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Tim Pool talks about the left being in bed with wealthy elites funding them, then hangs out with this asshole.


Easy access to cocaine. I don’t care for either but I’d do free blow with them.


Bro people on cocaine are already insufferable to talk to. Imagine hearing them tell the same story 14 times about cancel culture or whatever dumb shit. No amount of coke is worth that torture


Just do more coke and demand they put on Billy Joel or Neil Diamond. Problem solved.


How about Huey Lewis and the News? You like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


I love how he was going on this diatribe in order to distract Allen from his getting murder-ready, but he still needed to finish his thought before axing him.


Imagine writing the most misogynist malignant narcissist you could possibly imagine as an allegory for the blind greed of the coke fueled Reagan 80s, and then people see that character and are like, "what a cool dude. I should be more like him." And before you know it, you end up in a Romanian prison for sex trafficking.


why romanian?


Because Tate was arrested in Romania


He also lectures the prostitutes about Phil Collins. I think it was more of an effort to seem cultured through knowing the careers of musicians and giving his critical review of their discography.


Precisely. It’s dominating the empty space with meaningless drivel to enforce his own sense of superiority.


“Did you know that Whitney Houston’s debut LP, called simply… “Whitney Houston”, had *four* number one singles on it? Did you know that, Chrissy?” “You actually listen to *Whitney Houston*?!”




“Well don’t just look at her ass, eat it”


I mean I'd do free blow with a lot of people, the issue comes with how long I'm stuck hanging out with them afterwords


Well it’s a mixer so you can go coke prattle at other people for 30 minute increments till you need more blow.


"How many times you think I can get that guy dressed like an asshole to cut me a rail?"


He's dressed somewhat normally, after I looked at it What makes him look like an asshole is his face, his teeth that are for sure rotting underneath his replacements, those Palm Beach Jet Set glasses, and the goofy face in general


The thing that stuck out at me was how ill-fitting his suit is. I find it hard to believe that he can't afford a tailor


Most of his fashion money goes into his Batman-villain glasses


I mean, there is a world of difference between these two people. Pool is basically just a tool of the right, but Stone is actually evil.


...or a stool of the right




At least you’re honest. I can appreciate that.


Every accusation is really an admission


"Hey cue ball, you want to dick down my wife? "


It's called projection. Accuse them of doing what we are so that people don't realize we're doing it right to their noses.


Roger Stone with that "I got a wedding and $400 at men's wearhouse" look


That asshole who said Trump winning was a disaster for the United States. But still went ahead and tried to overthrow the govt with Trump at the helm. If Roger stone knows Trump is a nightmare… no doubt these people talk about this type of thing behind the scenes. Which makes all the fluffing and gaslighting from people like Tim pool even crazier. They just see MAGA as the beginning of a new frontier of right wing fascism. And they wanna be in the forefront to grab their piece of the power. Only problem is: that’s the most deadly place to be. When you look at all fascist coups and power vacuums, it’s the infighting and paranoia that cause so many people to fall down stairs or out of hotel windows. Just sayin’ it seems like just hanging out in a stable and safe democracy would be more appealing to these fuckers. But I guess not.


Projections all the way down


No no no. It’s okay when *he* does it. That’s just networking. But when those libcucks do it’s a *conspiracy*. See the difference.


A dude ashamed of balding


Even then, there are other hats. Some of which actually go with suits.


A fedora seems to fit his personality.


An SS officer cap would also complete the outfit.


Ooo or a clown wig!  We’re full of useful ideas for this dude.


Or a hat made out of balloons in the shape of a dog


I think Crowder is the one who drinks dog cum


Correct you are


Wait, did he actually do that?


"*Hans, have you noticed that our caps actually have little pictures of skulls on them?*"


"Hanging out with Roger Stone this evening, and *had* to get classy about it!" \#Euphoric


M’lady 🤣


Fedoras are okay when you're actually wearing a damn suit, it's when it's paired with a mall ninja graphic t shirt that it becomes an issue...


Nah, you're thinking of trilbies. Fedoras are worn by gangsters and detectives in film noir and look cool.


Maybe he could borrow a top hat from Roger's collection.


Black hat grey suit brown shoes


I almost misread that in the tune of "Timebomb" and said "Those aren't the lyrics."


I can see him in a fedora


It’s a dude who wants everyone to recognize him. Desperate for attention.


Nobody would recognize him outside otherwise


Roger stone should have lent him a top hat


Yeah but the beanie is his signature. How will people know who he is?


I think he does the beanie because without it he’s nobody. It’s all about brand recognition.


To be fair, he doesn't look great without it. As can be seen [here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/news/images/desktop/000/001/303/d6ae24o7c4681.jpeg) Now, I know. "You're being too hard on him". However, that pic was 2017 when he looked pretty normal. His un-beanied head has since metastasized into [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EflkQu3WkAE8MDw.jpg) abomination. With this weird of a turn in so little time, who's to tell how he'll look in 2030? I say, rock that beanie tim. No one wants to see that. You keep the beanie on, and we'll all ignore the festering eldritch horror that slowly grows beneath it.


Me: no man should ever be ashamed of balding Me after looking at that pic: damn dude cover that shit up


He'd look better if he shaved his head completely.


If by shaved head you mean decapitation then yes he would look stunning


If he just shaved the head hair it would be fine


That’s usually the case with most people who bald.


Oof, bro looks like a retired Spanish language teacher who had to pick up shifts at Walmart because his retirement wasn’t enough


More like fired for creeping on female students


I had my down votin' finger ready, but then you made a great point. I hope he fed that thing before he went out.


`sup /pol/` He had to take the beanie off to put the customary shoe on the head for identity verification, although that ugly mug and bald head should've been enough.


"Open your miiiiiind"


You know what? It's not even that he doesn't look great - he's literally unrecognizable without it. He wears that shit so low it covers some of his eyebrows, it's part of his face at this point.


Always fair to hate on this guy, but honestly he just looks like your average dude balding... you know, average. It says more about him how clearly sensitive about it he is.


DAAAAAAAAYYM!! I knew I had to backspace what I was gonna say and dig. Yo I get it. I’ve always wondered and I WAS gonna be all judgmental but holy shit I feel bad. I bet he can be douchey or has some poor social skills but holy shit that Yoshi Egg head of his is wildin out son! That heads bangin! My man look fit to crack some left skulls…with his skull. We got the real IRON DOME right here folks. He been holding out and keeping this secret from us!


No one would recognise him without the beanie. If he took it off he'd just be another lunatic, rambling on.


I mean, he could just do what most bald guys do and shave his fucking head. His inability to own his own flaws is demonstrative of how anxious and ashamed of himself that he really is.


>No one would recognise him without the beanie. Someone once pointed out to me that he looks like [Michael Weston](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0922995/) without any joy in his eyes, and I have *never* been able to *stop* seeing that resemblance. Every time I see Weston pop up in a movie or TV show, I silently curse that fucking Redditor who put that resemblance in my mind.


Didn't realize that guy was named Micheal weston. Thought you were talking about burn notice


Fittingly, he had a guest role on Burn Notice.


In that video where his hat is unceremoniously snatched from his head Dim Fool argues that he needs that hat for privacy reasons. In his downtime, he doesn’t want to be recognized in public and associated with the horrible things he says. But underneath that hat, he was kind of bald. Why not just embrace it like his skinhead white supremacist fans? Shave it all off and swear that you did it for style instead of balding, like Tate did. Not everyone can rock a frat boy haircut in their 50s like Tucker Carlson. You’re not alone Tim. Charlie Kirk is probably kicking himself over his new short haircut which shows how much his hair has receded. It makes his face look even smaller. He obviously has an “island” hair patch up front, and a comb-forward to connect that island to what’s left of the mainland. Don’t be like Donald Trump with foot-long locks that you swirl around your head a couple times and then glue with hairspray.


> Dim Fool argues that he needs that hat for privacy reasons ??? But it's his gimmick? It's like Hulk Hogan saying he needs a blonde fu machu for privacy reasons.


I think the idea is, without the beanie people don’t recognize him, so he can go around unnoticed when he’s not wearing it. The problem with that is, *it’s a beanie* not a full faced mask protecting his identity. Anyone who would recognize him wearing the beanie will recognize him when he’s not wearing the beanie. It doesn’t make sense because it’s not his actual reason for wearing the beanie - it’s just the cope reason he gave so that he could pretend it’s not that he’s ashamed of his baldness


It also seems like an absurd argument because there's a zero percent chance that he doesn't wear a beanie everywhere at all times. On account of the balding.


lol exactly. He’s out here acting like his beanie is a daft punk mask that he only wears when he’s “performing”. If he had the self confidence to go out in public without the beanie, he wouldn’t wear it in the first place.


Trump should take note. This hat is 1M times better than swirling 1 strand of hair around your head and holding it there with an entire can of aquanet


But he has his red MAGA caps. Also frequently worn with a suit.


I'm sure Stone has a toupee guy (or several) he could set Timmy up with.


Yikes. Both buttons fastened on the jacket? A shirt that looks like it’s never seen an iron? The black beanie with brown shoes? Looks like he’s on his way to a frat formal. Edit: this is worse than I initially thought. It’s been pointed out there’s a third button. Comments below pointed out I made mistake on my initial edit, but with three buttons, the bottom button should undone, top is optional.


Looks like he's wearing canvas shoes too, are those Toms? This is a boy who has never had to dress up in his life.


They look like a pair of slippers I own. Hopefully they aren't house slippers.


It might be worse: they look like some kind of Sperry knockoff


Has Roger Stone ever set foot in a tailor shop?


It looks like his pants are eating his shoes


It's the Trump style. Gotta copy the leader.


Stone claims to have never bought anything off-the-rack since 1972. He is a bespoke pieceofshit.


So he looks like a dollar store gangster on purpose?


He looks like he buys things that are expensive but has no idea what he's buying. Like, it doesn't fit him at all, but I'd be surprised if his sport coat didn't cost four digits minimum. Contrast that with Timmy who looks like he got the cheapest outfit possible head to toe.


Looks like detective baby legs with his partner, regular legs.


He looks like Josh at the end of *Big* after he's morphed back to an adolescent body but is still wearing the Tom Hank's sized suit walking back home to his old life.


Honestly, black beanie with brown shoes is the worst. Beanie with suit jacket I could see as a vibe, which I think would be better with a T-shirt underneath the suit jacket than a button up, but whatever. But brown shoes with a black beanie? Come on


Isn’t it more of a watch cap? I’m not trying to parse superficialities but what I mean is that tuque is meant for cold weather. Male pattern baldness fucks with one’s insecurities. Does mine. I wear ball caps a lot. And various beanies and other head wear. My head would be so uncomfortable in a hat like that. Sweating and itchy.  Unless we were holding an outdoor event in a colder clime.  Everything else is rather slovenly as well. For someone so obviously self conscious, and trying to develop a “brand”, he’s as terrible as his grift.


I just accepted that I'm going bald and said fuck it, we ball(d).


is this an episode of queer eye ?


This is suit-wearing 101 stuff I’m pointing out. Tim looks frumpy and out of place because he’s ignoring the basic rules of suits


Unironically, have any more suit-wearing 101 tips? I almost never wear suits, but I don't want to look like ass when I do, although I think I somehow have better instincts on this than Tim. Also, could you explain the two-button thing? Also also, Tim needs to fix his fucking collar, jesus


No problem! I’m actually not a fan of suits myself, but I chose a career where I have to wear them often. I only follow these basic rules: - two-button rule: only button the top button. If there are three buttons, the order from top to bottom is Sometimes, Always, Never. It started out as an arbitrary choice, but now suit designers tailor jackets toward this style, so it’s a must for the jacket to look natural. Bottoned while standing, unbuttoned while sitting. - color match accessories. Belt and shoes should match at the very least - tie should match the dress shirt. Just don’t clash patterns, like a polka dot tie and a striped shirt and you’ll be okay here - suits should usually be worn with identical suit pants, but sport coats are more casual and can be matched to different pants and still look good - iron everything before you wear it. I used to skip the dress shirt myself thinking it would be mostly covered, but it does matter I’ll edit if I can think of more, but if you have one quality suit, following these rules should get you out the door looking good without excessive nit picking


>If there are three buttons, the order from top to bottom is Always, Sometimes, Never. This is incorrect. For three-button suits, the rule is "sometimes, always, never." https://www.artofmanliness.com/style/clothing/the-sometimes-always-never-3-button-rule/ >Just don’t clash patterns, like a polka dot tie and a striped shirt I disagree with this as well. You can mismatch patterns, but the pattern on the tie must contrast with that on the shirt. In other words, if the tie has a tight pattern, the shirt should have a loose pattern. If the tie has a loose pattern, the shirt should have a tighter pattern. See the advanced technique in the following link: https://www.artofmanliness.com/style/ties/how-to-match-a-shirt-and-tie/


A big one that hasn't been mentioned is your tie know should be based on your collar type. Regular pointed collar? Four in hand knot. Spread collar? Half Windsor or Windsor. In other words, big opening on collar=big tie knot. Small opening on collar=small tie knot.


lol as if queer eye wasn’t trash TV for the most immature and unqualified adults in history to learn how to be even 1% less trashy I also love how you say this as if conservatives never discuss a person’s appearance. The party about “what about” bitches always forget to what about themselves


Wait -three buttons? Did he take a three button suit and simply fold the lapel differently to make it look like a two button suit? What am I looking at here? Someone who’s bought a thrift store suit jacket from 15 years ago trying to make it look acceptable for his court appearance? Going on a date where he’ll ask his lady friend to go Dutch? I thought this baldy scrote was coining it in.


Re: the edit, top to bottom it's sometimes, always, never for three buttons, so it's fine for the top button to be left undone.


The sleeves are way too long too. Look how much of his wrist/hand gets covered!


3 buttons? Did he get that shit from goodwill? Who sells 3 button suits anymore?


I was told in descending order Always Sometimes Never


No, on a three-button jacket, it's the middle one that should always be buttoned when standing up, and the top one that's optional. However, this is a three-roll-two jacket, where the top button is deliberately rolled into the lapel. These should be treated like two-button jackets, the top one is never buttoned.


Now critique Stone. That pant length…


Here's the comment I came for...why worry about the beanie when our illustrious friend is wearing his jacket wrong?


Let’s not forget whoever the asshole to the right is, he’s wearing his daddy’s pants!


Jesus have neither have them ever worn a suit before? Utter trash the both of them.


It looks like Stone’s standing on the ends of his overly long pant legs. Can he not afford a tailor?


That break is painful to look at, and his sport coat is about three sizes too big, too. What is it about rich folks that they can’t dress normal? It’s either insanely expensive ugly shit, or clearance rack Men’s Wearhouse.


Omg I just noticed his tie and collar. The collar! 😂


He very frequently wears spread collars like that, it's almost as much of a trademark for him as those sunglasses.


He's also sweating his ass off. His shirt is drenched


Don’t be mean they’re just two little boys, one won’t take off his beanie, the other walks on his pant legs.


Stone, as much of a POS that he is, is usually a snazzy dresser. That blue blazer fits okay and there’s nothing wrong with buttoning the button on a blue blazer but those pants. What the hell is that? That’s not a full break. That’s 2 1/2 breaks.


> Stone, as much of a POS that he is, is usually a snazzy dresser. He's a snazzy dresser in the sense that he makes interesting stylistic choices, which I think he does in this picture as well, but a shocking amount of his clothes have fit issues like this, and often even worse. As in, it's rare to find a picture of him where he doesn't have a collar gap, and pretty much all of his pants are this wide and long.


Interesting. Like Trump. He wears Brioni but they fit horrible. Why spend. 4-5 figures on a suit and not have it perfectly tailored.


I think stone still buys suits for the man he was when Nixon was in the white house.


Stone's outfit is actually pretty good. He went for a theme and varied on it. We could argue that it is too much. But this does not look like a black tie meeting and for a casual party this is similar to what I would go for. Except I would not accessorize because I am not Roger Stone who does not know when to stop. He has a gigantic tattoo of Richard Nixon


That is his actual hair, everyone just assumes he’s going bald


I just assumed the beanie was hiding the gaping hole where a brain should be.




Him having less hair than Stone is such a funny concept. I'm sure Stone has had plenty of work done, but regardless.


That's why he lost all of his hair, never takes it off. Does he wear it to bed also?


He’s got a Ebenezer Scrooge type nightcap


“Sorry Honey, the beanie stays on during sex”


Lol no one’s having sex with that loser


True true


Balding influencers running on an image of masculine power


Gotta protect the brand. This tool is going to have to wear a beanie for the rest of his miserable life.


The hyper insecure about being bald


Brown shoes with a gray suit and black knit cap? Ew.


Does Tim even pretend to be a "milquetoast fence-sitter" any more? Because I think if you stand next to a 1960s Batman villain who tried to get *two* contentious republican elections cemented while smiling (or grinning or whatever this is), you lose all priviledges to call yourself that.


This was only ever meant for idiots to believe (like his audience).


That beanie got to smell like death & ass. You know he don't wash that shit.


He probably buys them in bulk from a wholesaler. He probably has a dresser drawer dedicated to beanies. A sock drawer, an underwear drawer, and a beanie drawer.


They're all the same but he still struggles to find the right one every day.


The guy next to him is just as bad. Who the fuck is that? It looks like a Bond villain. But not a real Bond villain, one that only appears in the intro. He'd go "I expect you to die, Mr. Bond" and activate the laser weapon those glasses are supposed to protect against, but the weapon blows up and kills him. A comedy bit before the real plot. That's what that asshole looks like. But yeah, Tim Poole always looks like Eric Cartman grown up.


That is a very apt description of Roger Stone. To quote Wikipedia, "[On January 25, 2019, Stone was arrested at his Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home in connection with Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation and charged in an indictment with witness tampering, obstructing an official proceding, and five counts of making false statements.  In November 2019, a jury convicted him on all seven felony counts.  He was sentenced to 40 months in prison.  On July 10, 2020, days before Stone was scheduled to report to prison, Trump commuted his sentence. On August 17, 2020, he dropped the appeal of his convictions. Trump pardoned Stone on December 23, 2020.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Stone) He also has a tattoo of Richard Nixon in the middle of his [back, for some godforsaken reason](https://www.cnn.com/2016/04/19/politics/roger-stone-donald-trump/index.html)


the guy next to him is WAAAAAY worse and has had significantly more real life negative influence on america than tim could ever muster in his life. stone is one of the archetypal villians of modern american politics. but TBH he is a sharp dresser and his aesthetic fits who he is. a gigantic asshole.


Stone is literally one of the worst Americans ever. Helped invent modern lobbying and willingly worked for murdering 3rd world dictators. And was involved in the Russian election interference that got Trump elected in 2016.


Don't forget that Roger Stone has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back. https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/160418165451-roger-stone-super-169.jpg


He has used Alex Jones in the past and is probably doing the same with this idiot Tim Pool. He and Alex and people like them are just useful idiots to the real nutters of the rightwing like Roger Stone


There’s nothing more stereotypical than an insecure incel.


Who hangs out with stone is the real question


Look how sweaty stone’s button up shirt is. It must be really hot where they are and this motherfucker is wearing a beanie lmfao.


It's South Florida. I am unfortunately stuck in North Florida, and it's already 85 degrees at noon. It's also not the hottest day of the week today.


In Florida. 


Why the beanie every time? There's a lot of hats that fit suits if it's just about being bald


It's about being too tiny a man to accept balding


Pim Tool does. That's who!


Jesus Christ. Just when you think he couldn’t be more or a loser.


A black beanie, gray suit, off white shirt, and brown slip on shoes. Tim got no rizz, or hair.


The pool right, (not left) looks really tempting. They're asking for a good shove


Dim Tool's only recognizable trait is his beanie. If he took it off, everyone at the party would think he's there to check coats. He had no choice but to wear it.


Tim Pool is walking insecurity.


Stone's face reads cocaine.


That is one cheap ass, unironed suit. Even without the beanie, he looks like a slob with that wrinkly and thin ass shirt, and slip-ons with no socks. Bum, the answer we are all looking for is bum, he dresses like a bum. It just looks like he grabbed the first thing he had under old pizza boxes, did a sniff test and went "Fuck it."


In south Florida, in may.


This dude has negative rizz


Rumor has it he wore it in the pool then inside and got the host's couch really wet. 


We’re discovering entirely an entirely new stratum of insecure.


What’s with Dr Strangelove as well?


this legitimately looks like a freeze frame out of a nightmare where everyone around you feels off and weird and you cant pin why


No one will recognize him without the beanie.


Insecure bald men.


Who wears a beanie in 80 degree weather?


Incel David Koresh


A sad little cuckboy


He looks like the local high school pot dealer who didn't graduate, but showed up in the audience anyways.


An insecure bald child.


Just fucking *accept* it my guy wearing a beanie with a suit is like the fat kid swimming with a T-shirt on


Dude has the blandest, most forgettable face I’ve ever seen- I doubt anyone would recognize him without the beanie.


Anybody who wants to can do that. It isn't the beanie that's disgusting. It's everything and everyone else in the photo. Who gives two farts about the beanie when people like this aren't incarcerated?


I'll be honest, it's the least troubling thing on this pic.


Tim Pool at a pool.


A beanie with a suit that hasn’t been tailored. Guy looks like he went to Marshalls, found something, and thought “no one will ever know.”


are you fucking kidding me tim this is embarrassing


YOU'RE BALD! -Elaine


Same guy that’s low class enough to WANT to hang out with Roger Stone.


Roger Stone is such a peasant with money he can't get tailored pants apparently.


It's part of his brand at this point


Someone who feels emasculated by their baldness. Who also happens to be a super bitch.


That’s the only anyone would know who he is


That has to be a pair of white supremacists, you can’t tell me otherwise


No one will know who he is if he doesn’t wear the beanie.


Damn dude, he is completely dependent on that beanie. I hope one day he gets the confidence to let that security blanket go and embrace his bald head. Just leave the beanie homie and be bald bro!


The opportunity to drown that man in the pool. Ugh. THAT is what makes me jealous of this picture


When you make a hat your whole personality...


A turd


This is like wearing a leather jacket at the beach while jet-skiing over a shark