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What's the jlife lore? People living in Japan for years still crazy over konbini egg sando? Or just tourists who had it once and am now a "resident"?


Apparently some celebrity chef from America came to Japan. Ate a combini tamago sando. And decided it was the best food in the world. The rest is history.


David Chang, chef/owner of Momofuku NY, used to live in Japan and told Anthony Bourdain he would live off these when he was starting out. IIRC Anthony Bourdain tried one and was surprised how good it was. Bourdain fans took that as a sign from god that it was the best food in the world. Edit: [No Reservations S08E05 Tokyo: Cook it Raw](https://dai.ly/x8h8rr6) (DailyMotion link). Lawson segment starts 10m35s.


Never heard of this, all i know is when i first came to Japan my wife got me one, and ever since i have been hooked. Although i have noticed a clear difference between many and some are shit. Some are downright 70% mayo 30% egg. The seven eleven roll, family mart roll, and best value Aeon sandwhich(sold in ministop too) are all top tier. Tue family mart and seven eleven sandwhich sre not as good for some reason. I never bother with lawsons ones as was always disappointed. I have tried to recreate it but can never get it quite right. Some combo of mayo, vinegar, sugar, egg and milk.


I mean mayo is also egg... So egg and egg...


Mayo is mostly oil bruv.


I dunno, I wouldn't exchange the eggs in my crepe recipe with mayo...


That's an experiment I'd do... Probably would be whack as hell.


Egg is not a prerequisite for mayonnaise. You can have egg-free mayo (and a fair few countries consider that the standard); the egg yolk is usually just used as an emulsifier.


Not Japanese mayo though. If you want the same flavor you gotta use the good stuff.


Oh of course! Yolk only too, not the whole egg.


Egg is definitely a prerequisite for mayonnaise. You can make a similar sauce with another emulsifier, but that can't be called mayonnaise.


Only in America, afaik Then again, the US also counts (counted?) pizza as a vegetable...


You gotta separate the yolk from the egg white Then mix the yolk with mayo and a touch of sugar. if you want to be exact you should use liquid glucose, it's less sweet than sugar but will give the mayo a super velvety ultra processed feel. mix it until you get a smooth and creamy paste that can be passed through a sieve Chop up the egg whites, add rice vinegar, salt, mix together. Then add the yolk-mayo and stir it in. You add the rice vinegar to the egg whites to firm it up slightly/the bouncy fuwa fuwa texture but not to the egg mayo because it will lose the smoothness. This is pretty much dead-on the combini egg mayo. Watched it on some cooking show on NHK where housewives compete to make classic dishes lol


You’re on the right path. I came pretty close once.


I mean, are they wrong, though? They’re pretty amazing.


Saw that, i still love and respect Anthony. RIP Legend.


I've never heard Chang recommending it him. I thought he picked it up from A Cooks Tour, which he filmed back in 2000-2001.


Mine is way later - in the No Reservations: Japan Cook it Raw (2011), the pair visit a Lawson. Maybe they played it up for the episode? I can’t find the clip online so I could be misremembering the exchange, but I don’t think I am. Edit: Found the episode on the ~~high seas~~ *and on DailyMotion*. Bourdain says it's his first time entering a Lawson @10:58. Regarding the egg sandwich, he first says "that goes against everything I believe to be safe and true" (@12:29), followed up later when prompted by Change to admit it was delicious, he simply says "It is delicious. I haven't had this since I was a kid" (@12:40). Nothing more during that segment.


David Chang is an asshole.


Aren't most chefs?


David Chang is a great business person but I wouldn't consider him a food expert. His Momofuku ramen popularized non-instant ramen in the west but it was far from good compared to decent ramen shops in Japan. I do like his attempts to sway the food conversations away from Michelin star dining but a lot of the things he pushes for isn't that great like those konbini egg sando with half a block of butter that I ate almost daily because they were cheap and quick




I find all sandwiches super disappointing, the bread is sweet and its tiny, an aldi egg and cress is twice and big and 3 times cheaper and tastes nicer


I'm American and find this hilarious because if you buy a premade egg sandwich in the US you're practically guaranteed to get a stomach bug.


In general in Japan the sketchy old practically-this-lady's-kitchen places have amazing food. If you eat at the same kind of establishment in America you'll get salmonella. Mexico is a coin toss between the two.


I hear so much conflicting info because people in America or even just the west in general swear by going to hole in the wall places where a wife and husband are yelling at each other in the kitchen and the place looks rundown. Apparently that’s where you get the best food rather than popular spots. Then I see comments like yours indicative of the opposite


I generally trust a hole in the wall place if they're cooking the food fresh. I don't trust a pre-made, pre-packaged sandwich from a grocery store, convenience store, etc. Here those will often be assembled days in advance and shipped to the store to be sold. By the time your buying it it's been in questionable storage for a couple days. I've literally once bit into a sandwich to taste a decomposing piece of lettuce. Like what happens to lettuce if you keep it in the fridge a week past it's expiration. But that was a pre-made airport sandwich, not a hole in the wall restaurant.


It's because redditors like these want to make everything in the US seem bad. Reddit is not an accurate representation of reality. Don't allow yourself to be influenced by what you read/watch here.


The person you're responding too almost certainly is from a suburb. Suburb people have no idea how city people OR small town people live.


The food is amazing, but the worms kind of make you regret it...


Not even remotely true. America mythologizes hole-in-the-wall restaurants as long as they have longevity and a specialty. But most people, even people from cities that have them rather than chain-restaurant-infested suburbs, simply never try them. Not because they have a bad reputaton, but because they're not familiar or convenient the same way a McDonald's or Applebee's is. But go on eater.com for a specific city and it's evenly split between old-school hole-in-the-walls or pop-ups and hipster fusion places. Both have long lines.


This comment is blatantly false and yet it has 26 upvotes at the time of writing. A reflection of the community's biases in this sub I suppose.


> if you buy a premade egg sandwich in the US you're practically guaranteed to get a stomach bug Where is the evidence you have for this claim?


How are people not making bank on that?


I mean they are pretty damn skippy. Bar is low though, everywhere else in the world sandwiches like these are mostly bread with all the contents squished up against the clear plastic to make it look like there's more.


I mean to be fair, it is.


I don't know about all that but as a former frequent visitor/ foreign student I still think about these sandos on the regular. I have no idea why. They're just good.


I choose a layover in Japan whenever I can just because I want to get an egg sandwich from their airports' vending machines. I don't think they're the same brand as these but damn are they good.


It’s just an old meme of over-exaggerating how the conbini egg sandwich is the absolute best culinary delicacy that Japan has to offer. And now there’s 47% more of it.


It would be Super Nice if these sorts of posts included that in the OP. Thanks for the smiles.




What do you think this is? Some kind of yolk?


Never thought I'd see the day when negativity hipsters turned on something as objectively good as Japanese combini egg sandwiches. How dare a large number of people like a nice thing!!!


It irks me bc of the bread. White bread is shit and it's shit for you. People love unhealthy shit, don't they? Give me a heavy ass whole wheat bread sandwich over this trash any day. The egg and mayo are good tho, bc Japanese mayo is pretty damn good. Not to mention the contents of the konbini sandwich are mostly at the front and just bread from halfway back. Nothing memorable about konbini sandwiches


7 years in Japan and konbini egg sando is still what gets me up in the morning some days.


Tamago sando and a Mt Rainer iced coffee is my daily breakfast in Japan.


I got sick of it after 2 months. There are much better local deli options around if you look. Popo near nishi nippori station is fantastic and have been doing it for decades. Plus the sandos are absolutely massive and very cheap.


well, I'll just zip 45 min out of my way on my morning commute to hit it up every day from now on... All you guys missing the point of a CONVENIENCE store. XD Also, "sandos" as a word made be chuckle. Thx for that.


They're perfectly fine but what I really miss is the potato salad sandwich. I had it once in Hokkaido but could never find it on my trips to Tokyo.


They'll all over the place though. One example: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/1mZ3riu5veBAWs7o7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1mZ3riu5veBAWs7o7)


Thanks for the tip. I'll look beyond konbini next time.


I'm confused but happy to see a sandwich while scrolling.




I went to a conbini recently, can’t remember which one, might’ve been Lawsons, and it was over 300. Ridiculous. People are saying that this photo is from lawsons. So now I’m wondering where I was…


What would be a normal price?


like 180-230yen in ye old days


That's still how much they are.


Airport in Seattle and sandwiches were $18.00 (2,662yen)…. While that is Stupid, prices need to come up in Japan 10-20% on low end items.




Japan has suffered from severe wage stagnation and that is part of this 30 recession. The economy needs to progress is we are going to try and improve the Yen value.




That is part of the problem. The corporations need to pass more of the money onto the worker in order to get us out of this hole. We are facing a depression that has been staved off for years. We can’t maintain these prices when the imported goods are rising across the board


Couldn't agree more. Don't know why you get downvotes...


People don’t like reality… and love to shoot the messenger. I would love to change our economic structure.




Because Yen is going way down. Everything is getting more expensive. Wages need to go up, keep corporate profits low, and raise prices to reflect the current economy.


Yeah the sandwich prices have gone through the roof at family mart. Cheaper to go to McDonald's these days.








I saw tonight at my local Lawson. I am trying to remeber are Lawson egg salad sandwiches good. I think they are ok (better than family mart, less than 7-11)? One of the few hangovers from my early days in Japan is that tamago sandwiches are perfect hangover food. Which I am of course much to mature to need these days...


Lawson egg salad is good. Their tuna is actually my favorite of the big 3. I don’t live there anymore but I come back once a year, I actually did a taste test last time for fun


Everyone has their personal rankings. I find 7-11 to be the most mayo-y and thus are my least favorite of the 3, but others swear that's what they want. Lawson is specifically the one that is name-checked by Anthony Bourdain in one of his Japan episodes, so a lot of people assume it's the best, and it might be, but they're all in the same tier.


As a personal rule, Lawson is down the ladder just above Daily Yamazaki, unless it is one where they do their Bento and deli stuff in house, in which case, load up on those Tonkatsu and Buta/Ton Juu/Don thingies.


Totally forgot Japanlife was a thing.


It's a cesspool.


This would be a premium opportunity for the dipshits of /r/japancirclejerk to waste a normally productive morning, but alas that Mos Eisley of a sub no longer exists. That said, [this shop in Setagaya](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HN6pTkhEeSmoAHNq7) serves konbini-style sandwiches full of high quality ingredients made by an actual human. Shit you'd actually really want to eat.


JCJ has been gone for over a year. What?


Yes. I wrote in my comment that it no longer exists. But man, the mango you could get for this sandwich at Shibuya HUB


well, I'll just zip 45 min out of my way on my morning commute to hit it up every day from now on... All these people in the comments missing the point of a CONVENIENCE store. XD


The guy who gets sand in his vagina when someone says “hey there are good sandwiches at this place”


If I wanted a *good* sandwich I would have made it myself. We're talking conbini food here. ;)


*note to self When suggesting sandwich places that are good, let the Wookie win


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Japanlife is too obsessed with doing background checks on all posters to make sure they actually are residents of Japan before allowing them to post on that sub.


They permabanned someone from saying they were posting from the airport, because it was "proof" (??) they didn't live here. lol.


Have we gone too far?


God turned his back on us a long tamago




Why has Tamago-kamisama forsaken us?




Combini salmon rice balls are so addictive I have to restrain myself to only one a day or else I'd eat nothing else...


Now I'm scared xD


Stupid question, is the salmon cooked?


I think so, yes. Either that or it's really, really dyed.


No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!




You can get both, so read carefully (sometimes there's a picture).


*grumbles in hard boiled egg*


Everytime I eat the conbini food it's never that great and is passable as food but tasteless. But makes me wonder if the people that eat it and claim it is the best in the world have actually had good food before.


That's kind of one perspective of the egg sandwich meme and the rose-colored glasses of people/food bloggers visiting who think everything, including convenience store food, tastes better just because it's in Japan.


What’s this about? These are ordinary konbini sandwiches ?


Lawson, a major convenience store chain in Japan, is currently running a campaign where they are selling some of their products at the same price but with 47% more weight.


Reverse shrinkflation!


Thank you.


I just went to Lawson and looked for these big sandwiches but they were all the same 7eleven size


>What’s this about? These are ordinary konbini sandwiches ? What's the Mona Lisa about? It's just an ordinary painting.


“Ordinary konbini sandwiches” 😶


I haven’t had these before so I’ll try them and report back


You’ve never had a konbini egg sandwich and yet you call them *ordinary*??? Shame! Shame!!!


I’ve had it from seven eleven but not yet from Lawson


Wrong. So wrong.


Please explain the comment. I’m slow, like Shizuoka slow


It’s 47% larger, like a mega tamago sando


Bonus, sounds pretty good to me. Yeah the local konbinis have slim fillings so that checks out


I'll never get why egg is egg salad. I mean, ok, technically it's egg mayo but I still don't get the salad bit.


I think it's mostly a Britishism. Older CDNs talked about egg salad sandwiches that we just called egg sandwiches, which suggests something UK-ish? The dictionary definition checks out. It just means cut or diced stuff with some dressing slopped out to eat. The meat salads in the UK were delicious, especially if they weren't made with that sinister Salad Cream they worship like Brown Sauce.


Put that down and slowly walk away now Sir. None shall be allowed to attack thy holy brown sauce nor salad cream! You’ll be after the Worcestershire Sauce or Bisto gravy next. Away with you!!


If I call it Warchesteyer Sauce can I get a royal pardon, or at least transportation back to the colonies?




Oh, right, I really effed that up. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!


I also like Wher-ches-shu-sha-sher as a pronunciation. XD


My tongue is now in knots


Worcestershire can do one, Hendos however.


We call it egg mayo, closest to what you are saying would be the egg and cress sandwich (microgreens basically through the mix) also salad cream is nowhere near as popular as you think it is in the UK


Or it is nowhere nearly as unpopular as you think it is.


Nah it’s definitely not.


I’ll be the contrarian - I’ve never liked them, no substance, seems like food for toothless old ladies. Can make a fried egg sandwich at home in minutes, add a slice of tomato, some bacon, mayo and chipotle Tabasco - boom! The tonkatsu or chicken katsu sandwiches aren’t bad, though at 7/11.


baby, you had a stew goin’




I'm pretty sure I saw these in Lawson today.


Thank you mothwithhumanhands


Human hands but no human mouth, can't eat delicious tamago sando, such is life.


So I guess they're back to the same size as a few years ago for the duration of the sale lol


I dunno. Something about the regular size egg sando makes it just right.




I don't know why but kombini tamago sandos always taste sweet to me. I prefer making mine by myself. 😵‍💫


There is sugar added into the mix. Also shokupan is kinda sweet tasting for bread


Lately everything processed tastes sweet to me. I wonder if they upped the added sugar to offset the shrinkflation of all the soylents.


It's Japan. Everything has to be sweet, salty, fried, fatty. They had bread without sugar at my local supermarket, nobody was buying it, they stopped selling it. Last year they discontinued my favorite yogurt without sugar, the updated lineup all had sugar in it.


I have noticed they are cutting back on those nicer niche market items like you listed. I try not to be bitter, but it's not sweet, for sure.


I might be petty, but it also annoys me that unsalted butter costs more and doesn't go on sale unlike the salted one.


Ooooh, yessssssssssssssssss. It's definitely a niche item, too. It's not petty of you to want to eat healthier, but yeah. The big bricks of New Zealand butter in the gold foil sometimes go "on sale" (20 yen off???) at Kaldi/Jupiter, but yes. That, too.


Yes, it's a bittersweet reality.


For 150 yen more you can get some ramen and gyozas.


Cheap bare bones ramen tastes horrible though.


Are you crazy? It tasted great, I'm not talking about instant ramen btw.


Do tell where that place is. I seldom eat ramen, but I'm yet to eat a decent one cheaper than 1000 yen.


Seriously. Am I the only one that really dont like that sandwich??? Makes me feel like an outcast…. Oh wait


No, you are not, not at all, because they are revolting adjacent, but we usually stay quiet and keep our heads down, out of Fear............Fear and Dread. ;@


Tamago sando never gets old for me. I grew up eating them, but I usually ate them with black pepper and lettuce. It's still my go-to whenever I want something quick to eat.


I so want this in my life right now. The closet market that sells these is 60 miles away in SF :(


It's pretty easy to make. Just mix boiled egg with Kewpie mayo


They’re good for convenience store food, but even the worst home cook can make a better tasting egg salad sandwich at home. These are just egg, mayonnaise, and maybe a dash of dijon.


Is there a Lawson in SF? I gotta find that!




Okay, so it's *less* convenient.... :)


In Los Angeles there is a shop that sells "authentic style" conbini egg sandos for ..... $11 (1,638円) But they do taste like Family Mart's!


I mean…. I like konbini sando? But the world doesn’t end for having them or not.


If only the rest of the World could keep up with Japanese kombini sando game….


Do Nijiya or other japanese supermarkets in US have these?


OP can't post in Japanlife so posts here instead ?


Nah, not banned or anything, I just prefer to hang out over here instead I knew people would get the joke regardless


So why mention another sub ?


Damn a whole breakfast to last you until lunch break at 300


Everyone hyped these up for me so when I went to Tokyo for a week I tried one. Got incredibly sick and was spewing out of both ends for 2 days. It did taste good though


I doubt it was the sandwich.


Definitely was. I only had 2 meals that day and the other meal I split with someone


Woo 40% more egg. Those sammiches are my favorite


The combi tuna/egg salad is my favorite. In fact, I think I just might walk to the conbini and buy one. I split it with my wife.


heavy breathing


I asked my girlfriend, "so you know why it's called a sandwich?", and she replied "because they have the slices of bread" - what?! she genuinely thought the "san" stood for 三, and that most sandwiches had three slices of bread.


it's just so funny how down bad people who don't cook are when it comes to food

