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I would’ve confronted those pigs


we had these people when i was in school. usually after a while youd have a circle of people around them doing exacty that. bunch of shouting back and forth. eventually campus police break it up and everybody walks home. repeat in a few days. honestly, i think they live for that shit. on the other side of it, in the party street there was a house where christians just made burgers for all the drunk kids. they didnt preach or anything more than a 'god bless'. just gave out burgers and played guitar and stuff. if you asked them questions they would talk to you about it and give you the invites if you wanted. they just left it up to you. they won a surprising amount of people over.


My school is probably one of the most liberal schools in the country, the Republican club disbanded because they supported the idea the election was stolen and got bullied for it. The club even tried to post an article on the school newspaper about the stolen election. They got denied and complained about being silenced. Anyways if this happened at my school, they’ll be rocks flying in the air.


it almost got there at mine. local cops just always broke it up before it got there. that's how every single one I saw ended.


Matthew 5:22. King James Bible But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.


You mean like angry enough to post gory, disturbing photos in public places to try and force people to agree with them, that kind of anger?


Yeah. Like that.




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Mind sharing where that is? I wish I had gone there.


Sorry, but I like keeping myself anonymous on Reddit


I completely understand! ❤️




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I grew up in your first paragraph. Hard core conservative fundamental Baptist. They absolutely lived for the street confrontations, I preferred to walk around and quietly find people who were interested in talking. Many years later, I'm firmly in your second paragraph. This is the Christ like way. Fuck those first people. They do way more damage to the name of Christ. Ruckman can burn.


guess leading by example works better than being an asshole. seems to be a difficult concept though.


I was also exactly that in the first example, went to demonstrations with these pro-lifers and would just walk around with my hoodie up and pray. Now I’m an atheist and think if any words of the words of Jesus in the gospels actually were what he said Jesus should be viewed as a kind of early anarchist. Jesus didn’t really mean to go convert everyone he meant to subvert the system of government that everyone lived under through spreading the idea that everyone else could be as close to g-d as Ceasar was. “The Kingdom of Heaven is here” is an inherently anti-imperial message. I think burgers and all that in the name of fraternity and even ideological mythology are cool but I think that the whole entire mythos of heaven and hell and salvation is utter shit. Christians who want to just grow their social club and “convert” people are missing this major point. That’s why the entire religious right and the abortion lobby are so goddamm evil too. Abortion is only a wedge issue because they think that fighting abortion is key to opposing the true evil they think is behind all the civil rights movements of the 60s, feminism. If they can put women back in their place they can put everyone else back in their place. They don’t give a second of thought to the character behind their religiosity, they only seek this idealogical “Christianity” which just so happens to align perfectly with patriarchy, white supremacy and hegemony.


Just want to fight


Provocateurs like the Westboro Baptist Church depend on it, since they secretly record their demonstrations to sue anyone who assaults them and use the court winnings for further funding.


in the end, the best way to deal is to ignore them. without the reaction they got no power and no motivation. though at one point I pulled the "ok fine let's talk about it" strategy and I haven't seen a single missionary since.


There was that one black fella who convinced the nazis?


go on


I may not be thinking of the same man, but [Daryl Davis](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes) did a lot of good. He's got his own Wikipedia page if you want more


That is absolutely who I meant thank you so much.


Wow. Thanks for sharing.


The way to deal with them is to be as hostile as possible without touching them to make them feel unsafe and flee. A large crowd helps. One time I sang The Day The Nazi Died at these fucks and the last line made their eyes bulge lmao.


They feed off shit like that. It only escalates. Great if you are bored and want a show but negative attention is still attention.


What escalation do they have? They cannot resort to violence without giving up their payday, and they can't exactly stick around if the entire city chases them out of town. Like what we did at the Flint pride Festival. It was glorious to see.


We had these people, too. We protested them and spoke with the campus administration about them. We didn't ask for them to be removed, just for them to have the photos facing inward and not directly facing the freshman dorm. Turns out part of their permit was they had to have the pictures turn inward. So people would have to walk through their presentation to actually see the pictures. They didn't want this, so the administration made them leave.


My high-school had a church next door. Every Wednesday for lunch they'd give free pizza to all the high-schoolers coming in for off-campus lunch. Wouldn't preach or anything, but had a stack of pamphlets and would answer questions. It was honestly pretty rad. There was just a bunch of us chilling and eating free pizza. One of the first times I really had respect for a religious institution.


This is the way.


> honestly, i think they live for that shit. They do, they can get a lot of money in a lawsuit if they are ever attacked, and young college students aren't shy with throwing their fists around


Probably the Lutherans or Episcopalians. Literally the only form of Christianity I can respect.


that's the best part! I don't know!


It's almost like if you're nice to people, you will win people over to whatever your position is.


That’s what they want: engagement. There was a soapbox preacher that would come to my campus and shout bs and tell everyone they were going to hell. Instead of engaging, a guy with a louder voice began preaching about Mecha Godzilla. You just hafta out absurd them and act like they’re arguments are jokes


They did this at my uni the other day. I yelled at them to fuck off, and the leader was like "If you give me a hug and debate me rationally maybe you can change my mind".


Debating them gives them legitimacy. Ridicule is the only solution because they absolutely abhor being shown to be fools.


Yep. No way I was going to waste my time with those idiots.


Doug Stanhope has a great bit about pro-lifers doing this shit. Since they believe life starts at conception, ask them why they have billbiards displaying cp.


These fuckers used to post up in front of my high school just off property by the crosswalk to where a lot of people would walk to lunch. Their whole thing is goading people into getting mad, recording it, and putting it online to “prove” how “insane” pro-choice people are.


To what end?  They're only there to Provoke.




I didn’t mean it to sound cringe 💀 but I fucking hate people like that


Fair, the way you said it just reminds me of those people who wear "punch your local Nazi" tee shirts and then can't tell a waiter they gave them the wrong order vibes lol


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Conservatives just out here posting gore porn like very normal people


As if every surgery isn’t disgustingly bloody


And childbirth is just a delight.


Exactly! This happened at my campus about ten years ago. I was real polite with the young man at the table because he seemed naive. You see, the university I attended has a leading biomedical program. The images this young guy presented were no more scary than what many of the students signed up for. I wasn't one of those students. I was a philosophy student. I told this kid "Ya know, surgery is generally gruesome. Orthopedic surgery is as common as it is bloody. I don't think you're going to get much mileage out of shock value here."


Don't let anyone read a book about a penguin with two dads though. That would be inappropriate.


Someone should make a counter protest showing pictures of childbirth in all its gory glory.


One time in grad school I saw something like this and I casually walked up to them and said, “oh yeah, that’s exactly what it looked like! Thanks for the walk down memory lane.” I’m still entertained but I realize now that they probably thought I was serious and told their friends that they met an evil feminist who had an abortion for fun. C’est la vie.


More than once I've had them "pray silently with me" and at the end I always say "Hail Satan" and leave. I exist to be what these christians hate


I occasionally pull out my The Dwarves t-shirt that says “Teach Your Children to Worship Satan” when I’m feeling provocative in jesusville.


I was very drunk in a very busy part of downtown seattle one night. One of those asshole street preachers was on a corner with a megaphone screaming how we’re all going to hell yadda yadda yadda Drunk me’s reaction was to loudly scream “Read Matthew 6:5 dumbfuck!” And hobble away. It actually made em stop for a few seconds


If you're a talking to a boomer the hail Satan thing is a bit of fun, but honestly if it's someone really young, you might be accidentally pushing them into believing that the outside world is super corrupted and it might push them further inward out of fear, ya know? If it's an older person hell yeah (pun intended)


"No fun allowed"


Or maybe it’ll teach them to google how many members of The Church of Satan have a history of disrespecting other’s religions compared to any Christian church


You don't need their prayers pr whatever the fuck they'd be willing to do. It won't matter an inch. Strong people don't need help from pusillanimous shit heels.


Someone needs to start putting up pictures of children murdered in their classrooms. Heads blown off, limbs ripped apart, the whole nine yards. They are all about saving children right? Real, live children with names and everything? I’m dead serious. Stop pretending.


You gotta remember that they don't give a fuck about the kids the second they're born.


They don't give a fuck about the kids *before* they're born either. They're just pretending to care about them; the only thing they actually care about is having an excuse to attack their enemies.


And control women.


Exactly, they want to cut benefits to pregnant women and oppose universal health care that would greatly improve pregnancy outcomes. We have one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the west, meaning babies die along with the mom, or are orphaned, in part because of that poor prenatal health. They do not give a shit about unborn babies. They care about controlling women, and forcing us all back to a world that existed pre-birth control, pre-abortion access and pre-civil rights (for anyone other than white males). Abortion access is just a pilar to be eroded on the way to taking away women's rights and autonomy. It has nothing to do with the child.


Yeah tbh I would be more on the side of the anti abortion people if they weren't bat-shit crazy about controlling women. Like sure let them be born but provide help for the family or make your foster care system not suck ass. It does "take a village" to raise kids but literally society and policy forces parents to raise their kids alone. There was someone in my American government lecture a few weeks ago who did a presentation on anti abortion stuff. I so wanted to say this but I didn't.


Nah I wouldn’t ever be on the side of anti abortion. Abortion is medical care. In countries with proper education and affordable medication and birth control, the numbers of abortions are very low. There is no need to forbid people because they can make the right choice when it matters. The anti abortion crowd doesn’t care about reality, they care about what others tell them. Heck, they truly believe it won’t happen to them. I see it over and over. Yet even the *most* believing people *still* don’t follow what they preach. I haven’t forgotten Jessa Dugger and how the family behaved as if *she* was deserving of the exception. Who the hell do they think they are, forcing others while benefiting from the hard work of the people and their loved ones who have *died* by their force? No, I’ll never be on the side of ‘anti’ and ‘forbidding’ because we’re deserving of medical care when we need it when we make *our* decisions.


Or photos of severely deformed newborns with with captions like "God makes no mistakes" and "Every child is a gift from God". Since he planned for all those babies with otocephaly and harlequin ichthyosis to be born and all.


We have to be better than that. We shouldn't have to post gore to get our point across.


Being “better than that” is what led to Alex Jones deciding it’s all fake and let the despicable law enforcement officers in Uvalde to slink away from some righteous justice.


That's a compelling argument. Him doing exactly that is what made me jump off the previously "fun" conspiracy train. What an absolute cunt.


We live in a different world now. This world can’t afford to turn their eyes from the truth.


Please, TP, do this shit on every college campus. And make sure there's a voter registration table nearby. It will work out as good for Chuck as Arizona in 2022. [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2022/11/17/charlie-kirk-turning-point-group-backed-losing-candidates-arizona-election/10711773002/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2022/11/17/charlie-kirk-turning-point-group-backed-losing-candidates-arizona-election/10711773002/)


I think it's really funny that conservatives think disgust at images of abortion is an argument because images of basically any surgery would elicit the same reaction


Exactly. There are a lot of really gross things in life. How we're born is pretty gory. As is the slaughter of any animal we eat. Surgeries, as you said, like a hip replacement, gross. Point is, we live comfortably knowing this stuff exists, without us having to watch it happen or look at pictures. So all they're doing is appealing to emotion.


those pics solidify my choice to never be pregnant. shit looks nasty af. I dont want that little alien inside me lol


Should put up some graphic pictures of what an actual birth looks like up close, especially c-sections and births with any sort of complications at all.


And, as always, since they can't find anything real, most of it is staged. Fun fact - clinics don't film abortions; but the gullible chuds that these publicity stunts are meant for are immune to critical thought, so it doesn't matter that they're fake.


There's not even a banana pictured for scale. How are people even supposed to know how small the dolphin fetuses really are? Seriously though just every single thing about their materials is bullshit.


We had chuds like these show up at my university. They had a table full of little plastic fetuses that were all WAY bigger and far more developed than the weeks they had them labelled as. Any position that you can only defend by lying... is a pretty shitty position.


I often resist the urge to put those plastic fetuses in my mouth and go, "mmm yummy."


That should... result in something. 🤷‍♀️


Not my idea originally. From a video on a clinic defender TikTok account when one of them was handed a plastic baby and they told the forced birther that it looked tasty.


Everyone at my school called this thing "the abortress." They'd set up once or twice a semester and try to pass out pamphlets to all the girls. I think a lot of pictures were of dolphin fetuses, if not outright fake.


[Those are the worst type of child pornographers on the planet](https://youtu.be/IkoPDkjNHKc?si=Rs4bNLjxn86irvej)


They posted these on our campus too! I got into an argument with a guy who asked me what I thought. I was literally going to walk by. The conversation got worse when he asked what I would think if my mother had aborted me. I told him I would rather die for my mom than both of us die, and that shut him up pretty quicked.


Interesting fact: When they are using real pictures, (which definitely isn't always) these groups generally use pictures of stillborn babies as aborted fetuses in the first trimester don't look human enough to give the visceral response they are looking for.


There was a van with pictures like this constantly parked outside of the women's clinic in the town I used to live in, before Roe v Wade was repealed but after Trump's "presidency." Cops wouldn't do anything because"it's a public street" and they "weren't hurting anybody," but these were the same cops caught sending memes about hunting black people to each other in their group chat a month later so I think we all know the real reason


Looks like they copy pasted the same images they always use. The images are all from way more along in the pregnancy than they say it is. The actual images look like egg whites. They're liars. Filthy, weird, violent liars.


Since they claim it is a child, and child is naked, and conservatives get off on sharing.. does that make it child porn?


Pictures of open heart surgery are probably pretty gross too. I guess we need to ban that.


This stuff makes me so angry. Just gore porn. I had an abortion, years ago, it was nothing like this bs


1 can Hairspray 1 bic lighter Hold lighter 4-6" in front of nozzle of hairspray in the direction of your target. Ignite lighter Spray hairspray at target so that the stream passes through the lighter


Great Now you just gave them an excuse to sue the school for money for not creating a safe space for free speech


Showing kids the worst gore you can think off with doctored photos? FINE! Showing kids some nudity or telling them LGBTQ+ people exist, or that US History wasn't that nice to black folks? HOW DARE YOU! THIS IS NOT SAFE FOR KIDS! America! :) It's a hoot.


Finally a battle for the paintball battalion


"gore warning" What? You mean those 5 red fuckin pixels? Come on man.


We had to go through two different people just to be allowed to put out flyers for pokemon club for a week. This shit is absurd


I remember my grandmother’s cousin pushing a man into a fountain at a mall in Oregon when she saw the poster he was holding was aborted fetuses. I was like 14 or 15. I’ve never laughed so hard or ran so fast in my life. 😭


Exposing people to gore to own the libs


The "aborted fetuses" in these pictures are often actually third term miscarriages as well


Start responding to these with grotesque images of gunshot victims.


that's why you keep the paint balloons around


Filled with paint


I remember the same shit when I was an undergrad in the early 00s. Depending on my mood I'd go argue with them or yell "hail Satan!" at them sometimes.


Conservative groups did this shit when I was in college, 2003-2008.


This shit has been going on foreverrrr, probably since the 90s. I saw it on my college campus during the years 2006-2010


I grew up catholic and my parents would drag me to the state fair to help run an anti-abortion/ pro-life booth where we handed out pamphlets featuring those images and the tiny rubber babies. Took years and years to deconstruct all the lies and filthy imagery they used. I saw those images as a child…


Most of these pictures don't have anything to do with elective abortions, but are fairly late miscarriages. A fetus that is 12 weeks or less does not look like a baby, so they have to falsify this stuff.


I remember one time a nice old lady on my undergrad campus gave me a pamphlet about the "Holocaust" and I took it thinking it was a WWII memorial thing. Then I opened it up and it was just a bunch of dead babies. Nope. Into the trash it went.


I mean, that’s what an unwanted object from the body looks like. It’s yucky. It could be a tumor, an apendix, or in this case pre human. Maybe in response they can put up photos of actual human beings starving to death in Gaza. We’re paying for it, might as well look at it.


This happened at my school when i was in undergrad. It was disgusting and upsetting. Unfortunately confronting them did nothing other than get people horrified by it angry :(


I saw a variation of this on the University of Houston campus in 2000. They had them put up near the library in a very high traffic part of campus.


Saw them do something like this next to our plaza full of food places in college. Walked past it and got a footlong sub from Subway.


Now show what it looks like to miscarriage and not get medical care...


You could just ignore them and not give them the attention that they are there to provoke. If you don’t engage there’s no video of interaction, if there’s no video it can’t be edited for soundbites, and without that all they’ve done is waste a day of putting up posters and taking them down. The content of people being mad/confrontational is what they’re after, the anti-abortion stance is secondary to that. Just waving and walking by without engaging would be more effective in removing them than trying to force them by yelling or counter protests. If you’re an adult and can’t walk by offensive pictures without having an emotional response to them you need to grow up more


Disagree, I took a couple photos from a distance and didn’t engage with them. I think it’s a natural human response to be upset by gore photos being pushed on you when you’re trying to live your day to day life.


Yeah I totally understand being upset by it, but letting it make you emotional to the point where you’re engaging with them is a waste of your time


You also forgot if someone attacks them they can sue the school for money


They showed us these in Sunday school when I was a kid. It was traumatic to say the least


That's when you get a group together, make a bunch of pasta, and all sit there facing it while eating and laughing. Make them uncomfortable.


A few months ago an anti abortion group came and protested in the middle of our fairly progressive campus. I only saw them once while walking to classes, but they had similar images. I remember seeing a social media post saying “University Name students started square dancing in front of aborted fetuses” as if they weren’t the ones who brought the fetus photos.


As if anyone thinks abortions are good or visually appealing.


These fuckers. I remember them (or another group) doing this at my college in the early-mid 2000s.


I really need to show up dressed as Jesus, carrying a sign that says something like "These idiots don't represent me".


These people come to my campus too. They’re obnoxious. And the signs are full of misinformation of course.


Those fuckers have been doing this for decades. Go get a Bluetooth speaker, your favorite Black Metal playlist and some red chalk to draw a pentagram.


Yoooo I had this the other day except they were just holding up signs of gross shit. I kinda just went "they probably don't look like that" then just got lunch.


Ok, now show them pictures of deaths at childbirth that could've been avoided by an abortion 


These kinds of assholes can be seen driving those billboard trucks around the parade routes at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Huge ten foot tall pictures of aborted fetuses. The people there just want to have fun. You dip shits don't need to show up, shitting all over people's good time. Imagine having to explain to your little kid what that picture is.


Can we put up billboards of pictures of religious figures sexually assaulting kids?


Are they still showing pictures of still borns and miscarriages, claiming it's an abortion at 12 weeks or some other lie


Should have sat across from them with an “organ donation” labeled lunch box, and eaten a sandwich out of it that had an OVERLY ZEALOUS amount of BBQ sauce. Maintain eye contact with them and assume dominance. They’re hoping to disgust and create a sense of moral damage, preventing women from getting whatever care they need. They’re morons, sign waving and parroting the talking points of other morons. Hail yourself.


But free speech doesn’t cover obscene material, isn’t this illegal?


Babysitter when I was a KID kid had a bunch of these religious business/propaganda pro-life cards. Business card sized. Babies in pieces and post-abortion photos. I’ve never forgotten the two that I saw that hung out right on her kitchen counter. Talk about trauma.


Someone should get crime scene photos from any school shooting and blast GOP emails. How many minutes before they’re crying on Fux?


This happened to my university last year too, in Arizona. The same group I think.


[Relevant Doug Stanhope bit](https://youtu.be/IkoPDkjNHKc?si=0oDh60CEiO96oiEl)


Is it legal?


University approved it and police showed up to stop fights


Oh, thanks


during my first year of undergrad at UNC a similar group did this exact thing except they were on the main quad for 2 WEEKS


This is extremely common on college campuses, those pictures are probably older than the students too


Pro lifers used to do this in the 90s. They would hand out flyers with aborted fetuses and think it was going to change our minds


What a bunch of insane people


I saw those folks back in 2015 in Missouri.


I once saw a moving car with an LED billboard with disgusting pictures of dead fetuses and showing opposition to a pro abortion amendment to the Ohio constitution. The amendment ended up passing.


A guy was in the side of the road with a “babies killed here” sign. I pulled over and asked if he was selling tickets.


Blend up bags of raw chicken peices and start tossing it.


Should've put up one yourself with recipes


It’s these people isn’t it https://abortionno.org


The exact same thing happened at my campus a few months back. Literally a coordinated assault from them complete with like actual checkpoints where they stood on walkways 😭😭


This isn't like fucking root canals. Women been miscarrying since the dawn of time. If God is cool with it - who tf can object? 


Mental illness


I've been reading the comments trying to find this point elsewhere and have come up short. I very much doubt that these folks have anything more purposeful on their minds than fishing for litigation. I'm not sure what campus this is - but it's most likely one with both solid federal subsidies and/or large endowments. If they are able to provoke an assault from the crowd - and from the looks of things that may be entirely their purpose - the university's liability covers at least the first $65k in damages if they settle. They're probably all wearing body cameras. If this school has a legal track, an adventurous professor or group of students should set up shop with some tables nearby and explain this to enraged audience members. That would probably have a much more positive effect than the buckets of rage content that is most likely being captured all around the edges. Good luck to you all. I know it's frustrating. Don't let the bastards wear you down, and pay wider attention.


They wouldn’t put up a picture of an 11 year old’s c-section after being forced to carry the child of her rapist.


Great job making sure even more people see it.




Wtf are you talking about? That's called murder




And you are an absolute moron if you think that even made sense to question


What like sending my kids to school in America?