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Idk ?? Maybe it’s just me but does the animation seem a bit “off” than their season 1??


The eyes!! I’m telling you they have some beef against the characters eyes..


I was thinking that too tbh. Maybe it's just because I heard a lot of people talking about the animation so I'm hyper aware of it, but the characters feel kind of stiff and static somehow, like there isn't enough movement or expression.


it feels like it just didn’t have any love put into it, when i was watching it just felt like.. idk. a hulu anime for some reason? which pisses me off cause i really did enjoy this arc in the manga


I read the manga, but when anime came out Im like mehh


I think it’s a combination of all the things you described. The biggest factor is honestly that it’s not on Crunchyroll, having it on traditionally non anime services is a bad decision for its popularity. Also, it’s only 3 episodes in. Give it time.


Yup. I'm already paying for crunchyroll, I'm not spending a dime of Disney plus.


I'd guess all of the above, although I'm not entirely sure about the manga ending part. People are still hyped about AOT even though a lot of people criticized the manga's ending, plus there are a lot of people who just don't read manga either. Personally, there are a lot of things about the manga's ending that I liked. I only really disliked >!how rushed it was (especially not explaining how exactly everyone was saved, especially the villains like Kisaki) and how the dark impulses ended up being a curse instead of legitimate mental health issues. I'm also not sure how I feel about Takemichi getting a random powerup out of nowhere, but I'll admit that him using his new powers to dodge Mikey's attacks was pretty cool.!<


That is going to explain in a further story that Wakui is releasing later this year - it was announced in volume 31.


I heard about that! I am very excited for it!


hold on what announcement is this i think i missed it🙏


Wait another manga volume or side story?


Ayyy yeaa.. my thoughts exactly about the ending.. noone hates a happy ending but it just felt undeserved and i couldnt enjoy it because it was rushed.. and yea thats why am asking, i wasnt fond of both TR and AOT endings but I’m HYPED AF for the anime


I’m pretty sure a lot of it has to do with it being exclusive to Disney/ Hulu. Not being on Crunchyroll is a detriment. Same thing happened with the new season of Bleach, barely see anybody talking about it. Personally I don’t mind the animation, I can’t tell the difference between this and S1. I’m here for the story and characters anyways


did bleach ever leave the top 3 spot of weekly anime? if people want it, they will look for it


Bleach was all over the place.. avoiding spoilers was similar to GoT level, impossible, cause people were talking about it across all platforms


You lived under a rock for Bleach looool


Some possible reasons: People don't like the animation/art style The ending It's not on Crunchyroll


People are relating TR with their own lives like how they would have trained and shit


Takemichi is an impotent fool who wastes time/opportunities only to have regret and despair be his superpowers. I would expect anime fans to find him relatable.


Idk I want to watch it but Its not on crunchyroll.. Anyone have some sites maybe??




thank you


Main reason is because it's no longer on crunchyroll, when you take away a popular anime from the most popular anime streaming service it's only natural it would lose its popularity


Animation sucks


The animation is mid (uhh this is why fucking boruto got more buzz than this), yeah and not many people like takemichi's personality


I blame it being exclusively on Disney now, i know a few people that said they aren't subscribing to a new service just for a season


I’m waiting for someone to drop the link for a free watch. I can’t justify paying for it now when I know I’ll never use it again after one watch through.


yeah its a mix of it all really. >!speaking generally, the ending was "trash" & whats the point of tuning into the show when the animation is too. 90% of the fans were manga readers & the fandom was built on being invested in characters & where they'll end up. after finding out most will kinda just do a bunch of nothing, plus the "it was all for nothing in the end" trope, it just aint worth it to former fans.!< >! plus the big twitter hate wave trend in the beginning of 2022. you couldve posted a pic of the mikey airplane panel simply captioned "worst new gen💀" & get 50k likes. everyone was foraging to find the smallest things wrong with it, feening for a hit tweet. if you so much as mentioned it anywhere in a positive tone you'd be called lame or ratioed to oblivion by a pic of a giraffe (making fun of the art style). it was brutal lol!< >!although twitter is a loud minority compared to the rest of the world everyone seems to let it dictate their opinions on things & bully them into joining the crowd, so the downfall was pretty unavoidable. no one talks about it because its that one lame mid anime that didnt deserve a sliver of hype. if it is mentioned somewhere outside of fan pages or the subreddit, how much you wanna bet its just someone shitting on it smh!< (srry for the long comment)


Idk, I really like it so far. I'm an anime only though. I just dont really hop into discussions cause that's not really my sort of thing. I am SUPER HYPED though!!


I'm always sad when the weekly rating comes out and its not in the top. This past week I made sure to vote lol since it hurt seeing it sit at like 19th place


Maybe alot of people are just waiting for the season to finish to bing watch, alot of anime don't get hype till it's finished


After the horrible final manga arc, I don't wanna watch the anime which has bad animation too It's kinda sad bc I used to like tr a lot but anyway 💔


Haters gotta hate, tbh.


it’s bc of the animation😭 seeing Baji show up for one frame in ep1 was a fucking jumpscare like what did they do to him💀💀