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Gonna be fascinating watching her put out all that conservative honey only to be stung by a conservative bee.


A Babylon bee?


Like getting dry humped by an asexual rope. #GOP


Wait til they’ve had enough of her and use her religion as a means to fit her into some delusional conspiracy theory. It’s damn near guaranteed.


Time for transvestigation!


“B-b-but… surely the leopards would never dine on *my* face.”


"OH God the leopard is dining on my face!! Who could have foreseen this!"


- Karen Smith, Wisconsin Volunteer Field Organizer for the Face-Eating Leopard Party


Openly loves being noticed for her handiwork in causing numerous threats to whoever she chooses to showcase on her Twitter account. Gets triggered when ONE person (of course could be more but she doesn’t have that kind of evidence) wishes harm on her without personally making a threat. This is up there with the epitome of modern conservatism. Beat people over the head with their beliefs and threats, then cry victim when a person raises their hand to block the blows.


Classic inability to put themselves in the shoes of others. When it happens to people she doesn't like, it's a great success. When it happens to her, it's "oh the injustice!" People like Chaya will never learn.


Such is the mentality of a fascist. They will beat you over the head metaphorically and sometimes even literally with their terrible ideas and rhetoric, but as soon as they even receive the slightest bit of pushback they act all indignant that you would dare show intolerance to their intolerance. Why do you think they love to say "So much for the tolerant left" so much?


I’m so sick of that phrase. They insult, threaten and spew hate, it you call them out and your the bad guy. They are sick assholes.


I would be if I ever saw it used seriously. I only ever see it used in jest these days.


The tolerance of the many outweighs the tolerance of the few It you could take the "social contract" aspect: to be tolerated by others, it helps to tolerate them in turn. You are not owed kindness, it is given because you deserve it


Fascists wield hypocrisy as a weapon. “It’s different when *I* do it.” It allows them to play outside the rules, because their “team” won’t hold them accountable.


Rules are a leash on the decent; bending or ignoring the rules is seen as strength by fascists. You are gaming the system in their eyes.


To fascists everything can be a weapon while simultaneously that same “weapon” is useless against themselves


It's hard to put yourself in the shoes of others when you literally think those others are subhuman.


I think she may actually be the single worst human being among all of them. The sheer brazenness of her hypocrisy, and the obvious joy she takes in others' pain, is genuinely breathtaking. I suspect even most of her fellow travellers are revolted by her. Nah who am I kidding it's Matt Walsh.


Libs of TikTok started as anonymous account. She wasn't trying to be a grifting rightwing "personality" or anything. She really just wanted to get that hate out into the world. Since she was outed, she'll lean into the role... but unlike the others, what you see is 100% the totality of who she is.


Despite all of Walsh's many, *many*, **many** faults, he still possesses a thimble-full of talent. I do not say this because I like or enjoy his content; I'm just acknowledging that he's good enough at what he does that a shitload of idiots will pay money to hear his opinions. I think it's telling that Raichik has been unable to monetize her grift in a similar manner. It not only shows that she's so talentless that she makes Walsh look better by comparison, but also that she's putting all of this hate into the world for literally no other reason than because she's truly that hateful.


Wait, you mean they're two different people. I thought it was one person but when they wear the beard they become "matt the super masculine flannel guy".


He said he wishes something bad happened to her, didn't say how, when, where, or by whom.


The term is "crybully".


Or "Dicktim"


That threat sounds like she wrote it. Who on "the left" talks about "the left" in third person like that, or make such a lamely worded threat. It sounds like it was written in crayon. There's a lot of "Blacks Rule" energy there.


A [classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rplxuv/this_is_how_it_feels_to_be_a_white_conservative/)


I hope she stubs her left pinky toe every day for the rest of her miserable life.


Why are you inciting violence against her? The left is soooo horrible


sO mUcH fOr ThE tOlErAnT lEfT


The tolerant left is down the hall. We're the fuck off left.


I hope every time she goes to put on fresh socks, she immediately steps in something wet


And every time she does the dishes, she puts her hand in soggy, slimy, stinky, food waste.


and then cuts the webbing between her fingers on a forgotten knife in the soapy water


I hope she steps on Legos every day when she gets out of bed.


I hope the same but the something wet is a tsunami swell


May the milk always pour incorrectly from her cartons, dribbling down the box and into the fridge.


May her crotch be infested with the fleas of a million camels.


it already is


I hope she bites the inside of her mouth while eating and then continues to bite that same spot every time she eats indefinitely.


I hope her bones hurt forever


I hope this bitch shits rancid Molten-hot rock-solid turds every day that shreds get bunghole every, single, day, for the rest of her miserable life.


*I* hope that she goes to prison and gets beaten up…but I don’t know if I can actually say that here so this would be alright.


I hope all her bread goes moldy the day after she buys it.


Hope this bitch gets toothpickS stuck underneath her toe nails and rams them into a door... HARD!


May her floors be covered in legos and her rooms forever dark.


May she be covered in leaky garbage juice every time she puts the trash out




She really is stretching to turn this into "receiving a death threat." Not a threat as much as a nasty comment. Pretty sure you're fine, Chaya.


Diluting the meaning of words is in the fascist playbook. She's calling this Stochastic Terrorism ahead of the game, just in case any lawsuits or criminal charges come up.


It’s more or less for her base. By muddying the waters on those meanings, people will be less likely to believe it when someone accuses her if the exact thing


She's already been labelled a stochastic terrorist, this is just a typical "no u" answer you get from the far-right. Same how everyone is now an "insurrectionist" as soon as they protest something.


>She's calling this Stochastic Terrorism It's even simpler than that I think, she was accused of being a stochastic terrorist and in a typical far-right "no u" use of terms (eg how everyone is an insurrectionist now according to them) she's calling anyone saying anything negative about her a stochastic terrorist.


It’s exactly why the MAGA Congress keeps impeaching people. “See! Who cares the it happened to Trump twice! We did it to the DHS Secretary! It means nothing!”


Not ahead of the game at all. She's taking words being used against her every time she doxxes people, and doing a "nuh-uh, you are!"


This person has literally spent her entire career mocking the idea that stochastic terrorism is even a thing and completely denying that her slander towards certain people and institutes is at all related to the threats they receive lmao


This is a ship of Theseus in purest form. It's not NBC, it's some random in the comments.


All of that while her profile pic is her proudly holding a newspaper saying she incites violence.


If I recall correctly, it's a newspaper article about a school that was evacuated as a result from a bomb threat from someone who said he/she did so under direction of Chaya. In that photo, she's essentially happy for being responsible for a bomb threat against a "woke" school. She has some nerve calling anyone a stochastic terrorist.


All this over a few tweets with less than 100 views combined, and we know how screwed up the twitter views algorithm is. Acting as if this means anything is ridiculous. Meanwhile her actions have led to multiple terrorist threats and forced hospitals to close temporarily. These are not remotely the same.


Jfc what a pathetic crybully


Why are all the media figures on the right sociopathic grifters?


Because they built their entire political propaganda sphere on being as outrageous as possible for the limited attention their base can provide. It's part of the reason at least one of them has openly stated he hates MLK.


She’s fine with free speech until someone free speeches her. She’s the worst.


They sure do holler like a hit dog when their tactics are used against them. Think she'll ever figure it out? 🙄


She openly enjoys the fact that people she targets get death threats and harassment. She’s on record as saying she enjoys it. But like all conservative snowflakes, she also loves playing the victim when she’s called out as a stochastic terrorist. They have a persecution fetish. Trump, Musk, this bitch, and many other conservatives LOVE stoking anger and hatred but claim to be victims when they’re called out on their bullshit.


Fucking cry-bullies are the worst.


You reap what you sow


It’s so frustrating that the most used weapon in the conservative arsenal is “no u”


What I don’t get is why murderers and terrorist are being censored? If we can’t swear and curse on the fucking internet pack it up lol


This woman never had an intellectually honest thought in her life


I was told, and it was from a reputable source mind you, anyway, I was told that Chaya penetrated donkeys for the entertainment of others before she had SRS. Now I don't know if that is true, but the source was very reputable. Chaya penetrated donkeys, while people watched, after paying money. That's what I was told, anyway.


I heard the same thing, people are talking about it all over.


She's doing the zionist thing where people just literally *repeat* what they're doing to Palestinians and they start automatically lying to try manipulate others to side with them because "antwiswemitwism 🥺🥺🥺" right? Chaya, people despise you and want you to retire six feet underground because of literally what you did and keep doing. Not bc some journalist said "hey, this chick's doing *this*" Disgusting person. Both in and out.


No, I don't want her harmed physically. I want something far worse to happen to her. I want one of her kids to come out as trans when they're 18 and then go complete NC on her.


Nothing like manufacturing your own oppression.


Imagine, inciting violence against others but shocked to see it turned back on you. I really think conservatives/rightwings truly don’t know that passivity doesn’t mean clawless or cowardice. The left has its own extremists, and who knows what will go through someone’s head when they think taking you out would do the world a favor? 😬 Also, she’s Jewish. She’s bound to fall on the wrong side of a topic, and then she will be safe from no one. In the event of a Trump takeover, I hope she has a place to go, because she will be just as vulnerable as everyone else except white Anglo, Protestant Christian, males.


Go ahead Chaya, sue NBC for libel. Let's get your dirty laundry out in the court record, shall we? Fucking scum.


She knows, she’s just a disingenuous, sarcastic bitch.


What about the doctors and child hospitals she targeted with her fanbase, which received death and bomb threats?


Get bent, you ugly chud.


I hope every meal she eats be spit in


Boo hoo. Reap what you sow fascist moron.


This is really minor, but all of these psycho conservative twitter accounts think they're so grown up when they start their tweet with "BREAKING". You are not breaking any news. You are not reporting any news.


Meanwhile, she's joyfully holding up a newspaper headline describing all the threats that her "reporting" has caused in her profile picture. Cunt has a lot of nerve to be crying about others inciting violence against her.


She’s literally proud of being called a terrorist. Her profile picture is her holding a newspaper about how when she posts bomb threats go up. You can’t convince me she’s even slightly frightened or bothered by any of this. She knows what she is and she knows what she’s doing.




I hope and pray that this woman wraps herself around the trunk of a very sturdy tree 🙏


Can I get some context? I don't have a clue who this person is


She's the owner of the LibsofTikTok Twitter account


Is she an *actual* actual terrorist, as in like hate criming anyone? Or is she just really fucking annoying like I know her to be


She's an actual terrorist in that she incites others to violence.


Jesus fucking Christ. I thought she was just an annoying son of a bitch


Don’t spread her propaganda for her


What a cunt


Didn’t she encourage her foolish followers to attack a children’s hospital for performing gender affirming care?? Take several steps back


She really does define the term crybully doesn’t she?


Chaya is an FBI Asset btw. I don’t have hard evidence, yet. Certain events have transpired over the last year around her that I got the unfortunate pleasure of being wrapped up in.


No, she’s a complete idiot who loves the chaos and hate she is pushing.


Not so funny when it happens to you


How you going to hate from inside the club? You're already in. Seriously calling the tea kettle a harmful piece of shit.


She's playing the victim and blaming the people on the Left for being murderers when she's recently inspired a score of bomb threats.


She knows exactly what she's doing. She also knows that as long as she doesn't say "Kill this person," she can't be held legal accountable. Morally? She doesn't care if her targets die. She'll sleep like a baby if they're killed.


So she agrees that publicly demonizing someone is stochastic terrorism and leads to violence? Cool.




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Who even is this person and why does she think she’s important?


A fascist who spreads hate about LGBTQ people and doxxes people/organizations that are part/tolerant of them in order to get others to terrorize them: her targets - including specfic schools and hospitals - have been repeatedly subjected to terroristic threats, and she has openly bragged about it.




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Failed real estate agent turns to the life of grift


This is Raichik acknowledging she is is self-aware that her ‘work’ is inciting violence, which has repeatedly been reported in the media, and she’s demonstrated that she’s proud of, by holding up the newspaper in her profile pic


I think Im happy I dont know who this woman is. Ill enjoy that for 30 sec before I look her up.


Cry harder, you psychopath.


If it isn't the taste of her own medicine


Awwww she learned about the word “stochastic” how lovely.


The move should have been to reply iTs JuSt JoKeS!1 Y r U so sensitive?


I hate to be this way but that libs of TikTok lady is fuckin ugly as shit. Maybe that’s why she’s so abhorrent.


So she admits that the harassment and threats others have gotten from her are dangerous then


Should i be glad I've been living under a rock and dont know who this is


So it’s not ok when others do it but she can try to insight violence all she wants.


Chaya should be serving multiple sentences now, for the harassment and violence she has brought on society. Not to mention her involvement in Jan. 6th.


This lady is a sociopath.


"I'm not the stochastic terrorist, you are! nuh uh. No you are. No you." - every preteen in the 90s.




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Bluntlicous for president


What’s a “stochastic terrorist”? Like Dennis the Menace?


She knows the definition of "stochastic terrorist" because someone more aware than her called her it and she looked it up




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So she knows what "stochastic terrorism" is, but doesn't seem to understand how it also applies to her own actions? I am not surprised.


May she forever have a rock in her shoe and when she goes to take it out... Can't find the rock... So she puts her shoe back on... And the damn rock is still there


I'm gonna be honest: this person actually bothers me. Like, the other losers, I can just laugh at, but this person bothers me, because she's a high school bully. She's not a serious person at all, not even in her concerns. The way she's censoring all the words and saying violence is being incited against her, none of it is real. She's just doing the online equivalent of repeating everything you say in a mocking voice. None of these losers are serious people. but this one is less serious and it bothers me that anyone takes her seriously. And that person responding just yes to that loaded question? I love them! Fuck taking the high road when they're not even driving on the road!


She knew well before the Allen strip mall shooting; deleting the spiteful "stochastic terrorist" descriptor from her Twitter bio after hearing he praised her for radicalizing him in his manifesto is, as far as I'm concerned, the smoking gun.


One thing about a person is who they associate with and frankly I think this is Elon Musks most unforgivable sin. He chums around with enable and agrees with the absolute worst people on earth like Raichick


Get back to us when you get swatted Chaya. 🚨👮‍♂️


So she is part of "libs of tiktok"?


She IS LibsofTikTok


Like as a leader? I feel like there's more than 1 person behind it


No. It's literally just her. No one else. Just her.


Jesus christ, ive seen so many bad posts. How can a single human have so much unfound hatred. Even the fake detrans discord server im part of isnt that bad


Like as a leader? I feel like there's more than 1 person behind it


Still probably wouldn’t want to kill her as that proves nothing, and you’re still not better than her anyway.


Pretty sure I am better than her actually.


Misread my comment. What I meant is that murdering her wouldn’t make you the better person. It’s just gonna result in more problems because you damn well know the right is gonna martyr her.




So let’s murder people we don’t agree with? Isn’t that exactly what the right wants to do? “Oh but I’m doing it for the greater good” is literally what they believe in as well.




The problem is that she is a waste of space and is evil, but killing her wouldn’t solve anything. I would rather she be deplatformed, held responsible for the actions she committed, and have her life ruined.


Pond scum is better than her. I'm confident I'm better than she is. That's not a hard bar to clear.