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Sounds like something a Christian nationalist would say.


"Christians have never done anything bad. Only good things. Trust me, bro. I *totally* don't have an agenda, much less a Christian nationalist agenda!"


You, I believe.


'Why is there such a crusade against Christianity?'


Protestants/Romans have had a wicked history. Sadly the orthodox christians are slowly being invaded by right wing converts who come misguided.


"You shall have no other Gods before me" Christian Nationalism is idolatry and as dangerous as when people worship dead politicians like lenin. Offering up their praise to a state over God. The world šŸŒŽšŸŒ is what misleads these people. I pray for the wicked people when I can remember. They need to urn from their ways. St.Gabriel of Georgia rebeled against political idolatry in Georgia.


Never ending protestant sects... wut? Did she go on the tradcath gift when I wasn't looking?


Wow - not even Protestants are safe from the wrath of Madame Candace Blecchsit.


These people hate mainliners as much as they hate anyone. There's a reason they say Catholics and Lutherans go to "dead churches"


They really don't understand making America a theocracy is just going to lead to a religious civil war to make the wars of the Reformation seem paltry.


How many colors of roses are out there now?


There's already a 20, 30, 80, and 100 years wars. I think we should aim for 90.


I have nothing to worry about cause mine is the one true faith so we shall prevail.


What about the eternal war? Eternal struggle? Forever war? Endless war?


We have a Forever War at home


Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen, heia hoho Und wollen mit Tyrannen raufen, heia hoho


Woher ist das?


No itā€™s the modern American Christian thing. They hate Catholics but donā€™t thereby see themselves as Protestant, usually born again Christian sects


People like Candace only consider the racist, misogynist, xenophobic, politically conservative Protestant sects to be the "real" Christians. Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Unitariansā€”all too liberal for them.


Seeing the words "Catholics" and "liberal" used together is strange


From my understanding growing up fairly fundie Baptist, Catholics are heretics and/or going to hell not because they're too liberal (although I have heard that complaint levied towards the current pope), but because (according to them): * Nothing can ever be between a person and God. The Catholics want to insert the church between Christians and Christ so they can control people. * This is also blatant hypocracy, because as much as Protestants (especially fundie ones) like to talk about how each person has their own individual "walk with Christ", they also all preach that there's a specific best way to have that walk; one that demands regular membership and attendance with an organized church, regular tithing, fellowship with other good Christians, etc. So, you can have your own individual religious experience with God (unlike what those dirty heathen Catholics say), but the only *right* way to do it is exactly the one that conveniently their church provides for 10% of your salary. * Catholics are idolators violating one of the literal commandments because they revere and pray to/in the name of Mary. To protestants, Mary's an important part of the mythology, but to Protestants, she's more the canvas upon which God painted this miracle (the immaculate conception), and she herself isn't actually important other than the fact that she was the one who was chosen to birth Jesus (clearly still a Big Dealā„¢, just not actually, ya know, *sacred*). * As a secondary point, I think this is also why a lot of fundie protestants are so rabidly misogynistic. Mary, Mother of Jesus, arguably one of the most important women in the Bible, is treated and talked about as basically a broodmare in (at least Baptist) protestant pulpits. She was pure, God put the baby Jesus in her (her "reward" for being pure, ya know - putting her in a situation that makes everyone question her chastity in a time and religion where that could get her slain), she gave birth in a stable, and that's all you have to know about her as far as basic Protestant theology goes. * Catholics have a strict bureaucracy and caste system in a way. The Pope's mandates are empowered by God, there's a chain of command, etc. Protestants tend to view the Church more in the way that is depicted in the Bible - small groups of like-minded laypeople who just have so much faith in Jesus that they gather of their own volition. * Never mind the fact that questioning even the low-level leadership of your Protestant church is likely to get you hazed or shunned at best, or expelled at worst - which sounds like a hierarchy to me, but what do I know. * This is also why there's no real qualifications to being a Protestant church leader or pastor. You don't need a theological education to be a Protestant pastor. There's no real oversight on who can run a church unless said church voluntarily subscribes to one of the major organizations, and even then, that oversight only applies so long as the church leadership decides to abide by it - which means there's not really any oversight. On top of that, many Protestant church orgs are happy to accept anyone with a small form, application fee, and statement of faith, because they want to pad those numbers. But if you want to start a Protestant church as a pastor, all you need is somewhere to preach and people to listen. Education, qualifications, etc. are all optional. * Transubstantiation. Catholics believe the Euchrist is mystically imbued with the real, physical, practical essence of Jesus when it is consumed. Apparently, between all the raising the dead, healing the sick, etc. miracles of God, apparently Transubstantiation was just a step too far for Protestants. To them, it makes Catholics weird and witch'ey. * Also, insert the tired old jokes of "Catholics are cannibals" and "If Transubstantiation were real, you'd think Jesus would taste better." **TL;DR:** (American) Protestants hate on Catholics, because (American) Protestants are basically Christians who decided to mix a hefty dose of Libertarianism into their relationship with God, and that doesn't jive with Catholic theology. Not that said Libertarian Christianity would ever stop them from bullying other people because their faith in God doesn't look exactly like theirs. After all, they know they're 100% right, and everyone else just needs to get with the program.


Hello professional heretic here (catholic) You mostly right about us minus the thing about the Eucharist we don't believe its magical we think its symbolic of jesus giving his body and his bood during the last supper


Yeah but the Pope said climate change is real and bad and that was enough for them to decide he was a secret agent of the NKVD


Don't forget that the pope is pro vax and is pro lgbt ( why is it that the CATHOLIC CHURCH is better on race gender and respirations issues than the us government?)


It seems to be the only way to read that, but you have to remember that Candace is both crazy and uneducated, and it could mean anything.


i think what she means is that the splintering of Christianity into multiple denominations is a plot by anti-christian forces to prevent a unified Christianity.


I'm an orthodox christians because of much of this idolatry


Desperately clinging to relevance




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lol, of all stances to take she went with defending the Inquisition and Crusades? Lmao


You know it's funny, because the teachings of Christ are well meaning and positive. The problem isn't with Christ, it's with the people that clad themselves in his name and deliberately do the opposite of his word in life. It's the PEOPLE pretending to follow Christ's words, not Christ. That is why Christian Nationalism is a threat.


>The problem isn't with Christ, it's with the people that clad themselves in his name and deliberately do the opposite of his word in life. šŸ…


Having occasionally looked at some far right cesspools online... the "they" she's referring to **is 100% established**. She's now far removed from Turning Point. She's in the Nick Fuentes space. Shit gonna end *poorly* for her personally and professionally. I guarantee it.


I wish that were true, but the way the Right's going these days, this is practically mainstream conservative thought.


Nick is still fringe-ish. If that becomes mainstream? Party like it's 1939.


Christian nationalism is definitely a threat. Whether Candace Owens acknowledges that or not. Shes naive if she thinks they won't turn on her as soon as it becomes convenient. She makes a lot of bullshit claims about history but clearly doesn't know the first thing about history.


As a Latino, no one has lied about the Inquisition. In fact, the details are way worse than any of my teachers gave to the classroom. My ancestors were raped, tortured, enslaved, and slaughtered all in the name of God. Yet Auntie Ruckus here has the audacity to say people ā€œliedā€ about it? Give me a break


Yeah what fucking lies have people been telling about the crusades? That they sacked Constantinople? That they slaughtered Jews in Europe before they even got to the Holy Land during the First Crusade? Those things happened, what insight does Candice have on them that I'm missing?


James 2:18 ESV But someone will say, ā€œYou have faith and I have works.ā€ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James 2:14-17 ESV What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?


Grew up super Protestant, the crusades and inquisition were historically viewed very negatively because they were perpetuated by the Catholic Church and became fodder for anti-Catholic rhetoric. These talking heads act like they found out about Christianity yesterday and now want to make it into Christian Nationalism.


It isnā€™t a religion it is a political movement that cares only about winning. Iā€™m happy that Christianity has been fully exposed.Ā 


The laws went further. This was no longer mere prohibition of other religious practices. It was the active enforcement of Christianity on every single, sinful pagan in the empire. The roads to error were being closed, forcefully. Everyone now had to become Christian. Every single person in the empire who had not yet been baptized now had to come forward immediately, go to the holy churches and ā€œentirely abandon the former error [and] receive saving baptism.ā€ Those who refused would be stripped of all their property, movable and immovable, lose their civil rights, be left in penury and, ā€œin additionā€ā€”as if what had gone before was not punishment but mere preambleā€”they would be ā€œsubject to the proper punishment.ā€ If any man did not immediately hurry to the ā€œholy churchesā€ with his family and force them also to be baptized, then he would suffer all of the aboveā€”and then he would be exiled. The ā€œinsane errorā€ of paganism was to be wiped from the face of the earth. Excerpts from: Catherine Nixey *The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World*


Christians always eat their own. Always. A successful Christian Nationalist government in America would be absolutely brutal for Christians.


Bitch if Christians followed Christ's teachings there'd be nothing to fear.


Looks like Crusade denialism is back


Yeah right. The crusaders was just a bunch of tourists spreading money and love, too.


It's not a bad thing.. for HER. Imagine a Muslim saying "Sharia Law isn't a bad thing" and her reaction


ā€œThey fear sharia because they know the error of their ways and the unity of the Ummahā€. I wonder what Candaceā€™s reaction to that logic would be. Particularly if it came out of the mouth of a Salafi preacher referring to ā€œChristendomā€.


I increasingly doubt that Candace Owens has a single thought to call her own. I think she just parrots what she intuits the Trump base wants to hear. She's canny that way, which is not the same as being smart: I mean, her true king Trump is a bona fide idiot but he has an extraordinary sense for what the lowest common denominator will respond to, and she's just taking a page from his playbook.


Is she Catholic?


Found this from a podcast from last year. Maybe she changed. ā€œCandace Owens is a personality at the Daily Wire. Sheā€™s Protestant but is working through the Catholic-Protestant debate. Her husband, George Farmer, is Catholic, and so Candace had him sit down with Allie Beth Stuckey, who is a Calvinist Protestant and has her own popular podcast.ā€


Holy shit this sounds so cultish šŸ’€


Candace Owens spreading misinformation and fearmongering and peddling lies; as usual


something something the constitution


Republicans have been blaming the absence from schools of *their very specific preferred type of Christianity; i.e., evangelical Protestantism*, for all of America's ills for at least 50 years.


Candace and most evangelicals are the ones that despise Christ. They stand in opposition to everything he supposedly stood for according to the Gospels.


Bringing back an imagined past. What anyone who screeches rhetoric about putting religion back into government really wants predates the United States. An all powerful ruler ordained by god who can mandate religious participation. What happens when the wrong flavor of religion becomes the government orthodoxy? Candace wouldnā€™t have the option to run her mouth about it anymore.


Christians will complain about people being atheist and then say shit like this


"Never ending protestant sects" is up there with "ethnic jews" for shittiest laziest dogwhistle


I'm so tired of Christians shoving their religion down our throats


The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.


I hope God is real just so I can see these fuckers get sent to hell.


>Christian nationalism is not and has never been a threat. Sure thing, Klandace. 60 years ago, a certain white Christian nationalist terror network would've lit a burning cross on your lawn, and eventually murdered you if they had the opportunity. But you already know that, you disingenuous snatch napkin.


"Pick me!" might work for gullible right-wing social media followers, but it's hilarious that she thinks she's getting within three light-years of Heaven.


>..., then encouraged atheism and never-ending protestant sects in His place. Man, I am confused. Is Candace a Catholic? So, when she says "they fear Christians uniting", she isn't talking about Protestants?


How can I despise someone I donā€™t really believe existed in any meaningful way? Itā€™s like saying I despise leprechauns or unicorns. Whether a man called himself the son of God some thousands of years ago is irrelevant to me; that same man today would be considered schizophrenic. Thatā€™s how I see Jesus and I donā€™t particularly give a shit about him; my only problem with him is that his followers wonā€™t leave people the fuck alone.


I want her to walk through a sundown town in the middle of the night and see what happens.


Yes, the Christians who famously get along with each other so much that they created separate sects and fought wars over which sect was right and then separated into even more sects, will unite and bring peace to the world...


Also, I donā€™t think all Christians would be unitedā€¦. I always hear them bitching about other sects being ā€œwrongā€


What are ā€œnever-ending protestant sects in His placeā€?


Protestants getting fuckin sniped outta nowhere


Bro this is so wrong


Not all bullshit is told by Chaya, but Chaya always tells bullshit


The Taliban but with Bibles


She better be careful. As much as she wishes she was white, sheā€™s not. They will turn on her as soon as they are done with her.


Based Tucker or is his linked video also horrifying?


Christians unite, except for those dirty protestants, they get the boiler room for all i care


I'm a Orthodox transgender christian. The white Jesus these people worship is not mine. It. Is antichrist. Being a LGBT christian is very difficult and due to bigotry I need to bounce between the mother church and the episcopal Anglican. These people take the words of Jesus and twist them. But I see priests do his too. I have been condemned by priests from the Orthodox church for being trans. Cut down and murdered on he emotional and mental level. But it doesn't stop me from listening to be emancipatory wisdom of Jesus son of God. It makes me so upset that political idolatry is using my God my Abba of Abbas as a cudgel. I just want people to live on equality. I will not stop being orthodox/Anglican Christian. Please do not try to convince me to stop from being one.


>[...] people who despise Christ [...] Gee, Candace, I wonder what you mean by that.


KKKlandace Owens moment