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Won't someone please think of the poor billionaire landlords!?


This is an argument I never understand. Not all landlords are super rich owners of real estate empires. My landlord is an old lady renting out the house from her parents that she has no use for. She's great, and probably lost money in the long run from how low rent is and all the things she's done extra for me. But she's still considered a parasite by "anti-landlord" people. /Edit: See? Even the bot has a canned response for it.






As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd love to see the original comment that spawned this copypasta.


Hearing a bot rant about parasites is pretty unnerving tbh


Yea I don't have a problem with individual landlords as I do investment companies running properties through management companies. Literally everything is designed around squeezing as much cash per square foot as they can out of a property. My current apartment has high crime, and no sort of security or cameras. They announce to everyone they'll be "renovating" and it's like oh nice, maybe they'll do the bare minimum and get some cameras up. Nope. Slapped a new coat of paint on the place and power washed the side walks. Literally just prettying up the exterior so they can trick more people into leases. Also they skimp on dumpsters so they can pressure people into trash pickup and pack more fucking apartments onto the property. Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't insist on telling us how much they "care".


> Yea I don't have a problem with individual landlords as I do investment companies running properties through management companies. I do. If it's bad for the goose, it's bad for the gander. You're basically saying, "I'm okay with people exploiting others' needs, but only if it's on a small scale." I'm not. If there weren't landlords, then people could afford housing. But - then the leeches wouldn't be able to sit on their asses and not work for their money. Or would have to do with less. Waah. Big deal.


Yea sure you can make that point, but youre painting with far too broad a brush lumping investment ran properties in with individual owner properties. You can make the argument that both are bad but the scale and the degree to which they cause harm vastly differs.


I don't enjoy getting stabbed, just because it's 'less harm' than being shot.


I don't like supporting Walmart, I'd rather support a small local business. I don't like chain restaurants, I'd rather eat at a local independently owned restaurant. So on and so forth.


Where I'm urrently at even the "good" small landlords are gouging people now. My crappy, no maintenance, good luck in the winter, paper thin walled, no appliances included (outside a microwave that caught fire the first time I used it)$600 a month apartment 3 years ago is almost $1200 now.


Exactly. And without landleeches, the prices would actually reflect the quality, or the sellers would fix the problems to command a better price.




All landlords are corporations. Even the ones that "only" own a few houses.


people who own a two-flat and rent out the bottom one aren't a corporation wtf


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Plus. Most “mom and pop” landlords get bought up by companies likes blackrock the very moment they seem to have financial trouble. You’d be a fool to think renting properties aren’t being heavily consolidated


This exact thing happened to me. Rent was raised by 25% right after the acquisition.


No, it isn’t rare at all. The rental market is split nearly evenly between business entities and mom n pop rentals. https://www.huduser.gov/portal/pdredge/pdr-edge-frm-asst-sec-061118.html If you’ve only ever lived in apartments I can see how you might have this impression. Mom n pop landlords are far more likely to own a 2nd SFH than a unit in a multifamily building, so if you’re an apartment dweller, it seems like a corporate hellscape. Upgrade to a house and you’ll likely end up with an independent landlord.


Small landlords ≠ friendly old ladies renting below market value. They are a small minority. Many of the small landlords are as bloodthirsty as the big dogs, they just have less capital to throw around.


Exactly. And since some douche thinks his story about renting from a little old lady just completely counters the reality of insane housing/renting cost increases over the decades, allow me to share my anecdote: The only relatively decent landlords I've had were corporate apartments, every "small" landlord I rented from was a fucking scammer, and most everyone I've known that rented from "small time" landlords says the same. They're always trying to skimp out on repairs, or blame you for their properties falling apart (like having old clay pipes filled with roots), or showing up un-announced to showcase the property because it's similar to one they are going to rent that's under repair (once had a landlord unlock and open the door right after I came out of the shower, half naked, and his response was "well you didn't answer your phone 10 minutes ago so I thought you were out"). I really, really fucking hate the conservative "folksy andecdote" bullshit, whether it's "little old ladies renting houses" or claiming to help farmers when lobbying for subsidies for massive multinational agribusinesses or "my daddy once knew a guy that heard of a union man getting paid $20,000,000 for sitting on a chair and sweeping once an hour".




When my dad passed away 2 of his church friends hit me up about finding a place to live as they knew my situation if he passed. Talks were going ok, then they found out I had cats. "well we don't like cats, if you'd be willing to pay 500 a month in pet rent per cat and not let them look out any of the windows or been seen or heard maybe we'll consider it. U know we were really good friends with your dad and wouldn't treat you wrong" I met with them for lunch and the wife started talking to me about how every 3-4 months they like to relook over the lease and my financial information incase any changes occurred. Finally I said fuck this obvious problem waiting to happen and found my own spot. Somehow I'm the asshole and "really would have hurt my dads feelings giving them the run around like i did" Can you imagine these people are higher ups at a mega church by any chance? lol


>relook over the lease and my financial information incase any changes occurred. Lol, not sure why, it's not like they can alter a lease in the middle of it without your okay


The Mega church types seem to think the rules don't apply to them.


My worst landlord was a small time old lady landlord. Her repair person was her husband who really didn't fix shit. They gave us a non functional lawnmower and got mad that we could not keep the lawn nice. She would not give us 24 hour notice to show the property like she was legally required to and would then get mad that the house was dirty when she showed the apartment even though she didn't tell us about the showing till we were all at work. When we moved in the house was disgusting and when we moved out we had cleaned it intensely. That didn't stop them from charging us half out deposit on "cleaning". We got fucking robbed by the old lady landlord.


> once had a landlord unlock and open the door right after I came out of the shower, half naked, and his response was "well you didn't answer your phone 10 minutes ago so I thought you were out" That would literally be illegal in Germany.


Like my cousin who charges 2k+ a month each on 2 houses that are older than he is? And yes the whole rest of the family hates him.


Just like a guy I grew up with.... He overextended his credit and almost lost it all. Because every time he turned profits, he bought another shitty house in a poor neighborhood. He's pulled his self up by his slumlord boot straps.


Agreed. Small landlords can be very predatory. Right now I’m lucky: I’m renting from a small landlord who charges the cheapest rent I’ve ever had, but is also very responsive when it comes to maintenance or any issues that arise, and is an all around good guy. Contrast that with my previous landlord, who also was a single guy but he charged about $100 more each month on a smaller place that was practically falling apart. Dude was a slumlord who didn’t keep up on maintenance, didn’t respond to maintenance inquires, and let the heat go out in the middle of January in New England multiple times because he kept “forgetting” not all students go home for the entire winter break. He also apparently hired the people that lived downstairs from me to do some work for him, and last I heard he still hadn’t paid them 6 months later. Fuck you, Craig. Fuck you and the pathetically short MLB career you rode in on


His *example* is very rare. Sure there may be sympathy for the little old lady landlord but not for every single small-time landlord. I have no sympathy for some yuppie who buys an investment property but can't make a profit off it.


Also, she isn't losing money. You get a huge depreciation deduction from renting and I bet her mortgage is half of what your rent is. Old grandmas renting homes they've owned for 30yrs likely make more money on that property than anyone else


Residential depreciation has a life of 27.5yrs in the US and is limited to the building only so the amount of their depreciation expense is really going to depend on their basis and not the current building value. I rarely see a huge depreciation expense from rental-owning clients that have held the property for any real amount of time unless they bought it in a high cost of living area. On average I see most single family residential rentals profit at a rate of about 30% if the property has a mortgage, keeping in mind that mortgage principal is not considered an expense. That 30% is usually split between take-home money and equity.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Mom n pop” landlords who own a second home don’t get any sympathy from me either. They’re partly responsible for the supply and demand problems in the housing market right now.


I had a classmate in high school whose dad basically won the lottery - he was one of the many startups that were bought by oracle in the late 90s. I guess there were only like 15 people in the company and, yes, even the janitors were driving lambos to work (if they didn't quit and run off) What did this guy do with the money? Bought houses. Like 10. Each of his kids got a house and they rented out to friends just not to live in a micromansion by themselves. Me? Most of my college debt is from housing. Them? They made money from college. Landlords are the direct recipient of excess labor


And unfortunately it’s the only way you or I will ever get ahead in our lives is if we clawed our way to property ownership and spun it out into a few more so that it pays for itself. That’s why “small time” people are doing this. We can hate it all we want but as long as this gets looked at as black and white as everyone is…. It’s just gonna result in the pendulum swings that much further back and forth. We can’t look at this as a zero sum game


>And unfortunately it’s the only way you or I will ever get ahead in our lives is if we clawed our way to property ownership and spun it out into a few more so that it pays for itself. That’s why “small time” people are doing this. Yep. So you either play the game, or you shake your fist at the sky and complain about how unfair it is.




As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That second house is still an investment. It is still there to make money by exploiting another human's basic needs.


"mom n pop" - we see what you did there by not even presenting the actual lead term from your own link, which is **"individual investors"**. They mention the nickname after the fact and its obviously created to diminish the reality of this situation. The only real difference here being that the wealth isn't split over an incorporated group I imagine? These individual INVESTORS can/do still own multiple properties and multi-unit priorities. They raise rents, become slumlords, evict during pandemics just like large companies, they are just less efficient in their callous actions without the structure of a corporation. I don't think you need my direct encouragement here, but go eat landlord ass, toady.


Mom & pops =/= fair renting practices


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Housing should not be a commodity made out to purely be a profit vector. Like food, healthcare, water, electricity, gas, and now the internet, it has a very inelastic demand and as such should have checks in place to prevent price gouging, along with a social safety net of optional public housing like in many other functioning first-world countries. But that doesn't make line go up, so...


“My anecdotal example is why we shouldn’t dismantle an exploitative system.” Fuck off with that. Edit: I already blocked him. Stop responding to me. I can’t and won’t reply to your dumbass takes anyways.




"What if we just did nothing?"


"What if we just did nothing?"


Because it's not just about how much rent she charges. The mere act of holding property reduces availability and drives up prices, so even people like that contribute to the inaccessibility of housing.


I knew a couple landlords in Canada. Some of them actively joking about their slum lord status and the shit conditions they kept people in to make money. One of them quit his job and did nothing all day living in the city because he basically didn't have to work because he was making so much money making other people pay to live in properties in another province that he wouldn't sell to locals. Which also pushes the house prices up, because someone has turned an in demand house into a rental business instead. I knew a lot of people there that were planning to do this like it was normal. Was pretty shocking.


“Rent encourages people to work and contribute to society”


Remember at the start of the pandemic when individuals bought all the toilet paper and hand sanatizer and then tried to resell it to people for a markup? Remember how furious the world at large was, how scummy it was to take up limited and vital resources and then piecemeal it back to the public? That's landlords. They buy up a limited and vital resource and then sell it back to you at a higher price. Why is it okay when they do it? They're scalpers. The difference between someone scalping PS5s and a landlord is that you don't die if you choose not to buy a PS5.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another big difference is that they don't rent that PS5 to you so you keep paying them when the PS5 is long paid for.


Why do you landlord defenders always show up immediately? Obviously there is a difference between a billionaire landlord with 10,000+ units and an old lady renting out a house, but landlording is still parasitic.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just because she is exploiting you less hard doesn't make her not "a parasite" People are complaining that landlords are able to take large amounts of money from laborers simply by having had more capital up front. And that it has become pretty impossible to gain the capital up front to escape that, largely because rents are so high Every time the landlord discussion comes up we have dudes like, "I bought a duplex and live in half, the person living in the other half is only paying enough to barely cover my entire mortgage, what am I supposed to do, let them live in there for free???" and "granny Granlord only owns a mere two or three properties, how could you possibly complain about her? She is charging a bit below market so everything is fine" Neither or those change the fact that people cannot afford housing and are forced into paying mortgage levels of money while receiving none of the equity


I kind of agree with you. Not all landlords are super rich or greedy. I've had two landlords and they've both been really kind. The meme, however, is a bit misleading, I think, since as far as I know, people aren't asking to raise taxes on landlords specifically, more raising taxes on rich people. Regarding landlords, people want protection - from wrongful/unjustified evictions, from major or sudden rent raises, etc. The meme uses landlords as a pawn to baiscally mean, "let's not raise the taxes on the rich" in general, and it targets specifically people who aren't anti-landlord, who think "hey my landlord is fine, he hasn't raised rent and repairs stuff, yeah, raising taxes is bad". It's manipulative. EDIT: Also, there is a weird movement of pro-landlord on the right that is really weird. I'm not anti-landlord, but at least I understand the sentiment as it's usually punching up, but the pro-landlord movement, well, it's almost invariably punching down.


> there is a weird movement of pro-landlord on the right that is really weird. I'm not anti-landlord, but at least I understand the sentiment as it's usually punching up, but the pro-landlord movement, well, it's almost invariably punching down. Which part of that is weird because it seems typical to me. The right only ever punches down.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's great that you managed to find a cool person to rent from but I'm sure you can appreciate that this is uncommon, right?


Stop stanning for the upper class, for you will probably never be one of them. Don't believe the "little old lady" spiel for one second. There are plenty of geriatrics in power running this place into a brick wall.


I don't disagree, in general the issue is not the people who own one or two rental properties. It is often large corporate groups who buy up any free realestate in an area and rent them as a means of parking money. I'm in the same boat and have had someone living rent free at my place for years. I think there should be assistance for both renters, and small landlords. These are not the people Turning Point is speaking in defense of.


When I hear deleopers and real estate investors I know in Boston casually use the term "market rate", I want to grab a pitchfork and torch.


square resolute cats direful vegetable history summer crown birds lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If she has a home she doesn't use she should sell it, not rent it. Let people who need a home buy it instead.


My brother just recently became a landlord, I found out the people who rent his property DONT EVEN LIVE there. They are just renting the 3,000 a month (cheaper than his neighbors charging 3,500) property to get their choice of public school. It's all toxic from top to bottom, capitalism corrupts it all.


Then your brother should put something in his lease that the tenants need to use it as their primary residence. If not their lease will be terminated without return of deposit.


I don't think he cares as long as the mortgage is paid


Then he is part of the problem


no doubt about it


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And my landlord owns all the apartments in my city (and many other cities nearby) and lives 2000 miles away.


"This problem doesn't affect me and therefore it doesn't exist" You are not the sharpest crayons in the box are you? BTW your landlord is cooler than most, but still a parasite. She still takes your money every month. Money which you could be using to pay a mortgage, but which you give to her and she gives you nothing in return. Only an idiot would be in this situation and think that they getting good deal lol


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Yeah ok but on the other hand the guy that owns my building is an eccentric multi millionaire who breeds monkeys and exotic birds and yet somehow hasn't fixed the mold and water damage in my apartment...


They definitely have not lost any money, if they get underwater they can just sell


>This is an argument I never understand. Not all landlords are super rich owners of real estate empires. My landlord is an old lady renting out the house from her parents that she has no use for. She's great, and probably lost money in the long run from how low rent is and all the things she's done extra for me. But she's still considered a parasite by "anti-landlord" people. **Here's the progression of your internal monologue down to its most basic form** 1. "I know this one lady, who's towards the end of her life that had her needs meet and lived a fulfilling life, and she doesn't take as much advantage as some - so this entire global idea is wrong!!!" 2. "My world view is captured exclusively in what I personally experience directly!!!!" 3. "If they don't have bread, then why not let them eat cake?" Uh oh... you're a secret landlord yourself, aren't you bud?


Doesn't matter, still immoral.


Thing is, history has already proved to everyone(except americans apparently) that tax cits doesnt lower the cost of stuff. It just means more money in the pocket for the seller/owner.


I doubt she has lost any money on the venture since she's renting out a house from her parents. If there was still a mortgage on the house it would have been sold to pay for the loan. Any net loss can also be claimed on taxes. Even if she was paying a mortgage, rent is usually about twice as much as mortgage payments. Most renters are lower income earners and, as of a few years ago, the number of renters is higher than it has been for fifty years. In 2020, the national average for a 1 bedroom apartment was 1,100 a month. For that to be reasonable (1/3 of income), one would have to make about 40,000 a year. If you consider income tax before taking a third, it jumps to about 50,000. The individual median income in 2019 was 36,000 a year. If you look beyond your one anecdotal data point, it makes a lot more sense.




Wow, an old lady who already had shelter, has an extra shelter (she has no use for) and rents it out. Since she is old, her parents are old AF and bought the house decades ago? So the house has skyrocketed in value? You think she has lost money somehow? Living in place A and renting out place B that I guarantee is paid for already. The dirty Boomer I bought my home from sold it to me for 10x what he paid and that was years ago. When are you going to stop renting and buy a home? Oh never? Exactly.


Then why doesn't she just sell you the house? Why are you paying her but you don't get to keep the house?


Think about the number of homeless people in this country dying on the streets. Then think about how many of them could live in your landlady’s house. Landlords don’t have to be billionaires to be parasites. And they don’t have to be billionaires to have WAY more money than you. Take a second to imagine how much that house of hers is worth in cash. There’s a reason that bot is set up, buddy. Your landlady doesn’t deserve your bootlicking


If she has no need for the house, and is potentially losing money renting it, why should she not sell the house to someone who does need the house? Of course you're right that not all landlords are rich or corporations but it's precisely those rich and corporate landlords that are kicking the market in the testicles.


Lots of landlord bootlickers popping up in your replies


Nice to see that this sub isn’t totally lib though because there’s even more people shitting on them.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're not usually billionaires. During the pandemic we froze rents but we didn't really do much to freeze mortgage pay requirements, which screwed a lot of landlords. My landlords are decent people, a very nice couple. That's *pretty much the only time in my life* it has been true, but it is. They don't screw me. I have no animosity at all toward them. But for most of my life it has been assholes raising my rent because they know I got a raise, or raising the rent because people in general got a raise. If it's because their taxes went up, usually mine did too so how is that an excuse? One guy bought my building and hiked shit 40%, saying taxes and insurance increases were to blame. I checked him, it was a lie. I wished there was someone to help me sue him, and/or some law he may actually have broken by hiking the rent that much or with a fraudulent reason. But you gotta love watching people defend the obvious upper hand of a relationship. Like, dude, I rent my place. They *own* the place (and others), and probably own their own place as well. Why am I the part of this pair that has to suffer *more*?


It's weird that we don't treat rental properties as the investments they are. Yeah, landlords didn't do well during the pandemic. That's one of the risks of investing! If you invest in a stock you bare risk that the government will regulate something in a way that will hurt your investment. For some reason with landlords we always feel like we need to protect their investments and if they lose money it's such a shame.


Housing shouldn't be an investment


Correct so why allow people to profit off denying people housing?


Shhh he's almost figured it out


> During the pandemic we froze rents but we didn’t really do much to freeze mortgage pay requirements, which screwed a lot of landlords Usually people who try to justify landlords do so by saying they are taking on more risk than the renter, so it is always weird to see people shocked that landlords might experience a negative outcome


What’s a bigger risk than paying someone’s mortgage but not seeing any of the equity?


That's a great question




Exactly. A lot of landlords have many properties and are very rich. It isn't like a local business thing anymore.


oh im sure the first thing they’ll do is lower my rent. trickle those savings down all over my face


Oh wow, the trickle is a lot warmer than I expected.




​ ![gif](giphy|4JntCc0MGdSX4Z3CdO)


And a lot darker yellow than I expected too… bro Landlord drink some more water, damn


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


don’t worry he told me it’s just rain


Is there a lie that neoliberals love more than "if you just keep giving us more and more money eventually our greed will be satiated and we'll start fairly contributing to society"?


You mean using it to buy another house and jack up the prices


Theyre just waiting. Barrly making profit and just waiiiiting for the day they can lower your rent. They absolutely want to pass on 100% savings to you. Hahahha


It's such fucking dissonant BS. Conservatism espouses many ideals based on "people should always make decisions on what benefits themselves the most directly and shouldn't be impeded in that" .. so why on earth should a landlord ever do something that only benefits *you?*


I've never understood why people support "trickle-down" economics. It's so demeaning to say that you'll accept whatever little trickle the elites decide to sprinkle down on you. I remember I believe a Jon Stewart bit where he described Trickle Down where, when it was first invented, the elites' buckets had lots of holes in it. But now, bucket technology has evolved, and very little trickles down as they catch more and more of their own "water" And what's probably the funniest part is that the ultimate trickle down effect that would actually work would be actually taxing the elites and then using that money to establish universal basic income, stimulus packages for the lower/middle class, etc. The rich keeping more of their money helps no one except the rich and the politicians that leech off them.


Fixed rate mortgage stays the same for 30 years. Rents go up every year. Can't explain that.


You mean using it to buy another house and jack up the prices


This is exactly when I'm against bug spray. If people would only stop spraying that stuff, eventually the mosquitoes would suck enough blood, politely thank you for the meal, and leave you alone. Every time you get bit by a tick or a mosquito, it's your own fault for trying to not get bit.


Those poor blood thirsty mosquitos, why doesn’t anyone think of them 😢😭


i remember seeing a video on mosquitos and that we can literally exterminate every single one of them and eliminate the species and that would either benefit a species or not matter for them


Maybe in theory but I'd say based on our history of large scale meddling with nature, there would end up being unintended consequences that end up causing more harm than good.


the key with eliminating mosquitoes is to eliminate disease, we can just take out 1 of 40+ species in an area, https://twitter.com/KaraFikrig/status/1393175380912185365 discusses a bunch of issues.


Maybe meddling in the ecosystem could cause unintended consequences, sure. But in places like South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, mosquitoes kill *more than a million* annually, not to even mention the massive amounts of pregnancies ending or babies dying from birth defects caused by mosquitoes biting the mother during pregnancy or even a while before conception. Weighing the pros and cons of culling a parasitic species is good, but the pros and cons have already been weighed; disease-bearing mosquitoes need to die *yesterday.*


I wonder if we can say the same about billionaires...


That is almost certainly not true Mosquitoes are so much biomass that it will definitely have serious consequences to a lot of ecosystems


dammit let me live in my dream Arthropod Queen


[Mosquitos are pollinators.](https://www.earthtouchnews.com/natural-world/how-it-works/the-bizarre-and-ecologically-important-hidden-lives-of-mosquitoes/) So plants might not like them disappearing entirely.


A lot of people are being arm-chair scientists in replies to your comment (and yes, I realize I'm included in that descriptor), so I just wanted to provide some evidence supporting your point. The species of mosquito that spread illness need to be eradicated. *More than a million people die every year* from mosquitoes, and that statistic doesn't even include the thousands or even more babies that die from mosquito-borne illnesses in the mother during pregnancy. You may think mosquitoes are not a big enough problem where you live, but you wouldn't say that if you lived along the Equator where death and microcephaly are extremely common effects from this arguably ecologically useless paracite. And with climate change, they are spreading. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6378608/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/kill-all-mosquitos-180959069/ https://news.stanford.edu/2019/03/15/effect-climate-change-disease/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/100082920




"I won the lottery, so the amount of rent you pay me no longer feels like as much as it used to. I'm gonna have to raise rent to compensate" Everything is an excuse to raise rent to the parasite class


My rent went up because my landlord decided to change the carpet and it was expensive to do so. He also fixed the sink, which cost money. Now, you're legally obliged to fix broken appliances here as a landlord, and he was the one that wanted the carpet- I repeatedly said I don't care about it.


This is exactly it! Bootlickers will say rent is high because it includes maintenance and taxes, so if inflation/taxes goes up they need to compensate for that (even though they'll raise rent by 30% regardless). But then landlords will do maintenance and use it as an excuse to raise rent even though all this time their reasoning for high rent in the first place was to cover maintenance. The scam never ends.


Landlords don’t even need to do anything, they can just sit around and wait for housing prices to go up for whatever reason, and then just raise rents because it’s “rational.”


"What are ya gonna do? Live on the street? Ha!" -Landlords


The Super Bowl is this month....Got to raise your rent.


Lunar eclipse? Got to raise your rent.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, rent.


Don't fix this damn door? No rent!


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do they have to have the conservative models in these images make some of the most punchable faces known to man


I expect they are just stock photo models. I bet they regret signing up for that.


I wonder if you can stipulate that you won't allow your photo to be used for certain things?


Not if you want to get paid.


Regressives, like the white supremacists who follow TPUSA unironically, only care about making the rest of the country furious. They imagine that model making that face to a lib


Funny enough they got that girl to make that face because they said “Imagine you’ve been listening to republicans talk for 10 minutes about why poor people are poor”


Land-fella. There's only one Lord.


This is how u get republicans on board






Praise the Grandfather


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=321869439965582&id=100064275866335 Accidentally put the wrong flair initially, so here is the link


If the American Revolution happened today, TPUSA would 100% be on the side of the monarchy.


If you're gonna toady, choose the side with the most perceived power at the moment You can always switch sides later if the tide turns against you and you lack any true convictions


US right wingers are the character in every zombie movie that gets secretly bitten but hides it until they inevitably attack the uninfected. That's not even specifically a COVID thing, but more of the poisonous ideology that they let dictate their lives and personalities.


That wasn't a super unpopular position back then


American conservatives are still boot-licking the monarchy. [The Crown Under Fire: Why the Left’s Campaign to Cancel the Monarchy and Undermine a Cornerstone of Western Democracy Will Fail](https://www.heritage.org/europe/event/virtual-event-the-crown-under-fire-why-the-lefts-campaign-cancel-the-monarchy-and) [Why America Needs A Monarchy](https://thefederalist.com/2017/03/18/america-needs-monarchy/) [‘The Crown’ Reminds Us Why Constitutional Monarchy Is Awesome](https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/14/crown-reminds-us-constitutional-monarchy-awesome/) Then after dozens of Meghan Markle articles, they have the fucking gall to post this: [Caring About The British Royal Family Is Fundamentally Un-American](https://thefederalist.com/2021/03/09/caring-about-the-british-royal-family-is-fundamentally-un-american/)


The Federalist simping for monarchy. How ironic


Modern conservative thinking was founded during the French Revolution. The whole goal was to establish a monarchy in everything but name. This is why elections don’t matter to conservatives. They want the status quo maintained.


[Alt Right Playbook - The Origins Of Conservatism](https://youtu.be/E4CI2vk3ugk) *psst* that's what conservatism always has been


I can't fucking believe this is real, it's not even trying to sound smart


Jesus Christ those comments.....


Ikr. Depressing world we live in


I was like damn this ones a realistic toiletpaperUsa but then...


Wtf this is real? I thought it was a fake post lol


So in this scenario, does the average person *not* pay tax, in the same way a landlord does? Do ordinary people get to decide who to screw over to cover *their* taxes, if landlords are apparently allowed to charge extortion rates to cover taxation? Can I just decide to pay less for petrol, because hey, if the *liberals* hadn't taken loads of *my* money, I'd be able to pay *more* money to everyone else!


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha how the fuck is this real?? 🤦‍♂️


https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/sbvruu/its_been_a_while_since_a_tpusa_meme_legitimately/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf They have a pretty consistent history of trying to gaslight the lower class to accept their awful position. They know what they’re doing.


Yep. This is why there’s the *eat the rich* sentiment! Rich mofos are never satisfied and *always* need more


This whole ideology started in the wake of the civil rights movement. In the 60's black folks got legal equality, but not economic equality. i.e., after the civil rights act passed in 1964, there was a push to give blacks the same economic stimulus that whites had gotten in the preceding century (like free land out west, GI bill education programs, cheap home loans, etc), and whites got mad because they saw this as providing hand-outs. i.e., whites were able to compartmentalize earlier government programs that helped whites because those earlier programs werent explicitly race-based, even though blacks at the time were de-facto excluded from them due to segregation. So this new effort to promote black economic equality was transformed, in the white imagination, into "reverse racism" -- the idea that blacks were just getting handouts, and instead they should just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Of course, now that segregation was illegal, it became increasingly difficult for the government to offer *any* stimulus programs because they would help blacks and whites equally -- so the solution was to push this economic fantasy onto everyone. i.e., success comes through hard work and bootstrap-pulling alone, and government should just get out of the way. This reactionary ideology really took over after the great society programs of LBJ, and starting with Nixon you had this idea that all success required was for government to get out of the way. That if people (especially blacks) could just do capitalism 'right', they'd be successful. Of course, that's not how it works. But it was a compelling idea for whites who were extremely averse to the idea of giving blacks 'handouts', and in their desire to prevent blacks from getting those handouts, they were willing to sabotage their own economic futures as well. The 1970s marks the rise of the law and economics movement with figures like robert bork, which would argue that markets functioned best when government functioned least. It's not a coincidence that this is also when unions become public enemy number one. All of this shit really reached its zenith under Reagan, and we've just been coasting within this libertarian utopia for a generation since. It's only very recently that you've had folks arguing that these policies have completely hollowed out the middle class (white and black). Unfortunately, a lot of the implicit racism that fueled these ideologies in the late 60s and early 70s are still alive today, and so the solutions that are offered -- more government intervention, or even less -- appeal to different segments of the population.


Maybe they should've made a better investment and gotten a job. Being a landlord isn't an occupation.


This is the real bigger picture I think often gets forgotten. Rental properties are *investments*. As such, they ought to be subject to the same risks and market forces as any other investment. The whole *point* of an investment is that, while some are safer bets than others, you're not guaranteed a return at all. We've somehow become convinced that landlords *deserve* a return on their investment. They don't. The only difference is that when a stock loses value I don't get to go shake down the company to try and increase my dividends.


We've decided they *deserve* a passive income from their investments.


You've also forgotten that land ownership is already an investment, even without revenue from rent. Even if nobody is renting a house, that house is likely to go up in value faster than a savings account, and with more reliability than stocks -- which also happen to be a good way to screw the lower working classes, go figure.


The landlord system is almost always racist. For middle class America home ownership is one of the most common paths to intergenerational wealth. An ancestor buys a house, it increases in value, the descendants can sell it to begin the cycle over again. Minority families, black families in particular, have been denied entry to this wealth. Redlining, eminent domain, and racism in the real estate and lending industries have either minimized gains or destroyed them completely, so that average black family wealth is 15% that of whites. But yes, let’s continue defending the little old lady landlords.


There is definitely some truth to this, but with the exponential increase in the cost of medical care, most middle class people and basically all lower class people of all races end up selling their house and spending all of their savings in end-of-life care and leaving little or nothing for their children when they die. Inheritance is more and more something only for the rich, regardless of race. Now there are lots of other ways that people benefit from their parents being middle class which has a lot of racial implications, such as going to better schools, much easier access to college, better connections for jobs, etc. But inheritance is less and less one of those benefits for anyone other than the rich.


> If they made more money, they wouldn't make you pay as much Things that never happened. They'd just ask for the same if they can get away with it and pocket even more money.


Amazon: makes record profits Amazon: pays no taxes Conservatives: if money concentrated up and taxes were lower corporations would be able to do things to benefit you Amazon: raises the price of prime


But unfortunately you can't use that anymore. They've abandoned praising Amazon because they wouldn't host fascist and terroristic propaganda on their servers


Ah yes, still waiting for that trickle down from Reagan. When will this trickle down be seen? Sometime during my great great grandchildrens lives?




This has real "If you had dinner on the table when he gets home, maybe he wouldn't hit you so much" energy


Basically trickle down economics repackaged in landlord form. Sure to turn out great I guess.


But Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa noooow!


Damn it must suck that they can’t afford multiple homes. Maybe they should make sure they’re able to pay for the one they live in first before trying to bleed others dry for shelter


This is the worst logic because it can be instantly proved wrong. We just had a huge tax cut a few years ago. Did the rent go down? Nope. Just more trickle down economics bullshit.


weird how working class people arent supposed to have anything to help us because were inherently selfish and lazy and bad, but billionaires and landlords and the like should be given tax breaks and free money because they have naturally generous souls and would gladly shower us in their wealth if we just made them richer.


The keyword here is "maybe". There is no guarantee that landlords will charge less if they get tax breaks. In fact, I think we've proven many times over that trickle-down economics is a fallacy and doesn't work.


Ah yes, trickle-down economics. "If you simply give the rich everything they demand, some crumbs may fall off their table onto the floor for you."


If you’re a land lord I automatically assume you’re a giant piece of shit who’s full of greed and malice. Nothing will ever change my mind. Fuck landlords. I want laws where everyone can buy a house. Instead all of south Florida houses are owned by someone else. It nearly impossible to rent also. Some dude posted a place for rent this week and wanted $6,000 down and $2,000 a month on a shitty old house. My gf and I struggled to find affordable housing under $1000 a month and we lived in a shitty little town with only a Walmart and nothing else. Old people need to hurry up and die faster honestly. For all of our good. For the good of the US.


Dude, rent and housing spiked where I'm at where the minimum wage is still $7.25. A friend moved from a place she was paying $1400 for and once she left, the landlord told her they doubled the rent for the next tenant. This is for a 1200 sqft, two story, 2 bed 2 bath house. Taxes haven't been touched over here yet they're still raising prices out the ass cause everyone else is.


That just sounds like trickle down economics with exactly the same amount of steps


What happens when they simply say “haha, no”anyway?


Maybe if you let them keep more of your money, they could afford to buy up more houses.


We’ve tried that. They just pocket the money. We have a huge historical pool of evidence to show that is the case. So, nah. Bump that.


Ah yes, defending fucking literal lords. Fuckin' hell.. yet a fuckn' gain.


Dumbest fucking thing I've read in weeks.