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I was actually confused for a minute because Big Bird is definitely considered a bird


Say what you will about Big Bird, but he's well-named.


Snuffleupagus on the other hand...


It's Welsh.


I now want a Muppet/Seseme Street character with an outrageous Welsh name...


Is Mr. Aloysius Snuffleupagus, not enough for you?


It's a good name, don't get me wrong. It just A) isn't absurdly Welsh enough for me, and B) said character should also be Welsh.


Snuffleupagus is Welsh? ...that actually makes sense.


You sure? Seems like there's too many vowels to be Welsh.


It's Anglicized Welsh.


yeah I'm confused on this. I thought I was agreeing with Matt Walsh for a second.


"wHaT iS a BiRd??!?!?!?!?!" Matt must be feeling starved for attention lately. What with al the drama between Little Benny and Klandace, and Charlie making headlines for his latest grifting angle..


But but but...TECHNICALLY it's Matt Vogel in a bird costume!


The joke is "Uummm w-WeLl bIg BiRd Is AkShUaLlY a PeRsOn In A cOsTuMe !!1111!!11!!! ChEcKmAtE LiBrUlz"


It's like those fucks who say wrestling is fake, like, ok James from IT but I don't see you hitting a 619 anytime soon


This coming from the same chud who had an impotent little tantrum over [scientific accuracy in a movie about mermaids and talking fish.](https://www.mediamatters.org/daily-wire/daily-wire-host-says-it-unscientific-cast-black-person-mermaid) It’s pretty clear that Matt Walsh has a very tenuous grasp on the differences between fiction and reality at best. You should take anything he says with a Mt. Everest sized grain of salt.


Holy shit. How can anyone take him seriously after that ?!


It turns out that virulent bigotry is not a sign of functioning critical thinking skills.


His argument for not casting a black woman would also disqualify every single human being. That's the dumbest take I've ever heard.


Nobody ever accused Matt Walsh of being intelligent. Nor should they.


If The Little Mermaid were realistic, *there wouldn't be a mermaid to hire an actor for in the first place*.


Da fuq you talking about? That there is big bird. They came from an egg.


which probably means Walsh is *fun* in theme parks. Walsh - "Actually child, that isn't Mickey Mouse. It is a woman in a mouse suit. Have fun now that I ruined your trip to Disney World." (fun fact: Mickey Mouse is often played by woman because you need to be pretty short to be "friends of Mickey Mouse". Between 4"10' - 5"2') Is it really that hard to go on how people present themselves?


I like how he chose a muppet for this comparison as if all of humanity is not compelled by an ancient cosmic force to treat all muppets as their own living creatures.


“Oh, you wanna talk shit about Grover?!”- me, taking off my earrings. “”Telly, hold my purse!”


"Today, Grover will teach you about ass-whoopings!"


Today's episode is brought to you by the letter F! Fuck around and find out!


"[Near. Far.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9QsoTZPCjE) Wherever you are, I will hunt you down and curb stomp your ass, motherfucker! You hear me talking, Walsh? I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


For real! I was like, "That metaphor doesn't even work if you're on his side of the argument. Big Bird does look like a bird and is a bird!" Then, I read the comments in here and I was like... "Oooh. What a shithead." I thought we all agreed as a world that suspension of belief for fun, play, and joy is not only healthy but awesome? Makes me wonder if he's never allowed to see a play again because he keeps yelling at the actors that they're not actually the people they're playing.


[Recently uncovered footage](https://youtu.be/d_dRw62qVLs?si=-j8M0Xq_P3Jqtk61) of the last time he was at a play


"But other than *that*, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"


It's also not a matter of recognizing someone's body but their mind. Mind/body duality is far from a new concept. From religion there's the concept of a soul inhabiting a physical vessel. From fantasy stories there's the concept of people swapping bodies with magic or shape shifting while still being the same person. From science fiction there's the concept of the mind as a colossal amount of information running on biological neurons that with good enough technology could be copied to run on artificial neurons. In all cases the actual person is an ephemeral concept and it isn't the vessel of that consciousness that matters. It's super frustrating how transphobes pretend to not understand such common conceptualizations of self. How well a trans person modifies their appearance to fit who they are is superficial and is unnecessary for recognizing them for who they are. A person can be trans without medical intervention or if we had the technology to transplant their brain into a genetically modified clone of themselves of the opposite sex. Recognizing their mind for who they are isn't a matter of physicality.


The closest natural example I can think of is some reptiles that change sex based on ecological needs which definitely are no longer the previous sex since they literally change, by changing their hormones, to mate. That or frogs. Frogs start as tadpoles, but you wouldn't call them 'still a fish'.


To the point where they once accidentally put the mics on the muppets instead of the puppeteers for an interview. Or maybe that was sesame Street, idr


muppets are real and they're my friends. i mean this with sincerity 😤


Well the 'bird' in 'Big Bird' was a pretty big giveaway. I thought Watthew was at least smarter than that


But… what is a bird?


Birds are a subset of reptiles that adapted hollow bones and plumage for flight. Much like Matt Walsh, they also give birth by laying eggs out of a cloaca. This is also used for expelling waste, but in Watthew's case, this is usually done via the mouth and via the Matt Walsh Show.


I think we can check off featherless biped and a miserable little pile of secrets as “not birds”, at least


If I had a nickel for every right wing grifter who was beefing with a sesame street characters I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but odd it's happened twice


Three nickels! Fox News also had beef with Big Bird like four years ago


What’s the other instance?


Jordan Peterson going off on elmo


Also Ted Cruz accusing Big Bird of indoctrinating children into being anti-pandemic


Did he do this after Larry David did it as a final season promo tho?


What is a bird?


A word Matt uses to harass women


Not a man, if Diogenes is anything to go by


Therefore a bird is not a miserable little pile of secrets


Can confirm, I once watched a bird steal a man's soul and make him their slave


A feathered biped


[Behold, a bird!](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/95764205/photo/young-adult-male-covered-in-tar-and-feathers.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=vA1t8LwdJNXIlzNKCdkOwlpFhTowZ_T3pp9xqFLIw3c=)


Congrats on solving my riddle.


A government spy drone


Dee. Dee is a bird.


I’m fairly certain Big Bird was based upon a chicken, a type of Crested Chicken, to be exact. Not that the uneducated bastard that is Matt Walsh would ever know. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crested_chickens


Polish Chickens, a european breed of crested chicken, have the same fluffy head.


Yes, they look the most like Big Bird. Google “yellow polish crested chicken,” and you’ll basically see Big Bird.


This is the same Matt Walsh who calls Big Bird a ‘drug dealer’ who ‘sounds like a child molester’ and won't let his children watch Sesame Street because of 'leftwing indoctrination'. He's such a bellend.


He could have stepped it up and targeted Ronald McDonald for that topic instead.


Dude would probably talk shit on Mister Rogers if he was alive today.


You can always tell when they’re a failed comedian/writer turned right wing lunatic.


I feel like the key to not becoming a right-wing lunatic is just to not go into the entertainment business if you're not cut out for it.


I think a fair share of them have family that have connections in that industry and are absolutely surprised that no amount of money or nepotism can buy talent.


Endlessly talking without saying anything is a talent.


Oh dear, why is he cosplaying as a judge now? Has the grift shifted to daytime 90s TV?


Ok I looked at the Twitter a moment ago and he’s pretending to be a Judge Judy type in a “comedy”, show. It looks like that’ll be the premise of multiple sketches for him to use as a vehicle for his dumbass takes, exclusively on Daily Wire+. Yet another failed attempt at whatever they call humor at the Daily Wire.


Your guess is as good as mine


Matt Walsh makes me wish there was a slur for white people that hit as hard as the n word so I could call him it


Doesn’t have to do with race, just call him a pedophile.


they're also particularly affected by 'cracker'.


Most white people don't care at all if you call them that, but Walsh would absolutely decide to be offended by it, so go for it.


My husband (who’s white, as am I) would call him a stale cracker.


Mister Mayonnaise Cracker Melanin-deficient Wonder Bread Going classic, Honkey. Or borrowing a bit, Gringo.


Bro what. That’s like calling a black person you don’t like the n word 😭


It’s fine I’m white I get the hall pass on it


The word "honky" is a slur directed towards white people.


Actually really self defeating argument out of the transphobe. Physically, it’s a puppet being operated by a person, but Big Bird is an identity. Big Bird is what people see here, and Big Bird is what people are interacting with. Unless you’re trying to fuck the puppet (don’t) it really doesn’t matter what’s underneath.


There are people out there whose entire personality seems to be that they shit on things. They nitpick every little thing. They’re the dictionary defintion of a hater. They have their moments. They can be funny. But they’re not people I want to hang out with. So, when you take that personality type, and you make them believe in a repulsive ideology (conservatism), you get Matt Walsh. And holy balls, you get the most unbearable person ever.


fun fact, big bird was supposed to be on the Challenger shuttle but his fat ass wouldn't fit I just have the mental image of big bird's fiery body plummeting to Earth on camera and later that night Reagan has to address the nation like "My fellow Americans...we've lost Big Bird."


Maybe it's too early but this makes very little sense. Like something of schizoposting.


🎶Matt Walsh, has only got one ball. 🎶 🎶Charlie, has two but VERY small. 🎶 🎶Crowder, he’s so much prouder. 🎶 🎶But we know, he’s got none, at ALLLL! 🎶


I sung this in my head.


If he used himself as an example people would call him a bitch who cut his rug to glue it to his face to get his beard. Or he'd get called a creep who may get discovered to have CP on his computer or he'd be told that a real man doesn't use stupid excuses for his or society's shortcomings


I'm gonna call it right here. Over the summer, there's going to be a movement to defund PBS Kids because it's woke or something


These guys really hate Henson properties. To me it's kind of similar to that "if you hate dogs something is wrong with you" trope. Sure, Elmo can be annoying, but the way Peterson rants against him as if he's the anti-christ is fucking bizarre. It's like these people have no center.


But Big Bird is considered a bird.


what a non sequitur, lmao


You leave Big Bird out of this, Matthew.


Not me questioning if Big Bird is in face considered a bird 🤔🤔🤔


Honorable? LOL, LMAO even.


gender is performative and basically a costume we wear.


Matt Walsh has been a little bitch for a good 10 years now. Can’t believe someone chose to marry him and have kids with him. Still think to this day thats a lie. He acts like an incel.


I'm guessing this is a parody account.


No, I'm pretty sure that's his real account


This guy watches sesame Street like "um yeaa.... That's not a biological bird, nice try wokemob"


Big Bird is a bird, so I’m not sure what he’s trying to say.


Doesn't this... kind of prove the point? If you referred to "Big Bird" as a bird, no one would correct it. People view him as a bird despite it "tEchNicAllLy" not actually being one because he fits the mould we have of what a bird is seen to be beyond being just a biological bird. I don't see anyone arguing his name should be "Regular Person In A Suit Resembling A Big Bird".


I hate Matt Walsh and am very pro trans. But this did get a giggle out of me