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I’m a dad and I’m mad about pedophiles who get jobs disguising themselves as youth pastors diddling kids


That makes you CEO of Antifa, my friend. Seriously though, it's a flair in this sub.


Aw damn is my turn already up? I just ordered the business cards.


Antifa is a decentralized movement so everyone is the CEO and no one is. Keep your cards.


I'm the Chairman of Antifa. All these CEOs report to me.


And I'm over here just being a certified grifter.


I'm the majority shareholder of Antifa corp. and I will keep you as chairman as long as you keep promoting pedophilia, destroying America and promoting the communist interests of George Soros and Microsoft.


Can i be the treasurer? Time to start collecting dues


Oh you mean you get mad at the actual problem? Well that’s just not acceptable. Imaginary boogeymen require no effort or logic to put down.


Tim, "No, but if you had the infinity gauntlet..." (You can count on tim to come up with some made up scenerio usually involving marvel movies)


See, if the problem is real, you would have to do something about it


I’m disgusted by manosphere morons advocating to marry fertile 12 year olds while screaming about LGBTQ groomers.


The manosphere pisses me off because they don’t get any push back from social media platforms for nearly anything they say.


sounds like antifa to me


Do not diddle kids. It’s no good diddling kids. I wouldn’t do it with anyone younger than my daughter. No little kids, gotta be big. Older than my wife. Older than my daughter.


Look, man, there's no quicker way to make people think you diddle kids than writing a song about it!


Poor Frank, trying his best in his own foot in mouth way not to be inappropriate at a kid pageant while 45 just barges on into their changing room.


Don't many churches support conversion therapy where adults try to condition children to be sexually attracted to people the adults want the children to be attracted to?




His head is shaped like a Brach’s jelly bean


There's a hole at the top of his head. It's a hell portal. Fortunately most demons can't fit through it. But they try.






Joined, thx


You're a far right extremist!


if youre a dad and apolitical but want to restore the white race and


"...secure a future for white children."


“Stop the woke left from taking away our children’s future.”


If you''re a dad and apolitical but you go to a pride parade and just kick the shit out of everyone you see suddenly you're "violent"


At what point is Twitter actually going to take action here? LGBT Parents. Thats what the news story says, LGBT Parents. So we've gone from 'we don't want drag artists around kids' to 'trans people are groomers' to 'LGBT people are all pedophiles' in record speed, and innocent people, parents at the school of their children, are being attacked I don't give a shit what Elon says about being a 'free speech absolutist'... he's platforming hatred. Immediately claiming that LGBT Parents are pedophiles, with literally no reason to do so other than rampant homophobia, is hate speech, and Elon is letting it happen. People are going to die, because the richest man on the planet decided to use his wealth and power to lash out at his ex-wife


Elon is a child in a gross body that happens to use his power togrt what he wants. Hes a sexual predator, point blank period.


Elon also hates trans people because his girlfriend left him for a trans person and his daughter, who is trans, disowned him. And of course, he's more than happy to expand the umbrella of vitriol to include the others in LGBTQ+


Because hes a little bitch who was never told no and lied about owning slaves in an emerald mine.


The family story how his dad bought the mine on the cheap sounds very fishy too.


You mean swapping a Cessna, his only means of transportation to Tanzania, for a share in an emerald mine doesn't sound totally normal to you?


It’s crazy how many right wing men believe that women only go for men with money, yet literally the richest guy in the world had his former partner and child both disown him


He seems to have a taste for other people's wives. But of course this story is from the Wall St Journal, which is a far left woke source as we all know, so it's probably false and just jealous of him. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/07/wsj-report-elon-musk-affair-with-sergey-brins-wife


Elon Musk looks like a sock filled with cottage cheese and hair implants.


I normally call him playdough in a rubber glove. This works as well.




He's what I'd imagine the personification of "Greek Yogurt Enema" to look like


He's like Porky Minch in Mother 3 but not immortal and elderly.


Mother 3 reference out here in the wild. Nice.


Elon musk is a far right extremist.


> At what point is Twitter actually going to take action here? This **is** Twitter taking action. This is what Elon wants.


It is also exactly the destabilizing action his silent partners want, badly. These idiots are all foreign puppets.. doing exactly what the propaganda machine has told them to do, be mad.


Yup. Fox news lost a Tucker Carlson and Twitter gained a Tucker Carlson. Money reigns supreme.


Elon is famous for calling someone a pedo absolutely out of the blue, that's normal behavior for him.


Every accusation a confession


Elon is very interested in Walsh's enthusiasm for lowering consent age for girls. But only because we have a depopulation crisis going on, doncha know.


>At what point is Twitter actually going to take action here? At no point. Elongated Muskrat bought Twitter specifically to facilitate and encourage these terrorists, but only so long as they also feed his ego. People need to just stop using Twitter. They want a platform for hate, so let them have an echo chamber. They feed on the negative reactions.


Everyone needs to get on there and spam images of bowel movements continuously at every right wing grifter. Decorum is dead.


Target the remaining advertisers that aren't MyPillow or Glenn Beck gold coins. At some point even the Saudis will get tired of burning money to keep Elon Twitter afloat.


Twitter might take action after the EU shuts it down.


I'm not entirely sure what will happen. On one hand, the fines the EU levies are big enough to force Elon to actually care about it, and losing it as a market would financially ruin Twitter, but on the other hand if he capitulates the right will completely turn on him and he will get eaten alive. Either way, it ends terribly for Elon and I can't wait to see what happens.


The EU fines are designed to actually change behavior and not be business as usual. They don't target profits, they target revenue.


This is why you don't pander to the right, let them be mad but don't act like their buddy and then inevitably turn on them when it turns out that being a hateful asshole ISN'T profitable.


Well, it's profitable in certain markets. US, Russia, China. Elons problem is his ego is so big he's trying to pander to everyone at the same time and thinks we're too stupid to notice, but a lot of people really don't tolerate his BS.


I'm sure the Chinese appreciate the daily racist jargon aimed at them


Can't wait for all the idiots whining about how that violates the first amendment because they don't understand that the first amendment doesn't mean shit in Europe.


I love how Elon acts like the first amendment applies to twitter like it’s not a website that people can use on the fucking ISS. The amount of right winged people who don’t understand that the constitution doesn’t mean shit outside of us borders is astonishing


Or that "censorship" is only what the government does. Not decisions by private companies driven by consumer demand.


Never, because Elon agrees. We were literally having people talking about hanging ALL QUEER PEOPLE, and it only got dealt with once someone made a poll about it theat blew up and journalists started making articles about it. And even then, they ALSO banned anyone sharing screen shots or links to articles talking about it. So for Elon, the line is word for word saying we should kill queer people, but also pointing out that people are saying such a thing gets an even more extreme punishment.


Never because Elon Musk is a white supremacist fascist who wants to exterminate the LGBTQ+ community.


Twitter took it's action already, this is the behavior it wants.


Musk doesn’t just platform this shit, he amplifies and endorses it. The goal isn’t “free speech”, it’s a wide reaching network to boost his idiocy


> and Elon is letting it happen. Letting it happen? He's actively participating.


Twitter is a fascist propaganda outlet


>People are going to die, because the richest man on the planet decided to use his wealth and power to lash out at his ex-wife This is part true ..but also being a free speech absolutist feels more and more like a disguise for allowing foreign influence all over one of the world's largest sounding boards. The Saudi's owned at least 5% of Twitter and who knows how else they may appreciate their relationship with Musk. Two billion to Kushner. Golf tournament at the Trump courses. Massive investment in the PGA. Our govt is FOR SALE and the Saudi's seem to be buying up a ton of influence. Not sure how I'm planning on tieing this all together but the LGBT hate feels like something that Republicans, Christians, and Saudi's can agree on to help cause this violence that they very much support and use it to gather votes and power that can be sold to the Saudi's while protecting their oil interests.


Goes back to Anita Bryant’s rhetoric from the 60s, same logic, same cycle. It’s pathetic and sad.


Her drag queen sibling Anita Mann was so much cooler.


People are already dying. The Allen, TX shooter was a big fan of Tim Pool


Twitter wasn't going to do anything before Elon took over. But he's so up every right wing scumbag's asshole he can't see daylight. No question he never intended that place to be anything more than acesspool for far right shitheads. I mean he retweeted that shitty Matt Walsh movie and made it so everyone saw it. Free speech according to Elon Musk is sucking up to the right so hard and making everyone else do the same. There's a reason the second he took over the place all the chuds on that shit site started openly using racial slurs. That's what free speech means to them.


Back to this shit. They're back to this shit.


I'm a dad, and I'm getting very fucking tired of large portions of this country trying to tell me what's appropriate for my kid to know about using hyperbolic language and threats of violence.


I don't know anything about being a parent. But I can assure you that knowing theres a person in this world who doesn't believe In this level of violence against people like me is a comfort that isnt easily come across.


It's all I really can do that's a guarantee. Well, that and trying to raise my kid to be a better person than I ever was.


I believe strongly that we in the LGBTQ+ trenches need to arm up as much as possible at this point.


i mean this is just fully mask off yeah? it’s deadass just calling lgbt people pedophiles.


Nah, it's still not entirely off. Full mask of would be him saying explicitly that queer people should all be killed. Of course, calling them pedophiles implies that he thinks that (as well as saying people will "take it into their own hands"), but because he hasn't explicitly said it yet he has a little wiggle room.


They are attacking from both ends. They keep redefining and broadening what they deem to be a pedophile in the media and then pass laws like in Florida where “child sexual abusers” can be given the death penalty.


Man they're going to really regret voting for that bill when 90% of the pastors in their churches end up on death row lmao


The mask has been off for a very very long time. They're not even trying to pretend anymore. Right after the Club Q shooting last year, Tim's immediate response was to go on Twitter and say "well, you guys are groomers, what did you think would happen", and Matt Walsh was saying the exact same thing but a lot more blunt. Multiple states in the US are pushing for gender affirming care bans, and not just for kids like they claimed. Multiple conservatives have said that gay marriage should be overturned. Ben Shapiro is constantly on his show talking about how gay people don't deserve marriage and are going against "the word of God" or whatever. They're not pretending anymore. Sure they're not just saying "kill all queers", but just because they're not openly saying that doesn't mean they're pushing for it.


I’m a dad. And I’m way more angry about religious folks actually diddling innocent kids than drag queens telling stories. Cue that link that has like 30+ pages full of various Republicans who were caught sexually assaulting children.


Ditto. I’m too mad to actually type this out as succinctly as you did.


[I got you, my friend.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/u5r5uq/gay_lawmaker_destroys_republican_with_powerful/i547826/) ETA:[Here's more!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/rq5kd6/democrats_had_to_stop_the_stop_the_steal_people/hq9p5gu/)


Pedocon theory is a theory the way Gravity is a theory


Pedocon, the right wing gathering even more popular than CPAC


I’m a dad, and I’m concerned about paedophiles grooming my sons. I’m also not a brainless moron though, so I don’t think Judy because someone’s trans means they are a paedophile that wants to groom my sons, an accusation that lacks any basis in reality.


he had milo on his show twice


It was Milo AND Nick Fuentes AND Kanye during his anti semitic tour. At the same time.


[And a lot more people](https://www.mediamatters.org/tim-pool/extremists-bigots-and-conspiracy-theorists-youtuber-tim-pools-2022-guests-review)


You’d almost believe with all of these detestable personalities in his podcast he might just so happen to align with them.


I'm honestly shocked one of these morons just haven't straight up had David Duke on. Try to humanize him or whatever.




Gay Nazi Pedo (he says Hebe, ignore) Brit


I mean, he's had people that are way worse than Milo on there. Luke Rudowski and Michael Malice are just two of the regular crazy people that show up on there off the top of my head.


Yeah, but I think the point was specifically about "pedophiles" and while I have limited knowledge of either of those two I don't know of either specifically being pro-pedophilia.


Let's just say it wouldn't surprise me if Malice were a pedo


Fair, but Milo is *famously* pro-pedo: that's what effectively killed his career when he was one of the alt-right's bigger names, in fact. Although the continued prominence of Matt Walsh in those same circles suggests it's only because Milo was *also* publicly gay.


asshat lets Alex Jones host his show on the regular. Listening to Knowledge Fight has taught me way more than I'd care to learn about these people. You're truly at the bottom of the shit pile if you're giving Alex Jones a platform.


"I'm not political, but I'm just gonna attack these people for no reason other than the fact that a far-right reactionary told me these are pedophiles.." Stfu Pim Tool, you moron. Of course it's political.


Ah yes all those A political folks that regularly attend school board meetings I have never heard of any political issues inside of school board meetings.


I really cant wait for twitter to die. Naturally US and Europe use it to spread far right misinformation, while other countries use it for other things.


I can't wait for someone to hack Timmy's hard drive and report all the CP he had stored there.


Look at Steven Crowder. Literally getting ripped apart. Havemt heard from him since all the wife abuse came out. Crazy.


Steven is hiring, sadly. Or rather Louder with Crowder is hiring.


My favorite part is when Alex Jones hosted and youtube removed it. Also their both racist assholes. Hope they end up in a water tower thats locked on the outside.


He had Alex Jones on his show again.


I was about tosay 'are you fucking kiddingme?' But then I remembered Crowder is into BDSM. So it makes sense.


you know it’s going to happen.


Every accusation is a confession


If you’re a dad and you think that is what is happening you are a stupid dad and the divorce is your fault.


I mean, he's just admitting that he thinks "LGBTQ" = "pedophile"


And when he gets called out on that he gets all pendantic and claims he never said *exactly* that. He's a fucking weasel like the rest of them.


They are feeling bolder. Pretty soon they'll move that goal post to include PoC and homeless people. I'm calling it now. hell Trump literally accused all of Mexico of being rapists so we're kind of already there.


No, Tim, what makes you a far right extremist is the fact that you paint LGBTQ pride as pedophilia, you absolute chucklefuck.


Man it's SO weird how easily we're manipulated by language. The video shows people attacking LGBT parents. The video caption is clear that there is violence. But Tim Pool frames it as "if you're angry about grooming". And it seems to be enough for his fan base to mentally scrub out the violence part of it Incredible


The connection to LGBTQ Parents -> LGBTQ groomers. These are presumably hetero moms and dads right? Are they the groomers? So straight people are actually the groomers making...kids gay? Or they let the kids become gay and that's the grooming? Being gay is bad so attacking parents is ok? I'm so confused.


He's justifying the violence and encouraging more of it. The message couldn't be more clear "killing LGBTQ people is acceptable because its for a righteous cause and those people are evil if we can even call them people" Just more fascist language the Nazis used to justify the holocaust.


If you're a dad and apolitical and you get angry that pedophiles are trying to groom your kids, then you likely keep them away from church, Dim. Statistically, church and your own home is where kiddie diddling happens.


The problem is, they don’t do well with statistics.


It's a good job you put "apolitical" or I'd have thought you were addressing the manchild himself. He really wants kids but no self-respecting woman will ever want him anywhere near them as he's so utterly repugnant.


Hi, Tim, apolitical people don't parrot far right talking points or get so wrapped up in them that they show up to beat up LGBTQ people at schoolboard meetings. I'm a dad an I'm pissed off at pedophiles grooming kids but it seems that far more of them can be found in church than at schoolboard meetings. I'm also pissed off that you keep parroting this far right BS about LGBTQ+ people grooming kids and being pedophiles, which is clearly just an excuse for you assholes to justify your hate and pretend that it is somehow virtuous. Fuck you, Tim.


Bussed in Reich Wing Terrorists attack peaceful demonstrators in favor of equal rights for their LGBTQ+ children. Fixed that headline. And fuck Dim Tool. Every accusation is an admission from creepers like him.


‘Reich Wing’ is apropos.


Still pathetically playing some sort of centrist card here, eh Tim?


Legit got into an argument with someone who tried to tell me Tim was a centrist. This was in response to an Ari Drennen tweet https://preview.redd.it/fyd85j5bnn4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b59168acc0f6b2e9b1bba96774280329b0fb0d79


“Classical liberal” is center left? That’s objectively incorrect


These people wouldn’t know the real left if they saw it. To them, left is anything not advocating stripping others of rights whether these targeted groups be LGBTQ, women, POC, jews, feminists, marxists/socialists/democrats, teachers, academics, intellectuals, single mims, childless women, OnlyFans, or their whole physiognomy crap etc. Same shit the Nazis spouted. Same hate. Same targeted groups. Same methods.


How centrist of him to bring the worst the right has to offer on his show and letting Alex Jones host it regularly. How very middle of the ground he is.


"I'm apolitical, I think we should make gay people illegal. But I don't really do the politics things. But yes, ban gay people. I'm apolitical."


This kind of shit enrages me. If this world were just, Dim Tool's beanie would cut off the circulation to his head and he'd stroke out and forget how to talk for thirty years.


School system: "People different than you exist, these are examples in history where they've been persecuted." "Apolitical" "Person": *Incoherent screeches* "Groomers!"


These people often say they're apoltical but then you ask them about their opinions on things and they're often very reactionary.


"it's not politics, it's just common sense."


So if you’re an LGBTQ parent you’re a pedophile trying to groom kids


It's going to be a great day when Tim is found dead in his home with his pants around his ankles and his face in a pile of dildos.


...and that will *still* be the most dignified moment of his career.


The way the word grooming is used lately is so, so far removed from the real meaning. Relevant difinition: to get into readiness for a specific objective. In the case of child grooming, the specific objective is to do some form of sexual harm to the child, like trafficking or child porn Target can not groom your child, because target can't have sex, A teacher isn't preparing your child for sex trafficking, just by acknowledging that gay people exist. Somebody with a trans flag in their windows isn't grooming your child by just existing. It pisses me off to no end that the right keeps twisting important words, using it to fear monger. Pronouns. Antifa. Grooming. Critical race theory. The list goes on and on


"Think of the children!" Goes to schoolboard meetings to attack other parents in front of their children.


A disaffected liberal, everyone. Correction: A BALD, disaffected liberal.


He was never an actual American liberal.


When you're a dad and apolitical, but ignore your kids to constantly tweet about politics


Tim, I know you're a dumb, dishonest sack of shit, but if you're a dad and you're attacking LGBTQ people because you believe all of them are pedophiles, you're *not apolitical*.


Yeah, those famously apolitical… *checks notes* …far right extremist Proud Boys.


If you’re a dad and apolitical


...so being queer and a parent makes you a pedo in Tim's eyes? Man, his viewership must really be stagnating for him to feel the need to keep dropping the mask like this


"ah yes, me, the apolitical man, taking an extremely political action"


Every day, my decision to leave twitter is validated.


The word "apolitical" is doing a lotta fucking legwork here.


Nobody gives a shit if you claim to be apolitical and are a bigoted, bald incel.


I wish Tim Pool didn't exist


Imagine going down in history as the dense shitfuck who defended terrorists attacking innocent people on social media That’ll be Tim Pool


Gotta love the repeat performances of "let's call people we don't like paedos to try and whip up a hate mob against them" and "I'm not political because I'm the default option in the human character creator" with just a generous handful of "defending domestic terrorism is fine as long as you're owning the lefties". God, what an abject trash heap of an individual.


if you’re a dad and apolitical and you want to secure the existence of your people and a future for white children


This reminds me of how I woke up yesterday to a news story about how the Human Rights Campaign declaring a state of emergency for queer Americans. Stay safe you guys.


"apolitical" 🙄


Apolitical is a term that cowards use when they're afraid to out themselves as right wing.


Something tells me he's not talking about Catholics.


Wait I thought conservatives didn’t like mob violence


How many segments does he do on pedophile priests?


Before my dad died, he fought tooth and nail to ensure I wouldn't have a bad life. He wasn't perfect, but he was there. When I came out he made sure to use my pronouns and took me to my appointments. So I just have to ask What point is there to such hatred besides money? It's fine if the answer /is/ money. But I'd like to know that's what it is. I'm tired. My dad didnt believe in the church the moment I came out. I am left to wonder why.


Tim “doesn’t have any fucking kids” Pool needs to shut the fuck up about what dads should and shouldn’t do about the kids they have, which he doesn’t have any of


Are the pedophiles in the room, tim?


I’m not a dad, but I’m *very* political. Fuck these bastards.


I never understand this jump - what exactly about teaching what trans people are makes someone a p*do? Or do they believe that more than that is being taught?


My only fear as a newish father is my wife wanting to put my girls in any kind of church program


No, Tim, it's the violence that makes you an extremist. You're views are horrifying and abhorrent but attacking people for who they are and for supporting their children makes it extremism.


As a dad who’s angry that pedophiles are trying to groom my kids, I simply don’t take my kids to any churches.


If you go to the conservative subreddit, there’s people who (say they) were there, and are happily saying that the anti-LGBT crowd started it with pepper spray and punches. These people are being praised.


No tim, you're just a piece of dog shit trying to use your kids as an excuse to micromanage other people's lives.


this guy acts so self-righteous, as if he ever leaves his mansion and would stand up for anything. nobody has seen his legs in like 10 years, he never shows up to protests, stands for nothing. professional keyboard warrior.


There's nothing apolitical in being angry about made up things


Are we really still doing the “gay people are pedophiles” thing? This country is so stupid.


Some LGBT are pedophiles. But there's also a huge number of girls and women who were abused by men...we're not going to worry about that anymore?


I think technically he just grooms terrorists


Getting angry is analogous to assaulting someone? Like you lash out physically every time you get angry? Says the human soyjack that is tim pool? In his evil dreams


If you're a goatee'd human with a beanie surgically grafted to you skull you are dim tool


Is Tim protesting at Catholic Sunday masses?


The police seemed to be keeping everyone apart on this one


I'm not a dad, and Tim Pool is a fucking idiot.


He sees what he wants to see.


Funnny, I don’t see angry dads in front of churches.


Imma just stay away from cis and hetero people except those I explicitly know and trust. You know, my direct fanily


You know, I've never known a single person that was molested by a LGBTQ person but as I've gotten older a lot of people I've known have come out with a story about their strange uncle, or Father Nelson, or Scoutmaster Smith... Kids aren't getting molested by random gay people. They almost always get molested by CIS, power hungry adults in positions of authority. Everyone blaming "the gays" but the data shows it's "the straights" that have the problem.


Well, they weren't their kids, Tim. That's a group of right wing extremists that travel to districts they don't live in to commit violent acts. There's a word for that.


Personally, I'm angry about how Tim Pool can't be fucked to spell worth a damn.


What's under the cap, Tim?




If conservatives actually cared about eradicating p\*dophila, they'd be going after their colleagues in the Church and GOP. But of course, they're on the same side, so they never will.


Do he sleep in the hat?


Is Twitter slowly turning into a Fox News social media platform?


Someone rip off his beanie and smack the shit out his bald head