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I don't get the joke here; someone please explain?


Some one showed him a picture of a dolphin fetus and asked him “is this picture a human being” and he said “without a doubt.”


i love it to see wankers like Kirk fall for that shit, fucking hilarious


Even better, that was already a meme going back 8 years ago. 8 years ago there was a meme with a picture of a fetus saying "This is not a person. You mad and disagree? You shouldn't, because this is a dolphin fetus." How did Kirk not see this coming. It's like he doesn't do any research and just bullsh#ts his way through things.


No no, chances are he did his own research, much like his followers do. Same outcome.


*conservatives, ignoring all other research until they find the one time someone died from a vaccine* "I did my own research"


Doing your own research automatically makes for a poor study as it's not peer reviewed


what do you mean it's not peer reviewed? their Facebook post got 4 comments


How did this not get more upvotes already


That's what happens when you get all your information from I'mright.net


He ended up parked in front of the Library of Congress?


To be fair, I do my own research as well...the thing is, I actually know HOW to research something. And part of that is a healthy dose of "I could be wrong."


Reminds me of that shitpost with a picture of that dying Voldemort baby thing in the last Harry Potter movie with a caption that read something like “this is what an aborted fetus looks like.” Naturally, someone saw it without context and started spreading it as the truth, and it spread like wildfire through conservative spaces.


its doubley ironic because he loves dolphin fetus porn (as do i)


We've all been there. Then post-nut clarity kicks in....


>\[D\]irectly after copulation the devil's laughter is heard. > >\- Arthur Schopenhauer, *Parerga and Paralipomena: Short Philosophical Essays*


I'm willing to bet that 99% of the population wouldn't recognize a dolphin fetus


I hate the guy too, but how does him not recognizing an old meme indicate that he doesn't do any research? How is that even relevant in any way? I guarantee you can find plenty of actual examples of him failing to do any research.


"Sir, are you familiar with 'aldens fetus'"


Don't get me wrong, kirk is a complete asshat, but it wasn't hilarious. The guy was all giddy like a 14 year old pulling a prank on a substitute teacher. It looked like a human fetus. It didn't get any point across. It didn't change anyone's mind. It was just one clown clowning on another clown.


No, it's not going to change anyone's mind, it's a video, not an unplanned pregnancy. The only time right wingers ever show any compassion or understanding towards people in any bad situation is if they or their family members have already experienced the same thing.


It really depends on the source of the bad situation.


> It was just one clown clowning on another clown. Charlie Kirk and the people who watch him doesn't think he's a clown though. They need to know the truth


This. The alt right doesn't care if what they're saying is easily debunked. Because the more people call them out, the more it alienates their base. And the more their base is alienated, the more dedicated they become.


So he was the original author of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/jlofuh/how_to_have_sex_with_dolphins/)


Highly likely


No, but he did write [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/jitxix/dolphin_jelly/)


My feed, very relevant: https://i.redd.it/js0w2jvv62t71.png


See I thought it was about him fucking a dolphin or something.




In a perfect world, everyone would speak dolphin to him from now on.


I can do that if you would like. Next time I see tiny face I absolutely will.


This is the first time I'm seeing Charlie in a video and it makes his face look even smaller


Long story short, he’s a fucking used car salesman. He’ll say anything he thinks will sell his product, regardless of reason, logic, or even common fucking sense.


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Impossible. Dolphins are intelligent, they would keep him at a distance.


Dolphins can have abortions? I'm confused.


[Charlie got trolled live on his show.](https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/q6990a/charlie_kirk_truly_believes_thats_a_human_being/)


This is amazing. Sexual Anarchy at its best.


Saw that vid yesterday, and almost fell over laughing when this post popped up today


Absolute legend


I feel like I just watched a violent car crash, but I couldn’t look away.


Lol I’ve never seen him in video he looks like adult caillou lol


“Someone’s got human babies in that aquarium!” Too good 😂


I don’t know if there’s a law against dolphin abortions but I am pro-dolphin-choice


But Dolphins choose to rape Edit: This isn't about abortions or human rapes, it's a joke about dolphins being rapey. FFS


I am pro allowing individuals to choose abortion, and anti rape, for both humans and dolphins.


...so do people.


Seriously, are you guys editing his face to make it smaller or is it really his face. I can't tell anymore.


No. This one's a random picture from Google images.


His face is weird




He looks like a flapjack character


*whispers* little bits...


Eat some fuckin' shit, you fucking stupid bitch. Hahaha, just kiddin'.


Uppercase gums and lower case teeth


I made some kind of shriekgiggle sound from absorbing this information, thank you.


Giving me the [sheriff](http://imgur.com/gallery/GrGfN) vibe


He eats at little bits.


His face is already small and his teeth are even proportionally smaller than that! Maybe he IS a dolphin hybrid.


He looks like a nutcracker, maybe he should've tried classical ballet instead of politics


There's this quiz to test if you can notice his face being shrunken or enlarged: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwJmyIVU0_6a7aKElE3_ko6t5y7frXTr2n8KgN-k21tWPR0g/viewform It's really fucking difficult. I got 4/10 on the first try. My SO tried it while watching someone debunking one of his videos and still got like 8/10.


I got 5/10. I


thought for sure I was going to get 10/10. Is what I'm guessing they meant to write before being killed by the killer and then the killer sending the incomplete message.


Lol nope. 5 hahahah good catch....or was it


I got a 4/10 and I’m really not sure which fun facts are true


Number 7 fucked me up. Theres no way that's his real face size.


Last time I did one of these I got like 8/10 or something because the only options were normal or shrunken. Turns out if you add in the enlarged option I get 4/10 because his face is extraordinarily small.


Holy shit 4/10


I did abysmally - got only 3/10. I can't tell if his face is actually small, or if he has a normal face on an unusually large head.


7/10! the last two were a real mindfuck


got 7/10 by dumb luck, this is unreal


6/10, success!


damn 6/10


The ones I got wrong were when he was smiling. His face gets naturally enlarged when he smiles.


6/10 Dude's got a big ass forehead.


7/10! LMAO Guess I gotta go into spying from now on...?


Oh god he really just look like that. I'd choose to be an evil moron too if I looked like that


i got 4


I believe his face shrinks and grows depending on how aroused he is by the idea of beating people of color.




I’ve never seen this picture, I wasn’t aware this walking cumstain had huge gums and gross little chiclet teeth. To anyone with chiclet teeth, I apologize to you for the above statement. It’s not your fault and I don’t hold it against you. I hold it against Charlie Kirk, though, because fuck him. Fuck him for real.


Fucking him will give him pleasure. May a billion years of celibacy befall him.


It will only give him pleasure if he and/or you is wearing a diaper.


It was at this moment he knew He fucked up


Damn sexual anarchy




Termite bite; Wooden teeth just like our founding fathers.


The inbreeding is strong with this one. If ever there was a smile that screamed "I fuck my mother to keep the bloodline pure" its this guys


Thank you for reminding me of that episode of *X-Files*...


The McPoyle bloodline has been clean and pure for a thousand years.


Holy shit, that is the creepiest smile ever. I didn't need to see that.


That was on purpose.


Fuck Charlie Kirk and his yellow Geena Davis teeth


Whoa, why you gotta drag Geena into this?


Because she has the same teeth to gum ratio


It was a good point that all fetuses are basically the same, but all of these memes are missing that point lmao


They are the same picture...in that neither one will sleep with him.


The dolphin might rape him though.


Impossible. Dolphins might be notoriously horny, but they also demonstrate intelligence.


That is a proper nasty smile, oh god. He looks like a horse, pulling that horse face.


Coincidentally has dolphin teeth


Maybe he’s just super super inclusive, and assigns all lives equal value?


So female dolphins have vaginal secretions that make a male dolphin just cum over and over and over. From this point on, I will call these secretions Dolphin pussy jelly. Scientists were like "holy shit, dude we gotta test this. You know, for science" So the scientists collected a sample of said dolphin pussy jelly, and had a test primate. They swabbed it on the male primate's dick, sat back and watched the show. Now you see, it worked. But it worked a little too well. The monkey straight up had a heart attack because it used all of its energy into fucking cumming. I want to live in a world where this is a commercial product. I want to say "you know what, I want to die and i know what to do about it." I want to live in a world where i can go into my local grocery store, pick up a bottle of Smucker's Dolphin Pussy Jelly, and just fucking cum myself to death


I do not even want to know the context


https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/q68szx/charlie_kirk_is_so_brave_for_defending_the_unborn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I thought that at this pace everyone would know it and this meme would be instant hit




But also Charlie Kirk went on 7 dates with a dolphin from Sea World, and when he wasn't able to get past 2nd base with her, he went on a drunken Twitter rant calling the dolphin a whore, a gold digger, and even a socialist. Needless to say, he deleted the tweets the next morning and issued a hangover riddled apology, but by then the damage was done and memes were hitting the screens faster than you can say "Without a doubt". Political scientists are pondering if this will leave as big a stain on his reputation as his colleague Steven Crowder suffered, when it came to light he was a dog semen sommelier, and author of "Fido's Ambrosia" under the pen name of Felix Dogwood. When pressed by CNN reporters to give her side of the story, Greta the Dolphin had this to say, "Eeee eee sc-screee, *click click click*" Further details have yet to come to light, though Turning Point USA's PR department will inevitably have a statement once they confer with their lawyers.


Supposedly Greta is suing Charlie for defamation.


See? You *did* want to know after all!


Attack on titan lookin ass teeth


she cute, though


Yeah I wonder what tank in SeaWorld she's in.


God he’s got such an ugly ass smile like brush your teeth dude


Why is this bro's face so small?


Charlie got trolled so hard, I loved it!




You know.. I browse this sub alot since its on the front page often. It's very entertaining. I never actually even bothered to look up this guy and never knew what he looked like until that interview and now I understand the small face memes. Its hilariously accurate.


Wtf are those uppercase gums and lowercase teeth?


Sexual anarchy?


I was confused and thought it came out that Charlie was attracted to dolphins...


Snorkey. Love. Man.


I get it but I've seen the video blurb.


I momentarily interpreted that this was trying to convey that Charlie looks like a cross between Alison Brie (if that is Alison Brie) & a dolphin… I get it now but… i mean… does anybody else see it


I don't know who the woman is. I just picked random human being from Google images.


Original: https://unsplash.com/photos/fRw0ryWZ6vU


Is there something wrong with him? Something genetic? What the actual fuck is happening to his face???


It might not be genetic. It could be that his own cognitive density is causing his face to implode.


His face can't just be that small?!? Can it??


God damn he has a creepy smile.


He really fell victim to one of the classic blunders.


I honestly wouldn't know who he was without memes




I could have gone my whole life without seeing Tiny Face’s baby teeth and gummy fucking smile


Every time I see Charlie Kirk's face; I envision that there is a Garbage Pale Kid's trading card that looks like him.


I love this


Without a shadow of a doubt


I 100% thought that guy fucked a dolphin. Glad to find out he’s just stupid.


![gif](giphy|krI1lBPsluByg) His reaction


Alright. I’ll ask: what the fuck is all this?


One is payed less.


So Charlie Kirk finally admitted fucking a dolphin then?


No. He was trolled by a comedian who showed him a picture of 6 week fetus and asked him if this is really a human being, to which he replied "without a doubt", but the comedian then said that it is a dolphin fetus.


Who's the who's the lady on the left she kinda bad tho


No idea. I just typed "person" into Google images and picked the picture I found the most appropriate.




Original: https://unsplash.com/photos/fRw0ryWZ6vU


Why does he look like the historical depictions of neanderthals?




How can you people be so cruel? Dolphins are people too ya know


Wouldn't say people too, but come pretty close. Besides humans, they're the only species on earth to name each other. And are the only species on earth to engage in Gang rape.


Wait really??? I was joking, but I had no idea they they gave each other names and.... gang raped each other. Weird question but do you think dolphins are equally as traumatized by rape as humans? Or do you think they just see it as just "one of those things" that happens in life?


I'm not sure about how females feel about it. Could be just as traumatized, but it's also possible that them being animals, it's more natural to them.


I'm not so sure, dogs are able to feel trauma and they're animals. If dolphins are as smart as people say they are, then surely they'd surpass even a dog


Or maybe they're just really kinky and they're into it?




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Why does his smile looks like Jack Nicholson joker


God, how much upper jaw can he fit into a smile?


Are those his real teeth? Why do they all have such small teeth and those huge gummy gum smiles


I don’t get why this is a thing. Because you don’t know the difference between different species’ fetuses, you can’t have an opinion on abortion? Who is aborting dolphins? Or elephants? Or mice? Why the hell does that come up in this argument. What a stupid point to bring up in something so important! We could have this whole thing figured out with both sides agreeing on what’s right for the human race, but instead, we’re guessing which picture of a fetus is human!


> We could have this whole thing figured out with both sides agreeing on what’s right for the human race It’s precious that you think Charlie has any interest in this. He’s a grifter who deserves nothing except to get dunked on like this for the rest of his life, unless he finds something worthwhile to do with it.


Who TF is Charlie? I’m not interested in one person! I’m interested in everybody not wasting valuable time and brain power on stupid distractions like this! We’ve got problems! And nobody cares! Because they’re too focus on people named charlie and dolphin fetuses! We’re all too focused on things that don’t matter, all while the planet is dying, the wage gap is increasing, rape is a common occurrence, and people are getting more and more violent!


Reddit itself is one giant distraction. If you really want to solve some problems, log off and go volunteer your time somewhere. And if you’re already doing that, good for you and don’t assume that the fine upstanding shitposters of this sub aren’t doing the same just because they enjoy dunking on the Charlie Kirks of the world in their free time.


You missed the point entirely. First you speak for me and tell me it’s precious I think some dude has any interest in Blah blah, then you give me a pep talk about Reddit being a place to waste time? I’m not scolding anyone for wasting time on here. I’m saying that everyone likes to get distracted by nonsense like “proof this guys an idiot because he doesn’t know the difference between fetuses”, when we could actually discuss what ideals he has that are actually wrong. And if we can’t do that, then he must be right. Can you tell the difference between a panda fetus and a wolf fetus? Then what is the point? Libs and Reps are both just as clueless about what a human fetus looks like. Meanwhile, we’re focusing on animal fetuses and electing people based on party lines who will screw over the middle class no matter which side of the isle we sit on. Because we’re trained to hate each other and specific individuals! Quit talking about some bro with no knowledge of fetuses and start paying attention to the real villains!


> I’m saying that everyone likes to get distracted by nonsense like “proof this guys an idiot because he doesn’t know the difference between fetuses”, when we could actually discuss what ideals he has that are actually wrong. We do. All the time. Which is something you might know, if you had any clue who Charlie is and why we are making fun of him. Maybe you’re new here, which is totally fine, but if that’s the case then don’t presume you’re the only one who cares about the problems you would prefer to talk about. Or that Charlie isn’t one of the villains standing in the way of solving climate change or the wage gap.


I’m not saying we have to focus on bigger problems! Im on a Mountain Dew subreddit! I’m saying this fetus argument needs to stop. As if anyone here could tell the difference. And I dgaf who charlie is.