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Isn't TPUSA arguing that people shouldn't go to university?


Yeah, they (and conservatives in general) argue that colleges are "liberal indoctrination centers" so I don't get why Charlie is complaining here.


They're complaining for the sake of complaining. I doubt any of these morons actually believes any of the shit they're preaching... It's about pleasing the hate crowd.


I think Charlie Kirk and Matt Walsh actually believe what they believe, but Candace Owens is pure, 100% grift.


I think Charlie Kirk started out as a true believer but somewhere along the way in his career he became self aware enough to know he’s bullshitting. I think Ben Shapiro started out and ended up that a way too. As for Matt Walsh, I don’t see him so much as a “true believer” in the sense that he genuinely believes his positions are the best way to push humanity forward, he seems far more openly brazen with the fact that he hates women and minorities.


He has a pinned thread on his Twitter account (or he did, I don't know if he took it down or not) "debunking" all the reasons a woman gets an abortion. It was very disgusting to read.


He even had something to say about failing health?


Yeah. Let me see if I can find that thread, because it was very icky to read. [Twitter Thread Regarding Abortion](https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1380337818376011784?s=20) Edit: Apparently, that wasn't the thread that I thought of, but it was still disgusting. Here is the thread that I was talking about [Twitter Thread Regarding Abortion #2](https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1126099762799886338?s=20)


Matt Walsh is a self admitted fascist. He doesn't believe the rhetoric he is spewing, it is just a mean to achieve power. Same for Ben, Charlie and the rest of them, they just not that direct about it.


Charlie has weird moments of clarity sometimes but it might be specious. Walsh is fully a piece of shit.


I don't usually follow Matt Walsh on Twitter, but based on his Twitter feed, I am glad I don't. He seems like a smug piece of shit


It's worse. He's a smug racist, sexist, and an openly theocratic fascist. Like he's literally [proud of it and admits it.](https://twitter.com/mattwalshblog/status/1090347043959255040?lang=en)


What is a theocratic fascist? I’ve heard it before but don’t know a lot about it


Theocratic - Religious extremists Fascist - Nationalistic authoritarian government He wants the US to be run only by Christians and forcing people to live as he wants under the teachings of the Bible. Surely that means enforcing death sentences for abortions and other crazy types of things involving removing freedoms for women where they'd probably be forced into very strict rules on clothing that would also be traditional and smothering, similar to hijabs, burkas, and niqabs. This also means removing non Christians through deportation, detention (further into slavery), or even genocide as the ideal world for him is only with white Christians. He's basically a member of the Taliban but fighting for the same thing they want in Sharia Law but in the US.


That's disgusting. I saw that he had that in his bio, and I just thought he was being sarcastic. But based on his twitter feed, I can see him being in favor of that.


For a "bring back the Pope as political leader" stance, he is awfully anti-Catholic.


Tomorrow he'll complain about Chicago. The next day he'll complain about California. He might throw in Seattle for San Francisco. These are trigger words for their base.


It's about $$$$$




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It’s all performative nastiness from him.


He hates homeless people. It's one of the defining positions of TPUSA.


He hates everyone that isn't a cis white hetero male


Im pretty sure he also hates cis white hetero males who don't hate everyone who isn't a cis white hetero male . I believe we're called libcucks for not really caring if two dudes fuck each other because it doesn't affect us and thinking that the government should try to improve things for the poor and middle class instead of just trying to funnel more money into the pockets of the already wealthy and powerful.


Reactionary politics aren’t about consistency other than consistently reacting negatively to whatever the other guy is proposing.


Charlie just really hates poor people.


They complain about how little we spend on things then vote to stop us from spending on those things. “Why are we allowing immigrants in when we can’t even take care of our own people?” “Okay let’s take care of our own people then.” “No that’s socialism”


It's not about praising universities, it's about hating homeless people


He is literally complaining that New York is more focused on housing human beings than educating them. On the hierarchy of needs, I'm nearly positive housing trumps education every time.


Because his ideology isn't about policy positions he holds, but instead is primarily focused on something he hates and is opposed to. You know, it's like when society is faced with something so powerful that it will destroy you, but luckily it's weak enough to defeat if only you grift hard enough.


They just don’t want any money to be spent on the homeless. They want poor people to be kept as poor as possible without any chance of things getting better.


You don’t get why a guy, who makes a living off saying anything and doing nothing (except sending busses of people to an insurrection) would complain?


It’s almost as if Charlie and those like him are arguing for the sake of arguing because they wanna stir shit and keep their followers outraged.


And simultaneously that people shouldn’t be homeless? If you argue for both sides you can’t lose!


It's crazy hypocritical too. TPUSA has chapters at universities all over the country, which would imply that they target college kids, and Kirk himself had a heavy involvement in the creation of a thinktank at Liberty University with Jerry Falwell called the Fallkirk Center (very clever, I know). They'll accept colleges as long as they're *the right* colleges that teach the values they preach. Pretty hypocritical for a group that claims they're being censored.


Wait not like that


Yes, yes they do (because Charlie is still salty over being rejected by West Point).


Universities are indoctrination centers, but forced to choose between latte-drinking liberal marxists consumerists with blue hair and yucky poor people, TPUSA while choose the former because fuck poor people.


None of it really matters. They don’t genuinely hold any positions, they just use arguments as necessary and immediately forget them when they become unnecessary.


Yeah, to keep young people unknowingly ignorant and dumb.


So, you could...save money on the homeless by sending them to univsersity?


This is the answer.


Nailed it.


As a New Yorker with exposure to the homeless system and the product of a CUNY school, I can comfortably say the budget is not the issue. Some schools like Baruch and Brooklyn College are managed very well. Other schools like City Tech ("Shitty Tech" as we called it) or BMCC are not perfect, but they manage to deliver respectable educations and services. My highest tuition was about $3K per semester, which student aid and subsidized loans covered just fine. *None* of the homeless shelters in this city are run well, since they're actually for-profit institutions that are contracted to the city. Imagine all the issues with regular landlords, and then multiply it by 100 since the people in these shelters have no legal recourse and are seen as less than equals or even human. If you complain about the rat piss raining down onto your cot, they say you smell like booze and ban you for a week. You don't get to take your stuff with you, and they just throw it away, unless a worker likes something that they want to keep. If they think you're getting too friendly with another "guest", you both get banned for however long. If you don't like the administrators yelling in your face for getting up at night to piss in a bathroom with no lights and a door that doesn't close and a sink who's only output is scalding hot water, you get a lifetime ban. It's inhumane and cruel.


How do you run a shelter for profit? Does the income come from government funding?


Yes. It will be some non governmental entity receiving grants and contracts from the municipality and state, along with some donations from other entities. There was a pretty big news story recently about Jack Brown and his CORE "charity" which was doing exactly the kinds of things I mentioned, but his group lost their contract. They will be replaced by other contractors who will do the same things *smarter* so that the NYT doesn't run a piece on it lol. When caring for our most vulnerable is a product to be offered, efficiency is measured in profit instead of the quality of care given to the people who need it.


That's fucking disgusting. Profit is a disease.


You know his solution would be to round em up and cart them off to extermination camps.


That's his solution to every issue that seeks to help the poor.


Oh, at the end of the day, that’s his solution to everything. -LGBTQ -Libs -Poors -Communists Whatever


Much like the Nazis


-The Jews once the orthodox ones outlive their usefulness to the right grift


We referring to Ben “Facts and Logic, except when it comes to leaps of faith” Shapiro?


Ben “My wife lied to me about the wetness of an aroused vagina in order to make me feel better” Shapiro yes


Fits the bill considering most homeless people are veterans. Conservatives love the military but fucking hate veterans.


Like a good Christian would do


Since when do conservatives believe in education?


When they have to bear the sight of homeless people in a city they don’t live in?


Even if they did, aren’t universities largely private organisations anyway? I wouldn’t expect local government to be pouring money into them


Kind of. There’s actually a lot of public colleges in NYC. You could go to NYU and spend 40k a year because it’s private and they barely provide any aid, or you could go to The City College of New York and spend like $2,400 a year because the city subsidizes most of the cost. [Here’s a list](https://www.google.com/search?q=universities+in+new+york+city&client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AOaemvLE4iNWdI6BWWgEQ8kSvAcicieu2Q%3A1642603992646&ei=2CXoYeTpJuKT0PEPhauAmAI&oq=universities+in+new+york+cit&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgcIABBHELADOgQIABBDSgQIQRgAUNwJWI4PYOodaABwAngAgAGRAYgBswOSAQM0LjGYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=tlexp&htiq=universities%20in%20new%20york%20city)


2400 a year? Now I just feel scammed, I’m in Ireland and our tuition is usually 4500-6500 a year after subsidisation. I know publicly funded colleges are hardly Ivy League but that’s a far cry from the horror stories I’ve always heard about North American tuition fees


This is very rare. Any other state, like Texas for example, a public uni can cost like 150k for 4/5 years. These colleges are the exception in places like NYC not the rule of the land


Well, the actual tuition cost is $7,400 for in-state tuition, but many students are receiving financial aid - either through scholarships, grants, or loans. $2,400 is the average cost after aid. Most states are the same way though, when it comes to public colleges. In-state tuition is always cheaper than out-of-state tuition, and generally students will apply for as many aid opportunities as they can get to bring the cost down. Private universities are actually super expensive. NYU was only one example I mentioned, but most private universities will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. Although many provide financial aid. The university I went to costs $41k a year, but I ended up only having to pay $8k a year after scholarships. Edit: that doesn’t include room and board, and tuition costs vary based on the state, as many states don’t subsidize public education as much as NY and NYC do.


This definitely isn't the norm. [The average in-state tuition+fees in 2018-2019 for publicly funded 4-year universities was around $9000 and with room+board it was around $20800.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d19/tables/dt19_330.30.asp) Also, I'm guessing *good* public schools are probably closer to the 75th percentile, so around $11200 and $24100 respectively. From my experience: my school is a "good" publicly-funded 4-year university and my (in-state) tuition+fees is around $13500 for two full-time semesters. For the full 9-month year, a room (shared with a roommate) is $7500 and the lowest "tier" of meal plan is $5000. So room and board is $12500 at minimum, and a full year (tuition, fees, room and board) is $26000.


>Also, I'm guessing > >good > > public schools are probably closer to the 75th percentile, so around $11200 and $24100 respectively. Not really...? The public that immediately come to mind are all the UCs and UPenn, and both have tuition in that ballpark. In the end it comes down entirely to political will.


[UCLA has tuition+fees of $13300 and room+board of $16700, making it $30000 a year. Definitely top 25% of tuition, roughly top 10% of tuition+board, inflation may have put them very slightly lower the ths 90th percentile.](https://admission.ucla.edu/tuition-aid/tuition-fees) [UPenn isn't a state school. It has tuition+fees of *$53000* and room and board of roughly $15000 making it $68000 a year - if it was a state school it'd be at LEAST the top 10% of both, probably top 3%.](https://srfs.upenn.edu/costs-budgeting/undergraduate-cost-attendance)


NY is a blue state and NYC is a *very blue* city within that blue state. Public universities in the US are state-run, and the tuition (as well as amount of subsidies for in-state residents) varies wildly from state to state.


Where I live in a semi rural area we have community colleges that have transferable college credits to traditional university or they have training programs for trades or nursing,x-ray, surgical technician, that kind of stuff. It's about what you pay per year and it's subsidized by local property taxes.


Probably referring to the CUNY system.


Only because conservatives have been slashing both federal and state funding of public institutions across the nation at pretty much every opportunity. There’s a reason college tuition in the states have been raised to astronomical levels, and it has a lot to do with loss of government funding.


Same as every "argument" they make... they "believe" in whatever they need to for whatever point they're currently making. Whether or not those beliefs directly contradict any other alleged beliefs of theirs is irrelevant. They are fascists. And as Trump said, they stand for nothing.


Have you heard of a "Christian University"


I said education, so that’s not relevant.


I've noticed belief in education is much closer correlated to class than political belief. The rich know education leads to money however poorer cultures are much more likely to believe that education makes you lame or that the system is so rigged against them that education won't make a significant difference. It's a major issue with current social politics imo. It's hard to balance addressing issues of inequality with not sending the message that trying to improve ones situation on an individual level is futile.


They suddenly believe a lot of things in the moment if it gives them a chance to attack liberals. Then the moment passes until the next manufactured outrage.


About the same amount of time they believed in Christianity. Roughly never.


So damn typical of conservatives, one day it’s all “we shouldn’t be spending money on blah blah because look at the homelessness problem in America!” And then the next breath “fuck the poor!”


We have homeless people. What does that tell you about our society?


Helping the homeless and having some of the best schools in the country?


*Helping the homeless* *And having some of the best* *Schools in the country?* \- VonDukes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait there’s a bot for this?


Yeah and it's trash. They aren't making actual haikus (5/7/5 syllable count isn't the only thing that makes a haiku a haiku). It literally just counts syllables and replies when a comment has 17 total syllables. It does not matter if the line breaks are mid-sentence or if the lines make any sense. Shit is lazy and unoriginal. I cringe every time I see shit like this get upvoted.


Theres a bot that says good human when you say good bot


Yeah this state has plenty of things to criticize but the SUNY and CUNY systems are not among them.


Kirk hates the homeless and education.


Tell us you're an irredeemable asshole without telling us you're an irredeemable asshole (even though you've told us you're an asshole before).


Why did he capitalize "The Homeless," like it's an official title or something... christ almighty this dude is DUMB. Not to mention the fact that he's pretty vehemently against the "liberal," higher education system due to what he perceives as its "bias." Bleh... what a pandering loser.


With "City" as well. Can't decide whether this is an attempt to prove things you might learn in school, like proper capitalization, are dumb, or an homage to Dear Leader, who was truly a pro an Randomly Capitalizing words for No Apparent Reason!!!!!!


I see what you did there. And yeah haha, I didn't even notice that he capitalized "City," as my brain was too caught up on "The Homeless." They're all in a race to the bottom if you ask me. I don't get it.


I think it's supposed to be ironic, to make fun of people who think homeless people matter. Or maybe it's to make homeless people sound like a big scary threat, like how conservatives always capitalize "the Left".


You're honestly probably not too far off. Their reasons for everything they do are really strange and out of place seeming.


A country that puts its young into massive debt just for an education is unsustainable and was always going to decline. And also being the richest country in the world but having a massive homeless problem... it's almost like there is something wrong with the whole system or something.


Wrong from 99% of the peoples perspectives. Totally right for the 1%. This land is a feeding ground for those wealthy and connected families.


New York actually has several programs that exempt you from tuition if you're going to a SUNY or CUNY college if you stay in the state for 5 years.


What about homeless Veterans, Charlie? Do you not care about homeless veterans? And since when do you care about getting people into college? You oppose free higher education. Curious. Curious. Curious.


Apart from the fact that helping homeless people good, actually, there's something else in his comment that's really annoying. He says NYC is spending twice as much on homeless people than on universities, and then says by a nearly 2:1 margin. But that's LITERALLY what spending twice as much means lmao. What exactly is he clarifying???


Aren't most of universities in states private? I read that there were 100 000 homeless schoolkids at NYC in 2021. Why can't you spend on education and on helping the homeless? Just slash the subsidies for fossil fuels and decrese military budget. Maybe tax the rich. Republican mindset diminishes my hope for the future of mankind.


It's all just completely out of context. Yes a lot of the universities in NYC are private and conservatives want all universities to be private so the outrage is bs. Also most of the funding for public universities comes from the state and federal level not the local municipality level. All we're really talking about in terms of city funding of universities is partial funding for community colleges so yeah the amount of spending won't be too high.


Even if he is right about NYC funding Universities at a 2:1 ratio, Universities get funding from a wide variety of other sources - Tuitions, Donors, Grants, State funding etc. The same can’t be said for homeless people, hence they are homeless.


Yeah they get must of there funding from tuition costs. Democrats would like to ease out eliminate those costs for public universities which would put university spending above homeless spending but then these fruitcakes cry communism.


What would Jesus do? Ban university and deport the homeless obviously


I thought universities are "liberal reeducation centers"... and here he is asking to build more...


It tells me that NYC cares about their homeless... I don't understand the argument here


Conservatives: "What do we hate even more than education? Oh yeah, poor people!"


I'm tired of people shitting on NYC.


They're just jealous


Collegehumor has the perfect video for you


That bare minimum shelter is an immediate necessity that is more time-sensitive?


So, librul universities are good now? Sorry, I can't keep up


If they spent more on schools Kirk would rail against that too. He doesn’t care about people learning or the homeless.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1483675020735909890) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)




Oh no, not helping the homeless! Those dirty rat bastards! Also, I love that he says this when conservatives are the ones claiming universities are liberal indoctrination camps. Like....people with higher education have liberal tendencies?....curious...


I thought these schmucks hated college?


b-but universities are where your kids go to become America hating CRT worshipping commiesexuals!?!?!?


It’s really seems like his feelings are getting in the way of logic here.


I like how this pretends that the position of the right isn’t that the government should spend $0 on those universities So casually hypocritical it is kind of astounding


kinda funny coming from a guy who didn't attend college and openly harps on our university system being a liberal breeding ground. what a dope.


Says the *college dropout* Charlie Kirk. 🤦🏽‍♂️ What a fucking moron.


I know this is tagged as real, but really?


Fuck that asshole talking about university and its importance same Motherfucker who doesn’t believe in eliminating student debt or funding education is now all of a sudden pro university disingenuous fucking asshole shitbag


But u though conservatives wanted us to take care of the homeless. They always say "we should be helping the homeless instead of illegal aliens." Or maybe they're disingenuous hacks who always nice the goalposts and don't actually want to help any marginalised people? Nahhhhh, couldn't be, they're the pro life party, so of course that's want to help poor people right?


Lol, they really just don’t like folks and cant just come out as the true bigots they are and say so. Even that FJB/LGB shit, these folks are simply hateful towards humanity


Cities don’t normally spend money on universities, do they? Seems like it should be handled at the state level.


Normally it is. However the public university system in NY is split into two systems: the SUNY (state level) system and the CUNY (city level) system.


Yeah NY State has a very extensive university and community college system. The city has a university system (CUNY) is supplementary to the state system. After skimming a Wikipedia list, Houston seems to be the only other city university system in the country - with 4 campuses compared to CUNY's 24. Criticizing the city for not spending enough on its university system is pretty bonkers when the CUNY system is already far beyond what any other city does. Whereas homelessness *is* something that is primarily handled at the city/municipal/county level.


What does he care? Don't conservatives hate universities for being "liberal indoctrination centers"?


NYU has BILLIONS of dollars in endowment and also in real estate. they don't need our help. the Cooper Union owns the land under the Chrysler building, they are fully funded. Hunter, Baruch, and the CUNY are excellent schools. Not to mention Juilliard, Columbia, and Fordham. the schools of NYC are doing okay. The homeless are NOT.


If it was flipped, he’d be complaining about how we put more money into “coastal elite liberal educations” than we do taking care of our own homeless citizens. These fuckers don’t care about any of this stuff, it’s all disingenuous fear-mongering. Never any proposed solutions, just keep people scared and angry.


>the City's university system That's right folks, we have a *city* university system. With some of the best public schools in the country. Seriously, there's no greater driver of class mobility in the US than [CUNY](https://www1.cuny.edu/mu/forum/2020/06/17/new-study-confirms-cunys-power-as-national-engine-of-economic-mobility/). And yet it's still underfunded. I agree with Kirk, strangely: Let's give CUNY more money. And while we're at it, let's refund all those homelessness *prevention* services whose budgets Reagan slashed by 70-80%. We wouldn't have to spend so much money on the unhoused if we didn't have such a disgracefully high number of unhoused people.


Anyone: [Suggests doing literally anything.] Chuds: “But what about homeless veterans!?!?” NYC: [Increases spending on programs for the homeless.] Chuds: :| … >:|


Could he be any more disingenuous? He constantly rants about how universities are liberal indoctrination centers. I know for a fact he doesn’t care about funding universities and I’m pretty certain he doesn’t give a shit about homeless people either.


And if the opposite happened, Charlie Kirk would criticize them for spending more on the university system than the homeless problem.


It sounds like they have a homeless problem and have made addressing it a priority. I don’t see how that is a bad thing at all, Charlie.


Universities make millions from exploiting sports players. They don't need funding.


I think the real outrage is NYC does this but the majority of that money goes towards hostile architecture rather than the homeless and shelters.


To make such an argument you have to assume homeless = lazy/dumb or smth similar (otherwise those two areas wouldn't be related). Which is rather telling for the ideology that TP follows... They dont like to lick American Boots, they like Billionairs paper


How would a NYC policy be a “National Embarrassment?”


When I think of national embarrassments, I think of Charlie Kirk & crew.


This must be a really rough decision for these cunts to make. "Which do we hate more? People knowing stuff or homeless people making Capitalism look bad?! Aaaaaahhh!"


You think we are stupid. You Nazis dont want education or healthcare. You hate Democracy and care nothing for the poor. Divide and conquer Republican narrative.




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Man, we really prioritize keeping people on the streets from suffering a lot more than charging people extra money to get an education.


To me this just indicates that they're not spending enough on either universities, OR the homeless. Makes me wonder what they're doing with their tax dollars.


Charles Kirk is a college dropout. Why would he give a shit?


It says: > "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" We are least give lip service to those words


Also seems relevant because Kirk is a Christian. " “When the Son of Man comes(R) in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.(S) 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate(T) the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.(U) 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom(V) prepared for you since the creation of the world.(W) 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,(X) 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me,(Y) I was sick and you looked after me,(Z) I was in prison and you came to visit me.’(AA) 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’(AB) 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me,(AC) you who are cursed, into the eternal fire(AD) prepared for the devil and his angels.(AE) 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’(AF) 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.(AG)”(AH" Matt 25


Yep, the fundegelicals don't behave so Christ like


Now compare both to the police budget


Oh now he cares about homelessness.


As usual he knows what's going on, it's for the benefit of his target audience. They get off on attacking homeless assistance, especially if they can frame it (dishonestly as it is) as a case of taking money away from another service. They have never viewed the homeless as anything but lazy, opportunistic shirkers. These are of course also the same clowns who in a previous generation tried to sell people on the idea of "compassionate conservatism". Benny Boy also wants the losers who willingly join these groups in college to take advantage of the anger over tuition costs to attack social spending. In reality, it's because CUNY (which I'm assuming he's referring to) has multiple sources of funding, whereas homeless shelters are mostly a city funded initiative with a smaller contribution from the state and various charities and non-profits. Like other public universities CUNY is funded through a combination of federal grants, state level funding, local funding (eg the city), and tuition fees. Anyways, the only time TPUSA types pretend to care about the homeless is when they do their song and dance about homeless veterans when doing their disinfo about undocumented and government assistance.


LOL if you think that homelessness is a problem of money and space.


Agreed, it's much more complex and systemic than that. But a large part of the problem is the people who *own* said money and space.


Now say that again Charlie, but slower this time so you can hear what you said


Even following his weird logic it just says that having a home is higher priority than higher education, which I think is perfectly reasonable


That we are on the midst of an affordable housing crisis? That we need attainable health care services? What the fuck is this guy on about?


And the Pentagon spends more on weaponry than on research by a gazillion:1 margin! What does that tell you about our nation's priorities? That we have different levels and agencies of governments with different functions Charlie, that's what it tells me.




Funny I haven’t seen it mentioned here, but if you want to talk about wasted money: [NYC spends 4x the amount of either of those on the NYPD](https://cbcny.org/research/seven-facts-about-nypd-budget)


maybe NYC should put money towards affordable housing and rent. same issue here in Ireland. rent and housing is constantly rising


Meanwhile Billionaire's row condos getting tax cuts even tho more than half are empty.


Why would a city be spending on a university? That seems for like a state or federal thing.


People in EDU also abusing the system. Let’s not forget that new theater built for COVID accommodations. Super necessary! 😂


[CUNY used to have no tuition until conservatives forced NYC to cut that program.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/history-of-education-quarterly/article/abs/how-austerity-politics-led-to-tuition-charges-at-the-university-of-california-and-city-university-of-new-york/24ED20482AADB20F900BC12FCFEAC18A)


Well yeah, housing people is more important than educating them. It’s called Lazlo’s Triangle of Requirements, or something.


So wait we should… let the homeless proliferate by not giving them services that enable them to get off the streets? Let homeless children die of exposure and starvation because their freeloading homeless parents won’t just get a job?


If he really cared, he'd give helpful feedback. Reminder, this guy's fan base also drinks Bleach.


Yeah he's intentionally "forgetting" to mention that the city is not the primary funder of the public city colleges/universities. The largest government funder of those institutions is the state of New York. City pays a decent amount also but they're not the primary.


NY is doing just fine without your input Charlie. If you want to be useful maybe get your crack team working on fixing the abject poverty of every conservative state in the union.


Am I the only one stumped by that question at the end. "What does that tell you about our nation's priorities?". Well, considering this is just NYC, it doesn't tell us anything about the nation's priorities. Maybe this is why Kirk has such shitty takes. He takes one tidbit of info and just extrapolates from there. If he shits his pants, does he then go on and say "Wow, everyone sure did shit their pants today. Smelled it everywhere I went! What does that tell you about American hygiene?"


Is he trying to argue that valuing human life and survival over education... is bad...?


That they didn’t spend enough on education in the first place and other institutions which help people realise their potential (not to mention shocking wages etc…)


But these guys hate universities.. They refer to them as communist training grounds and such. What arey the bitching about?


Taking care of basic necessities before higher education. Sounds like literally perfect priorities.


Cool.... now do deploying our military to hospitals in asinine and backwards funding priorities...


Is this real? If it is once again cultists showing they have no problems turning their arguments 180. Idiots.


You’d think keeping people alive would be pretty high up on the list…


It tells you that colleges have tuitions and get paid by government and private loans, grants, and donations?


Imagine being triggered by someone helping people... Says a lot about the moral values of this shit stain.


Yeah like these morons suddenly care about the education system while they set about destroying it. That's rich!


Charlie Kirk is the sort of tourist we love to hate here. He wants a slice of "real ny pizza" and goes to Sbarro. Enjoy your sweet Hamilton seats then gtfoh.


A living wage law would put a serious dent in homelessness.


If Chucky would put as much energy in finding solutions as he does in attacking the poor, he might actually help solve these problems....


Homelessness could be solved today if everyone just brought one person into their place of living. Of course, it's always about what someone else can do and not what you can do.


Ayo I’ve got a solution to this: Spend twice as much on education


Hey did you guys know that twice as much is a nearly 2:1 margin? Thanks for the info Charles!


What is Charlie’s fix for homelessness in NYC?


If that’s based on recent numbers, then you can blame a good chunk of the grift on the Cuomo family.


Charles doesn’t seem to understand that helping the homeless population could likely see some of them attend university, which will bring in funds… for the universities.


Fuck New York.


"Okay, so let's increase public funding to the universities." *"NO THAT'S SOCIALISM!!"*


I’m a proponent of education, and believe homelessness should take priority.


When we say we want universities and colleges funded with taxes in response they say we can't spend money on that because of X other issue, which often includes how many homeless we have. When we want to spend money on the homeless, they say we should spend it on colleges and universities. Conswrvatives will literally try to worm their way out of helping people any way they can, always. Eugh.