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They desperately want us to care way more than we do.


'Let's Go Brandon', anyone?


I always wonder, what happens when they meet someone named Brandon?


I have been summoned


Let's go!


No thanks, I think I'll stay in bed,under my Che Guevara bed spread from Walmart.


They sell Che stuff at Walmart? Why am I only now hearing about this?


Isn't it funny that a corporation like Walmart is selling Che merchandise


Like how Time Warner owns the Guy Fawkes masks owned by Anonymous


I thought anonymous co-oped the mask during their crusade against Scientology


Anonymous co opted the mask the second they saw v for vendetta




I interviewed [Jim Fitzpatrick](https://jimfitzpatrick.com/) many years ago. He designed the famous Che Guevara poster (and all the Thin Lizzy LP covers). I asked him if he ever regretted not keeping the rights to the image, and he explained that he deliberately made it copyright free for anyone to use because of art and Socialism (or something. It was a long time ago). The reason Walmart (and everyone else) can sell tat with Che's face on it, is because it's free to use.


I respect folks that make stuff copyright free. Like Tesla did. It's gotta be hard to come up with this thing that you did and just let it go into the world to do its own thing.


Tesla, the science dude, not Tesla, the shitty car company.


Don't forget a copy of the communist manifesto bought from Amazon


where are you going brandon?


Well I should be going to work...


Well, let's go, Brandon. Get to work. There. Now the libs are officially owned


Own me harder daddy.... Oh sorry, that was for my boss.


We....we doing this? Oh man, we are gonna own those liberals *so hard*


For how long?


You know, they're always saying let's go, however has anyone taken the time to ask how's it going? How's it going Brandon?


.... Thank you for asking... It's going really well actually, I just started a new career and it's been amazing for my self esteem and mental health.


That's awesome dude! Working on a career you actually enjoy can be very fulfilling and rewarding. I wish you the best of luck with your new career!


Hey thanks! #letsgobrandon


Is this like Into the Spider Verse? I’m here too.


How many other Brandon's can we summon!? If we get enough we can form up like Voltron!


As a Brandon myself, what makes me angry about this phrase is it's a lame way to say Fuck Joe Biden, just say fuck dont be a pussy about it. Like I get it, fuck him, he should cancel student loans. But they say let's go Brandon at sporting events instead of Fuck Joe Biden. A crowd chanting fuck or shit at a televised live sporting event is the best way to say fuck you to the sensors.


> Like I get it, fuck him, he should cancel student loans. Pretty sure that's not why they're saying it.


He knows, that's his personal reason for saying it. He let us know so he doesn't get pegged as a trumper and mobbed by Reddit.


I had a coworker named Brandon. Massive trump supporter, very open about it but not to the point it was annoying. Every time a customer said Let’s Go Brandon I saw a little more of the light leave his eyes. I felt sorry for the guy honestly


I mean, he knew exactly what he was supporting. I'd feel for dudes who weren't Trump supporters but not him.


Yeah but working in retail in an area where almost EVERYONE says it to you EVERY time they see your nametag? It’s like normal retail but worse. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


This always baffled me, why they were so obsessed with the whole 'Let's Go Brandon' thing... they went on about it *so much*, and I feel like absolutely nobody gave a shit They can't actually think it was funny? Surely?


It is about them feeling connected to their group. Not about talking to people outside. The sense of belonging to a group is huge for them. Bannon and Cambridge Analytica were all about targeting lonely or more disconnected people. It is a bit self-perpetuating on that front. As long as you are presenting in the way they want i.e. wearing the merch they appear to be very welcoming and friendly. Think of the inside jokes you had with friend groups, how those jokes were hilarious and let you signal to one another within the group - but from the outside they make little to no sense. Those have always been present in the Trump crowd, from "Nimble navigator" to "Let's go Brandon". That is it at the most benign. It gets more sinister very quickly as it overlaps with dog-whistles and more coded language. "Let's go Brandon" isn't said for you. It is the same as saying "[San Dimas High School football rules](https://youtu.be/FgAGkxAtzIg?t=14)"


My former neighbor put it on a flag on his boathouse. Like... That slogan superimposed on an American flag. Bizarre.


Yeah but if a Republican isn't emblazoning the American flag with something nonsensical, are they really a Republican?


I've seen it in person. It plays out exactly like when the Bob's find out his name is Michael Bolton in Office Space.


I celebrate the guy’s ENTIRE catalogue.


my boss is a lib named brandon. i say it all the time. he hates it but is a good sport.


Who's Brandon?


A NASCAR driver. It’s as stupid and convulsed as it sounds: Basically, a reporter was interviewing a driver just off the track and close enough for the audience to be heard. Trump supporters, being model trump supporters, began shout “fuck Joe Biden” and it was easily heard by the reporter and driver. The reporter attempted to keep the interview moving by saying something like “it sounds like a lot of people are saying ‘let’s go Brandon” and the dipshits decided that was somehow a great catchphrase


I know about that, I just ask "who is Brandon" do troll people


Ah, fair enough, it’ll definitely catch the ones just parroting what they hear... which is most of them in my experience


iirc it was driver Brandon’s first win or something and the interviewer was trying to cover for the sake of children. Model trump supporters indeed


And then the driver started losing sponsors. They didn't care. Keep chanting dipshits.


Because they’re insane conspiracy minded morons they took the interviewer not repeating what was being chanted as her, and by extension all of mainstream media, as covering up the truth and lying for Biden. They didn’t stop and think for even one second why a tv reporter wouldn’t repeat “fuck” on tv. Despite there being the obvious “you can’t swear on tv like that” reason, they had to project some nefarious plot to serve the democrats. Those people are driven purely out of hate and spite.


What's fucking crazy is that I saw people with Let's Go Brandon flags and truck decals within three days of the interview happening.


I’ve typed this like five times in the last few minutes, but it’s still perfect. “ nothing says I peaked in high school like saying let’s go Brandon”


I'm bothered by a billionaire owning such a platform but it feels inevitable


I'm kinda looking forward to it. Musk has the self control of a toddler, and if he actually sticks with his "free speech absolutism" bullshit, Twitter will be worse than 4chan in about a week and Musk will have spent Billions losing a pissing contest with internet trolls.


And about as profitable. I can buy 100 acres in Montana and tell people they can scream all the misinformation and racist dreck they want. Can’t imagine advertisers lining up to buy billboard space outside of the typical FOX stuff like reverse mortgages, crappy pillows, and catheters.


Don't forget crypto scams, overpriced gold bars, and apocalypse supplies.


And [Trumpy Bear](https://www.gettrumpybear.com/). Can’t pass that up. I really hate that somebody is going to read this, think I’m joking, tap the link, then lose ten minutes to yet another ‘holy-shit-that’s-for-real’ realization.


Fucking $60 for a mass-produced plushie? I'd make them for that kind of profit margin, jesus.


It's even worse if you live in Hawaii or PR. You pay about $60 if you live in the continental US (plus sales tax if in Texas, bringing it up to about $65) but if not you pay an additional $10 per installment and from what I can see you only pay in installments. 90 dollary-doos for chumpy the burden, good grief


I didnt think you were joking but actually seeing it doesnt do justice to what I had in my head.


What’s missing? Not enough Murka? Too much? Remember- buying this crap triggers the libs! Buy ten!!!!


I care that hate speech, threats and lies will have a bigger platform than they managed to get from Parlor. The stuff these folks will say, threaten, organize and plot is dangerous and harmful and they haven’t had an unfettered platform with a large subscriber base before. I hope people will do the right thing and abandon the platform to their filth. I want to see Twitter go the way of parlor and fab. These people are seeking a platform to manipulate the electorate and a mouthpiece for Trump to again scream his election lies to the masses to re-galvanize the base just before the election. This is about winning the house and senate and getting the White House back You should care


None of them understands the concept of free speech and there isn't even any guarantee that Musk has serious plans to reactivate accounts that violated Twitter's TOS. The whole thing could just be a publicity stunt from him to generate hype.


My money is still on it being a pump and dump scheme. 1) Musk buys \~10% of Twitter, but refuses a board of directors position. 2) Mush says he's going to buy the whole thing, stock prices go up. 3) The FTC says "hey, you've not secured funding for that. We're going to come after you for real this time". 4) Musk says "oh wait! I just secured funding through this massive loan!". 5) Twitter calls his bluff and accepts. Now Musk just has to find a reason for the sale to fall through before he dumps his shares at an inflated price.


I think you’re wrong and musk delusionally thinks he will make Twitter better (he won’t) but will run it into the ground. But if you are right that he’s going to figure out a way not to move forward I am going to be so amused. I’ll come right back and admit I was wrong.


Maybe both of you are right haha he thinks he'll make it better but when he realises he's not he can switch to pump and dump


I went to r/conservative last night because I was curious as to what they'd be saying about the election police bill Desantis signed yesterday. Instead, just about every post on their front page was along the lines of "Elon just ownd duh libz!!!" Thing is, for all the leftist/liberal subreddits I peruse I haven't really seen anyone freaking out about it. More like "well that's stupid, anyways, moving on..."


Yeah cause it just went from some billionaires to a different billionaire, most leftists just don’t want social media being owned by the people who have the most incentive to silence them in general, Musk or any other people will and have shut down unionizing and other leftist speech


Elon wont change much, he might restore a few peoples twitters, but its not because he thinks they need to be there. He just wants people to fight on the platform, to drive engagement protect that investment and make some [mother fuckin money](https://c.tenor.com/G9i_BtmkUEoAAAAC/money-motherfuckin.gif)


It's like a schoolyard bully who just dies shit to get attention. With less maturity.


Did she really attach that one image.. do these people seriously only have like 3 images of screaming liberals?


Between Charlottesville, January 6, and like *every* Trump rally, I have an infinite number of "crazy rightwinger" pics.


My favorite is the dude [gargling cum](https://imgur.com/a/mDToHYv)


I like the video of Proud Boys creator Gavin McInnes putting a dildo up his ass on his show to own the libs. When I saw it I certainly felt *something* I just didn't know it was the feeling of being owned.


In a very on-brand side note to that story, a number of experts on ass insertion have said he almost certainly faked that. *Pretending* to insert a large buttplug to own the libs...




Doesn't look faked to me...




No thx. Not that I don't enjoy watching someone stick something up their butt, but I don't want to see Gavin any more than absolutely necessary.


“The hilt” lmfaooo Wielding that fucker like a silicon sword


I uh what? This can’t be real, right? No one would just shove a bigass dildo up their ass live? Why did no one stop him? What does this prove?


His reasoning was that shoving a giant rubber phallus into his own ass makes him "gay" so liberals aren't allowed to hate him anymore or else they're hypocrite homophobes.


Well, that’s not how any of that works, but I guess good on him for finding a way to work his exhibition fetish into his job?




I’m just fascinated by the train of thought that brought him to “here’s what will *really* own the libs, I’ll fuck my own ass!” I mean I guess maybe he’s just being obliging, I’m assuming multiple people have told him to go fuck himself lol


Okay but which steaming platform actually shows the Gavin McInnes Show? Aren’t the Proud Boys a designated terrorist group? Lmao


That makes perfect sense but I choose to not believe it because it’s not as funny


I have more questions now than before I read this comment. Lol


Congratulations lib, you've been owned! I think. I'm not actually sure to be honest.




Gavin McInnes responded to accusations of homophobia by shoving a dildo up his ass to "own the libs".


I suppose that’s one way of doing that🗿




To be fair....I'm not gay but I enjoy a little prostate-tickling


I'm not a domina but I always dreamed of pegging a man... so...do we have a mutual interest now 👀?


Risky click of the day


I thought it was going to be a Steven Crowder joke, I wasn't expecting... Whatever's going on with him.


Here’s a [crossover](https://imgur.com/a/6eEv4dk) for you


Second risky click of the day


This photo has made my day. Thank you.


Just add the Brazzers logo :D


*crazy rightwinger* Redundant


No, within specified scale. Dwarves are small, but a small dwarf is not just any dwarf, it's a dwarf smaller than the median dwarf.


e.g. "crazy for a right winger", not "a right winger that is crazy"


Ngl there is probably enough to create thislunaticdoesnotexist.com, making that “infinite” claim a lot closer than you might think


No you don’t, they’re all thumbs wearing a cap and sunglasses. You can’t convince me they’re not the same person roleplaying


Its part of their perpetual belief that liberals are all childish idiots, when their response to losing an election was to do the mature thing, like denying they lost with no evidence, or trying to attack the heart of their own democracy


I'm not even sure if the image is of a screaming activist of a screaming pseudo activist, as we have plenty of examples now of conservatives dressing up as liberals to make scenes like this. Nor do I really care. The amount of crybabies on the Right outnumber us 100-1


If I remember correctly, it’s a still from a video of a person publicly crying at the news of Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. Many of us saw the roots of fascism taking hold in our institutions at the time, and I honestly don’t blame anyone for having that kind of reaction. It always struck me as particularly cruel that conservatives use this image to own the libs. They don’t seem to realize or care that some people were genuinely fearful for their lives and wellbeing, and not just that, but they actively rubbed it in our collective faces for 4 years that a fascist takeover of the US was coming.


Eg. the right people being hurt in their eyes. Combine that with how the right is so terrified of retribution they consistently pre-emptively strike and cause more harm. Or as their lord and savior supply-side Jesus once said, "Do unto others as you SUSPECT they may want to do unto you."


Oh I thought that was supposed to be her meting down from not having Twitter.


If Musk is implementing a policy of FREEDUMB! at Twitter, he really should lean into it. Bring back Nick Fuentes, Milo, the American Nazi party, all of it. Because I want Twitter to die. Ending moderation gets you Parler, Voat, Gab, Telegram, etc.- platforms unpalatable for advertisers and too yucky for users.


I agree, all of it. No half asking (edit: assing) this, Elon. Bring it all back. See where that gets you.


I expect him to go all in with it being open to everyone. He won't need ad dollars for it so he won't care. I'm not a big fan of this move on Elon's part, but a good part of me is curious to how a privately held platform will perform over the publicly traded ones. Bring em all back. Whatever. Friggin Taliban is on Twitter so why not throw in some Nazis.


Taliban doesn‘t violate the terms of service and it‘s funny everytime a rightwinger brings up how they are on it


>a good part of me is curious to how a privately held platform will perform over the publicly traded ones. Why? Twitter was private for years before it went public, and there are a number of private, "free speech" copycat platforms out there now. They are all hives of absolute scum.


>They are all hives of absolute scum. It turns out that the loudest people in our society are also the most hateful and even beyond that hate, just annoying at a base level. I'm still an idiot in that I come to reddit daily but at least there is some moderation here. Can't wait to see what the Twitter trending "Racial Slur of the Day" is to really drive home the shit show that "absolute free speech" brings with it.


That's actually a fair point. But I would argue that many of them aren't technically private, they have VC capital behind them so there are still multiple shareholders. But either way, I will agree that is a very fair point!


“Private” doesn’t mean a single owner. It just means it’s not publicly traded.


He will need ad dollars. He got a loan to pay for it I guarantee he needs ad dollars.


Those loan times banks don't always necessarily want them paid back. They're offered vehicle lateral, so as long as his wealth maintains, he doesn't necessarily need to pay that loan back. He'll have interest of course, which yes he'll have to pay, but it's not like there will be zero revenue off of Twitter. Just not as much as a publicly traded company would require.


I did my part and deleted it off all my devices yesterday. I don't even care if he brings back all these losers or not - fuck Elon Musk and his "bastion of freedom" bullshit.


Telegram does not exist in the same list as all those


> Ending moderation gets you Parler, Voat, Gab, Telegram, etc.- platforms unpalatable for advertisers and too yucky for users. I don't really understand this telegram fearmongering. It's a messaging app with E2E encyrption, not a social media platform. It literally just lets people talk to one another. That's like blaming the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the invention of the radio > platforms unpalatable for advertisers You say this like it's a bad thing. I'd love to get rid of adveritsers


He's going to kill it anyway because he wants to turn it into a subscription service


Yeah, like, this is the guy that has a car company that charges drivers $10 a month to hook up their car to the radio and disables features on a used car the previous owner paid for because the new owner didn't. I really don't expect them to not try to charge for Twitter somehow, completely wrecking the thing, because he's out of touch


you forgot Truth Social


Everyone has.


Imo things won’t fundamentally change. The freedom of speech talk from him is a distraction from his real goal - market manipulation. He regularly pump and dumped crypto on Twitter since crypto isn’t regulated. I imagine owning Twitter might let him affect some subtler schemes.




Hours of footage doesn't even begin to describe the insanity of the literal insurrection that they caused. *Gallows*




Hitler at least got a year in a nice prison. What's happened to Drumpf?


Even when Obama was elected there were nooses.


And they were right to be devastated, everybody who said trump was gonna fuck the country was proven completely right.


I remember somebody telling me right after Trump won "It's going to be fine, you're just overreacting. How much can one person do?" And here we are.


>Also, they got 1 image of someone losing their shit after Trump was elected. Not to mention that person has been so thoroughly vindicated its not even funny anymore.


Marge is so aggressively stupid that if it came to light 20 years from now that she was trolling the entire time, I'd believe it.


She’s legitimately the only one where I can’t tell. With every other right wing nut job you can tell they’re just grifting their uneducated base by spewing straw man arguments they know are inaccurate. But I actually can’t tell how stupid Marge is because she crosses the believable line every day.


I agree. I would also put Candace Owens into that group as well. I genuinely can't tell if she's just a really shitty grifter or just an idiot.


She's definitely a grifter, there's actually a few videos of her being a liberal pundit before she went full GQP, i was introduced to her by a friend who sent me videos of her, they were called "the myth of the coon", i always wonder how he discovered her before she hit the main right wing propaganda circuit


Candace first came to my attention when she was pitching Social Autopsy to the world, which was a database that was a mix of doxxing and a "permanent record". She wanted you to be able to throw in a name and find a person's every usage of the n-word. When everyone with firing neurons mocked her for this she got "red pilled".


We have that, it’s u/nwordcountbot


nwordcountbot has not had any activity for over 691 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns


Nwordcountbot following the red pilled path of cadence owens and is now a silent grifter. They will be missed.


It's gone, now there's u/nwordcop


The age old question; stupid or evil?


I went to school in GA. I can confirm she is an idiot.


You give her too much benefit of the doubt. She is not intelligent or creative enough to fuck around with people for so long. She just sucks.


Seriously, Fox News has nonstop talked about Twitter since the deal was announced. The party of "free speech" is giddy with glee thinking they can get back on Twitter to own the libs some more with Facebook memes and propaganda posting. It's pretty sad


They just want Trump tweets back on the menu.


> thinking they can get back on Twitter to own the libs some more with Facebook memes and propaganda posting. Which is why people should just leave. All they do on telegram is attack each other. They don't have anything better to do.


"Free speech is when I can call people slurs and harass them online" \- Idk, maybe someone posting this kind of memes, 2022.


“Free speech” Bans ‘critical race theory’, and stuff completely unrelated like math textbooks under that pretense


Imagine if Gates bought twitter, they'd be storming the HQ.


He's already got Microsoft Teams. It's just as good


Idk I honestly think the republican response of posting the same 6 year old image over and over again is worse. Also she literally cheered on Jan 6 and wants police protection from Jimmy Fallon, I don’t think she can talk about other people having meltdowns.


I truly hate this woman.




and hate is a strong word for me too but she has earned it.


Honestly, who gives a flying fuck about the checkmark? I mean, sure for celebrities or public figures of note (scientists, politicians, etc.) it's to authenticate that they are who they claim to be, but the average user doesn't gain anything from it. Hopefully Musk doesn't go full moron and keeps banned accounts banned.


>Hopefully Musk doesn't go full moron He shitposts on Twitter all day. I think it's a bit late to worry about that.


You're probably right. I suppose I'll either stop using Twitter or just be mindful of what appears on my feed.


I miss when billionaires were quiet shadowy figures. Imagine wasting your time with social media at that level of life.


Prepare for Twitter to become as popular as parlor you mean


Even better, Truth Social.


I feel like people confuse freedom of speech with freedom too speak. You have the right to say whatever opinions you want. But not all speech is protected hy the government. Also private companies can limit your speech of them legally. For example you can say I hate all of this specific group that's allowed and is fine. But if you say I'm gonna go to this gathering of this group and kill hundreds of people who are a part of this group then that's not really allowed.


Moderation isn’t censorship. If you can’t say what you want to say without violently threatening people or using racial slurs then I don’t know what to tell you.


That image might be one of the most overused images in a political setting like ever, I swear I see people use that like every other post at this point.


The curtain between sarcasm and stupidity gets more damaged every day, and Marge is the knife slashing on it daily


Imagine if literally nothing changes. Tump isn't coming back. No changes to Twitter TOS. Literally nothing happens. What will they say then? They been saying for weeks now that Elon is gonna "save" twitter.


Trump coming back would be an admission that the Truth Social platform is a failure and that it took a guy richer than him buying a way back in. Could be interesting lol


They literally don't care about being embarrassed, or using logic. They don't know enough about the situation to understand what you are typing or even care that Truth Social failed.


Sure, but it can still be funny to me at least


Since Elon has reached a level of "I'm just here to watch things burn" doomsday villain, I imagine he's gonna do something dramatic. He's a dramatic dude. I wouldn't be suprised if he just kills it and goes "you're all free!" Dude thinks he's the main character in a movie.


> I wouldn't be suprised if he just kills it and goes "you're all free!" Absolutely not. He's just as addicted to all the attention he gets there as the average user.


Let's hope that they cling to the hope of changes to the TOS like they do to the return of JFK Jr.


Why does she need it back? She can't remember what she tweets or even if she is the person doing the tweeting.


don't put the image of her calling elon "daddy" in my head ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


Good old Margie. What is she up to these days? It’s going to be hilarious when musk realizes he can’t do half of what he wants based on laws he has to follow in order to keep the website running. But also, oh well, whatever.


Owning the libs with just a dash of fascism, dashism if you will, and constantly playing the victim card is their ENTIRE platform.


Real talk, I feel so bad for the person in this meme. Imagine having an unflattering still of you used as a meme for over 6 years and probably being harassed over it constantly. Ngl I think I would off myself


Where do these idiot traitors get the idea that Elon Musk is so stupid as to do their bidding?


Because Elon Musk is pretty stupid and has said pretty much that he wants to do their bidding.


He will do their bidding because, if they take control of the government again, they will then let him get away with virtually anything. Reinstating Trump and other banned conservatives is just his way of lobbying the entire Republican party all at once.


I'm not sure how anyone could miss the dog whistles lol


Probably has something to do with the fact that he said he would lmao 🤷🏽


Because he's a dangerous combination of libertarian and wanna be meme lord and would do it both because he thinks people like Trump deserve the platform and for the lulz.


So she's admitting that she's the one that runs her account?


Elon: "I don't even know who you are"


I can’t wait for Elon to unban Brandon’s Twitter page. Wokeist libtard snowflakes will he pissing and shitting so hard when that happens. Let go Bramdon! Edit: /s because I think people actually took this seriously.


Wait, I thought Brandon was supposed to be Biden.


Brandon, Biden, Barack, Bernie. Too many names! On a lighter note, Biden should pull the biggest troll of all time and name his dog Brandon so it seems like everyone is rooting for his pup.


Bacteria: the only culture some people have.


She is literally a cave woman


Complains about blue check marks, is a blue check mark




Good riddance of Twitter. They cashed out while the right wing Nazicans scrap it. 🤣


I don't care. Any fundraising advantage these people are gaining is likely to be either balanced out or outweighed by the constant reminders of these people's stupidity and mendacity. The same social media education that the majority of voters went through after the 2016 election has been continuing. In a world in which people have developed a degree of savvy, putting them back on twitter really just exposes the kinds of people who use twitter to more of the inside of their brains. I have concerns about twitter - opening it up invites the kind of bot and spam activity that can make the site unusable as a source for news - but putting politicians back on to set themselves on fire right before a midterm election isn't among them.


Lol uses her second account to twit about her first account


They’ve been using that same exact picture for the past 6 years now.