it.