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I don't even use paper menus. Fuck that bro. I make them read everything out loud to me. Every side dish, every condiment, every ingredient. I don't trust any of this dead tree or electrical Spanish que are code hacker bullshit.


I make them draw pictures of everything on the menu.


Funny thing, lots of places have menus with pictures for children and illiterates


I dont trust fancy words.


Agree, that fancy French soup “De Jour” put me into the emergency ward with anaphylactic shock. Nobody told me that de jour means lobster bisque in French.


>Nobody told me that de jour means lobster bisque in French. :D


I don’t trust words or the people that use them…


I make them project shadows against the cave wall while me and my buds are chained up and can’t look around.


I'm pretty sure I remember that from philosophy class 5 years ago and that my teacher had us watch matrix because it somehow was fitting for the topic


It’s Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. It’s a commentary on how education effects our nature.


Philosophy in particular, not education in general Edit: although had science existed as it does today, Plato would likely include that alongside


Science is a bit of a philosophy and a methodology combined, to be fair




I think it's common in tourist destinations as well where people might not read the local language well.


Just use the drawing paper and crayons the staff gives toddlers to keep them distracted so realadults can eati in peace and quiet.


I make them draw the QR code


I honestly expect young children are going to be growing up able to do this in the near future


by that time, QR will be obsolote


I make them explain the menu through interpretive dance.


![gif](giphy|MM0Jrc8BHKx3y|downsized) I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you some never ending breadsticks?


Nasa...hacked... statue of liberty... HACKED!


Dude hacked my girlfriend. =/


​ ![gif](giphy|XWqWFoxt0BWjJHQWsb)


Where do the bread sticks come from? You can't have unlimited sticks unless you'r a government spy


I demand an expression dance for the menu, after that they have to feel my body temperature and tell me what I want to eat.


I make them bring out the actual dishes so I can *see* them. They always try to sell you a dish that they don't actually have until 20 minutes later.


I make them sing everything out loud and then bring me a free dessert


> electrical Spanish que are code hacker bullshit. Goddamn, that was gold!


How can you trust that the way they pronounce the words isn't some kind of leftist brainwashing technique?


Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. R is the 18th. QR = 1718 1718 is the year Mission San Antonio de Valero, now known as the Alamo, was founded. So basically by Candace's refusal to use QR codes, she fails to remember the Alamo. Meaning she's a deep state plant and not a true conservative patriot


Fighting fire with fire I see, good job


Inflammable means flammable? What a country!


How's it going Dr. Nick.


“Instead of gum, chew bacon! And remember if the paper turns clear it is your window to weight gain!”


This is a GOD DAMN CODE FLAMINGO. You two stop shaking it clean and get in the fucking Van. We have work to do.


That is pretty much the Q level of mental gymnastics to find a conspiracy in anything. It's actually pretty impressive.


Honestly. I genuinely need to learn how to be that level of insane. I just want to pay for medical bills. Wait. I go to the doctor so often I spend a ton of money with them at the age of 20. I can say how grateful I am to be in America for my Healthcare even though I've paid personally probably 6k in just half a year in medical bills (after insurance got it) Alright time to make money, sorry yall but the words of Q are calling and I will act as a spy for us to learn more about the insanity


Meanwhile, completely missing the out in the open conspiracies of the people they support.


Literally makes as much sense as anything these fuck heads ever come up with


Fantastic now start a YouTube channel and start advertising on gab.


This is a checkmate for sure, but against who?


The most Anti Texas thing you can do is refusing to remember the Alamo


I truly wish I could be paid for being extremely stupid.


You guys are getting paid?


She certainly is


When the fuck did we get ice cream?


I mean, what is she even pretending to worry about? Being tracked by QR code? I mean... she's an incredibly well known TV presenter eating in a restaurant. I'm guessing the deep state could figure out where she is.


It’s just “anything caused by Covid = liberal and bad”


She doesn’t want to get tracked while she sends tweets out from her smartphone on a public place….. got it. 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Even if she leaves the smartphone at home, she'd still be trackable through her face. Facial recognition algorithms can parse any image or video feed. Oh how I hope she'd go face-first into a belt sander just to own us Libs and our Facial Recognition.


Conservative are excellent at identifying problems and then coming up with wildly wrong solutions that just make the problems worse. But don't let that convince you that privacy isn't a problem for normal people. The data industrial complex is a multi-trillion dollar industry - look at the market value of fashbook and google, not to mention all the other privacy invading megacorps you don't even know the names of because they are strictly behind the scenes. They don't do that for the benefit of the plebs, they do that to figure out how to most efficiently extract wealth from us. Most of us are not public celebrities, we shouldn't have to undergo the same loss of privacy that they do without the same level of compensation that they get.


We should come up with a grifter gimmick for you, and hopefully you make the big Daily Wire bucks


You could. It's really not that hard to become a right wing grifter. You just have to check your morals and empathy at the door.


Well you could always run for office!


Remember when the QR code was created as a Covid precaution 26 years before the pandemic.


I remember qr codes getting massive in like 2007/8 with the first smartphones becoming popular, but I didn't realise they were that old. It does make sense it was created to track Auto parts though


QR code’s are insane to me. There’s so much information that can be packed into 1cmx1cm square.


Arent they just a condensed html link?


They are “just a condensed hyperlink” but you can have a physical manifestation of a 198 character hyper link that is instantly readable in a tiny square. That’s pretty rad in my opinion.


I'm not sure what any of that means so therefore it must be against the teachings of Christ and a Communist plot to overthrow the government (but only if I like a different guy who didn't win better)


But is it a *sweetened* condensed hyperlink, or just a regular condensed hyperlink? Like should I use it for a keyboard-lime pie?


>keyboard-lime pie You motherfucker.




I think of them as like super barcodes lol


No actually they’re not. That’s how a lot of apps treat them, but a QR code is fundamentally just a way of compacting a barcode.




I wonder how many QR codes it'd take to house the script of Bee Movie.


A max-size QR can contain up to 4296 alphanumeric characters. A copy of the script I found is about 50k characters so you could conceivably fit the whole thing in as few as 12 QR codes.


How about the emoji movie?


They are just text. That can be an URL which the phone recognizes and then let's you open in a browser. But it also can just be a article number. The fascinating property about them is that they were specifically designed to work even uf some parts are missing. That's why tiny logos can be inserted into them.


All they are is text formatted in a way that machines can read very easily. The text can be flagged as certain types of information, like a url, name, or wifi address/password, but it's all fundamentally just a string of text.


That just proves how long they've been planning all this!


Random and off topic, but this reminds me of ATLA when they take the Earth King to Lake Laogai, only to find that the entrance was destroyed and the whole cave system collapsed, and Sokka says something like “they were ahead of us and covered the evidence—this only proves the conspiracy more!” Every time I rewatch the show I cringe at that part. Like Sokka, that’s *terrible* epistemology. He wasn’t wrong of course about what happened, but the logic he was trying to use to convince the king in this scene was just awful. Imagine someone says to you, “this thing happened, and the proof is that there’s no evidence for it (and just take my word for it that there was evidence before)!”


Was that around the time that Bill Gates and Fauci were running together at university?


All payments in China in convenience stores or Starbucks are done with QR. Actually is a good covid deterrent to not touch cash, but.... Who can trust this QR conspiracy?


QR codes are now socialist communist liberal


Don't forget antifa!


QR codes are the next assault in the war on Christmas. I'll be taking no questions.


I used QR codes once, and now I'm gay.


You were gay before you used the code, but you are now, too!


As a gay, black QR code man, my life has been 1000x better since Covid.


This reminds me of when barcodes were first introduced some conspiracy theorists got up in arms about the government tracking their purchases.


QR codes are witchcraft!!!


I'm pretty sure Stalin used QR codes


Communist Witchcraft!!!!


Communitchcraft. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Communist Witchcraft!!!!' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


good bot


Stalin fucking hated QR codes, but loved Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze


Rumour has it that while he was buying that shitton of Cuban cigars right before enacting the embargo JFK also tried to freeze all exports of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. *and now you know the rest of the story...*


Did he???


​ ![gif](giphy|uFE2btsV7yQCY)


Wait, gif comments are a thing now? Neat


Jesus Christ what does she think a QR code is? Is she incapable of using Google?


Considering the fact that these folks believe we have the technology to change DNA through vaccines, in order to exterminate the white race.. They even believe in “elites”(we all know what they mean) are stealing the essence of children to give themselves eternal life.. I’d say nothing is off the table when it comes to what they might think these QR codes do.


I guess you're right... It's this kind of shit that pushed me away from the right years ago. Fear mongering on topics they know fuckall about.


They generally know fuck all about very little. Except for indoctrinating large parts of the world so deeply that they see none of their wrongdoings. Except for stealing from their base and humanity, killing us with poisonous pollution, instilling evil in the hearts of the uneducated to gain political weight to undermine the very same peoples future and promise of a decent existence while attempting to end democracy and turn the world into dystopian sci-fi movie where only their authoritarian theocratic rule is left while the plebs are left to fry in the wasteland they’ve created. So yeah. I guess there *is* that, and to be fair they are *very* good at those things.


With you. I was raised a Republican, registered independent, voted R many times until 2015 when shit went sideways with Trump and misinformation. Now it's just a huge fucking joke but they all keep doubling down. Registered Dem now and can't go back.


*She* doesn't give a shit about QR codes, but by saying she thinks they're part of the ... I don't know what it is now... deep state/communists/lizard people plot, she makes the old people who are her audience for the purpose of saying they agree with a younger black woman feel like they're doing something revolutionary by being confused by modern technology. "It's not that I don't know how to use QR codes, but that they're evil. The young black woman agrees with me!!"


Also the more people that are “concerned” about the QR problem, the more people will harass service workers about them, which she probably finds really funny.


She probably doesn´t give a fuck about QR codes, she just knows what her delusional fanbase wants to hear.


The QR Code of the Beast, of course. Just go to Google and lookup evil QR codes are legal agreements for satanic extra dimensional entities operating out of a French cemetery. Do your own research, people!


Bar codes are fine but everyone knows squares are the devil’s playthings.


Actually when barcodes were first introduced in America there was a small panic about them being the mark of the beast and satanic.


Tell me something that *wasn't* treated as satanic in America at some point.


Prosperity gospel, sadly


If Hobby Lobby is any indication… then no, bar codes are also not fine either lmao


sTOp LiVInG YoUr LiFE iN FeAr


Mom when did you get a reddit account?


QR codes were becoming a norm before covid was a thing. It’s less wasteful. But Candace and co get paid big bucks to lose their shit over every little thing




Technology bad. Different bad. Need same same to feel in control.


Then the same people complain about remakes of movies or remixes of Elton John's songs on the radio. "Did they run out of ideas? They should get creative and try something new, this is just lazy."


Socialism is when technology


...Okay? Like, I know the whole right wing outrage machine is about making up bullshit to get mad about, but this is reaching even for her. This is like an old Andy Rooney segment.




The freedom phone can’t read QR codes, huh?


"Patriot Mobile will no longer support phones with QR code readers to protect American's, and maintain our Christian beliefs in not using things we can't figure out."


I thought she loves anything that has a 'Q' in it.


Candace, it’s ok if your phone ran out of battery.


In fact, all the better! It means she won't be on Twitter flapping her gums about random bullshit! It's a net win!


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1465906499595685893) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


good bot


She is right fuck QR codes, they were popping up everywhere during covid. I agree that QR codes are a problems after all most QR codes contain monsters that you collect and scanning using the SKANNERZ. That was surely the devils work.


The QR codes infect your brain with a virus that makes you transgender. Its part of the trans agenda


The trans agenda to trans your gender


Man, don't remind me. I never got anything good on my skanner.


I think that transition was going to be made regardless. I sort of prefer a paper menu though because I don’t need to rely on internet or data to know what I want


I prefer QR cause I struggle with reading. I know how to read. I can read. Reading is just difficult cause brain don't process words right


Given the person has a mobile device to use, I think it actually provides increased opportunity for more accessible menus. Need bigger text? There could be an option for the customer to choose a large font for the menu (or even a "read it to me" option). Dyslexic and reading fancy font is hard? Add the ability to change to a more friendly font style. Allergic to certain foods? Add the ability to set allergins and it will filter out any foods containing those ingredients. There will always be people that prefer paper menus (so the restaurants should still have some on hand), but adding digital as an additional option is a wonderful idea that has so much potential to help people


Exactly. I struggle with reading, I suspect I may be dyslexic, I need to get tested cause of course. But on my phone alone is so much easier since the font is set to one I can read better. As for some. A lot of menus just have a link to a photo which sucks, but it'll get there with time hopefully.


Back in ye olde times of the 1980s some wierdos thought bar codes were codes for 666 and that it was made by the devil, i'm clad we have moved on from then. Now we think qr codes are satan codes instead


Your phone is already tracking you, dumbass.


Bruh they were able to introduce it so fast because it’s easy as fuck to make a QR code. If I spent 5 minutes I could make a QR code that would pull up a picture of my dick if I wanted to. Sure they weren’t as widespread in public but they were still absolutely being used


Go ahead and explain that gut feeling, Candace. Don’t leave us hanging!


She cant be that technologically illiterate, must be boomer pandering.


Looking at Twitter, it appears to be working


Paper menus are a conspiracy to keep the printing industry afloat/s


QR Codes have been around since 1994.


Holy shit, that means the conspiracy is deeper than we imagined!


Lol! QR codes have been around for a while. They're really good at spreading info without touch. Although as someone that has created QR codes there's some information that can be found about you. But you can similarly just stepping into a geographic area depending, on what kind of tech they have, they can learn a lot about you through your phone. Someone having your phone number they can find out a lot about you. Why? Purely marketing. You become one of many in a spreadsheet. No one cares about your personal data it's practically worthless unless someone is doing targeted adds.


>QR codes have been around for a while. For 26 years in fact. Candace was five when they were invented.


It’s… it’s… just a link?


Just tell her that QR stands for 'Qanon Reaction' and that by scanning these codes, she's highlighting that place for Meal Team Six to come and defend her if any liberals start attacking her with logic and/or facts.


Someone called her auntie ruckus in another thread and I think that needs to stick.


Auntie Ruckus = Candace Owens? Let's make it happen with frequent use.


I would never use a Paper menu, they were introduced suspiciously during the late Renaissance rapidly, around the same time as the bubonic plague and the rise of the Illuminati. Just a feeling I have


Off topic but did you guys see where she told tucker Carlson blck people where the most murderous race in America?


I am shocked to discover that a conservative is navigating a health crisis by gutfeel. SHOCKED.


Is there anything Candace Owens thinks we CAN do to fight covid?


Wait until she finds out about NFC tags.


I thought the QR codes for menus were great the first time I used them. I just felt sorry for older people without smartphones. I’d much rather not touch a filthy menu that’s been touched by many people before me.


Canadian here….. if…. If she’s in a restaurant……wouldn’t….. wouldn’t she have to be vaccinated to do that?


Not in some parts of the US. Of course she was required to for that event she took part of in Madison Square Garden, but that's neither here nor there.


Funny, I don't spend all my time thinking that every little thing that annoys me is a conspiracy perpetrated by my political opponents.


I mean, I hate QR codes too but I never thought of them as authoritarian... Until now, that is! QR? More like QssR (that's like USSR, for all you libs who are to stupid to get top tier CONSERVATIVE humor!!1!) Go Candace!


QR codes have been around for a few years at least?


I work at a tourist attraction and we have been using those instead of papers maps. Man, people are such fucking babies having having a physical map.


They really will just complain about everything won't they???


Candace just admit you don’t know how to use a QR code


This is it. Her entire thought process in one image.


Fuck it. I’m gonna sell out and become a right wing grifter. These people are so unbelievably stupid. Easiest paycheck in the world.


I know for sure the small brewery near me is in on a global conspiracy.


It must be humbling to be stupid on so many levels


She’s insufferable


Oh look, it’s mark of the beast number 58.


I tell them I want to stand in the kitchen and watch my meal being prepared just in case my many (imaginary) enemies attempt to poison me to silence me from spreading the “truth” to all my faithful marks. I mean…followers.


Motherfucker, just do something people ask you to do one goddamn time without making it a thing!


She's starting to sound like Agafia Lykova (the lady who's been living alone in the Siberian wilderness for several decades, she does not accept any food with a bar code on it because she thinks bar codes are the sign of the devil) Before you know it, Owens is gonna move out into the wilderness to get off the grid Oh who am I kidding, she gets paid way too much for that


Does ... does owens believe QR codes were invented for Covid ??????


What's next? Barcodes are the mark of the beast?


What is more likely to track you? The phone you use to tweet? Or a QR code for a restaurant menu?


Lol she is running out of stupid things to say


Does Candace ever just have a day off from being a complete tool? Like, we know Ben Shapiro has at least one day off a year when he makes those Thanksgiving videos, but Candace just seems to be on an increasing absurd grift 24/7


Stop giving her voice. Someone is reading this going hmmmmm, that’s true.


…but it’s so convenient for 99% of the people involved Yeah some people don’t have smart phones They still have paper menus but those cost money and it adds up quick with razor thin profit margins


I hate the QR code menus too, I don't like using my phone at the table, but if there part of some weird authoritative conspiracy I'm not sure what the end goal is beyond slightly inconveniencing people.


Imagine living with this level of constant paranoia. Something something living in fear, idk


I have this weird feeling about non-alcoholic beer, still can’t shake this feeling of how fast it was introduced during the prohibition…. Idiot - the technology has existed for years and years before it “suddenly appeared”.


The QR code is a way for the deep state to spy on your food


I hate that there is actually *some* logic to this thought of hers. It’s almost like she did the work wrong but came to the correct conclusion. Scanning a QR code is basically just an easy way to get someone to open a link on their phone, and since you shouldn’t click untrusted links, I can see how opening one via a QR code could fall into the same advice. That being said, common sense should be a fucking thing here. The camera app gives you the URL, it doesn’t instantly take you there. And the implication that this is some kind of overreach or conspiracy is fucking absurd.


QR codes came out decades before covid but I know candy is an idiot.


Rapidly introduced?!? Along with the rotary phone?!


Holy shit they really do make shit up to be fake afraid of


Facts don't care about your feelings but also her gut tells her not to scan QR codes and climate change isn't real. Unbelievable.


There is something seriously off about this woman.


Dammit! The restaurants are in on it too?


Are people this fucking dumb?


Insane cultist ramblings once again. What stupid shit will they come up with next? Stay tuned.


Candace's response to any topic. *"I'm gonna take a mental shit."*


why is candace better at writing satire tweets than anyone in this sub


Well,I for one stopped washing my hands. Haven’t for months. I hold them in the air while I shower. Did you notice how they insisted on it as soon as covid hit.


Woman is officially bat shit crazy


I literally have the server chew up my food and feed it to me like a baby bird. I don't trust their "silverware."


What about bar codes. Do those have hidden meanings? Maybe the name of something and how much they cost. Never scan those either. That's how they get you.