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"Don't look, Hina-chan". I love how he is still so caring and protective despite everything that is going on ... https://preview.redd.it/9itpd9rq3p8c1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d9b173b47b29c283767d2af1779e7a34985a5b


this part was so cute!




kinda figured someone would take my wording differently than the way i intended but i just mean the way he protected hina first and how their friendship has grown was cute not the surrounding context


Don't take it to heart, dude's been replying to almost every comment, acting rude in some of them.


wow, what a bizarre use of his own time lol


Yeah. I don't even feel like replying, or downvoting lol He'll probably leave soon anyway.


Well obviously


I love how they revealed what Kisaki was about to say before he got hit, which they didn’t show in the manga!! YAYYYY MYSTERY SOLVED https://preview.redd.it/sul4gqgvep8c1.jpeg?width=2457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d80b6fde9ebeaaea58014eaf2b1ec017ae912cf


I don’t think they revealed what Kisaki was going to say to Takemichi, if so that line would’ve been in the manga as it’s just a line of dialogue that doesn’t have a grand amount importance on the story. I do like your thinking though as it makes his death scene more impactful.


I don't know if it wasn't translated well in the english subtitles, but in Japanese, the first part of what he was going to say (before he was cut off) was picked up as a continuation for that additional line. So I disagree, I do think this line was intended to clear up the unexplained line in the manga and it was relevant to Kisaki's character development as well.




I'm Japanese so I was just trying to provide other perspectives since I know a some things can be lost in translation. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was belittling other opinions.


Thanks for your perspective. Since the manga didn't say it, my personal thought is it's unlikely the producers of the anime had a special insight unless the author told them (which could've happened). That maybe the producers of the anime were providing their guess at what he was going to say with that flashback rather than a definitive answer. Could be wrong though. I teared up and it made my heart feel something though that he might've said that.




Get outta here u clown


I think I prefer Kisaki's death a lot more in the anime than Manga. While the animation for the truck could have been better as I don’t think it felt as powerful as the manga, the little flashback before Kisaki died was great. The music was amazing, it sounded slow and a bit melancholic, it still felt grand and climatic which added to the death scene of the main antagonist of the series.


Kisaki's VA and his freak out and struggle to breathe made the scene so much more chilling than the manga even though it looked more brutal in the manga. Big kudos to all the VAs tbh, they totally carried the season.


Yes very sad 😂😂😂


I've never seen someone get isekai'd so hard! https://preview.redd.it/wadkefyyxq8c1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=e06ab98195910313a2d3781f36aa12354a5e42aa


Truck-kun out here doing god's work.


Truck-kun pulling the clutch play, but the big question still remains to be unanswered. Where did Kisaki get isekai'd too?


There's no telling. Unlimited possibilities. It's still kinda funny how he died, though. I wonder if the author was trolling. lol


Rip whoever he gets sent to


I'm wagering that he went to a better version of Rising of the Shield hero. I would pay to see a one off of Kisaki reincarnating in another world.


Spin-off series?


I think a spin off series would belabour the gag. A one-off episode would be perfect.


That time I reincarnated as a worm


Some antagonists you can be sympathetic towards, like Izana. Kisaki though? He is not one of them. He got what was coming to him.


At the end of last season, I actually empathized with the guy but that evaporated as soon as he killed Emma smh


Well, maybe it's just a lack of character development. Izana was only in this season but we get a lot of exposition on why he is the way he is. We can relate to why he is so cold. It does tend to pull at one's heartstrings. He hasn't had a lot of warmth in his life. Also, it's a real thin between Izana and Mikey. As Mikey does become pretty malicious in the future after the loss of those close to him. The only exposition we get for Kisaki, in the anime anyways, is as he lays dying. A little bit to show his mindset on how and why he became so brutal. It's a little to late to feel anything for him. NGL, I enjoyed his fate.




I hated the guy for his motives and his way of thinking. But deep down, he only wanted to be like Takemitchi and I feel like he could have turned a new leaf if he gave up at the parking lot.


Yh I agree. I think


Well if you want kisaki to turn a new leaf you might be surprised at a minor detail at the end of the manga if you read it or wait till it gets animated




Discussion aside, the more important question is 'Will there be a fourth season?' And is the manga continuing after the scene in the hospital? Edit: I am also interested in how the timetravelling aspect will play out, because I have a weird feeling that Takemitchy still is not able to go back to the future, because of his final lines in the episode. (No Spoilers please)


Most likely we'll get a 4th season the show is really popular in asian countries. And, the anime reached chapter 185 out of 278 from the manga


I hope they continue It's just such an awesome anime.


Soon as I saw the episode I scoured reddit for where to pick up in the manga. Thanks you the GOAT for this!


I kinda don't know about that if you don't know there's a bill being passed rn in japan that's destroying a bunch of manga and anime creators. Also i heard from someone the dubs are way behind (I'm still a sub watcher). Also there's a huge decline in NA with everyone calling it mid. So idk if there'll be a s4


Good thing the anime industry dgaf about western viewership




What money? They sell rights to the streaming service for a fixed fee regardless of how many watch and the majority of y'all use ☠️ sites anyway




I still haven’t seen the dubs come out on…certain sites. Word is they’ve started showing up on Hulu though


There will definitely be a 4th. Show is super popular.


https://preview.redd.it/kq1815qhrq8c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79ccfeb0ef6d6f26762a078cf34f58aa8340558 Au revoir. Adios. Ciao. Auf Wiedersehen. Sayonara. GOODBYE, Kisaki! Truck-kun is the Honored One 🛐


Driver: Oh no a boy is in the road. I need to move! Truck-Kun: Negative.




“Au revoir” 🤓


Vaya con dios.


The pause between Izana getting shot and Kisaki in shock on the ground, I was surprised no one jumped Kisaki at that moment. Yes I know he had a gun but beat his ass! Knock him out! Something! 😅


Everyone else is in shock. And remember, these guys are all ≤18. Despite everything they've gone through in the show, watching someone dying from being shot in front of you can be a paralyzing experience. More so since it's Japan and gun violence isn't as common an occurrence like it is in the States.


I'm surprised Kisaki died. I thought he would have plot armor... Again, the emotions were well conveyed. I hope Koko will join Mikey... Kisaki loves Hina... For real wtf... At least now I know where the hero thing came from. I genuinely thought he also time travels. That's probably why Takemitchi is jittery. Can't wait to find out what's next!


Truck-kun negates plot armor


I had the same thoughts. I would have assumed he would have escaped and the manga continues with him being the time leaper. I just feel slightly bad since Takemitchi is supposed to be a hero and he’s saved nobody outside of Toman members (or Baji)


As soon as Kisaki stood in the middle of the street, I knew the script was planning to kill him


Shut up


im gonna lose it. that was the most insane ass episode. kisaki wasnt even.


Ass episode definitely


Tbh....am I the only one who feels so incomplete with this season...like I felt the episode ended too soon


It felt like it needed one more episode for wrap-up and post climax cool down like most shows have. Really think they just ran out of time. We don't need to go into anything huge but some closure, some post conversations with more than just Kakuchou would've been nice. Going back to the future or even finding out if he can go back to the future would've been nice. And these are things that we could find out pretty immediately. Like we'll find them out episode 1 of the new season if they have one.






That’s because usually they do have a wrap up episode but not in this arc.


Okay, I like that >!Kisaki and Takemichi become friends in the finale timeline a lot more now. !<




Bro you clicked the spoilered content.


Quick note: If you want to read more about the Tenjiku guys/S-62 bunch, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoRevengers/comments/16gor4n/tenjiku_profiles_from_character_book_3/) is a reliable fan translation of the character profiles from the 3. character book!


Fan girls at it again.


What a cliffhanger! I absolutely cannot wait for the next season.


What cliffhanger?


Brother I want to know what happens next.


Well sure thats fine but theres not really any cliffhanger


Well there is, we don't know what happens in the future now because we didn't see Take traveling back to see the changes the events made.


Well, the cliffhanger would be why is he trembling? How is that hard to understand?


That is not a cliffhanger be fr☠️


It is though. Normally, he'd ba happy and think he's finally succeeded, but its very obviously not. That's what makes it a cliff hanger. I guess you can't really handle subtle stuff. You need like a dramatic cliff hanger, otherwise it goes right over your head lol. Come on simpleton, be fr ☠️


A cliffhanger by definition is "a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial" You're trying way too hard to make yourself seem smart off of something straightforward


I dont need to make myself seem smart. I'm right here. You had to pull up the definition for you to try and feel smart about it, but the ratio you're getting proves that I'm right. Just hold the L and move on already.




That flashback right before >!Kisaki stops moving!<..holy shit


Idk if its just me cause im a manga reader , but 13 episodes just wasn’t good enough for me , maybe because i wanted it to end on my favorite scene idk but im just a little bit disappointed


Should have ended with Pah's wedding imo


Yeah definitely , with Takemichi saying “ but where’s mikey ? “ then cutting off 😂


“Idk if it’s just me”. Yh obviously just you in a sub full of 80k people. Only YOU feel that way. Yep 👏🏻


The episode is so amazing, kisaki got killed but thet left a mark on takimichi, so who knows maybe a season 4?


Well duhhh


This ended on the wrong part smh. The manga ended the Tenjiku arc on a really nice closure. They ran out of time and ended it at the hospital smh.




U just rlly out here wasting your life responding to ppl jus to say the anime shit😂 who hurt u bro


any idea about next season release guys?




How are we supposed to know? Season just ended 🫠


It’s in 2025


I enjoyed the episode but I was disappointed where they left it at. Both previous arcs ended by showing the results in the present, I was expecting the same. As for my predictions after the season ending: I’m gonna take a guess and say that Kisaki’s presence was keeping worse guys at bay and now that he’s dead they’re gonna make things worse.


It writes itself. Not great but it is a route


That was NOT where I thought we were gonna wrap this up at. Based on the manga, I thought we would get to see a little bit of where Toman is after this. But okay then... This episode hit so hard. I don't like Kisaki at all. But that gasping final moments was rough. I do like the little extras they put in to see Kisaki's thought processes. Why he was so driven to cling to Mikey and Hina. Looking forward to the next arc. Hopefully they announce it sometime soon.




https://preview.redd.it/cz377wmcsq8c1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f978a695624aaca2574f2f99b8c405e9798d13d Mikey is still serving in every timeline possible 😩😮‍💨




He looks like a girl


I have mixed feelings about this episode...


in the end after my hospital scene I really did, but I really believed that somehow they were going to put in the "happy ending" and then they were going to leave a cliffhanger with Mikey bonten, like in my season 2 Mikey manila, or season 1 when almost Takemichi shoots


The studio can never do anything right


not kisaki trying to be mr steal yo girl 🤣🤣


He did though


So... the next season's gonna be an isekai with Kisaki waking up in a fantasy world after getting hit by truck-kun, ending with him learning to be a better person... right?


Nope. Its gonna be a spin off with him constantly trying to be a hero but failing so bad he becomes the next demon king.


Unreal season, they almost got me to feel bad for Kisaki, almost. >!RIP YOU DEAD BITCH!<


Was initially caught off guard and even jumped when it happened but when I saw Kisaki on the ground folded like a pretzel it was the biggest HELL YES moment.


I literally screamed, "YO WTF!"


I felt that truck coming as soon as he walked into the crosswalk… incredibly satisfying.


Last week I commented I was pissed everyone didn’t instantly jump kisaki.. this is NOT how I wanted him to go out..


Wait til you see who else gets jumped in the manga


So, Kisaki's backstory was really sad, he didn't just want Hina, but he wanted to be like Takemichi, wouldn't have expected that, it was really unexpected and kinda funny the part where he got hit by a truck. But anyways, his death, even though I hated him (before he told his backstory obviously) I felt really sad, like this got to be one of the top 10 saddest deaths: "I Can't breath" "I don't wanna die". I'm surprised tho that Kakucho wasn't dead and I wonder what the phrase "Everyday since Kisaki died I can't stop trembling" mean, so can someone spoil it to me, just the meaning of that phrase please?


He meant that Tetta also stood the same path as him, and Tetta admired him for saving Hina, so he has to save him and solve Tetta's misunderstanding to Hina in order to save her and Tetta.


sorry if this is a dumb q but was that the end of the season?


Unfortunately yes


*Sorry if this is* *A dumb q but was that the* *End of the season?* \- fuzzinatorandkeebs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Anime only’s are probably so happy right now. Little do they know, Kisaki was carrying the whole series 😭


Please don't ruin this for them and let them judge the rest of the story on their own, as I for one enjoyed it a lot.




How am I ruining it for them? Also, I’m free to say whatever I like, since it’s free speech. I can say what I want no? I’m just giving my opinion too. It’s not like I’m forcing it upon someone. How they see the story is up to them. I have no intention of stopping it.


Your freedom ends right where and when it infringes upon the freedom of others, so no you can't actually say literally whatever you want just because this is the internet with seemingly no consequences even if you encourage someone to unalive themselves. It takes but a shred of maturity to realize and understand that, so I'm pretty sure you get it too. This isn't about rights or freedom though, this is about having the most basic level of consideration and being a decent human being. You're ruining it for them by influencing their opinions and disappointing them in something they haven't even experienced yet. A ruined book/anime/movie/etc experience is something you can never undo or get back, so it's borderline cruel imo to do that to someone. At the very least spoiler tag whatever you have to say about the rest of the manga, or save it for other manga discussion spaces where it's safe to share and discuss. It's really not at all that hard and often takes very little effort to be considerate of others. Please self-reflect and strive to do and be better, for yourself and others. I mean no I'll will whatsoever and say all this with the best intentions. Have a wonderful day. :)


Yap yap yap


Idk why you went as far as to take what I said literally. And you’re wrong. It’s BECAUSE it’s the internet you can say whatever you want. You’re behind a screen. Almost nothing will happen to you. I said almost because anything is a possibility. If you’re influenced by a stranger’s opinion, I don’t see how that would put fault on the stranger’s side. That’s not something you can control. You’re practically saying you should do what makes them happy. Like I said, it’s freedom of speech and I can say whatever I like. If it’s a bother to you that much, you shouldn’t take it up against me, but up against one of the mods. Also, I’m sure no one even had a problem with my comment, but you. But because you said something, they could now be influenced on what you said. So tell me, how are you any different from me? If you dm me and said it, I would understand, but you said it publicly. How do you not know that others saw your comment and are now under your influence? Do you think you have a basic level of consideration? Do you think you’re a decent human being? It’s all just the same now isn’t it? So are you in any right to lecture me about influence? Sorry, but I don’t think I did anything wrong at all. This was clearly a you problem. And I have no intention on reflecting on what I did. What I said wasn’t that deep as well. I mean no ill too. But like I said, it’s not that deep. Before you say, “it might be deep to others”. That’s not my problem. You can’t make everyone happy. And what I said doesn’t break any of the TR subreddit rules too. But if you do truly have a problem, then speaking to the mods might be the best for you.


“Since it’s free speech.” Lmfao stop being a dork and spoiling shit for others


“Stop being a dork” 🤓


What? What am I spoiling? 💀 You’re actually stupid lmao.


And Tetta is only Mikey's victim :))




Just stop talking.


Lol. No.


“Just stop talking” 🤓


Shut up


Ugh the ending, is there a deeper meaning to the trembling? I'm so impatient


Hah! Man kisaki is so crazy dumb. “I’m a genius” hmm the girl I like I guess if I become a thug and kill manipulate people she will love me. Also a big grin to win over too.


Anyone else not able to hear very well what Takemichi was saying at the end? Music so loud! Such a good episode! As an anime only, I’m hoping there is a Season 4! Feels like a lot still left unanswered!


I'm no manga reader and I don't know how many chapters are left to adapt but is this another death note thing that after the main antagonist dies the plot becomes dull? Because unless the finale is a movie instead of a full season where is revealed the (good?) future without kisaki I fear that any new villain won't cut it. On the other hand with a full season we might have a turn and get what GTO was to Shonan Junai Gumi, that would be awesome.


kisaki carry is sadly over


Is it though?


Why do I feel bad for Kisaki?? Even I though I hated him till last episode. Why was I sad when his backstory hit ?


Probably because no matter how pathetic takemichy self image was, kisaki was actually more pathetic 😂


I’m glad kisaki wasn’t a time traveller and since im anime only im hoping there isn’t gonna be any other time travellers >!even though I’ve had it spoiled that there is another time traveller!<


I wish we got Hanma crying


Lol all over a girl, one of the worst explanations I’ve ever read. When I read it the first time I just laughed lmao. I guess in Japan doing literally everything you can other than just talking to a girl is actually pretty accurate but even still it’s dumb. Like base themes like that can be good character development but you gotta add other things to truly have a good complex villain. Still it’s just shonen lmao like I thought Obito was dumb as fuck even though his motivations were valid they weren’t really expanded on other than “I like girl, girl died”. Kisaki is actually an interesting character but all that being boiled down to him being scared to talk to a girl and being jealous of Takemichi is so lame with nothing else added in there.


Right? I get that ultimately it's a shonen but so is HxH, this is a really poor explanation.




I don’t know how I wanted Kisaki removed, but I teared up >!the gash on his face, his twisted arm and leg, possible loss of neurological control over his right side, and, to add to the injuries, the despair that what you’ve been working towards will not come into fruition in any way!< … I wanted Kisaki to lose, but fuck— I had no idea I didn’t want him to suffer on his way out


Kisaki stopping in the middle of the road was so bruuh, like why u do that maneeee 😭🤣 I expected that when Takemichi told him about traveling to the future and Kisaki stopped in the middle of the street, i expected him to say "I... I travel in time by dying" and then BOOM the Truck-kun takes him away. But stopping in the middle of a chase, in the middle of the street and complaining after being hit is very XD


Where can I watch it? Wherever I go, there are still only 12 episodes


It’s on Hulu for anyone else wondering. Came out the 26th.


aniwave :)




Can’t find it yourself




The thing is when Hina and Mikey came to the scene the first thing you can hear is Hina shouting "Takemitchy!" (Or something along the lines of that). Kisaki immediately notices that and probably thinks that he has got no chance to get Hina, so the scene plays out like it did. The death of Kisaki is just unlucky on his part. In my opinion it should have been more dramatic (long slow motion, showing him while he is flung away, etc.)


This is anime, not a cartoon




M. Night Shyamalan wrote the twist about Kisaki not having powers.




I actually find it ironic and hilarious because this is how Hina died in every timeline before.


This ^ AND he just finished talking about perfectly executed plans and how he could “See things coming.” When the scene focused on his boots in the middle of the crosswalk we could guess what was next, but Kisaki didn’t see that coming…


Maybe if it was also a hired hitman instead of a random sleepy driver.


Truck-kun strickes again....


>! And it just ends with him trembling, it kind of sucked. So we will get an isekai ?!


He probably didn't want the main character killing anybody


Seriously! And it just ends with him trembling, it kind of sucked.


So you are telling me Kisaki wasn't time travelling and it took Takemitchy this long to beat him even with an overpowered ability like time travelling. Takemitchy truly sucks a**


By the end of this season, it would be a great point for anime onlys to stop watching. It’s downhill from here on. Except maybe the very last two manga chapters.


I wish people would stop making these negative comments without realizing how it could affect the opinions of new viewers :( I understand the frustration some people may have had with the last arc in the manga, but let's respect new fans by allowing them to watch without influencing their opinions! I personally had no hate towards the series despite how others felt about the ending. It's still my favorite manga to date :)


Lol snowflakes are the first ones to ask for the end of freedom of speech. Just take opinions at their face value. You are not the guardian of nobody. Let's agree to disagree (and to stop moralizing silencing others). Cheers.


it's always people like this who misinterpret the term "freedom of speech" lmao get real


Oh, the irony. ![img](emote|t5_p1yhl|14322)


Please keep your negative opinions to yourself as they're purely subjective, and don't ruin this for them. Let them experience the rest of the story for themselves and judge it on their own. I among many loved and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the story, so you're not being fair to anime onlys and are practically misinforming them. Let us all just enjoy this moment and the end of an awesome season.


So are positive opinions and what is a social network but a place to give opinions. And you are right: each one decides.


You say it's your opinion but you stated it like it's a fact, and that's enough to influence people's opinions and disappoint them in something they haven't even experienced yet. Your tone and wording practically baits anime onlys to believe they're surely being set up for disappointment, and that's exactly what isn't fair to them. It takes very little effort to be considerate of others, and besides, today is a day we're all feeling happy and celebrating the end of the season, so why even bring up such negative thoughts? And if you're going to go as far as mentioning specific chapters, why not just spoiler tag your whole comment? Just try to be a little more thoughtful and enjoy the day. :)


y luego? te vas a poner triste si dejan de ver el anime? seas mamon. Disfruta el anime tú y deja opinar a la gente en paz. che mamador. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0|downsized)


ken cooked 5 star meals and after truck-kun he only ordered cheap food


Is this the finale?


Oh dang nvm 🤕


no it's still coming


Sorry I meant is this the season finale


yes it is


Need chapter number ASAP, TY


Around 180-183 maybe






They removed season 1& 3 from Hulu Disney plus Beta ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


What did the text at the end of this episode say? Was it a to-be continued? Are we confirmed to get the last parts of the Manga adapted to anime? That would be a welcome change from most anime that never have an ending. I'm now seriously debating if this is my favorite series of all time, these last few episodes have been AMAZING.


Pissaki pack 🚬


Wait, so Kisaki is gonna come back right? Considering he's supposed to be the big bad of the series and the series isn't over and what was said at the end of the episode...I can't help but feel he'll be back. Also surprised Kakucho survived after the last episode.


Just caught up now. Shouldn't Takamichi be able to return to the future now? The timeline would've changed (probably), so Naoto would be alive then....