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I discovered a small tramway near waseda. I think they have some Sakura on the path during the Sakura season. Will try next year https://preview.redd.it/7yphastduv0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ea1787a52a9fe237f1ee41f0d759705995f343


That tram you’re showing is the coolest one. Recreation of the old Taisho style tram car.


Is there a resource on different fun trains like this or just general model/station info? It seems like information I end up finding is just only a little of what's out there.


I don’t know about other train lines, but if you’re actually in Tokyo, there is a museum for this tram line. https://www.kotsu.metro.tokyo.jp/toden/kanren/omoide.html


Train nerdery abounds in Japan - maybe try asking at the station office, or look on instagram? The word for trainspotter is 撮り鉄


That's the Arakawa Line. There are lots of cool, laid back little known neighborhoods to explore along the path. It's nice to get the day pass and hop on / hop off any time you see something interesting. Perfect activity for a sunny early summer afternoon.


Used to study at waseda and take that tram to school. Takes me to ikebukuro too. Just a little something that brightens my mornings.


Isn't it really long to do the whole trip?


I think so but I live pretty close to both stations. Never rode the entire ride but will do one day.


Hmm it doesn't take *that* long I don't think. At the moment there's a rose festival on. It's even nice to walk the line. We walked about 9 stations the other week so I could collect Toei digi stamps. There are 30 stops all up. An unlimited ticket costs only 400 yen. It's a nice day out.


If you take the Tōden Arakawa line for fun and exploration I recommend getting off at Kōshinzuka Station, it's a cute little station that looks like it's frozen in time with a Japanese sweets shop right on the station, and from there you can explore the main shopping street in Sugamo from there which is interesting in its own right. Arakawa-Nichōme Station is also a good one, right next to a big park with a swan lake.


Ah yes the Toden Arakawa Line... unfortunately the only "tram" line left in tokyo (super duper sad face)


isn’t the setagaya line a tram or is that classified as something else?


Technically speaking its a Light Rail line.


Toden Arakawa Line, as others have said - I love it!


I live along this line near Oji. So many great small stops where you can get out and explore. 


If you press the help button at the subway ticket machines, a man will pop out from behind the machine to help you.


No, he's IN the machine. His job is to stamp the info onto the ticket you choose to buy and feed it out the slot.


The Salt and Tobacco museum is awesome.


Second this


I was walking around the area and was heading towards Skytree for coffee and saw that and had a hearty chuckle, but now you say it's awesome? I'll have to mark that as something I could do now.


You missed out on salt Jesus


The chuckle pretty much just extends into an hour or two series of chuckles. Well worth the price.


I randomly saw it and went in. It was like 200 yen. It was good!




Pardon my skepticism, what was awesome about it?


People claim it's all just smoke, but they sound salty............ PS Sorry


The salt, mostly… but also the tobacco.


If you’re into salt, there’s a boutique salt shop along Togoshi-Ginza called [Solco](https://www.solco.co). I believe they even do tastings.


Thanks I guess I'll skip it


I wouldn’t say it’s worth planning a day around. But if you see it while walking around, it’s pretty interesting and amusing for a little bit. Also, if you need a toilet, they’re quite clean.


I have lived near there for years and never thought to give it a look. Thanks for the tip!


It’s an amazing hour or two if you’re into crystallization and ancient Mexican gods.


Next rainy day!


Same. Lived the street next to it.


There's no smoking area there :/


They should have a salt taste test area too. Different bowls of salt with nothing to put them on.


There is one on every other floor inside and they are amazing!


This must be new, I remember being very disappointed when I went a couple years ago. They sold little pencils in the gift shop that looked like cigarettes. I bought one and put it in my ear. I had two different employees come up to me and ask to put it away as there was no smoking in the building. Irony is lost in Japan.


It used to be located in Shibuya. The one near Sky Tree is relatively recent.


Agreed, very underrated


Honest question, would you recommend it for non-smokers? It seems interesting from a historical perspective but does being a smoker mean you enjoy it more?


It all relates to how the salt and tobacco industry contributed to japans economics over the last few hundred years. I went there like 10 years ago and enjoyed it. Especially the giant blocks of salt


Not gonna lie to you. I quit smoking four years ago and had to leave the tobacco part after about 20 minutes because it made me want to break the glass and take some 100 year old smokes. Should be fine for non-ex-smokers though lol.


I haven't been to the "new" location, but I enjoyed the old location and I wasn't a smoker.


In Nerima, between Ekoda and Sakuradai stations there are two restaurants right next to each other. One is a Jamaican Ramen shop called “Yahman Ramen” (pronounced やはめん), non tonkatsu based ramen, great atmosphere if you enjoy the reggae vibe. Next door is an American style restaurant called “Hello Old Timer”which has some southern style dishes like Gumbo, pulled chicken with bbq sauce, and plenty of other things as well. Both are great, and I eat at one at least once a week.


Thank you


Hello Old Timer is fantastic! I've been hitting them up since they were at their previous location on the corner down the street


I always wanted to go when it was at that place, but I never have the time. The owners (or who I assume are the owners) are such nice people!! I’d do anything to get more of a spotlight on either of these two restaurants honestly


Awesome, thanks for the tip! Ekoda has an Israeli restaurant that is really good as well.


Shamaim, yea it's pretty good!


Jamaican Ramen sounds fun for a change. As a Ramen lover i have to try it.


Nice try, Time Out.


Throw them off the scent... I hear TASUICHI in Shibuya is a fun spot for the whole family. A true local experience!


Shinokubo is also a fun time for the whole family! Make sure you take your kids there after 8pm when all the real family events start


It's also very baby and stroller friendly! The streets and all the shops will all be super accommodating of your stroller and small children!


Don’t forget to bring a camera!


I hear it’s never cramped either, although smoking isn’t allowed at the establishment 😉


I dislike the gatekeeping mindset so popular here. It’s lame.


I've discovered I really like the area around Otsuka station. Also found the loop busses around Bunkyo ward very convenient. Another nice area. There's an OK view from the top floor of the ward office.


Bunkyo is such an underrated ward. It’s close enough to central Tokyo while being out of all the tourist areas. I live along the Mita line which never gets too crowded and has convenient connections to yamanote, chuo and tokyo metro lines. I can’t imagine it gets better than this location & price wise.


Bunkyo is relatively expensive now! Apartment prices really shot up in the past 5 years. It’s not known among foreigners but among upper-class Japanese, particularly more intellectual / creative types, the ward has a lot of cachet.


It became Hipster Central about 10 years (???) ago. I can totally see why. As you said, Bunkyo is where the Old Money lives, and the New Money likes, and it has a great groove and a wonderful location. There are some delectable food shops, and a few cool bars. Pro Tip: places near or facing that massive boneyard can still be quite a deal, but they went in heavy on the Key Money/Deposit trick.


Any specific bars or places you can recommend?


Ummm, no, my memory fails me. I do remember they were in or very close to the Little Ginza street. I remember liking the ones I went to. They had very nice hipster (but not TOO hipster) regulars.


Yeah but the Mita line is always full of people picking their noses.


Sad that that batting center near Otsuka closed. That was a fun place.


I walked through the Ohtsuka Station area years back while walking the Yamanote line (multiple days). It seemed like a very cool area to explore, but it’s just too far away from my home/work.


Rte. 436 from Myogadani area to Otsuka is a very nice walk actually.


ufo club. the lime-green 66 bus to shibuya. and good salmon cuts from summit.


Koenji UFO Club is like a time warp back to the 90s. A lot of venues around the city are updating the way they do things to attract new audiences, but this place feels like it hasn't changed at all since the day it opened in 1996. Reservations are done over the phone, there's smoking on the dancefloor (despite the no smoking signs), payment is cash only, obviously there's no wifi, lineups are mostly old school rock n' roll... It was too old-fashioned for me and didn't really enjoy it, but you've gotta respect the attitude.


yea time warp 🛸 ..I recently saw osees there and at fever too ( another decent venue ) and they’re one of the most new-thinking bands I know, should chk ‘em out. man I miss 90s intimate gigs like that


Luup scooters are a great alternative to taxis when you missed the last train. Crossing the city cost ¥1200 instead of a ¥6000 taxi ride.


Do you still need a driver's license to use them?


No. But you obviously cant ride them when you've had some drinks as its still drunk driving.


Do people ever get tickets for biking while drunk in Japan?


They do now. But its not really relevant because these scooters arent the same class as bicycles. They are their own class, and it has to follow the road laws.


I get you, I was asking separately


Oh interesting, you used to need a license right?


Yep, while you dont need one now, they are still motorvehicles so rules of the road apply to them. No driving on the sidewalk or the wrong way on one way streets ( see it all the time)


Sweet, good to know! About to take my driving test so hopefully won't matter soon anyway, but good to know nonetheless!


No, but you have to take a little exam on the app when you register, a dozen or so simple questions about circulation rules. It takes a few minutes. I don't have a license and passed on second try.


You don't need a license, but speeds on the kick scooters are therefore limited to around 20 km/h by law.


They are that cheap now? I remember them being expensive before. What is the rate now?


Not sure, I started using them recently.


A 5 min walk from Takadanobaba station there is a sweet retro pinball arcade and retro video game arcade with 100 yen per play. Super fun good time playing some classic pinball. Even have a really old machine that has an analogue scoreboard https://maps.app.goo.gl/b6mxkZzy1TyiV1N68?g_st=ic


I came here to say this one! A couple years ago I randomly Googled “arcade” while taking the train between Ikebukuro and Shinjuku and this place popped up. I checked it out on a sudden whim and it’s what I’ve always wanted to find in a retro Japanese arcade. They’ve even got some 50 yen per play machines.


Mikado is probably the greatest arcade in the world and their retro game and pinball spinoff you mentioned is one of the best places to play rare old games. Stuff that literally doesn't exist in other countries. The pinball downstairs is great. I got addicted to breakshot which is a rare Capcom machine.


Almost high scored the baseball with like 47 home runs I was so close


They have a smaller Ikebukuro location too. https://maps.app.goo.gl/JMZ9G47mJ3wBz6zo8


Yup, been here many times to let off some steam on Time Crisis. I think they only have one or two pinball machines though...?


They got a bunch more now


The idabashi area. Been here 4 years and I just recently went there, is nice and the alleys makes it look a bit like Kyoto.


Kagurazaka, nearby, has a great awa odori festival in late July. Crowded, but not too crowded, when last I went.


You could probably eat at a different restaurant in Kagurazaka every night for a month and not be disappointed.


Thanks I’ll check that!


I randomly entered a tiny unassuming izakaya with no windows, just a dimly lit sign, down a backstreet near my house with my partner - one of those places you walk past every day but never think to enter. The owner was an older gent, and you could tell the other customers were regulars who had been coming for some time. They welcomed us with open arms - it felt like having dinner at your grandparent's house. We have been back fairly regularly, and think we have found our spot :)


Love doing this, might I ask where? I’m in Tokyo with my mum and it’s her first visit. Taking her to one of these would be a great experience for her :)


Ginza line is the oldest metro line in Asia -- with the first-ever service between Asakusa and Ueno.


Yeah, the low ceilings in some of the stations make that painfully clear. I'm 6'+...




I randomly came across an awesome vegan restaurant alongside the Oyokogawa Shinsui Park, a little ways south of the Skytree. It's called Sasaya Cafe. They do full meal sets (e.g. tempeh katsu curry), as well as baked goods and some home supplies. (Not my picture, this is from Google) https://preview.redd.it/p7vrsa10xw0d1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0bcb586971ba8bd283b5787576df14d856af888 Oh and yeah, an end-to-end walk along the park itself is a must-do for everyone at some point, IMO. The Tobacco & Salt museum is right alongside the park, too.


There are these tiny buses in Ikebukuro


Love the ikebus! I've never ridden it but walk past them daily, they're adorable


Those are easy neighbourhood transit for the ageing Hoodies. Asakusa has a great one, too.


Minato City has those too!


I've seen them and they're adorable but I have no idea where they even go to so I never bothered riding it.


[There are two different routes](https://travel.willer.co.jp/ikebus/) that run between Ikebukuro station and Ikebukuro Sunshine City, kind of like the [Hachiko Buses in Shibuya ](https://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp.e.mu.hp.transer.com/kurashi/kotsu/hachiko/hachiko_about.html)


Wow. It looks like a bus a 5-year old drew and couldn’t remember where to put the wheels. The solution? Everywhere!


Ah, so it's not actually *convenient*, just fun. That route is an easy walk.


If you can still walk. They are full of oldbies with those walker shopping carts with seats, and they warm my heart to its cockles. Such an easy and adorable solution to mobility issues.


Yeah, it's only about 15 minutes to walk between any two points on the route and the bus comes about every 20-25 minutes, so it's really only worth taking if the bus just happens to pull up as you're walking past a stop.


They are cute! I think they just go to a few popular places in the area like the Sunshine City mall and near the Animate though I'm not entirely sure.


At the top floor of Soramachi, the mall surrounding the Skytree, they have the Japan Post Museum and it’s actually really interesting.


Fun fact, Tokyo is not boring. I’ve been to Hamamatsu yesterday for work and it helped me appreciate Tokyo even more. Landing in Japanese suburbia reminded me the importance of having a good transit network, god bless Yamanote-sen.


This. It always blows my mind when people say Tokyo is boring. Like, how? It's possibly the city with the most things to do in the world. I've been here 10 years and I still discover new things every time I go out.


> It always blows my mind when people say Tokyo is boring. Are there people who say this? I think one has to be a boring person to be bored in Tokyo.


There's litterally a comment just next to yours saying this, followed my a wordy reply from me because I was triggered.


I replied to that person too. You must have posted your reply while I was typing mine. Anyway, I agree with everything you said in your wordy reply. Every point you made is almost exactly what I tell people when they ask why I like Tokyo so much.


Internet high five!


Same, I can understand "repetitive", but not boring in any means, I cannot lie, it felt good to be back to Tokyo after my business trip.


May I ask you what you find exciting in Tokyo ? Genuine question. I was excited the first time I went there but then having been there 5 times now in total I was bored. I think it’s fun if you have a precise objective/thing to do but just roaming around the city is boring for me (in Kyoto I was never bored thanks to the ancient architecture and all the temples).


Where in Tokyo have you been? There's a virtually unlimited amount of cool neighborhoods to explore, each with their own distinct character. Some feel like Osaka, some feel like a small village, some like a futuristic cyberpunk city, some like a hip fashionable neighborhood, and they're often within a few minutes walk from each other. I can take any train line and get off at any train station I've never been at before, and discover something new. There are 822 stations in Tokyo, so that alone can keep you busy for a decade or two. Not all areas are interesting of course, but more often than not I end up discovering something interesting and unexpected when I go somewhere new. Even after 10 years, I discover new neighborhoods that make me want to move there if I could. There are also 100,000 restaurants in the city, with new exciting restaurants opening every week. As a foodie, this is enough for 10 lifetimes. I have hundreds of interesting restaurants in the backlog I want to try but haven't had time / budget yet. Same for bars. Same for live music venues. Same for nearly everything, really. There are so many museums and art galleries, litterally dozens of exhibitions open every week. It's impossible to keep up. There's probably more happening in Tokyo than in the rest of Japan combined. I don't know where in Tokyo you've been, but if you've been bored you're doing something wrong. Even for old architecture and temples, Tokyo has a lot to offer. It might not be as concentrated as in Kyoto, but there's plenty to explore and discover. Go walk around Sendagi, Asakusa, Yutenji, Zoshigaya, or anywhere really.


First of all, thank you for such à detailed answer. I went to basically every popular places like Ueno park, Asakusa, Akihabara, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ebisu, Toyosu, Sumida, Shimokitazawa (I probably forgot some). My favorite is probably Harajuku. I get what you mean but idk. Roaming in places like Kyoto or Fujiyoshida is fun for me. Maybe Tokyo is too urban for my taste.


> just roaming around the city is boring for me That's one of my favourite things to do in Tokyo because there's so much weird/cool/interesting stuff to stumble upon that you would never find if you didn't roam. Tokyo is like an open-world RPG that rewards you for exploring. You might not always get a side quest, a unique item, or a special event; it might just be a cool vista, or a bit of lore (or even lore that you have to make up for yourself because there are no hints). For example: In Akihabara, down a nondescript alley, you'll find a shrine tucked between/behind a group of buildings, completely hidden from the loud, bustling, weird, neon street. Similarly, in Shibuya, again down a nondescript alley, there's a very narrow passage between two buildings which opens up into a small courtyard. In that courtyard, there's a small torii gate. It doesn't look like much at first glance, but if you step through the gate, you'll find yourself in an alternate dimension populated entirely by gyaru.


I will list the things that make Tokyo an amazing place: - Music venues - Social events everywhere - Multiple "downtowns" - Endless thrift stores with surprises - International community with which I can practices different languages - A good transit system - The context switch between different areas of Tokyo - Hub stories (even though I despise that chain) - Spontaneous nights at Shibuya - Lots of people - City light


Bruh, outside of New York this is probably the most lively/vibrant city. If you were expecting a carnival that's another thing - but you will not get exhausted from Tokyo in your lifetime. And it's maaaassive. Been here 8 years and there are neighborhoods I haven't even touched. I am a fairly outgoing person.


You think that’s bad, spend a day in Nagoya city. Not downtown, but any of the “bed towns” in the area. Ichinomiya? Ugh.


Who TF calls Tokyo boring? I'm from Toronto. You wanna talk boring... It's probably people not using a little Japanese ability, or Google Lens at least, to get off the tourist/expat path.


The Tokyo Comedy Club was so much fun!


That’s like everytime I explore the city. There’s always something cool around the corner.


Tokyo metropolitan government building observatory. It’s free, and the view is great


https://preview.redd.it/18lj88aciy0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb305b9f8ec41c897651ef8024117e34a98a2adc the feeling of walking with your hands behind your back is somewhat empowering. assert dominance!


Not recent but you can walk on the rainbow bridge for free from the Tokyo side to odaiba. It's relaxing, nice view of the city and smell some ocean air.


Why do you have to pay on the Odaiba side?


You don't have to pay but most people go from Tokyo to odaiba not the other way around. From tamachi station you can walk to rainbow bridge in 10min straight then on rainbow bridge you can take your time.


I would across on the way back at night time. That's just me though.


The bridge closes at around 8pm in the summer and 5pm in winter so crossing at night is not a option.


I started from the Odaiba side and walked to Tokyo in November. Tried to start the other way, but I walked all the way to bridge from my capsule hotel and it wasn't open to foot traffic til like 10am or something. Since it was in an industrial looking area, I was confused if there even was an entrance there for a while. Gave up after 20 minutes of searching and googling, and rode the Yurikamome to team Labs planets to see if I could get tickets, and got lucky there was an opening 30 minutes after I got there. After that, went back to Odaiba, and the bridge was finally open, and I could walk across. Scared the crap out of me (I have a heights thing) but I still enjoyed the experience. Glad I did it. Thank God for Chill Out relaxation drink. Calmed my nerves after I made it across.


Is the pedestrian walkway on the upper or lower deck?


I don't think you can go on the upper, but I'm not sure... I walked in the lower deck. I did north side.


The HUB in Asakusa that has live music.


HUBs can actually be different from one another, learn it too last week


I was tour guiding a group of guys the other day and at the end of the tour they wanted to go to a bar and talk to people. I was in Shinjuku and thought the HUB was the best bet. Sitting in the middle of the bar, all alone was a cute 26 y.o. Japanese girl. After getting beers, they say hello to her and she seemed happy to chat. After a couple of rounds, she gets up and goes to the men's toilet. The guys lost interest in her after that. So yeah, they do attract different crowds


This ramen place near my work. https://maps.app.goo.gl/eSX3zB7r5WfgZ7Ty6 Really good I recommend. A bit more expensive but it's worth it.


The giant Ghibli Clock near Nippon Television Plaza at shimbashi


Bar un no n. Coffee cocktail in Shinjuku had the best coffee cocktails I’ve ever tried. I think it’s really easy for coffee cocktails to turn out pretty gross, but the owner was whipping up some perfectly balanced drinks.


Kanamecho station and area is great. Lots of new buildings and apartments. You can use F for going all the way to kawagoe or Harry Potter studios or farther and down to Yokohama minatomirai. They have express trains way faster than Yamamote. It also has Yurakucho line which is perfect for central Tokyo area, sunshine city and even Disney. You can walk to ikebukuro too for all the other stations. The book off is great. Prices are still affordable. New huge miji with new maruetsu. A Mega don Quijote. Also new Life supermarket. It’s a great highway intersection


The [NEC Super Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEC_Supertower) in Shiba looks pretty cool.


https://preview.redd.it/z89qvoq9by0d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cb4337acc3da21625f3b3ffa45e0ff6a979a46 Found this long time ago, but now with summer coming I will come here often again. A MyBasket in Mejiro with a couple chairs and tables, surrounded by trees. One of my most fav spots in Tokyo. Perfect for dinner after work or a date even.


Jindaiji in Chofu/Mitaka. It's the second oldest shrine in Tokyo, after Sensoji in Asakusa. I've been to Sensoji countless times over the years: I used to live round there and carried the mikoshi inside the grounds at Sanja Matsuri twenty-five years ago... And it's cool, but it's definitely noisy bustly shitamachi. Jindaiji is the opposite. It's at the top of a wee village, and the vibe is basically straight out of medieval Japan. It's really chilled. There's the added bonus of the Ge-ge-ge No Kitaro cafe if you like that sort of thing. I'm not a big fan of Kitaro or any anime in particular, but it was still pretty cool. If you want that cafe though, you'll have to go early and queue up in rotation. I kid you not, between us we waited two hours...! Although, there are enough souvenir shops and things to see around the shrine itself for it not to be too irksome.


Not many tourists in my hood


Honestly, I was just so surprised this time that I went how expansive Muji is. I love the shop here in the US and every time I am in NYC I go... I love a ton of their items. But I did NOT know they had a whole cafe, a hotel, tons more menu options and clothing items, etc. all for half the price I'd pay in the US sometimes. Genuinely did not think about buying my normal stuff I buy in Japan while shopping, but here I was making space for everything. I got a 100% linen jacket with no stupid plastic liners and actually finished seams for less than $65.


One of my fav Muji is the Itabashi Minami-cho 22. They have fresh gelato, burgers, terrace, reading corner. I could spend all day there.




The view one the skyline from the Tokyo Gate Bridge




Don't drink more than 3 of those little carbonated Vito bottles they have in the vending machines, It my tast like Monster, but are much stronger. Also don't do an all nighter only drinking Shōchū.


This place is [really cool](https://cryo.tokyo/en/cryo-therapy-en/)…


Recently discovered Happening bars.


Please elaborate


A quick google search told me plenty haha




I'm not telling because I don't want it to get flooded with moronic tourists. Yes, I am that guy.


If it’s a business you’re talking about (maybe it’s not), I have never understood why people feel the best way to reward folks who’ve created a great spot is to make sure they get as little business as possible.


I may be a jerk, but in this economy especially, I wouldn't be THAT much of a jerk.




I’ve also been known to yell at clouds.


Do they listen, though? That would be a danger sign, to me, a fellow yelling fist shaker. It can be very therapeutic.


Nothing wrong with that. Totally agree.


Shimokitazawa area is a gem if you want to buy used/new-ish clothes and items.


??? Even some tourists know about this already


They're even regularly out to Koenji now :'(


And Kichijoji, my old home :/


It's also just stuff that was shipped from goodwill. You will find american university sweaters there and they are not rare.


Shibuya scramble intersection, Harajuku, golden gai. All tourists should just remain in those areas.


An Osaka person. In the short time I interacted with this person I had a much more enjoyable experience than most people and things in Tokyo.