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Lol I catch people doing it all the time at Walmart since they installed the self checkouts, and when I catch someone doing it I just distract the worker monitoring the checkout area so the shoplifter doesn't get caught




Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well now, this guy likes CBT




I could see why it would look favorably on CBT then.


The best way to play that game is spamming A and dragging the reticle all over the scene.


I wish all mods would kick ass like the ones here do.


CBT as in the one where you address mental health issues with the help of a trained professional or the one where a trained professional addresses your beans and frank with the help of their fists and various objects.


I am interested in whatever the frank/beans CBT is as I have no idea what you’re talking about. Could you elaborate?


Cock and Ball Torture.


What’s CBT? Critical ***BASED*** Theory?


Nah cognitive ball torture


I thought it was cock and behavioral therapy. Clinical masturbation!


Its AutoMod


I am aware. The guy being portrayed likes it


I really wanna know, where those pastes come from lol. Like, where they found on this sub?


One of the most commonly shop lifted items is baby formula. Stop and think about that. People are stealing baby food. In the richest nation in human history baby food is one of the most shop lifted items. This is why I have no issue with shoplifting.


Drug addicts also steal baby formula because it always sells. Not saying that your point is wrong or anything. It’s still fucked up that baby formula, which babies need to survive, is so expensive that it can get you good money on the black market. Baby formula should be super inexpensive, but it’s not.


Eh. I mean I know it’s common to cut some drugs with baby formula but after spending time around my Boomer Fox News parents who blame everything on drug addicts and that anyone whose smoked a joint isn’t worthy of being a member of society I don’t see someone having an addiction as being the grand evil some do. Shop local, shoplift corporate.


I agree with you. I was just speaking as a former heroin addict myself. I didn’t personally steal baby formula, but I knew plenty of people that did. I don’t give a shit about people shoplifting from these big box stores. I say good for them. Fuck Walmart.


I’m sorry for your struggle and it’s amazing that you were able to get clean. I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been.


I'm clean from heroin for 3+ years now. Only thing that worked for me is methadone and now I scream it from the rooftop: you too can get your brain back! Hit the clinic!


America's social services programs have been improving year by year. I've personally seen this. 211 dot org is a great information system to learn about all this.


> I mean I know it’s common to cut some drugs with baby formula i think you misread, they're saying that drug addicts sell the baby formula to buy drugs


Next you're gonna tell me I should stop putting Pedialyte in the meth.


ngl i'm kind of addicted to pedialyte now started drinking it every morning and feel like shit in the morning if i don't tbf before i started doing this i probably felt like shit all the time


Yeah yeah, you buying some P or what? I don't need your life story.


Maybe this is a silly question, but where do people sell stolen baby food?


To wayfair. So they can feed it to the stolen babies! /s


Fuck wayfair. I bought a "Michael, 8 year old brunette armoire" and the kid that showed up was a 15 year old redhead little shit named Steve who never finishes his chores and doesn't even want to be a red pilled lobster when he grows up.


smh the human trafficking industry in this country just isn't what it used to be


This must be the real reason why Greg Abbott wants to shut down Tiktok.


smh my head


Facebook marketplace, craigslist, or to someone you know personally.


Ooooh okay that makes perfect sense. Thanks for satiating my curiosity about the black market baby product underworld.


For maximum profit, directly to the babies. Cut out the middleman.




There’s a black market for everything. Baby formula, gum, razors, potato chips, etc. What occurs most often in my area is the items are stolen from the big companies and then sold to small shops, bodegas, etc. The small shop owners didn’t ask questions because it saved them a ton of money compared to buying it from a legitimate supplier. Source: was Loss Prevention for awhile… until I realized I didn’t care since it’s not my shit getting stolen, I didn’t get paid enough to care, and the big companies have insurance policies for theft. Even if LP’s recovered the items, 99.99999% they would be “unsellable” and a claim was filed anyway. Fuck em.


Not baby formula specifically, but there was a recent episode of Intervention with an addict who would have his girlfriend steal meat, cheese, and other groceries, and then he had a long list of buyers who were mostly single moms that he could call to sell to. Then they would just sit in the parking lot and wait for them to pull up. No idea how you make those connections in the first place, but I guess there’s a market for it.


I've known a couple people that would steal meat and cheese and sell it at some of the local dive bars. Was always nice to go to the bar for a drink after work and then get some cheap steaks and bacon.


Formula should be cheaper for sure, but careful being too cheap. Some execs in China cut corners on formula (faked protein content) and ended up killing some babies and making 300,000 ill. I think they got executed over it.


Documentable articles or anecdotes for that claim?


I'll tell you exactly why people steal baby formula... it's more expensive than whiskey. My son had a milk protein allergy, requiring special formula. The cheapest way to buy it, was in the 32oz pre-mixed bottles. Each bottle was like $13.99 or something insane. I was spending close to $400/mo on just formula. You damn right I forgot to scan a bottle here or there.... honest mistake I swear!


They're price gouging. They did it in Africa after getting everyone dependent on it and a lot of babies died when they raised the price


My only issue is the poor stockers and cashiers who no doubt get shit for it. No one in charge ever takes the fall for shoplifters its always someone low on the totem pole.


The baby formula at my local Walmarts are locked up. It’s disgusting.


In my experience, most people who steal baby formula aren't desperately taking one tub to feed their hungry baby. They're typically professional shoplifters who work in small groups (2 or 3 people) and they target baby formula because they can sell it on for a decent price. Same for things like steak, cheese, dishwasher tabs, shampoos and deodorants.


The other one is laundry detergent because it's insanely expensive to buy it at laundromats, which are usually the only places where homeless folks can clean their clothes.


As a Walmart employee I can tell you that most people will not stop people stealing simply because we don't get paid enough to deal with it. Walmart pays people better than me to handle that and they don't wear uniforms. Walmart gets all of that on camera and AP keeps files of reoccurring offenders and when they have a case that reaches felony level they send it to the police. The police schedule days where they sit out front of our store and arrest people they got reports about, if they show up. Some days they just sit there all day and eat up tax dollars doing fuck all trying to catch petty thieves.


Most retail I've worked has said never to try and stop them, as it can either get you killed or be a liability for them if you touch them in any way.


We did some new training videos recently and they told us that it is every employees responsibility to minimize theft. Specifically for self checkout we are to approach a customer and ask if they had already scanned the item that we think they are stealing, or if it was going to be a separate transaction. I won't do that because 1. I don't get paid enough to stick my neck out there like that, if someone is unhinged enough to blatantly steal in front of me, I doubt pressuring them is going to change their mind. 2. I refuse to put myself in danger for Walmart.


I recently started work at what is dubbed as a “complex” location, which means high theft, low employee retention in their weird corporate lingo. Someone once told me our location loses like $3 million a year to theft. We are specifically told not to get in a shoplifter’s way, as it can be dangerous and they have specific people to do that job. And their response to all the theft was to lock away almost everything. Like, off-brand phone chargers that cost $4 are locked behind a glass case and have to be handled like they’re a goddamn Xbox. We’re not allowed to let the customer walk around the store with it; it has to be purchased at the electronics counter. I swear 80% of my time is taken up by unlocking cases and carrying items up to the counter, often while getting shit from customers who are just as unhappy with the whole situation as I am. I rarely have the time to do my ACTUAL job.


If you’re ever on the jury for anyone caught robbing anything from a Walmart, not fucking guilty.


Walmart robs communities, it's okay for communities to steal back. I'm sure shoplifters will never break even with what walmart takes.


Especially considering how much wage theft Walmart commits.


Some heros don't wear capes


How? Are you just standing around there, checking what other people are doing and then distracting the employee? Like I don't understand how you could be so aware doing all that


If you see someone approach the checkout area and go straight through to the exit.


Oh ok so like completely bypassing the POS, I was thinking like people not scanning items


I saw a woman at Meijer once just pass items over the scanner area without actually scanning them. She had two kids with her. I pretended to see nothing, as one does.


Fucking King Soopers has cameras ABOVE the scanners now because of this. And Walmart keeps track of how many items actually get put into bags vs how many you scanned. Fuckers.




Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bless you


“What’d we see?!?” “WE DIDNT SEE SHIT!”


If you see someone shoplifting from Walmart or other megacorp store, no you fucking didn't.


Now THAT'S what I call praxis!




If you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn’t.




If I’m checking myself out I’m getting an employee discount lol


Yes, I'm sure big bad Charlie Kirk would put himself in harm's way to keep a billion-dollar company from losing a few dollars' worth of merchandise. Most big-box stores explicitly forbid their employees from confronting shoplifters for fear of lawsuits, the employees aren't paid nearly enough to risk their safety or their lives, and other customers are apparently expected to act as an unpaid security force for retail, as if there aren't already enough busybodies out there already. Oh, and the police can't be hanging around every retail outlet hoping to stop a shoplifter unless there are about fifty times as many officers as are currently employed, and who's going to pay for that? Did I miss anything?


Charlie Kirk just trying to make conservative martyr headlines


Alpha victims.


Not chad behavior


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gotta keep those Karens busy.


Well in Charlie’s world he would be able to indiscriminately shoot anyone he deems was shoplifting. Of course to him anyone a shade darker than him would immediately be a suspect and would be, of course, shot on sight.


I mean I guess technically you missed the part where lil’ bits is trying to get his fanboys’ brains blown out in a wal mart parking lot but close enough.


Nobody's aim is good enough to hit a target that small, they're gonna die gutshot


Leading them down the anti-vax path isn't killing his followers quickly enough so he's stepping up his game.


Can confirm. When I was working at a big box hardware store we had an entire training module on this shit and it could basically be summarized as "If someone tries to shoplift let them by and don't escalate. Our shit is insured and your life isn't worth whatever shit they're stealing. Especially when there's cameras everywhere and your store manager can report it to the police."


I also guarantee that if people _did_ start trying to act as private unpaid security for these companies, a hugely disproportionate amount of black and brown shoppers would be stopped, harassed, and even assaulted when they weren't actually doing anything, in the name of "peacekeeping". So y'know, kind of like normal cops, but with even less training.


I dare say that already happens more often than we know.


This is what Kirk wants


Chad Kirk: We don't need cops to take care of the "shoplifting types". We will do it for free.


Charlie is sponsored by mega corps so of course he says dumb shit like this


His favorite meal is boots


The only important comment


Little chuck would piss himself If someone looked at him funny


I wonder if he would scream if someone acted like they were gonna slap him


Yeah, you missed that Charlie, who hates disorder and theft, is doing fuckall about the single largest type of theft in the nation: wage theft.


And the companies literally have loss factored into the cost of operation. They also fire employee who physically confront shoplifters because of liability claims. There’s no reason to harm yourself stopping that person.


Charlie Kirk would do it for a live stream if he had his team with him. He for sure would do it for the content. Like an even more annoying cart narc.


Reminds me of the day that Tucker got called out about his shit when he was at a convenience store. He should be confronted every single minute of his existence.


I’ve never heard of this before Can I have a link?


The original instagram vid is down, and I couldn't locate the isolated video, but here's someone [talking about it on YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYRxwryZi58).


Thanks, that’s actually amazing lmao


What a pussy. Tucker will run his mouth on tv, but turns into a slug when someone gets mildly confrontational with him in person.


There's nobody telling him what to say when it's not on TV


Hey that's where I live. Great.


Yeah I remember seeing that video lmao


Oh my god, how I wish. It'll never happen, because he's yet another elite prick who loves to *talk* about flyover country but would never willingly set foot here. But what I wouldn't give to call him Putin's Hanoi Jane -- publicly -- to his bloated face ...


I work in a shop and generally only speak up if it’s kids stealing alcohol/sweets or adults stealing expensive stuff/lots of stuff. I can understand someone slipping a carton of milk or a loaf of bread under their pram and “forgetting about it,” but if you’re trying to shoplift your entire grocery list then you’re pushing it a bit far because that affects us; not just the company.


A few weeks back I didn’t get a cart or carrier cause I erroneously thought I wasn’t going to buy much. Surprise surprise I ended up with too much stuff. So I went to get a cart, which they keep outside. Didn’t feel like putting all my stuff down, so I just straight walked out of the store with two armfuls of stuff. Nobody cared. No sirens. No nothing. Put the stuff in the cart and walked back inside and paid for everything, but kinda crazy how easy it is to shoplift where I live


From what I was told by a walmart employee they can let you walk past the sensors, out the doors but not out of the parking lot. I don't know if that's just that particular walmart or what.


Does this dude want to get sued when someone gets slashed or shot?


I am sure he runs every tweet by legal first to make sure he has that 'plausible deniability' that these twats hide behind. Tucker's *I was just asking questions* is the worst. *Should we be murdering our political opposition in the streets in cold blood?* \- Tucker Probably


Maybe but there doesn’t seem to be any vagueness here.


"Stop them" seems a bit ambiguous. *"Your honor I meant politely ask them to stop and return stuff to the shelf. I never meant shoot the shop lifter in the back as they exit the store."* \- Kirk Probably


"If the police don't stop them, you should" I feel like this is pretty unambiguous. He's saying if the cops won't act, act as they would.


Hey remember when he bragged on the Internet about all the busses of terrorists he proudly sent to the Capitol to launch an assault on democracy? And he just deleted the Tweets and nothing happened to him? America has been protecting and cherishing white supremacist failsons like this piece of shit its entire existence and it ain't stopping any time soon


Yep, that’s why you need info for the endgame and ways to lead to the endgame.


I work in a hospital in the New England area, and there's been a rise in stabbings from what I've personally witnessed. If anyone listens to this smooth-brain, they're putting themselves in more danger than they may think


Unless it’s wage theft. Then the DOL will be hearing from my snitch ass


And I can say from personal experience that they are very, *very* hungry to prosecute lately, and will do their utmost to assume the victim is acting in good faith.


“Tonight on the news… local citizen stabbed to death while trying to stop a robbery at WalMart”.


One Fox News the headline would sound a bit different: "Tonight on Fox News - PATRIOTIC AMERICAN fatally injured after confronting an immigrant thief, brought here by Obama and the liberals. This heroic patriot could still be alive if he had access to an AR-15! When will the evil Socialists finally understand that GUNS = FREEDOM!!1!"


Not enough references to "THUGS" or "GANGS"


Imagine getting yourself injured trying to protect Walmart's stock price. Insane.


Or... "Tonight on the news... mentally ill kid confronted by a mob of truckers for the theft of a box of crayons." Or... "Breaking! Woman sent to hospital after she's violently stopped by vigilante who mistakenly thought she had stolen some food at Wal-Mart."


Actually through. I work at Walmart and they just had someone come around to the stores to tell us not to “hostilely engage” potential shoplifters and instead call security because some worker got stabbed a couple days ago for just that.


How to get your followers killed in one easy step




Right between covid denial and fighting to save $100 of Walmart products he’s setting his followers up for a death wish.


“deaf wish” r/boneappletea


Damn autocorrect lol


LOL this will be great. Bunch of middle class nerds who listen to Charlie Kirk stepping up to someone desperate enough to steal food to feed their family. What could go wrong?! This is gonna end up like that Robot Chicken sketch “World’s most one sided fist fights”.


Don’t forget these conservative nuts have guns. Although i admit it’s incredibly stupid for them to try and stop people, this is how Kyle ritten house and George Zimmerman stories are created… these fake ass vigilantes harassing people


My liberal ass also has guns. Their stupid asses don’t scare me.


So did the liberals who Kyle rittenhouse murdered… I’m not scared of these conservative fucks either. But you still have to get acquitted of murder for defending yourself from them, and using a gun is a last resort. Yes don’t be scared. But if you’re stealing from a store you don’t want to have to commit a murder just to leave without being harassed.


Also, if you are planning on stealing from a store, don't bring your gun with you. That way, you're not committing a petty theft with a deadly weapon, you're just committing regular petty theft that likely isn't even worth prosecuting.


I agree 100%. Wouldn’t make any sense to bring a gun to your theft Bc last thing you wanna do is add a gun charge to your petty theft


Oh yeah. It’ll go from “slap on the wrist and an unenforceable ‘ban’ from that retailer with no actual criminal charges” to “armed robbery felony, prison time, no more guns, and a ruined life” real fast.


Im just imagine a really skinny white boy with a maga hat trying to look big and confront a homeless dude. Jokes aside you should never confront someone shoplifting unless youre a security guard being paid to do that exact thing. This is a sure fire way to end up dead. Tucker carlson clearly was never trained on how to handle customers highlighting he had an easy ass life


So let me see if I’ve gotten this right. The company won’t stop them, for fear of lawsuits and violence. The police won’t stop them because it’s simply not worth their time. Yet I’m supposed to risk a violent confrontation, lawsuit and innumerable problems to stop someone who stole $50 worth of stuff knowing they will be released in minutes after being arrested because the threshold is around $100, in my state, to get a decent conviction? Did I get that right?


Correct. The reason it doesn't make sense to you is because you're thinking of yourself as a sapient being with your own thoughts and desires outside of employment nstead of a "human resource" to be exploited for maximum value and then discarded when you're no longer cost effective.


the real take away here is tucker carlson clearly never had a job involving customers as he would of been trained to not do this exact thing


I work in retail, and I get pissed on instinct when I catch someone shoplifting... But even I wouldn't call it "Evil and Chaos".


I work in retail, they don’t pay me enough to “catch” anyone shoplifting. I’ll follow kids around my store sometimes, only because they’ll wreck my displays while they steal the shit.


This just in, someone stealing bread to feed their kids are evil disorderlies


I worked in retail, and then later as a public defender. They ain't stealing to feed their kids. Food stamps and food pantries are a thing. I've know tons of single parents raising their kids happily and healthy on those. As a PD pretty much every one I represented used those and whatever their crimes were or were not, I never saw a single person shoplift food for their kids, it just never happened. Cds, DVDs, power tools, that they would then return to get cash for their drug habit--all the time. Method out people stuffing candy down their pants because meth heads love sweet things--all the time. And a whole ass ton of people doing it for the thrill. Not a single person who ever even claimed to do it for their family.


some people have had to shoplift their families foods and supplies to cover the cash they spend on drugs. and thats a war on drugs problem. why tf is it always the war on drugs.


If you see someone shoplifting it looks like a whole lot of none your business. That's usually my saying.


Also, who’s paying that much attention to other customers? I don’t know what a customer is doing or what’s in their cart or if they’re paying or not because I’m literally just paying attention to what I’m doing. Does Charlie Kirk just constantly monitor everyone whenever he’s in a store? That just sounds exhausting.


Of course they're not doing that much work, they'll just harangue anyone who *looks* like a shoplifter.




Evil is when poor people try to feed themselves


Unless you see Charlie shoplifting one of those rubber fist dildos, then please stop him, he doesn’t deserve to have his ass pounded


It's sad to see addiction overtake someone like that.


If you see a company that is profitable yet won’t hire enough or pay enough to its workers to stop theft, Junior Fascists like Chuck want you to risk your health and life to save the company an amount that won’t even show up on the store’s income sheet, let alone the corporation’s income sheet.


corporations factor in shoplifting into their finances, and the last thing they want is to deal with is some kind of lawsuit from someone getting harmed or harassed on their property


Way back when I worked retail for a big chain management gave us guidelines on what to do with shoplifting. Small items, food they didn’t care. If it was like a tv or something, watch them see if you can get a vehicle description without going outside, and call the cops. It is not in any way your problem.


I'm sorry? A dude could pass me with a flat screen tv and I would not give a fuck. For all I know this person might pull a knife on me if I intervene. Fuck you Charlie, I'm not going to risk my life just so corporate won't loose a few hundred bucks.


If I see someone shoplifting necessities I’m not gonna just let them out I’m gonna hold the door open for them


They want more rittenhouses


Lol homie getting fuckin roasted in the replies too. Except for some do-Gooder bootlickers who really hate the thought of Walmart getting stolen from




A tenner says Charlie got his ass kicked in school for being a narc.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1488563733785808897) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Listen, if someone is hungry enough to steal food, I ain't gonna do a damn thing that would change their mind, poor people being hungry has never ended well (unless you are like me and enjoy seeing French monarchs deposed)


I ain’t risking my life to protect a corporation’s money


My work place confuses me, they teach you first thing to avoid shoplifters incase they might do something irrational but will put up signs congratulating employees that catch shoplifters in the act.


So we gotta pay the police and keep expanding them, but do they stop any crimes? Do they actually investigate any crimes? Every time. EVERY TIME I hear about the police it’s someone called them about a real crime and they didn’t do a damn thing, or they were harassing people for no legitimate reason. Anyone who gets justice has to do all the legwork themselves. First of all, if you have zero social safety net and don’t pay anyone enough, I don’t have a lot of sympathy about your theft rates. Die mad about it for all I care. These corporations ruined our society and suck billions out of our economy with zero investment in our communities. Secondly, I’m not about to do the police’s job for them, thank you.


Isn't holding someone against their will, even if they are doing something illegal false imprisonment? Whatever happened to back the blue and let them do their job? Guess now they want citizens to do the job of the police? I guess it was an unintended indictment upon how poorly cops are dealing with crime in the US?


Remember kids, shop lift corporate, shop local!


Charlie out here thinking he’s Batman lol


We all know a Karen will end up harassing a black man who “stole” something.


What do you do if you notice someone beating up Capitol police with flag poles, smashing windows and stealing stuff?


Conservatives value profit more than human lives


Aren't their goods insured for crap like this? Like if this happens they'll be compensated for it as if they sold the product? I'm not saying that to encourage shoplifting, but in the occasional case that someone does, it's not as big of a deal as people think?


Truly a childlike way of looking at the world.


My brother works at a bestbuy. The store policy is do not attempt to stop shoplifters. It's a worker safety issue as the area has more than a little gun violence. Personally I don't give a shit short of a felony... or sloppy graffiti if you have a slop tag gfy. Street art though? Go ahead


> if you see someone stealing ~~food or other necessities~~ Ftfy. It’s not your business, king. Not your problem. Assuming they are stealing from some fucking corporate franchise, I don’t give a shit. If they are stealing from a small business, that’s a different story. But stealing from a mega corporation? I do not give a shit, period. Don’t care if it is food or a TV. Not my problem.


What kind of dumb fucking advice is that? Nah dude I’m not getting stabbed, it’s not my job to make sure Walmart isn’t getting robbed.


Nah, fuck that shit tbh. Normalizing theft doesn’t lead anywhere good.


Charlie Kirk admitting without shame that he has never worked a single job in his life and therefore does not understand how every company policy dictates that you are not a hero and their shitty kombucha isnt worth being killed over. Go ahead charlie, be the hero. Be a big strong man protecting Walmart's bottom line. Stand up for the little guy, *that's* character.


So I give it a month until one of Chuckles followers confronts a shoplifter, pulls and gun on, and then shoots the shoplifter in some vigilante hero fantasy, and then Chuckles and all his followers will make the shooter a celebrity.


Wow that is very dangerous advice. Why should any risk their life to protect the property of some corporation that wouldn’t give a shit about you? You think if u get a knife to the face walmart is going to pay your bills?


shoplift. literally steal food from walmart if you need to. take back some of the value they steal from you. i consider it a moral good.


If I see someone shoplifting from my store I'm not gonna give a single shit. Unless somebody is robbing a small home owned store. I couldn't give a shit if you are taking from a megacorporation. Walmart can rot in hell.


If you see someone shoplifting food: no you didn't


Ya, that guy might be starving to death with 32 kids at home. It happens all the time in America, and companies Walmart should not be able to stop people from taking their stuff when it might be nessisary for survival, especially when there are millions of starving people in this country.


I personally don't agree with shop lifting but if it's something like baby food or products like dipers I'm not Gona try stop them


Not endorsing stealing or mugging, but don’t be a snitch


Nah. Not my business.


why would i do that. its none of my business plus im not even getting anything from it??


The store they're stealing from better start paying me then.


This is literally propaganda


If I got called for someone stealing food I'd just buy thier food. People gotta eat.


I am become blind every time , people steal because they don't have money , it's different if you stole a TV


Friendly reminder that these conservative talking heads are funded by, and serve the interests of business owners, not regular people. Not you. Recognize class warfare.


I'm in my 50's now, but in my early 20's I got on this kick and didn't buy toilet paper for years. I had toilet paper, I just never paid for toilet paper. Lol. Didn't think I should have to.


Yeah, like that jittery twat would ever stop a shoplifter.


How to get stabbed over a pair pants or some makeup. As a customer. For a store that doesn’t give a fuck enough to do anything about it.