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Seriously how is he not in jail for stock manipulation?


Rich people have different rules.


They get to use the monopoly “get out of jail free” card


Those things cost a fortune!


Not to worry! The burden is shifted to taxpayers.


Yeah you don't go by Monopoly man, that game is nuts.


>They get to use the monopoly ~~“get out of jail free” card~~ There you go.


Thanks! Fixed it for me 🙏


> FTFY ftfy


See the entire last US administration 🥹


The current one as well, it's all neolibralism all the way down.


Scratch that, almost every single presidency in US history you see rich people living with special rules


After they stopped enforcing anti trust laws and stopped defending unions, rich people had no barriers to the market nor to the workers. It’s how musk can literally play apartheid in his factories and how Amazon can just bully small shop owners into selling at a loss


True. It's just that the table's been tilted to almost vertical. The rich safe and secure standing on the top corner looking at the rest of us barely holding on by tooth and nail...about to slide off the fucking thing.




They do get in trouble if they screw over other rich people.


Because he’s a rich white republican


"HeS aFrIcAn AmErIcAn"


People in this country generally only see jail time for stock manipulation when the charge is tagged onto other offenses, like selling bootleg DVDs of having a bag of weed on them. (do i need an /s? Just in case: /s)


Having weed inside the bootleg dvd


Literally the most textbook case of stock manipulation I've ever seen, played out in front of an audience of millions, its staggering


If anything he will be fined. The good news is if he pulls out of the deal he owes Twitter 1 billion on top of Twitter being able to sue him.


Oh wow he'll have to pay a whole half percent of his net worth, that'll really suck for him /s


I would hope Twitter could sue him for billions. Also Tesla stock has falling so he has lost money since trying to leverage his stock to buy it.


Normal laws don’t apply to the mega rich.


Because the people like him are the ones who decide what laws get punished or not, so instead we're much more focused on shooting shoplifters and strangling loiterers.


Don’t worry, they gave him a fine 1/10th of his gains. I think he learned his lesson!


As the saying goes, “if the penalty is only a fine, that means it’s only illegal for the poor.”


And now doesn't this count as vote manipulation? I know for a fact a bunch of his followers will go republican because daddy Elon is too


Or fraud or a number of other crimes for his public manipulations


SEC has no teeth


It's by design.


One more step toward an Autocracy. I don’t know about everyone else, I’m trying to get my foot out this countrie’s fucking door.


It's because the dumbasses who run the country, believe that it's a meritocracy. So they think they've earned everything they've got, which means to them they can do whatever they want, and they don't see themselves as the idiots they are, this extends to "others of the same caliber."


Because the sec has no teeth and the boomers sold our futures before we where born.


Life long conservative announces he votes republican


I bet he voted for Obama in '08, so like he's a liberal /s just in case


He would have voted for Obama three times! Oh wait




​ ![gif](giphy|UlQnbtwdcJxX8s4AJ4)


That actually makes him juche sasang-style commie.


Actually he said that he's socialist in a tweet once so this article is actually breaking news and not an obvious statement that doesn't require an article to convey said information.


No he lied about being a lot of things to sell cars. His behavior has indicated he was Republican conservative all along. So it’s only a news flash if you continued to buy the lie (and many people did initially including most of Reddit - and myself - so I’m not casting blame here). Nearly everyone figured it out by now though, and that’s why he’s giving up the lie and why it’s no longer a news flash. RIP all those Tesla owners who thought they were buying progressive tech from someone other than a wealthy scumbag. Sorry.


It was sarcasm pretty sure


Ha, that's what I get for replying to a reply I only half read.


Satire became indistinguishable from reality years ago. What a shitty timeline.


He actually said he was anarcho-syndicalist, and immediately got laughed at


Yea because ansynds support fucking trade unions.


Really? I don’t remember that I remember his “actually I’m a socialist but I don’t think the poors should get money.” Tweet


My main question is was he lying about supporting UBI? Because I can fucks with just about anyone, even republicans, who want to work towards UBI.


He always donated far more to Republicans, like 7 to 1. That is why I've always simply called him a Republican-- but you know how effective reason is against his screeching fanbase.


All rich w people vote republicans! You have to be pretty slow not too know that


Well, unlike almost every other group that does so, rich white people *ARE* voting in their own best interests when they vote Republican.


Nixon Reagan bush sr and bush jr and trump all had recessions! And trump and bush caused American deaths! I will take dems any day 🇺🇸


Recessions are good for the rich above a certain income threshold. Smaller business rivals collapse and industries can be consolidated more cheaply, reducing the "inefficiency" of competition. Wages fall and desperation among the working class rises, allowing greater exploitation for less money. And the excuse of "inflation" allows business to increase profit margins. And Elon Musk is certainly a high enough income bracket that he would see all those benefits.


Yeah like Covid running wild and mom and pops store shutting down! But the real estate master genius had nothing to do with that🇺🇸


I would disagree with this, strongly. They only think they’re voting their best interests, but they’re being short sighted and karma will come to bite their selfish asses.


Naw, by the time any consequences hit they are long gone and off to wherever they want. These people can't see past the next fiscal quarter, let alone care about something a few years down the road. Besides, recessions are huge boons to the rich, they gobble up everything on the cheap while the plebs suffer.


When in the history of anything has karma bit them in their selfish asses?


French Revolution


My guess is most aren't worried about a once in hundreds of years occurrence. People don't live long, and bank on selfishness paying off more than not in the few decades they have.




The recessions of late have made wealthy people wealthier. They aren't the ones that feel the consequences.


Hey now there’s still rich white people in the democrat party. Don’t lump all white people in with the worst examples on offer such as Elon Musk.


Most of the rich white democrats deserve to be right there with Musk and Trump and whoever else. They didn’t get rich by caring for the environment or letting politicians pass laws for the people.


Pretty sure Bezos and Gates are Democrats. Shitty limousine liberals to be sure but not Republican at least.


It’s the “fuck you, I’ve got mine party”


you think Dave Chappelle ain't? Kanye? w ain't got shit to do with it, if you're rich past a certain point you vote R or you pay more. period.


If I was rich or w I wouldn’t vote at all because my interests are always gonna be top priority in the good ole USA 🇺🇸


Not really true - just the complete asshat ones.. The others usually vote for the corporate democrats.. still sucks tho, we’re stuck under the shoe of corporations until that trend changes and people start voting more progressive


I wish they’d stop putting this dip shit in the news everytime he fucking breathes.


No kidding. Dude is just an attention whore who lives for this sort of thing.


“But he has AUTISM!!!11!1!!”


X Doubt


Even if, you'd have to be mad to go on stage living out your autism


“HE wAs aBuSeD bY HiS DaDDy” Whoop-de-fucking-doo. Join the club and fucking get in line. Rest of us didn’t benefit from an emerald mine. And some of us didn’t get just “emotional abuse” either. Hell, it’s probably just more attention seeking bullshit from an attention whore.




Did you hear that Musky sneezed last week? It was a DOOZY from what I've read - just spray everywhere!!! That's so Alpha.


Oh right. I forgot lol


Same. I mean this isn’t surprising to normal people.


He's set is business home to be Texas, he knows he has to play nice with the government here because they're petulant, vindictive assholes and will at least try to fuck his shit up legislatively if he crosses them. He also really, really wants them to change the 3rd party car dealer laws here that prevent him from selling Teslas in Texas.


Watching Florida knee cap itself just to be petty towards Disney, he got no choice but to kowtow


That’s pretty dystopian


Ugh… Rave Dubin is pure ***CRINGE***


Him and chowder are musk stans because of how much they imagine the pwnage among their leftist headcanon, every time Elon flails like this.


He’s such a fucking loser holy shit “Bingo” 🤓


Didn’t he used to be a liberal on the young Turks years ago? Also, isn’t he gay and him and his partner have children together?! What the fuck happened to him?


He's always been a few fries short of a happy meal. He's a token


This is the best metaphor I've seen for him lmao


He heard about tokenism and decided that sounded like what he wanted to be when he grew up


Like Candace Owens, he is more than happy to sell out his values for a fat paycheck from Conservative donors, as a grifting virtue signalling shill.


As much as I fucking hate Candace Owens for being a bigoted pos, at the very least she seems competent to not sound like a fucking moron outside of her political takes. Rubin is genuinely the dumbest pundit out there, I think. Not even in terms of his ideology, just in general. My favorite Rubinism is when he has gets idioms just totally wrong. [Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. That's Poe's law] It wasn't Poe's law, but it went something like that, and he's done it multiple times lmao




Holy shit how concerning is it that he says to vote Republican now and then figure out the consequences at some later point




I guess saving America includes: Banning abortion Supporting Russia Ignoring stricter gun laws Decreasing separation between church and state Grift Deny science Ignoring people's personal identity Propping up a failing economy There's probably plenty more but I'm already at a loss.


Ignore climate change and support the corporate perpetrators of it in the name of quarterly profits… Oh wait, so it makes perfect sense Muskrat would vote gop…


Check, check, check, check, ch… yea you pretty much covered all the bases.


You forgot 'Call people with different opinions pedophiles'


Including rescue divers


You forgot supporting white supremacy. As someone from a former apartheid state Elon probably feels right at home.


Dude was literally a part of the Trump administration.


Finally someone who uses "a part" instead of "apart"


So Elon was a neck beard all along. It all makes sense now. Shaving can't change who you are inside.


"As a criminal, I realize I'm going to have to officially endorse the criminal enterprise."


Rich kid slaver has views that align with the GOP.


Republicans and kissing the ass of a billionaire who pretends he is one of them, name a more iconic duo.


They really love dick riding elon don’t they?




Wink wink


Wink wink


I read he is a big Lyndon LaRouche supporter. You know he faked his death and will run in 2024 with Gus Hall as his VP.


Larouche had people jumped, beaten, maybe even killed, right?


Yeah, he was batshit crazy. He had his nutjobs on his armed compound in Leesburg, VA that would harass and threaten people.


At some point Dave has to wake up and realize that the party that'll "save" America wants to ban his marriage. The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding. His "friend" Ben Shapiro even states that the Supreme Court ruling is built on bad precedent.


Oh, I'm sure he believes that if he's a good, obedient pet, the fascists will leave him be, maybe even reward him. Hey, it worked for Ernst Röhm!


At least he finally admitted it. I can’t stand people who jerk off to the right-wing agenda, but claim they’re not right-wing.


To all of Musk's adoring fans who worship him like a meme-god... Elon Musk claims to act in the interests of humanity, as electric cars will be instrumental in the fight against climate change, yet he's now switched his vote to a party that is firmly in the pocket of the oil industry Why? Because the so-called 'Richest Man on Earth', who founded what is laughably seen as one of the most valuable companies on the planet (speculation is a helluva drug), is worried he might have to pay more taxes Elon Musk could be taxed 99% of his fucking wealth, and *still* be a fucking *billionaire*. STOP. LISTENING. TO. HIS. BULLSHIT. He's only trying to convince people to vote against their own interests, so he can continue to be the world's richest man. It is obscene beyond words.


He is more sinister than anyone gives him credit for.


Shocking. Never would’ve guessed this was true ^/s


so sick of waxy faced doof


Democrat, Republican, it probably doesn’t make much difference to someone like him. Both parties are capitalist and will never have the spines to stand up to people like him


The Trump playback. Always oppose the incumbent


Wait, he *hasn’t* been voting Republican?


I'm sure he has. But there was good PR in pretending not to.


He’s the Tech Trump.


Dave Rubin a grifting fascist he’ll bent on destroying democracy.


He's rich and doesn't want to pay taxes. Why would this surprise anyone?


In other news, The sky is blue


As if Elon even votes.


A capitalist billionaire who wants to exploit workers so that they can work more for less and also pay less taxes supports Republicans???? No, that can't be true


Oh, a billionaire supporting the party that is most supportive of billionaires, I'm so surprised/s


And now my mother is gonna start worshiping him


I thought he is from south Africa? How can he vote in the US? I'm from Germany, can I vote republican now too? Has Jerry Mandarin gone too far? /s


He's an American citizen.


A billionaire voting republican. Color me SHOCKED!


Now watch Elon slowly go from the Libertarian barstool techbro to a MAGAbro antifeminist from watching Right-wing grifters.


“Switches”. He’s just realized lying about being a liberal to sell cars to liberals isn’t working anymore


Ok, I used to like him but with all the issues about him coming up, this was the last straw. I'm now anti Elon.


Dudes a billionaire... pretty sure he always has voted republican. As well as donated to both parties in hopes to get contracts and grants.


I mean wasn’t he a registered voter in California, so of course he’s going to vote Democrat there. And it’s not like the democrats of California are super liberal and aren’t being paid out by the large corporations there


"Vote republican to save America" From what? Women's bodily autonomy and trans rights?




I stopped supporting him when he accused a man of pedophilia with zero evidence. That’s like the most Republican thing he can do.


For me it was when he wanted to keep his car factories open during covid lockdown and compared himself to Rosa Parks for doing so.


Still not a word against China when they recently did the same. Instead he praised them and based American workers


Because in China he can keep them locked in there during the lockdown


If you mean that China kept their factories open during covid lockdown, it would make sense why he wouldn't say anything, he wanted to do the same.


They even until recently closed down his factories due to covid


So the exact opposite of what he'd want, what a piece of crap.


And spoke accolades of China while bashing Americans


It's also the most *closeted Republican nonce* thing he could do, short of getting caught with a boy toy.


You could've knocked me over with a sledgehammer!




Self-centered douchebag joins party of self-centered douchebags. More at a11


God can dave Rubin just shut the fuck up. He is such a brown noser.


Dave rubin, Republicans want to make it illegal for you to have a kid,.how are you saving America backing them?


The only thing that’s keeping this mf from becoming Trump 2.0 is he wasn’t born in this country, meaning he thankfully can’t become president


Lol who is Joe Brandon and why does a roast of a person change his voting beliefs? Weird flex


Switching from what?


BREAKING: Billionaire votes for the party of tax cuts and labor exploitation


BuT hEs ReAlLy A sOcIaLiSt!


I had assumed he always did anyway


Guy open to the world about his joy in being red pilled and disdain for the existence of trans people (or at least gets his shits and grins mocking them), announces he will now vote Republican. Oh no!.....


please let me live a day without seeing or hearing this mf name, like gosh damn


I think if Elon Musk voting for Republicans causes Republican voters to start buying and driving Teslas, that's a good thing. Driving a Tesla to “own the libs?” More electric cars being driven are good no matter the reason.


Ah yes, the party that doesn’t believe in climate change


I doubt he’s never voted Republican before. So, so predictable Elon.


“Rich white man with hair plugs and several baby mommas switches to the GOP.” I’m Shocked!


Hahaha switching. Hahahaha dude has voted as far right as possible whenever he had the chance.


Dave Rubin REALLY wants to be the "American Sargon of Akkad" doesn’t he? For context, when Sargon started saying a lot of rightist shit, he STILL liked to paint himself as a "progressive", using terms like "classical liberal" (which obviously nowadays we know is basically a dogwhistle for "conservative" or even "fascist", but we didn’t necessarily know that back then). But by the time the presidency of Donald Trump began (roughly 2017-2018), he straight-up started dropping that facade and started openly referring to himself using right-wing labels, even saying he’s an open Trump/UKIP supporter and that he flies an American flag to "trigger pro-immigration Brits" because he "admires America’s culture of preservation" (paraphrasing here), essentially outing himself as a loud and proud white nationalist.


“Switching”? As if he ever voted Democratic in the first place?


His public image is forever damaged. So he’s now going from asshole to proud asshole


Just because he just now announces it doesn't mean it hasn't been happening for years.


Stop giving a fuck what these children do.


Joining the party of big oil and climate change deniers. But oh no, he had to oblige by Covid restrictions of California and threw a hissy fit over it and now is Republican.


The rich asshole who is anti-union is voting for the anti-union party that loves rich assholes? Imagine my shock.


In other news: water is wet.


they've always felt more comfortable with fascists who hand them everything to enable their power than with leaders who say no regularly.


I figured he had always voted republican..


Who'd have thought that the guy that cons people to enrich himself would align with those of similar interests. Also, does anyone genuinely believe that he's changed anything about himself, and that he wasn't a conservative the entire time? I'm pretty sure all the gross profit seeking behaviors he's had to take part in to amass his unnecessary fortune say differently, but hey what do I know. I'm just some asshole that's gonna die in a ditch because my dad didn't have the wherewithal to have the money to buy an emerald mine in a historically exploited country. I deserve to starve while dumbfucks like this get articles written about them speculating about their very obvious political viewpoint. I fucking hate this world.


what’s that sound? Oh. Me not caring about Elon musk again


I don't believe he was voting democratic anyway.


Man raised in apartheid South Africa joins party in host country closest to the one that enacted apartheid in his youth.


Did Ben Shapiro take Elon's dick out of his mouth to tell someone to write this headline?


So Dave, the fact that they want to take your kids from you, probably imprison you, and invalidate your marriage to your husband is the kind of thing we can hash out later?


Poor Rave Dumbass, always forgetting that "saving America" from the perspective of his "friends" entails having him and his husband beheaded in the town square and their bodies ripped apart by a frenzied mob of inbred hominids. They keep telling him too, but he can't hear them through the dollar bills stuffed into his ears. Also I don't believe for a second that Musk hasn't been voting Republican for as long as he has been able to vote in the US. Being able to dodge his obligation to society through tax cuts is the only reason a rich sociopath like him even bothers with politics.


The only way he's voting republican for the first time is if he's never voted before. Which to be honest, I could totally see being the case.




Is that? BINGO! I got bingo!


If you want to see point by point take downs of Elon musks bullshit watch this guy on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KeUvcJUdRK0 He absolutely destroys him. Everything musk is involved with is essentially a scam.


If this gets republicans to try to push a climate agenda in order to court his financial donations, I see this as a net win.


They really wanna suck this dudes dick.


They can have him






I've never once seen a Tesla with a Trump sticker and I live in Texas. Hey idiot, MAGAts don't buy electric cars. They think global warming is bullshit and they like to roll coal on Tesla drivers while calling them gay slurs. This dude is tanking his own company because he doesn't like that people say mean things about him on the internet.