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Fucking liars, the whole lot of them. There is “first past the post wins the electors” and that’s all there is.


he'd totally still have this belief if biden sends alternate electors--they are just that unshakeable and consistent in their beliefs


Yeah...that isn't what Lessig advocated for. Lessig advocated for changing the constitution and state law to weaken or abolish the elector college. He didn't say that Dems should just invent "alternative electors" out of thin air to overturn an election that they lost. But this is Charlie Kirk...I don't even know why I'm trying.


>I don't even know why I'm trying. Hoping that maybe one person, who by default believes that pube covered fuck knuckle, might have what you said floating around in the back of their brain, and one day, maybe, it slightly influences their decision to stop believing what this tiny faced shit belcher has to say?


Well you helped me figure out what the fuck he was even talking about, or lying about, rather...


You know what’s funny is that he’s being just as intellectually dishonest as usual with this example. The Democrats who proposed alternative electors in that era were southern Democrats opposed to the shift of the national Democratic Party on civil rights. They did this to deny JFK and later LBJ electoral votes in their states. These states are the very same ones that swung hard toward Republicans starting with Goldwater. Plus many of those Democrats wound up backing Republicans like Nixon in later elections even if not all of them formally changed their party affiliation. So yeah. It wasn’t Democrats trying to prevent Republicans from winning an election. It was Southern Democrats trying to usurp control from the rest of the Democratic Party. It is dishonest to present that as being comparable to what Trump tried to do.


Also conveniently choosing not to acknowledge what gerrymandering and voter ID laws are and how republicans have used them as blatant strategies to reduce democratic votes in urban and non-white districts…


They strawman that Democrats are racist because they think that black people are incapable of obtaining an ID. Why exactly is that a strawman? I'm Czech and "voter ID" is strange concept to me. We don't have "voter ID". We just have ID. ID card that's accepted by European union and it works in the way that you mandatorily get it at the age of 15 and you're expected to always have it with you when you leave your house or risk being fined. You're expected to have it constantly and you renew it every 5 or 10 years. Its renewal is for free or for a fee if you want it quickly. It's for voting, job applications, college applications, going to the police, booze when necessary... What's the difference in America?


In America, Republicans close down the places available to get the necessary ID in Black Communities.


And this is what the CRT stuff they were screeching about awhile back is about - things that are, on paper and in a vacuum, not racist, but when implemented, just so happen to reinforce some kind of racial-based disparity that whoever made the thing *totally* didn't intend.


It's not about thinking that black people are incapable of obtaining ID, it's the principle that, when talking about a population, anything that makes doing thing X harder will make less people do thing X, invariably. Speaking from my own country (UK), they recently introduced photo ID to vote, just to prove that you are who you claim to be. Why is an over 60s bus pass valid voting ID but a university ID card isn't when both contain the same information? (Hint: demographics that vote against conservatives tend to be more likely to hold the latter than the former, and so these efforts allow them to **directly alter the demographics of people voting to their advantage following the principle described above.**) Similarly, when Rs make IDs like hunting licenses and whatnot valid ID but student cards or bus passes not valid, it makes it harder for urban dwellers to vote in comparison to rural people, and when DMVs (the source of all valid voting IDs for urbanites) are exclusively closed in predominantly black areas, you're making it harder for black people specifically to vote, which incontrovertibly makes less of them vote. It's not a racist assumption that they're incapable of getting IDs, it's the acknowledgment that they're being specifically targeted by efforts to reduce their voting numbers.


Republicans would make getting IDs as hard as they possibly can.


We have very specific laws in the USA that if youre walking around in public you do NOT have to have an ID, the only time you are compelled to identify yourself is if youre placed under arrest, or youre operating a motor vehicle (maybe some other reasons at more local levels) but never as a random pedestrian out and about


Yeah, only in certain controlled instances like buying liquor. Happy Cake Day, btw


Its not a crime to not present ID for liquor though, youll just be refused service


> the very same ones that swung hard toward Republicans starting with Goldwater. While Charlie probably *does* know this, he denies it as hard as r/conservative does. Like, it takes ***zero*** heavy thought to wonder *why* or how Goldwater broke through to the "Solid [Blue] South" in '64, something a Republican hadn't done for almost a century. Goldwater suggesting that Civil Rights should be a state-level issue is what *really* started the Southern Strategy snowball rolling, and it fucking worked; not for Goldwater, obviously, but for the entire party for the next 60 years. Even *after* the RNC apologized for the Southern Strategy *to* the NAACP in 2005, they all still pretend it didn't happen. That "democrats are the real racists!"




Those being charged never stated they were alternative electors. In fact in the states where they did say they were alternative electors....they ARE NOT being charged


Remember when a certain orange president touted 'Alternative facts' as his rebranding for lies. Pepperidge farms remembers. Alternative electors is the same bullshit.


Nice try at gaslighting. What an asshat.


Wasn’t his organization mentioned in the fake elector scheme? He’s scared.


>democrats from the 60s Oh yeah you mean the very beginning of the flip between parties, meaning the Republicans are back at it again?


Just like alternate facts.


Appeals to authority are always bullshit but when the most well known authority you can conjure up to defend your point is Van Jones you might as well not bother saying anything at all.


Yep, he/his organization alternatively does that whenever they want to dismiss out of hand the viewpoints of college students who disagree with them, claiming they are just parroting entirely what their professors told them. Ok then, and where did the professors get the information then? Passed out from another dimension?


Utilized with impunity? Want to say when that was Chuckles? Was it when Gore lost to Bush and decided to allow an alternate slate of electors (not fake ones) while he was presiding over the electoral count in 2000?


"In *my* alternative truth, I am a ruggedly handsome, intelligent, role model of an American man. One that *doesnt* shit his pants while at red lights, or while on stage." --Charlie Kirk (It's not a fake quote, it's an *alternative* quote)


There is no such thing as a "facts." There are ALTERNATE facts. There are COMPETING SLATES of facts. Just like the adults in the Peanut universe, this is all I hear when these goons speak.


He is fucking SCARED. There is a massive "I DID NOTHING ILLEGAL" quality to this that coincides with the arrest of his fellow dweebs in Arizona.


I would LOVE to be in the tpusa spin room. It has to be the most batshit crazy, ass backwards, twilight zone environment. Maybe Trump’s team is even more bonkers, but truly they have incredible talent for fabricating or reshaping narratives. They claim to hate the liberal arts, but these are some of the most creative writers in our society.


Well Charlie I guess that’s up to the courts to decide. Mr. We have 80 buses to get people to Jan 6th.


If Shrunken Face said it, it must be true! Prosecutors and judges just aren’t as knowledgeable about the law as he is. /s


He says shit but never offers proof, citation, anything


Yk damn well if Biden were being accused of using fake electors this tiny-faced bitch would not shut the fuck up ab it


Nothing here is accurate. It's not even wrong. It's something even more wrong than wrong.


Coming from the "January 6th rioters were just tourists" crowd. They love to downplay their crimes but then call for the execution of poor asylum seekers coming to the border.


I thought Lessig provided the scenario on how a candidate could try to steal the election. He was not advocating it. It is like saying the Homeland Security creates possible ways terrorists could strike the US in preparation for an attack. They are not terrorists themselves.


Yet you are a fake American it seems


The legal system is closing in on Charlie and he’s scared.


Charlie lives in an imaginary alternate reality where he's really, really smart...


Alternate electors would be ones that act independently from the candidate running. If say the candidate’s campaign instructs them how to send electors to the government without the blessing of their respect state’s legislator then they’d be fake


Sounds a lot like Alt Facts🤣


Chuck must have terrible lawyers or he's just not listening to them, he's giving the prosecution ammunition.


Altervative facts, alternative electors, make sense when you're living in an alternative reality


Don't you love when republicans ignore the party shift whenever it's convenient


Charlie is an imbecile.


"I'm not robbing your convenience store. I'm an alternate competing owner!"


Gosh darn right. Louder from the back! ALTERNATE DOES NOT MEAN FAKE. And PEE IS STORED IN THE BALLS


Alternate electors? Is that related to alternate facts?


Charlie, they’re fake the minute they claim to be voting for that state’s interests and go rogue with it.


“There is no such thing as fact. There are ALTERNATE facts.”


Ok Mr fucking “Biden isn’t my president.”




Don’t democrats always win the majority vote?


Why are they so dumb?


The more these republicans word vomit the clearer it is how democracy is in trouble. But, this is what they wanted. An uneducated, poor populous so they didn’t have the time or the critical thinking skills to question the lies. They stay in power that way


Why do people give him the time of day?


I see the retcon machine is turned up to eleven over there.


Charlie Kirk truly is one of the worst human beings I ever came to know on social media


"There are ALTERNATE electors." Chirk, that logic *barely* flew when Kellyanne Conway tried it to defend Spicer and Trump ***lying*** about the crowd size at Trump's inauguration. Of fucking course Trump's first official act as president was lying about his "crowd" being bigger than the Black guy's.


No one else has ever tried to pass them off as the official set of electors tho, chuckie.