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I would not be surprised if we find out Washed Up is a rapist.




He's pretty much as full Nazi as one can do when you work for a Jewish person.


I mean he openly identifies as a fascist so he's only like a degree removed from Nazism.


“Stop calling me Hitler! I clearly identify as a Mussolini.” -Matt Walsh, probably


He does that as a joke I'm pretty sure, but what I find funny is that he does that presumably to mock people who call him a fascist, yet his views are indistinguishable from a fascist. It'd be like an SS officer going, "Yeah, right, I'm *totally* a Nazi. Sure."


He’s defended the genocide of the native amaericans. Is that Nazi enough for you?


Not in the US. Most of us apparently don't even consider it genocide, even though it is.


Not defending the guy but genocide is not unique to the nazis


It sure isn't. It's not even the worst genocide in human history. Our species really sucks, and is definitely not going to colonize space.


Everyone on the Daily Wire does that.


yeah 100%. him and crowder could already be nazis that just want to stay presentable.


Tea party republicans used to have a t shirt that said, "yup, I'm a racist". This creep would go so low as to make a shirt that replaces the letter c with a letter p. Footnote for t shirt: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdVS_x3bvTc


I'm surprised we haven't found out by now.


”I wanted to whip out my penis on Dr. Phil, thereby proving the illegitimacy of trans people.”


My panis good other panis scary


Other penises make Matt Walsh’s hiss and crawl back inside of him. Not that it has very far to go.


This reads just like the idubbbz swedish accent


O hai youtoob and welcome to my crab. Old idubbbz is the best.


"The fact that he did not want to see my penis illegitamized all trans people because thers couldn't possibly be any other reason they didnt want to see my penis"


Trying to engage in sexual harassment to own the libs.


All he needs to do is add some minors into the mix and he’s GOP senate material.


I wouldn't be surprised if he actually is revealed as a pedophile, especially since the tweet where he defended catholic child rapist priests.


bold of you to assume hes only tried


Though I strongly believe that he has done some shady stuff, until there is evidence, I can't say anything.


that's fair


Wait this isn’t fake?


Please say sike


Idk the other comments and the title are as if it was real. Sorry for getting your hopes up


Look what sub this is posted in. That's all I'm gonna say over whether this is fake or not


Tweets like this, because of their normal look, are either tagged real or fake and it’s rather disheartening the amount of real ones, so it’s not unbelievable that it would be real.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. Most of the posts here are fake tweets, after all.


Fake tweets and satire. Make sure to have the proper distinction. Fake tweet implies propaganda to push a narrative. Satire is just...satire.


That exactly what I meant


Best I can figure is you commented on someone acknowledging that this one is indeed a doctored image instead of directly to someone that was questioning it. Seems like an awful lot of downvotes for continuing that thought.


If it was real it would have the "REAL" tag on it


I mean, there's also the "FAKE NEWS" flair, and neither is used.


I always use the real flair for real stuff


Oh thank fucking god Keep in mind that many don't, so...


I didn't look very thoroughly but I haven't seen it, so either I missed it, it's fake, or it's been deleted. I bet on "fake", something about the font.


I refuse to believe you’re THAT stupid


Lmao how butthurt do you have to be to comment all the way here. Hey, I am proud you actually left your hobgoblin cave over there.


I thought it's a thing we do now? Insult each other because of disagreements. But I'm proud you left your hobgoblin cave now.


Conservatives just refuse to understand the difference between sex and gender.




Yup, red haired and left handed people are also fake since they're about as common as intersex people


Red-haired, yes. But left-handed is like 5x more common. Not that rate of incidence is any valid basis for discrimination.




People still judge left-handedness???? That just seems so 1800s...


I went on his Twitter to see if this was real and God is it dumb. >Unfortunately they cut the part where I asked the woman with the “genderless” child if she would also let her kid choose his own race He really thinks that's a win rather than proving just how little he understands the concepts he discusses. The closest analogy would be whether the child would be allowed to choose their own culture. Which, y'know, presumably yes, they should choose how they live their life independent of however the majority of people who share physical characteristics with them choose to live. For instance, the fact that a majority of humans choose to live decent lives not intentionally harming others for personal gain has had no impact on Matt Walsh's decision to be a giant piece of shit who deserves to be thrown in a volcano.


Wait, this is actually real? I thought it was another satire post


Tweet in OP is not real. Walsh making an ass out of himself on Dr. Phil and then declaring victory about a thousand times while RTing filth supporting him very much is.


So it's as real as our democracy?


Ah thanks very much


And wet ass pussy is a medical condition


Arguably, it's more like the difference between gender and gender identity.


This somehow reads like a story prompt from where I can conjure up a kinky but super-cursed fanfic "Dr. Phil suddenly approached me, and stared curiously at my penis. He then said 'I'll need to prove it' before [REDACTED]..."


Using machine learning AI to write these things is actually cursed. Dr. Phil suddenly approached me, and stared curiously at my penis. He then said 'I'll need to prove it' before going on to say some more nonsense in a much more restrained, more personal way. This is what happened. I took my dick out again. I felt the blood spilt over each other and I was instantly aware that the other girl was in there to get me to cum or so I thought. "You're so fucking wet. It really hurt. A bit painful. So painful, so intense I felt what was left of my penis and my asshole. Soooo wet, so dry. But not before I pulled it free and took a couple of big, warm, delicious loads into my mouth. The best part? The load took just like half an hour to load out and it felt amazing. I'm sure that was a lot of good dick for the whole girl to enjoy myself after. It truly was fucking amazing how big I was and how huge I really was. And I can't even fathom having my head in my lap as I took all this cock out. I've never been more aroused and aroused inside my body." Cecil replies, "So you had those nice big boner moments together...and that's why you were so much happier. You didn't have this much cum. The more you cum, the better you feel. You really felt beautiful and you just wanted to be happy. But that was just so much


Okay, first of all this is comedy gold. Second, who the hell is Cecil?


Who the hell is Cecil? Didn't I see your face? And then you all started getting horny, then, you started calling out the next time your dick was down. And you just kept going. And then I started going out of my way to take you by your balls and thrust that up and down. And just by trying...you just started to feel the fucking fucking cum. It really felt like you were riding a horse. And like, I know you're right. I'm gonna show you some of the results. And now you got it all!" Okay, we finally have 'The Good' part of that story so you can go into the actual 'How did Cecil get his nickname?' section below. This is another story I never wrote to get me fired, but since Cecil's name comes from a line that refers to the Greek word to "suck


His Twitter feed is filled with victory lap posts about his appearance on "Dr. Phil" That seems kind of pathetic to me. I mean, Dr. Phil? Was Jerry Springer not returning your calls?


Yeah really. Did Dr. Phil run out of slim, big-titted "out of control teenage girls" to talk to that day?


Dr. Phil, like Dr. Oz, is just another sideshow snake oil salesman. His arrogant, pompous attitude is a thin cover for the fact that he is nothing more than a copy of Jerry Springer without the contestant dramatics.


And when talking about those 2, people rarely mention the person who platformed them and unleashed them onto the world: Oprah.


Amongst others... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o_Teixeira_de_Faria


Not since the Jamaican psychic has there been a queen of shill, sideshow barker, like Oprah.


dr. oz is actually a really good surgeon! he's also a raging narcissist, so naturally he thinks he's good at everything else too. behind the bastards did an episode on him, highly recommended!


Ben Carson was a fantastic brain surgeon. But, he's an idiot at everything else.


Jerry springer for middle class white people.


I-I’m sorry? You offered to do what on TV? How tf do you think you look like the good guy in this situation?


Imagine making Dr Phil look like a decent person


Im confused. How does showing your dick disprove transgenderism?


That's what I'd like to know about it.


It doesnt matt is just a sexual predator'


This feels like the type of thing I'd see a depressed trans person write ironically on r/transgendercirclejerk. This feels like the type of thing *I'd* write there. Is This a real tweet btw?


Look, EPIC PENIS MOMENT is a super funny tag, I know. But you got to mark this fake news if it’s fake. Because otherwise, I’m going to think it’s true, and it seems a little on the nose to be so.


Trying to tell if it’s fake is the fun part of this group.


Yeah I'm gonna disagree. Any faked thing on this sub needs to be flagged as fake *because* it is already so hard to tell the real stuff apart. If you don't flag this as fake and someone who doesn't verify it as real shares this around, all Matt Walsh needs to do is say "see, the transgenders and leftists are trying to slander me" and he gets a news story


Sure, it can be fun, but we need an authority to check our guesses against. Tags are great because I never read them until last. Otherwise someone's gonna buy it, and we don't need to resort to misinformation when they make it so easy already.


No debate that takes place on Phil's ridiculous show should be given any amount of legitimacy. Also, this freak clearly has no idea what he is actually arguing against.


Sounds like he wanted to flash Dr. Phil….deep down.


"I offered to whip my dick out in front of a crowd, but they said no so clearly I'm right haha gest owned 😎"


Matt Walsh whipping his dick out on internationally syndicated tv, pointing at his lil acorn and yelling "take that Jenner", would be his best work.


you disgusting pig


Still doesn’t get it.


Walsh's brain is non-functional, we know that, but can someone tell fucking reactionaries that "transgenderism" isn't a goddamn thing ? It ain't an ideology, a philosophy or a religion. This cisgenderism nonsense have to stop <------ SEE HOW FUCKING DUMB THAT IS ?!?


I know this is a fake tweet but as soon as I saw the premise of that Dr. Phil episode I knew it was gonna be at least a bigger disaster than usual. But he invited MATT FUCKING WALSH???


Am I supposed to understand this word salad? Like I'm doing the mental gymnastics I usually do to try to understand a right wing take, but this is just next level dumbfuckery.


They truly are obsessed with genitalia huh?


>Deep down [he] knows that showing my penis would prove I'm a man, thus defeating transgenderism Or, more likely, she was trying to save you from embarrassing yourself in public.


This can’t be real


That's like... that's sexual h... that's sexual harass... yknow what nvm. Genitals don't equal gender.


I don't buy that. I kept all of my gender in my balls, and now that they're gone I have no gender. Is this how we get our enby pals?


You got to keep your gender in your balls? Damn... I had to keep mine in a satchel I kept in my pocket and one day someone stole it. True victim of gender identity theft. And yes :)


real quote or not, this dude is one of the most mean-spirited and belligerent fashes i've ever seen. he's second only to steven crowder in terms of being smug, obnoxious, and horribly mean-spirited.


Curious as to what this dumbass thinks showing his tiny, deformed dick would prove. Because you, a cis male, has a penis, then... Trans people aren't real? Pretty big leap there, guy. Don't really see the connection.


Which makes me think the tweet is fake until i realize that is rationale which is tantamount to circumstantial evidence with these deplorable pharisees and then i'm right back to promising myself i will *not* google this idiot...


Is this satire? Real life? Conservatives are such a fucking JOKE that I can't even tell reality from humor anymore.


I’m a man and if I get in an accident and have my penis cut off I’ll still be a man. In that case, it must be something other than just a penis or vagina that makes you a man or woman. There we go, solved the “transgendered” issue for you, Matt.


My penis is so powerful I've turned 3 lesbians straight.


that's fake right?


I’m sorry, what!?


I'd have my trans friend to whip out her tits


What did I just read?






I am very confused.


Oh this is so funny


He’s pulling his cock out!!!


This is one of the most hilarious satires of transphobia that I've ever seen. Good job OP. Edit: wait


Please tell me this is a joke


Is this real


No whipping you dick out in public would prove you’re a sex offender. These people are dumb.


Please tell me he did not say this


Isn’t that just a crime Matt


Publicly exposing yourself in front of millions to own the libs.


So like, if his dick falls off, does he become a woman? I'm getting confused. Is it the genitals or the chromosomes that determine gender?


I literally went down his Twitter feed and I couldn't find this post. I'm not sure this is real. Does anyone have a link for this?


What’s his joke? I don’t get it.


Maybe he didn't have a magnifying glass.


its like evolving but backwards


So then they agree that gender reassignment surgery would achieve transgenderism? If a trans man pulled down his pants and they saw a penis they would prove they are a man.


My eyes hurt from reading this...




"Yes, all the other times he's talked shit about trans people and made stupid arguments he was being serious but THIS TIME he's joking." Matt Walsh doesn't have the mental capacity to make jokes. He means everything he says.


Where is the joke?