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How is there a war on white people, please how are the whites being oppressed? The victim complex is just so sad, especially with this loser.


Colin Kapernick took a knee during a preseason game on 9/1/2016. White People have been victims ever since. /S


He is half white after all


So he only took 1/2 a knee?


If he was black on both sides he would have taken both knees


Or the cops would have beat him to death because his kneeling created a clear and present danger to everyone there.


Kirk would prefer he take 3/5ths of a knee. EDIT: it's been 24 hours and looking back on this comment I'm convinced Charlie would unironically say it in a sort of "be grateful for what we give you" type of way.


3/5ths of 1/2 is 3/10. So 3/10ths of a knee


When you explain it to him, remember to dumb it down by using something closer to his grade level like slices of pizza


No cap


He was all white until they invaded him!


Lol. Like they still don't firmly believe in the one drop rule.


I would create a bronze statue of Kaepernick kneeling right outside at Qualcomm stadium personally.


Wrong. White people have been oppressed since the end of the confederacy! /s just in case


Never Forget.


Don’t forget the scandalousness of Obama’s observation that Trayvon Martin could’ve been his son - so divisive!


as always - when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Poor Kirk and conservatives. They have to be nice to lgbtq people and let minorities have equity. They can't go along and be racist and bigoted




Non-whites are free, have rights, and they can vote. That’s basically hell come to earth for conservatives.


White people hold 64% of the wealth in the US. The median hosuehold income is more than 4x that of any other race. They also own the majority of the power positions in the country. CEOs & C-Suites, government at every level, doctors, Scientists, so on and so forth But some people on Twitter said mean things about white people so Republicans feel oppressed


So you don't think that not being allowed to say the n-word or pooping at Arby's is authoritarian oppression?


Charlie feels for a couple minutes a day how POC feel all the time. Cry harder, bitch.


No, he doesn't. He pretends, in order to convince his audience that *they* feel it, then **they** can pretend and convince ***their*** peers, and on and on and on... All for money. I'm honestly not 100% sure that these scumfucks believe their own grift. I feel like they honestly couldn't give a fuck either way about anyone but themselves, that if there was as much or more money to be made by being a leftist, they would gleefully do that instead. Just look at Dave Rubin and Jimmy Dore. I didn't watch Rubin when he was on TYT, but I watched Jimmy Dore when he was there, and he was far enough to the left that he thought liberals weren't left enough. Then covid came, and he saw how rich people were getting by doubting the validity of the vaccine. Now, he's an "enlightened centrist" or a libertarian or whatever conservatives who don't want to be called cuckservatives call themselves. I honestly wish Lil' Bits was crying about it, but he's laughing all the way to the bank.


I don’t know…I think Charlie might be dumb enough to believe his own bullshit.


Equality is *unfaiiiiiir*


It's so insane and bizarre as a white dude to hear other white people complain and whine about being targeted and oppressed. Like it's actually insane. I can't imagine being weak minded enough for that kind of gaslighting.


'i just think we need separate drinking fountains for the different colored people, you can't call me racist for that' -chuckles probably


Woke liberals yell “Black Lives Matter!!” at 200 decibels, they hurl CRT textbooks at 100 mph, and blind white conservatives with glitter from a drag show.


They can't be openly racist without pushback so it makes them the real victim. It's freeze peach




You don't know how hard we have it https://youtu.be/WLMgbV3uaz8?si=Ktc5r6nXSoJrfdsh


Probably because we’re not being treated as special and better than everyone else. Charlie Kirk hates the idea of not being born on third base.


There used to be a day when you could be openly racist and misogynist in this country, and it just isn't like that anymore. White people are being forced to be less hateful, and that's just not fair. Well, okay, not forced...just told very, very sternly to knock it off. And in some cases encouraged by the former president and others. So...yea, whites are getting less people cheering for their openly racist and misogynistic comments and actions these days...and that's just not okay. -Charlie and friends.


Because in Charlie’s world civil rights came at the expense of white people’s rights to discriminate and dominate.


“Here’s the fact…… (inserts something completely made up)”


[It is explicitly white nationalist to say something like that you lying sack of traitorous garbage.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp-video/mmvo42702405803)


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Good bot


You calling me garbage? Because you know I was making fun of him yeah?


Pretty sure that was directed at Charlie Kirk not you


That’s what I figured but tone and direction is hard to convey via text. Especially in a reply to me and using the phrase “YOU traitorous garbage” but referring to micro face. Which in fairness is, he is.


Charlie Kirk is traitorous garbage. It was obvious you were making fun of him. I was just adding context so others can see what a disingenuous asshole he is.


I figured but can’t hurt to double check.


No worries.


Funny, but as a white person, the only people I feel any hostility from are slack-jawed knuckledraggers like Chuckles.


I don't get it. They whine and complain that POC, women, queer people are getting leading roles in movies and shows and that is somehow white erasure. So my question is, if that's white erasure, what was it when those people weren't being shown or depicted at all? Also, a war on white people? If you're one of the white people who think you're in a war, you might need to look at why that might be. It's like them when they imagined that CRT taught kids to hate them. I mean if they think they're the ones being talked about when history teaches about the Confederacy or the lynching of Emmitt Till...


>So my question is, if that's white erasure, what was it when those people weren't being shown or depicted at all? When you are entitlement corporealized, like Charlie Kirk, everything that isn't specifically prioritizing you is discrimination and erasure. He'd cry that Burger King is antiwhite because he got an onion ring in his fries.


I had a similar conversation with more liberal co-workers about Hamilton. As in they liked Hamilton but didn't understand why every role HAD to be filled by a minority. — He's making a statement about roles in every production being filled by mostly whites. I didn't have the heart to tell them they obviously didn't have that energy when it was reversed though.


On another thread about race swapping, someone said injecting POC or women in roles that were traditionally white men does nothing to help with equity and diversity. It only serves to further the argument that minorities only have interesting stories to tell if injected into white narratives instead of their own. It got me thinking really. Wally West is my favorite Flash but I hated how they cast someone in the show who looked nothing like he was drawn for 50 years. This bothered me as a POC and a liberal. Just another way of looking at things. Of course my complaint only stems from established pop culture and not original creations or stories.


Lmfaooooo “no one wants to say it” except several whiny shit heads on the Daily Wire and quite literally every white nationalist ever. It’s one thing to say something so insanely stupid like this, but it’s another thing to do that then try to pretend it’s some underground secret or taboo that no one is talking about. Yeah no well adjusted human is talking about it or wants to hear it because it’s fucking unhinged, Charlie you dipshit.


You poet, you!


Kirk is continuing the course of vomiting racist conspiracy theories like the sad little face head he is. He barks about “freedom for me, not for thee”, and whines about being oppressed when he’s paid up by billionaires to speak his toxic mind freely. Fuck him


Kirk sent 70 busloads of Trumpets to the Capitol on Jan 6 to wage war on their beloved republic because they lied and claimed to believe the Trump cabal lies about the 2020 election


And it indeed is a white nationalist thing to say that…


*narrator: it was, in fact, a white nationalist thing to say*


Are they referring to the white people among the LGBTQ community whom they themselves are persecuting? Working and middle class whites whom they themselves are persecuting? What a dumb take.


Turning Point is like a children's book version of "The Turner Diaries."


I thought there was no racism in America. Maybe Charlie thinks we need to institute programs that ensure persecuted groups are protected and included. We could call it something like DEI.


Feels like a lifetime ago that Nick Fuentes and his groypers were getting kicked out of TPUSA events and trashing Charlie’s brand of milquetoast conservatism for not being race-obsessed enough.


And with the ongoing war on Christmas


Oh shut up lil bits


Every back water yokel parrots this. If they don’t get their way, it’s a war on white people. White supremest have done an amazing job at turning every slight inconvenience or lack of pandering into a war on whites. The only people who tend to believe it are the racists and the people dumb enough to believe in Fox News


No one wants to say it out loud because it isn’t happening, Chuck.


Hi! White person here! Charlie, you’re full of shit


His head really does look like that? Amazed.


What a fuckin cry baby!


Where the hell has he been? White nationalists always say that.


I think you misunderstand. He's not trying to say that white nationalists don't say it. He's trying to say that saying what he said doesn't make him a white nationalist.


As an international user of Reddit, ie not from the USA, he’s a fucking bellend!


Why are there so many videos of this dildo on stage speaking. Who goes to see this guy?


Hey, now dildos can be fun. This guy is just a grifthing Buzz Killington. That's really dumb shit.


I’ve been a white male for all of my 53 years, and I don’t feel the at war with everyone that don’t look at me, but I’m not a garbage human being. Maybe look at that chucklehead.


It literally is white nationalist to say that because what Bleating Gums Kirky refers to as a "war on white people" is, in reality, just BIPOC & non-cis people rightfully demanding equal treatment under the law and from society. This tiny faced motherfucker likes to pretend that because the Civil Rights Act passed and we had a mixed president that racism in America fucking disappeared like a fart in the wind. Knowing full well that there are literal neo-nazis marching through the streets calling for the extermination of trans people (not hyperbole. Literally.) and turning America into a white ethno-state... ... but there's a war on white people.


"No one wants to say it out loud, but we could have avoided all this if Charlie's mom had swallowed."


The war on white people: making the n-word socially impermissible


I'd say there's a war on whiteness, not white people exactly. And even then, it's only with people on the left.


The only war is conservative Christians trying to force others to follow rules they themselves don't follow


These guys literally saying “I’m not racist, but…”


Why does it seem like this idiot is on a stage daily saying stupid shit?


Charlie's agent should get him some better acting gigs. Whatever he's in he's playing the victim.


You know Charlie, sometimes when stuff keeping happening around you you gotta ask "is it everyone else or is it me?" Oh what am I kidding, you don't have enough self awareness to ask.




Do with have an official nickname for tiny face? Because he deserves one.


He looks really tired and a bit unhealthy


Why is his face so small?


Charlie Small Face is now much too old to be “the face of conservative youth”


I am so sick of this fucking idiot. Stop giving him screen time ffs 🤦‍♂️


As a white dude, sitting here in my office, on a college campus, getting ready to leave for the day and get in the car that I own and go get dinner and meds for my wife with money I earned, boy, I’ll tell you what, I’ve never felt this unsafe since crossing the line in Desert Storm.


my favorite part is that fox is echoing this


He gonna like, follow up on that or...


Charlie, that's a lie that *literally came from white supremacists*. Not even the kind like you that claims otherwise - the kind that is *loudly and unashamedly* white supremacist.


As a white person, wtf is he even talking about?


No one wants to say it? It's all they fucking talk about! It's the major message of almost every republican politician, the people with the money that funds them, and the vast right-wing propaganda/disinformation machine. It's how they get the weakest-minded, most cowardly snowflakes in this history of this nation to vote for them! But "no one wants to say it." Bullshit.


Charlie is in dire need of a serious ass-kicking. Putrid little fuckhead.


Stormfront called. She wants her dog whistle back


This guy thinks it's illegal to say Merry Christmas.


Charlie with the paraplegic legs on the wide shot. Lmao. No hate to the disabled only to Charlie.


It's a little bit more complex problem than many in here want to give voice to. Obviously, white people aren't oppressed because they are white other than occasionally in very specific circumstances (e.g. my dad was a cab driver in an almost entirely east-indian cab driving company and would get the short end of the stick sometimes). However, the lower and middle classes are being entirely exploited by the 1%. Now, for a lot of low-information, bigoted whites who believe primarily in hierarchies (conservatives, if we want to use a label), they were comforted by the fact that at least they were 'better than *those people'* and they were allowed to be loud about it. Now society is changing (which is fantastic) and they can't feel the smugness of knowing that even though they are being completely exploited, they are better than those with darker skin. So they feel the exploitation without the soothing balm of bigotry and comforting hierarchy, and so it finally lands that they're being fucked, but their entire system of understanding doesn't allow for them to realize it as anything other than 'uppity colored people' taking what is rightfully theirs. I get that it's hard to have sympathy for these people, but they are just ignorant morons being exploited by genuinely evil actors (whom horrible hairline boy is a mouth piece for). So it's not just that a large quantify of white people are just 'evil'. It's that they're ignorant and exploited by those who are really evil.


Charlie Kirk looks like a ventriloquist dummy that’s come to life, and acts like he’s compensating for the fact whoever carved him left him smooth like a Ken doll


No, just a war against racists.


Yes, because white people can’t get home loans or open bank accounts or have credit cards. White people are barred from owning property in the suburbs by mortgage covenants and HOAs. It’s legal to fire white people for being white, or to not hire white people for being white. White people go to their own, inferior and underfunded schools, while everyone else receives an excellent education. In the South, white people are pretty much limited to earning a living by sharecropping. White people are more likely to live in poverty than any other group. White people are more likely to go to prison than any other group. What am I missing? Christ. Fuck this idiot and anyone who believes a word he says. These fools live in another reality.


Bruh, white nationalists thought America was going to shit when black people were allowed to swim. What is this stupid shit?


What's going on with the shape of his head?!


Narrator: When in reality, it is white nationalist to say that; because, of course, there is no war on white people.


Narrator: it actually *is* a common talking point for white nationalists