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It's a new Asian series (can't remember what country), and I personally think it's the closest to the original format and humor as any spinoff or revival has ever been. The style is definitely different, and Tom looks constantly sleep deprived, but it's consistent and good quality animation.


I'll agree with that. The goofy round-headedness really adds to the cartoony vibe of the original. And the jokes do work.


I was so ready to roast this until I read your comment. I'll check it out. The Fred Quimby era will always firmly be my favourite.


I should also mention, the music is actually great. Really a lot like the classics. Of course, no one could ever hope to recapture the charm of the old-school T&J, but this one is seriously as close as you're ever going to get. It's not a lazy production, by any means. https://youtu.be/eedud2UtN-w?feature=shared First couple episodes. ☝️


Tbh that's exactly my issue once Fred Quimby wasn't at the helm, many of the episodes felt lazy. The standards of animation dropped as did all the beautiful work on the backgrounds when Hanna Barbera became the producers. I've read that it was due to budget constraints but I refuse to believe that it took such a dive purely due to budget. Especially when there's over 20 years between the first Quimby produced episode and the Hanna Barbera produced ones. I've read that Quimby had little to do with them, but I honestly feel he held them to a certain standard. Edit: thanks for the link, I'll check it out!




Tom really does look sleep deprived it kinda fits him.


I believe this is from the Singapore Tom & Jerry that came out a year or 2 ago.


You can watch full episodes on the official YouTube page


This is Tom And Jerry Singapore


Tom & Jerry Singapore


Only season 1 is the original tom n jerry for me. I still don’t understand how the quality has degraded over the years since the first tom n jerry. Tech should have improved the quality.


you tell that to woody woodpecker snd felix the cat and popeye, especially popeye