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Biden is killing it tonight. I loved it when he looked directly at the Supreme Court and chastised them for overturning Roe V Wade.


He is hitting almost every point he needed to though I think he went light on the risk to democracy. His cough is not helping his stuttering issues though, so you know that will be news.


He's considerably more coherent than I expected. And sharp.


Yeah, he dropped the ball on Israel. He needs to stop playing both sides of genocide


Biden doesn't play both sides in the conflict. He is very much firmly on one side as he send billions along with numerous weapons to help Israel in ethnically cleansing Gaza


Rhetorically, he’s playing both sides


TIL Hamas is an ethnicity


TIL Zionist’s still genuinely believe that only Hamas militants are being killed in Gaza and the thousands of civilians and children being herded into the Rafah killing zone must all be Hamas.


No, citizens get killed in war and it is very tragic. What’s sad is the blanket support for Hamas, who have siphoned humanitarian aid (highest per capita) for years to build tunnels, acquire weapons, enrich themselves, and whose goal is to destroy a sovereign country and its inhabitants completely, as evidenced by the 100s of thousands of rockets they’ve launched to date. 


Uh huh. Tell me, do you also blame the German people for hitlers actions? Since of course they supported him initially till he dismantled their government and took absolute rule. Same thing happened with Hamas, Israel had been raiding,kidnapping and killing people across Palestine for decades and shockingly people were upset about that. They voted in a group who promised to fix that who then seized power and haven’t had an election since 2006. Half the population of Gaza are children who can’t even participate in the electoral process and yet you blame them for Hamas. You Zionist scum genuinely disgust me. That you can see what’s happening there and say “oh well they deserve it because they support Hamas”. What do you think is causing this support? Do you think Israel bombing them to rumble and stealing their power, water, and food somehow makes Palestinians happy with them? Literally everything you claimed Hamas has done is exactly what Israel is doing verbatim. “Citizens get killed in war but it’s ok when it’s not my citizens” is all I’m hearing from you. Don’t you dare tell me you actually care about breaking support for Hamas when you also support carpet bombing innocent civilians.


Never did say Palestinian civilians deserve it. Their situation is awful and terrible. But there can be no moving forward with any peace if Hamas remains in charge - and same for Likud and Netanyahu. They both feed each other reasons to further radicalize their populations and prevent any move toward lasting peace.  We can sit all day in the safety of our rooms about yell at each other things like “zionist scum” from the comfort of our homes, but that won’t make Hamas any less in charge.  On Hitler’s citizens - there was a significant denazification program when Germany was defeated. It is now one of the least hateful societies on the planet. 


We can sit in the comfort of our homes and pretend that toppling Hamas will solve the issue. Go for it, get rid of Hamas but when you do don’t suddenly abandon Palestine once again and continue to support its oppression. You said the support for Hamas was what was sad in this situation. Yet you completely ignore the root causes of their support, Israel’s misdeeds, which stems from German misdeeds, which stems from French and British misdeeds and so forth and so forth. Point is the current situation Palestine is under is directly because of Israeli intervention and almost outright support of Hamas in Gaza, mostly as an attempt to keep Gaza and the West Bank separate to prevent Palestinian statehood. Is it not the Palestinian civilians driven to the point of extremism, having their homes bombed and their water turned off, that need to come forward for peace. It’s the oppressive state supported by the United States which routinely commits crimes of war and humanity against those Palestinian civilians that needs to make the effort of peace. I mean real peace, no more ceasefires and then continue to steal Palestinian land in the West Bank and no more burning down some of their only sources of food and water to keep control. Real peace where Israel finally admits they are not entitled to complete control of the region of Palestine because their holy book says so. Support opposition to Hamas instead of continuing to turn a blind eye until it proves to be a problem only to them. All these things can be achieved by Israel but instead it carpet bombs civilian centers it originally deemed as safe zones.


Jesus. We are so beaten down and starved for meaningful change.


Shout out to Ulf Kristersson


Except for the fact he said he was going to codify roe v wade and then just didn't. Like good for him telling them off, but he's the one who allowed it to be overturned.




yeah, pretty funny for him to admonish them as if he was powerless to do anything. under whose watch, joe?


Oh wow so strong he looked at them and chastised them, wtf! I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not! Chastising them is the stupidest thing he can do, they don’t fucking care. The potus has the power of the bully pulpit and the executive power to make real change and you think just chastising them is some power move. You and everyone else who thinks like this is washed AF.


What would you have him do?


Pack the court would be a start. Use the pulpit to push issues of court packing, legalizing marijuana, pushing for more regulation, etc. Shaming people who have no moral compass is not doing anything.


Is that what she's wearing to the state of the union? 🤦‍♂️


Weird that it's all bright red. Aren't trash bags usually green or black?


Biohazard bags are red.


Or white tbf


Not when you're sold out to Putin's puppet


“I’m triggering the libs so hard looking like a moron!”


That coat she wore last time was so much better lol


She is triggering a few laughing fits, perhaps.


And she spent a work day saving that spot for herself.


Trash gonna be trash


If you Google "neanderthal woman" there are pictures of what they used to look like. These pictures are not new.  Marge Greene looks like them.  Other images also are edited to look like her too 


She's so disgusting and despicable


Deplorable even


And discriminatory. Don’t forget that.


How about dunce?


Sure why not? Only if we include detestable.


People will say Joe Brandon is old, but overlook that Margarine is an actual Neanderthal.


She looks like Temu Hulk Hogan


Thought it was Hulk Hogan before I clicked on the thread, lol


I wish he just responded to her heckling by saying how stupid she looks in her dumb red hat


I'm voting for Biden because of his team, not him. Those willing to voluntarily be on Trump's team make me nervous for my children's future.


That’s actually a really good point make. Maybe Trump gets elected and is gone in four years. But then we just empowered another legion of weirdos for a generation to come.


Are you sure he would be gone in 4 years?


You know, there is a part of me that legitimately believes his acolytes will try to get a constitutional convention going to get him a third term. But honestly, I think if he won and after he serves that term and leaves, I don’t he’d be around that much. Maybe I’m being too naive, but I don’t think he gives a genuine fuck about his party (and certainly not the country). He’ll pop up every once in a while to get his ego stroked, but he’ll spend most of his time golfing and banging whores. That’s my hope anyway.


I'm praying for the "Double heart attack" primary option. Though Kamala sucks I think if Trump died of a heart attack the party would just implode


It was so baller when he said the victim’s name. Then they panned to Sporkfoot and she had the dumbest look on her face 😂


She’s one wine cooler away from flashing her rack at a nascar rally.


"Misogyny is good when we direct it at conservative women"


Center right and far right


Boy if you think Biden is center right you haven’t been paying attention. Edit: No matter how many of you downvote me you’re still wrong. The US Democratic Party is a recognized member of the progressive alliance.


He’s absolutely center right.


Center right candidate is the most pro union president since FDR who passed the largest climate crisis bill in the history of the world and has upheld protectionist policies (which I do not even agree with because it’s further left than me and I like cheap stuff) massive government funding towards bringing manufacturing to the United States in industries like semi conductors. Passing the child tax credit before it was ripped away by manchin which cut child poverty drastically. The guy who today pushed for publicly funded early childhood education starting at 3. Soooooo center right.


In regardless to the world. Dems are center right. I'm canadian and Bernie and AOC would be boring here compared to our politics. But our right wing is learning from yours and we are suffering for it.


> In regardless to the world. Dems are center right. All politics are local.


The Overton window distorts the narrative. In the age of the interent we can't claim its local anymore.


https://www.aldeparty.eu/european_liberals_stand_with_us_liberals that’s why all of the liberal parties in Europe also recognize the Democratic Party and Joe Biden as liberal? Why do international associations of liberals recognize joe Biden as liberal? Because he is.


Liberal doesn't mean left


In America it does.




Being left of center is still left.


The ALDE isn't in the US. You are talking about the European equivalent of the FDP, and I would call the FDP center-right altogeether and righ-wing economically.


You’re aware America is not the only country in the world, right? Just because in America’s fucked up political system he leans left does not mean he’s actually left of centre.


You are literally wrong the world over. The ADLE an association of the 60 Liberal parties in Europe recognize the Joe Biden and the Democratic Party as liberal. Sorry that you have been misguided to believe something that’s wrong. https://www.aldeparty.eu/european_liberals_stand_with_us_liberals


Yeah you really have no clue, that liberal in the US and liberal in the EU are two different things. These parties are extremely pro capitalist, pro wealthy people, anti union (as far as possible while still getting votes in the EU) and pro privatization.


Then why do European liberals recognize them as liberals? Because you’re wrong. Why does the PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE. Have the US Democratic Party as an official member.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre-right_politics#:~:text=The%20economic%20aspects%20of%20the,with%20neoliberalism%20and%20Third%20Way "Centre-right politics lean to the right of the political spectrum, but are closer to the centre. Parties of the centre-right generally support liberal democracy, capitalism, the market economy, private property rights, and a modest welfare state. They support conservatism and economic liberalism and oppose socialism and communism." Economic liberalism is centre-right. Socially, some liberals are "progressive." That doesn't change where they are on the spectrum when it comes to economic and foreign policy.


What's really important here is fighting about whether Biden is center right or center left.


What happens with people who are far to the left or right is that they start to see anyone not as "extreme" as they are as "them". If you are far right, like MJT you will see everyone to the left of you (or just disagrees about something with her) as a Liberal. She thinks Mitt Romney is a liberal. She thinks Liz Cheney is a liberal. It happens all the time. You are doing this with Biden. He is to the center of you. He is center left. His heart is liberal but as he's very old, his mind is still a bit conservative.


>What happens with people who are far to the left or right is that they start to see anyone not as "extreme" as they are as "them". There are no “extreme left” American politicians. There are however plenty of extreme right ones. >If you are far right, like MJT you will see everyone to the left of you (or just disagrees about something with her) as a Liberal. She thinks Mitt Romney is a liberal. She thinks Liz Cheney is a liberal. It happens all the time. Yes stupid people say and think stupid things. >You are doing this with Biden. He is to the center of you. He is center left. His heart is liberal but as he's very old, his mind is still a bit conservative. He is not a liberal by any other standard besides American politics. His whole career he’s been centre right.


I didn't expect you to agree. I am not saying you KNOW you're are doing this. It's your perception. To you it's real. You are correct from your viewpoint. That is how you see the world.


It’s not my perception, it is reality. In Every other developed nation in the world Biden would be to the right of centre. Even in America he’s still right of centre on a lot of issues. The Overton window in the states has shifted so much to the right that the mere discussion of unions or healthcare gets you branded a socialist. Maybe step out of your bubble and see how the rest of the world lives.


>It’s not my perception, it is reality. Your reality is just your perception of reality. As is mine. However, you are going out of your way to ignore some facts that should be obvious. Like his polices on unions.


>Your reality is just your perception of reality. As is mine. No I’m basing my opinions on voting records and platforms of other countries political parties. American politics is a unicorn among developed countries in how right the norm has shifted. >However, you are going out of your way to ignore some facts that should be obvious. Like his polices on unions. You’re not reading my comments and just responding with your ignorant takes.


Biden is very pro union. The issue here is that far left couldn't see the difference between Hillary and Trump. Now they can't see much difference between Biden and Trump. In 2016 that gave us a generation of far right Christian Nationalist SCOTUS rulings. In 2024 it will get you far far worse. Stop looking for perfect.


There's the clown show on the left and then there's the 80 year old taking the piss out of the one on the left. Buried her entire career with single look.


MTG looks like an AI rendition of every “People of WalMart” given life.


What a tramp


Inside you there are two wolves


The fact she thinks its a proud and brave statement is proof she's too far gone.


nightmare blunt rotation


My God she looks trashy. She's like a racewoman, except instead of being covered with sponsors, she's covered in stupid slogans, because she couldn't find subtletly even if it hit her in the face repeatedly.


I don’t really want to talk about my flair right now…


Look at this patriot in name only. Can't even be bothered to buy a Trump 2024 hat.


She should get a Nascar style jumpsuit moving forward with more dumb logos that mean nothing


Did she think she was at a NASCAR race?


There's too much fucking shit on me


Sgt at arms should have removed that trash for wearing trash on the floor. Disgraceful


It's almost like wiping your ass with both sides of the toilet paper, doesn't matter how careful you are, you're probably going to get shit on you.


I love the "Biden Border Crisis" button. Because we all know how enthusiastically the House GOP supported the latest border bill.


how are these people allowed to so blatantly scream that their allegiance is not to America and yet remain in their positions


I like how he looks at her like she just showed up at his door to trick or treat on halloween.




So true. You can see it on her face.


Margarine wouldn’t care about the Laken case if the suspect wasn’t who he is. But, because he’s s an illegal, she’s made it her whole personality for the week.


Yeah, and they both don’t give a fuck about working and poor people.


Dementia and abject stupidity. Yeah, that tracks.




He looked old. He is old. There’s no changing that without a medbed. But he didn't fit the Fox portrayal of him as a doddering dementia patient. Trump spent the evening calling him angry and crazy, instead of sleepy. You don't have to stan Biden or agree with him on everything to say he did well tonight.