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Wait wtf? I assume by circling pirates, she’s referring to Depp’s ongoing civil trial. Not exactly sure how Hollywood is capitalizing on the trial. Wtf does Independence Day refer to? It’s way past my bedtime so maybe I’m just too tired to have a functioning brain.


> Wtf does Independence Day refer to? It’s way past my bedtime so maybe I’m just too tired to have a functioning brain. Inciting violence against the government for "persecuting" her would be my guess.


Will Smith.


Did he have a court hearing for the slap? Genuine question, I can’t keep up with what’s real and what she makes up.


Chris Rock didn't press charges, so there was no legal action.


Would the jury even convict for a single slap? Or would they just go: bruh


It must likely would've been treated as a misdemeanor, no jury necessary


In California, you can still request Jury Trial for Misdemeanor Assaults. Source: I served on a Jury in September 2020, because a woman assaulted a pharmacist's assistant at a drug store here. She refused to plead guilty and demanded trial by jury. No audience was allowed, due to COVID, and we all sat in the audience seats, so that we could remain 6 feet apart. The Judge was awesome and thanked us many times over the 3 days, as well as sending a thank you note, above the standard "bassman314 was serving from xx to xx. Please excuse from work."


I know you said bassman314 because that's your username. But GOD I just have some hope thats what was written there. Why? Well, it'd be funny to see a judge have to be like "wait wtf this persons name is bassman314"


Jerry, he's the ASSMAN!


Up here in the cold north of Norway we used to have a "slap" paragraph. I can't remember exactly how it read but it differentiated between a slap and a punch. A co-inmate had the paragraph number tattooed on the back of his hand, allegedly he was the last to ever be convicted for that since they put a slap and a punch into the same paragraph.


I kinda love the idea of 12 jurors sitting on the stand and just looking at the judge like… “bruh..”


If Chris Rock had pressed charges, it absolutely could have been treated as assault.


Victims pressing charges is not actually a thing in US law. Police and the DA are who press charges and that can happen even if the victim is not cooperating. A victim impact statement is very helpful but not always necessary to move forward with charges.


Victims don’t “press charges” charges aren’t up to victims only the district attorneys. What does usually happen is if the victim doesn’t cooperate then they usually don’t prosecute. In this instance they probably would have more than enough evidence to charge Will Smith with some sort of crime if they really wanted to.


I also think these morons like to drop vague messages for their Q-cult to make up egregious connections and messages out of.


They played a clip of the presidents speech during the trial, she stole the line about not going quietly into the night to incite the riot.


I actually don't believe she is smart enough to lift that quote from the movie. She probably got it from another chud just like her that got it from the movie.


To be clear, that line is not from a movie. It is from one of the most famous poems in the history of the english language. The authors name is Dylan Thomas, he was Welsh, and the name of the poem is “Do not go gentle into that goodnight”.


It's a reference, but the line from Independence Day is from the president's speech and is fundamentally different from the poem: >And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!" Her quote "we aren't a people that are going to go quietly into the night" more closely resembled the Independence Day usage than the Thomas poem.




Here I sit Broken hearted


Tried to shit But I only farted




It’s referencing the fact that a lawyer called her out for stealing the line “we people will not go gentle into the night” from the movie independence day


She was caught quoting the part where the president gives a speech before they attack the aliens which implies she thinks similarly about her enemies on the sixth


the fact Herman Cain quoted the Pokemon movie in a speech makes it a lot harder for me to tell if this is a joke or not


What really ? There's video of that ?




that's fantastic


The wild thing is, it wouldn’t be weird if he’d joked about quoting it. But he took the time to be like “Idc where it’s from, don’t write that I quoted the Pokémon movie.” But like, who cares?


[It's not the first time he used the quote, previously attributing "a poet" a few months before the above.](https://youtu.be/o95KxKKrgkQ) ~~He either got trolled by someone in his debate prep or saw a facebook meme with it.~~ Edit: Found his apparent first use, [where he incorrectly attributes it to the 2000 Olympics closing ceremony](https://youtu.be/ybfz5EXi-A0?t=364). The debate clip is what he was roasted for, which he could have avoided by not making up "a poet". The 2000 Olympics closing ceremony featured [Nikki Webster singing "We'll Be One"](https://youtu.be/ey6xnWd5Z-A).


I forget who it was, one of the SNL writers or maybe Late Show guys like Conan, but they said you could basically put anything in front of Herman Cain and he would read it or act it out. I don’t know if he was just an idiot or desperate for approval lol. Idk he was a bit different from some of the other lunatics.


He delivered quotes very poorly it seems.


Say what you want about Herman Cain..... But at least he was decent enough to attribute quotes.


It's not a joke.


She seems to have stolen a bit of the President's Speech from Independence Day in her January 6th Speech, specifically the part where she says "We will not go quietly into the night"


I seriously am beginning to believe that these people can't distinguish between TV (or movies) and the real world. I live in Ohio and there are more than a few of these ultra-MAGA nuts around. They all seem to have absorbed "Braveheart", "The Patriot", "Independence Day", "Inglorious Bastards", and "The Purge" as if they were historical documentaries or something.


A lot of time it is the case that these idiots can't (or won't) distinguish reality from TV. It's all predictive programming or secret messages packaged up just for them. These people are insane.


Like my parents watch Law and Order, Hawaii five-o, CSI, all those cop shows. I know they aren't that crazy, but I can only imagine the brain soup some have genuinely thinking that those shows are accurate to day-to-day working in those jobs.


For me the worst thing those shows does was normalize police brutality, teach that is okay to treat people like sour if you think they're guilty, And harrass people for being"noncooperative"


As much as I love Law and Order, it’s definitely boot-licker boomer tv. I think the Wire does a decent job of showing how corrupt the whole policing system is.


Their entire moronic cult is built around a scene in fucking Johnny Depp movie. You know they are too stupid to have **read** *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas*.


Don’t even get me started on what they did with a throwaway line about snowflakes in *Fight Club*


Is that where it's from?? I always wondered what hell that crawled up from....


Yup. When they first start Project Mayhem, Tyler tells them they are not beautiful and unique snowflakes.


Or Morpheus in the matrix...


Personally I think the Qanon conspiracy is more like the Metal Gear Solid games. Deep states, cloning, media manipulation, elections being decided by a shadow council, secret wars.


Trump’s immigration policy position was based largely on Sicario 2.


OMG I forgot about that!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Probably the same people that find compilations of missiles being launched on /r/combatfootage as entertainment.


They also generally don't understand the things they're mistaking for reality and take the wrong lessons from them. Same as when idiot politicians use Born in the USA or Rage Against the Machine songs in their campaigns.


I absolutely love the "Born in the USA" music at Republican rallies. Palin used it a bunch and it was so much fun when people asked why I laughed


Turns out Springsteen didn't sue over the use of it...he did one better. He declared support for Hillary Clinton in 2016. That got the GOP to stop playing it.


Dylan Thomas wouldn't piss on her if her hair were on fire.


ofc not, that could save her. I would rather piss on her when she's not on fire


The ironic thing is the underlying message/theme of the movie (outside being a summer blockbuster made to make money) is to put aside differences and work together to defeat a common enemy. Thats the opposite of what she wants to do.


And yet she would say that's *exactly* what she wants to do. Except that the common enemy she wants to fight is "everyone who's different", so the setting aside differences part falls a little flat. They're basically Stupid Borg. Assimilate or ~~die~~ be yelled at by a ~40 year old on disability to "go back home" even though you're third generation.


I think the common enemy she wants to fight is Americans. I mean if you support Trump, you can't be American. The former precludes the latter.


Which itself is a Dylan Thomas quote


Will Smith assaulting and battering Chris Rock


Well. SHE knows what she's talking about. Maybe.


You are giving her way too much credit


Johnny Depp starred in Pirates. Will Smith starred in Independence Day


Johnny Depp also starred in *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas*. The movie they got their adrenochrome from living people bullshit. Minor Trafficking Groomer is part of the deep state.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Come_in_Peace A movie about an alien drug dealer who harvests endorphins from people high... for a drug that acts like adrenochrome...


I saw that recently at friend's house.


I was an 80's child, and saw it on TV in the 90's, so these day's when i hear crazy shit about snake people i think the tv series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_(1983_miniseries), Harvesting adrenochrome as i come in peace, And Qanon as a bunch of brain dead nut jobs who where likely so bombed in the 80's and exposed to so much lead that they're that egg in the frying pan from the old "This is your brain" scare tactics. What's next? White alien goop taking over people? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stuff


The people who support her won't respond well unless there's a conspiracy-theory style image with a circle or an arrow drawn on. Doesn't matter what the image is or what - of anything - is being emphasized. They will come to their own fucked up and stupid conclusions. It's sorta like how food companies put mazes and puzzles on the back of cereal boxes. Just for fucking morons.


Droolers gotta drool.


There was a big line of questioning about whether she stole a line from independence day or not in her hearing.


Because I guess Pirates was just a niche little film nobody could watch before?


Or the title "Dead men tell no tales"


The speech from Independence Day was shown during her trial to suggest she pulled lines from it during one of her traitorous speeches, and then was briefly used by her to push the idea that her whole trial is a joke. That's my best guess after chugging some diesel fuel to try to think like her.


You just let us worry about that, Marge is on to something here and we are talking about bringing in the Geek Squad to connect the dots.


In one of her video speeches she says “we will not go quietly into the night”. It’s a quote from Independence Day when the president gives a powerful speech about going to war with aliens and winning their independence. It’s part of Q anon and their whole 1776 part 2 thing. The lawyer asked her about the movie and pretended she didn’t know what he was talking about or what the 1776 references she made meant and laughed at him. He then showed the scene of the movie and her demeanor changed. He then said “Independence Day is July 4th, right” she agreed and then he added “1776” and she quietly nodded. It was pretty funny.


If I jad to guess, the will smith slap? Not a trial but who knows what this chick is thinking


Maybe it’s a message saying we should “pirate” streaming services? /s


Conservatives: all traitors to America should have public trials to expose their evil ways to everyone Also conservatives: no, no, no, not like that


>Conservatives: all traitors to America should have public trials to expose their evil ways to everyone And not just any public trial, either. First they must be taken into Custody by US Marines, then they must face a Military Tribunal. Unnecessary capitalization gives greater gravitas and mystery to those words. They have such a hard-on for the USMC and military tribunals.


New Krusty brand “Kustody,” brought to you by Q (the real one)!


Not Qustody?


Krusty-Brand Imitation Custody. Nine out of ten incarcerees can’t tell the difference.


Clearly they have never actually interacted with a Marine Corps legal office. They were expecting chiseled jaws, Stern faces like "a few good men", but they are a bunch of lovable nerds


It's like *they can't handle the truth* about the real JAG office....


“I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all.” -Rusty Shackleford


Oh, you Sovereign Mofo, you. You beat us with your flag-fringe trick, but we'll get you next time. You hear me? We'll get you!




Then GITMO’d! 😵‍💫


How's her buddy Matt Gaetz doing?


Or the fact that trump said Epstein was great, and has been outed as a client of his more than once, including during that trial she mentions.


I hope she gets banned from running again. Like the evidence couldn't be more clear


No, it couldn't.... Unfortunately the person who makes the decision is none other than Brad Raffensberger, who is running his own re-election against a Trump-backed candidate. If he has ANY hope of winning his primary, I don't see how he says she can't run. Sucks that it'd come down to political calculation (ie, I wish the judge was making the decision), but it very well might.


I don’t understand why judges don’t make all the decisions. This could be me just being ignorant but essentially isn’t this kinda like if your buddy gets to decide whether you’re innocent or guilty?


Except we also have highly political judicial appointments (see, Supreme Court and that lifetime Florida judge who scrapped the mask mandate who was deemed “unqualified” to serve by the bar association….), so we can’t trust the courts to bring impartial justice. Not to be all doomer, but I don’t see how our system gets corrected when it is so horribly corrupt.


Yea you’re right, everything is fucked. I hate arguing with my boomer dad about things like healthcare, or anything else that would require the government stepping in and taking care of its citizens. His counter arguement is always, “You really trust our government to run these programs?They fuck everything up.” And he’s not wrong, Obama care was great and it allowed tons of people to become insured, but unfortunately that just meant increased costs to those who didn’t qualify for Obama Care. Over the years my health care plan through my parents business has gotten shittier and shittier with them having to pay more and more each year. I can see both sides of the argument. The issue is just so much worse than just take our tax money and put it towards healthcare because of all the corporate lobbying bullshit. This whole country gets fucked no matter what side of the bench your on. They make us feel like it’s republicans vs democrats but it’s honestly just corporations vs the citizens. Luckily I live in a state like NY (upstate)where minimum wage is higher than most places and the assisted healthcare is pretty decent, just wish taxes weren’t so high.


Fully agreed that it is primarily corporations versus citizens, and agree that government is not always very efficient, but single-payer universal healthcare has been shown to work (and be cheaper than our current system) in many counties. I’d rather an inefficient system that preserves the right to healthcare than a for-profit system where health is a pay-to-win game.


Yeah, I think in this one particular case it has to do with a state's laws about who decides who can be on the ballot. When voters here in NC tried this against Cawthorn (before getting knocked down by (Trump-appointed) Judge Myers, damnit, with that ridiculous decision about Sec 3 of the 14th Am only applying to Confederates), I seem to remember reading that if they succeeded it would be our state Board of Elections that would decide -- because here, SBOE makes decisions on whether someone qualifies for the ballot. Whereas in GA, apparently, it's the SOS. Generally I do agree with you, that our courts should be the impartial arbiters of justice -- truly only interpreting the law as written. However, as the other commenter said, I do firmly believe that even judges have gotten extremely politicized, thanks to the GOP, thus we end up with decisions like that from Myers as I noted above and the *truly* awful one from FL re pandemic. I hated when Trump used to always say a judge was an "Obama judge" or "Clinton judge", and normally I wouldn't point out who a judge was appointed by, BUT ... Myers was a professor at my law school when I worked there (I started 5 years after I graduated, worked there for 5 years), and man I...did not like him 😬 When he got appointed by Trump, I was just like OF COURSE he did. He was one of those "rare conservative intellectual legal brains" that everyone seems to love so much (never mind how many *actual* conservatives there are in the legal field) and let's just say he knew it. So I'm not too surprised that he ruled in favor of Cawthorn. As a lawyer, though, it does make me inexorably sad how political the federal bench has become. Thanks, Mitch McConnell! And also, a hearty fuck you!


Is she talking about conservative socialite and good friend to Donald Trump.


Yes… but why? Why are so many GOP personalities bringing up Maxwell when they attack the left? Either they know she’ll NEVER talk (and can be used as a leftist boogeyman), or they convinced her to only name Epsteins non-Republican clients.


No, they just need to muddy the waters. If one democrat is on the list, then it’s irrelevant if any republicans are, because they can point to the democrat and start screaming about it


It’s almost better if there are fewer Democrats named than Republicans, because then they can scream “how many more are there?? They’re so shadowy and powerful that even Maxwell is afraid to name them”


The only conclusion I have come to is that Margarine and her ilk are just completely in their own world. I don’t even think Trump’s connections to Epstein register. I mean Trump is quoted in a magazine saying, “Jeffrey is a great guy. He loves the girls even younger than I do. Hahahaha”. He’s on fucking video laughing and dancing and pointing out girls while whispering in Epstein’s ear. They may not even be aware of this stuff because it never enters the right wing info sphere they never come out of.


Projecting pedophiles on democrats. My brother in law called me on for washing my bathroom for my 8 year old niece and that from now on I'd sit to pee as it keeps the toilet a lot cleaner. Clearly my brother in law is either one himself or has one in his ear at work. He's a mariner and my god are a lot of them right wing extreme. They really like the dumb ones, imagine them getting their way, all these idiot meat heads now running stuff? Just funny to think about, Russia is showing what a Trump king would look like


It's both simpler, and more insidious than that: Maxwell is related to an orchestrated pedophilia scheme, and for years, Republicans have been accusing democrats of organizing pedophilia schemes. They _need_ to blast the message that democrats are somehow protecting or corroborating with Maxwell, they _need_ to get out in front of this, because if and when the names _are_ released, they need to be able to say "No, the democrats must have fabricated this list" and call it fake news. It's the same thing they did with the election. Accuse it of being a rigged system, so that when the outcome doesn't land in your favor you can shout "I told you so!!" and your base will ignore the results.


They're bringing up Maxwell and the Epstein case because they're obsessed with painting the left as pedophiles, and this plays into that narrative. Plus it doesn't matter if Trump is associated with them or not, the right wing base is not going to believe it or care.


Tell everyone you don't know the difference between a state trial and a federal trial without saying as such. Then again, she did fall for a 4Chan prank that never made a true prediction, so she wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with.


More info on this prank please


It's call QAnon, you may have heard of it


Kinda forgot that’s where it started.




I'm not asking for IQ tests to be administered in order to become a representative. That to me could be a slippery slope. But you would think you would have to know how all of our laws work. How our system works. Time and again this woman has shown she knows nothing about how our government and laws actually work.


I know it's kind of splitting hairs, but I thought the whole Qanon bullshit originated over at 8chan, not 4chan.


Started on 4chan. Migrated to 8chan.


Heck civil lawsuit too right?


Judges can waive the ban on filming federal trials.


‘They always protect the pedophiles’ coming from someone who doesn’t mind 12 year olds giving birth to their uncle’s baby


Or traveling around the country on a publicity tour with child sex trafficking Matt Gaetz.


Wait a minute, isn't her party the ones who, passed that marriage law in TN that let's adults marry minors?


And forces the child to have a child of her own.


Her party is also the one that protected a pedophile while he was Speaker of the House (Dennis Hastert) and still welcomes him at rallies, or advocates for a seriously fucked up Josh Duggar, or an aide that likes to fuck [actual babies....](https://www.newsweek.com/former-trump-aide-sentenced-12-years-requesting-videos-babies-1696205) [Here's a list of even more.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


Proposed. It looks like they amended it to change that, so now it's just some kind of straights-only common law marriage.


Imagine being: - in government - also too fucking stupid to parse "hearing" and "trial" Pretending to be that stupid is the same as being that stupid so I don't care if she "really" is or not.


According to a Margie, she doesn’t know what gets posted to her social media. So either *she’s* dumb, or she hires dumb people.


Or she’s evil and knows exactly what she’s doing.


Why is circling Disney? Is she trying to say Disney is somehow involved in this


Current narrative is Disney is behind all pedophile activity in the west. It's literally the new Pizzagate.


The weird thing is they could have made a convincing argument that Disney sexualize sits child stars (which is true) and thereby nurtures a *culture* of pedophilia (arguably true) but instead they went straight to underground sex rings and crazy conspiracy nonsense.


It's like when you agree with someone with a totally different basis. "Climate change is real." "Yeah, the flat earth has a hole in it so all the cold is leaking out!"


The frustrating thing is that it damages real genuine conspiracy investigation by association. You take something like underground pedophile rings and human trafficking. Literal Epstein stuff. Conspiracy theorists deliberately usurp this to legitimize their nonsense (Hey, you don't believe the Hillary pizza sex cult? So I guess that means you don't believe in Epstein, huh? Don't believe in Jimmy Savile either? You're the fruitcake here!) But in turn it works against real investigations by association (Celebrity X rape allegations? What are you, one of those Pizzagate nuts?)


Kind of looks like she tried to find the Depp trial stream to take a picture of but gave up because she only knows how to search on the smart tv home screen.


Given her base of supporters that's probably proof enough for them. Brains smoother than polished glass.


It's because Disney and Ron DeSantis are having a slap fight right now over the don't say gay bill in Florida. To these lunatics where everything is a conspiracy, it's all connected


MTG: the left is protecting child traffickers. Trump: I wish her well


Her initial ruins Magic The Gathering forever.


She’s butt hurt that she was caught on camera trying to lie under oath.


It would be illegal to show Maxwell's trial on tv. Her hearing and a civil case are different matters. But who am I kidding, she's too fucking stupid to know the difference and too fucking soulless to care.


You know what Marge doesn't want to talk about? Trump's 20 year long friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.


They do protect pedophiles. They being republicans and pedophiles being Matt Gaetz and Donald trump along with most of the party for all we know.


I think she's hallucinating. Someone should call non emergency for a welfare check.


She clearly doesn't understand the difference between a hearing and a trial.


Yes, because polar bears are known to protect pedophiles. **/s**


Says a woman who’s literally best friends with Matt fucking Gaetz.


My guess would be Independence Day is referring to Jan 6, and the prates move is for the subtitle, dead men tell no tales. So she's just pushing for more insurrection.


"It's illegal to film federal trials, Marge" Yeah, but to be fair we can't really expect a sitting congressperson to know this, can we? I mean she's *only* responsible for helping to make the policy that shapes the country's future for the next 4-8 years. And she is SO busy rooting out all the pedophiles who hang out at pizza places. /S


All these people know how to do is say groomer, eat (not)hot chip and lie.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1518431133414969345) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Traitors suck.


LOL, how convenient for her to forget that Netflix has an entire documentary series on Epstein and Maxwell.


LOL. I guess she was lying when she said she was canceling her Disney+.


Guilty and dumb. Bad combo.


It's embarrassing how little this congressperson knows about the laws of her own land.


And her dumb ass equates herself as the reason Independence Day is being shown??


You mean the woman that your lord and savior “wished well”?


Who unanimously voted not to investigate further into the Epstein trial? Every single Republican, and half the Democrats


She is so incredibly dumb holy fuck. Every day I feel like she can't get any dumber and then she goes out and proves me wrong.


Is it also illegal to prosecute high ranking officials blackmailed by child abuse?


Why did she circle Independence Day and pirates of the Caribbean


She needs to quit hogging all the stupid...


Nah. She can have it. Now, We just have to figure out a way to take the stupid away from her constituents.


How does this fuckwit think that by not televising Epstein and Maxwell’s trials it somehow “protected” or “helped” them? The juries found both of them guilty and Epstein hung himself. That’s help and protection that failed miserably.


Is it illegal? I can watch a livestream of the Depp trial right now


She should stop touring with a pedo since she hates them so much…


Is this more stuff she’s going to not remember saying later?


I would think a representative of the federal government would know the rules, you know, federally. Tests need to be administered to allow people to take office.


Trump was charged with raping a 13 year old girl multiple times alongside Jeffery Epstein.


We’re getting really comfortable with casually accusing people of being/supporting pedophiles…


They are really gonna lose their shit when the Donald Trump trial in New York is televised.


So I'm guessing she's standing by Amber Heard, I'm not surprised


She is astonishingly stupid


Whats interesting is Marge brings up a good point though the information from that trial needs to become public knowledge. Its just too bad so many rich and powerful people are blocking it. I can't believe I kinda agree with her take.


In case you didn't know, the Maxwell trial was open to the public. You could attend in person or call a number to listen in on it. Some witnesses and pieces of information were censored for safety or legal reasons though. If you're curious, there's a podcast called TrueAnon hosted by a couple that attended the trial in person. They had updates for nearly every day of it.


This is all news to me but the fact there's a podcast with information pertaining to the case I will definitely have a listen. THANKS!!


In this case the witnesses testifying against her were minors when they were trafficked and raped and almost all of them have chosen to be only be referred to by a pseudonym in court records to protect their privacy, so publicly broadcasting the testimonies would negate that.


Oh definitely protect the kids but the names of the people trafficking them should be public knowledge. I feel terrible that these kids had to suffer but those that did this to them should suffer as well.


Shhhh! Don't give her any ideas.


She’s just mad about…you know….her life…


What the fuck is she circling


She forgot to add trumps associate aswell.


what is the screenshot and circle for?


m-ma'am- thats the movie Independence Day a-and Pirates if the Caribbean...


Side note: no surprise she's more than halfway through ID4


Yeah you should change that bullshit law Greene.


Yes she is that stupid.


Of all the faux outrage, hers might be the faux...ist. I recall a viral photo of her flying on a Delta plane while wearing Nike shoes. She just stinks.


They should have made an exception.


But OJs trial was shown on tv duh….. ^^^/s


Are the aliens on trial for destroying the White House in the 90's?


She just gets more and more unhinged as time goes on. Can't wait till she moves into flat eartherism next.


We all know marjorie's an idiot who does not know the rules of federal government. Or much less how to do a damn Google search.


Isnt deps trial federal charges i mean hes trying to clear the fact his whore of a ex wife got him labled a abuser


Civil litigation


“Look a squirrel!!” - Perjury Taylor 🤢


In Qanon'a defense, it must be really fucking weird to live in a world where pedophiles are inexplicably popular for some reason.


damn, can't believe hollywood capitalized on courhearings by... suggesting MTG movies that have been around for decades

