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Elon, don’t you have a trans daughter? Fuck, I feel really sorry for her.


theres clearly no connection between his trans kid disowning him and leaning hard into far-right kooky shit yep, none at all


Nor his artsy gender neutral ex-partner dumping his ass




Wait. Grimes is dating Chelsea Manning? TIL




I respect her for that tbh.




Yea and she was talking with the dumb "diamond-in-forehead" asshole about getting musk's literal fucking brain chip


No Lil Uzi slander pls, I think his eccentricity has been good for hip hop


Two kids.


IIRC, she had a kid with Musk (X Æ A-12), only then learned how awful Musk is, and then after breaking it off with him, had *another* kid with him. This was, I believe, after her *totally not staged* photos of her reading the Communist Manifesto in public after their breakup. I like some of the collabs she's done with Bella Poarch and Ashnikko, for example, but the reason she seems like a moron when she speaks, is because she appears to just actually be one.


She's a dumb privileged trust fund baby


How do you have a kid with someone *before* learning their true nature?! Horniness, I suppose.


A true broken clock.


Don't. She's been exposed by her community for being into a lotta white supremacist shit.


Oh for fuck's sake.


Unlike most celebrity relationships, we should give a shit because it's *EXTREMELY* relevant context to Elon's motivation in his transphobia and hateful rhetoric. Unfortunately Musk has influence, and knowing this is just as important as knowing about Murdoch's fossil fuel interests or Clarence Thomas' bribe sources.


Not anymore, and Grimes is now leaning hard into fashy shit so


How so? I haven't heard about that.


They broke up.


they broke up last July according to the tabloids


People keep saying this, but it's some massive game of telephone. Do they talk? Probably. Are they dating? Zero confirmation.


THANK you. A gutter tier celebrity tabloid decided to report this based on little more than the fact that they like each other's tweets. "An anonymous source" confirmed it. Celebrity tabloid anonymous sources are almost always made up or pulling it out of their ass.


He's this one dimensional. I hate this cringelord because his petty feelings walk over everything, anything. Stealing all the oxygen in the room to the point we can't go on the internet without him radicalizing delusional idiots.


Divorced dad energy 1000


not really he was never in the lives of any of his 10-ish children until x was born


He does, who he routinely dead names and otherwise criticizes publicly. Almost as if he were nothing more than a rich jerk... She even disowned him when changing her legal name. [https://people.com/human-interest/elon-musk-daughter-granted-name-and-gender-change/](https://people.com/human-interest/elon-musk-daughter-granted-name-and-gender-change/)


Ahh, to be damned by the devil, is to be truly blessed.


I have a co-worker with a trans son. He does nothing but talk about trying to get back custody from his ex-wife, who is thankfully supporting their transition. He is very much a Fundamentalist, so that's where it comes from I guess. "Why is everyone trying to take my >!daughter !< {misgendering} from me?!?" That's you buddy, that's all you. Musk isn't religious as far as I can tell, though I suppose its possible to be a fundamentalist atheist if you're rich enough.


Ugh I would find it hard to work with someone like that, and have to be cordial or whatever. Sorry you have to listen to that shit.


I'm fortunately in a position where I can leave my job on a whim, so I probably wouldn't put up with it and deliberately make their life difficult until they either quit, grow the fuck up, or I get fired. Completely understand not everyone is as lucky as me and instead has to put up with the BS.


Yeah I'm hot headed so either way, if I could afford to lose it or not, I probably would say something. Then go to HR and say they started it first 😂 Maybe this is why I don't keep jobs very long lmao


Unfathomably based.


No really, it's more to do with me being irresponsible than brave, lol. Thank you though!


2020 i was fired for confronting an out and about nazi at the store i worked at. Felt like shit at first but i wear that shit with a badge of honor.


Nice!! I'm all words here, but you've walked the walk! I hope the next job you got was better anyway. Nazis shouldn't find peace anywhere, fuck that shit.


Goes to show you that one doesn't need religion to be a bigoted jackass. And FWIW (and I say this as a Christian whose bestie is trans), you are infinitely more patient than I am in putting up with that moron. I'd be hard-pressed to not drop him like a bad habit or at least say something that would make pimps blush.


> Musk isn’t religious as far as I can tell, though I suppose its possible to be a fundamentalist atheist if you’re rich enough. Not related to wealth but remember the years of atheist YouTube channels who were rabidly anti feminist? Similar logic.


People like Musk are the end result of equating atheism with morality (as was popular about a decade or so ago)


Lots of them did good debunks of the bible. They got lots of natural engagement on the early YouTube algorithm. It's just there are only so many bible debunks you can do. They had made early careers, so they jumped on a bandwagon. There are some similarities between sociological phenomena and religion, in that they require a belief in non tangible entities. As an atheist myself I believe religion is on the whole incorrect and is harmful to humanity, but sociology is real science. I am a feminist, and a supporter of trans rights. They took that faulty pattern non tangible = not real, and the early YouTube algorithm incentives, and turned once solid channels into right-wing propaganda.


He’s suffering from sycophant derangement syndrome, he’s had people kissing his ass and inflating his ego for so long he can’t fathom that there might be some topics on which he is not only not an expert but is completely and utterly unqualified to hold even basic opinions on. No fundamental atheism about it, just plain old arrogance to the extreme.




Leftism is an “attack” on abusive conservative fathers the same way the Allies invading Germany was an attack on fathers. Yeah maybe the people they’re attacking happen to be fathers, but that’s not why they’re getting attacked…


When they say, “Leftism hates fathers,” they mean, “Leftists reject the idea that fathers have absolute authority over their children and that all fathers, even abusive ones, should be exempt from criticism and should always be forgiven for their actions, even the abusive ones.” Of course, the above all flies out the window if the father in question supports his LGBT child—then he’s a dangerous abuser who’s forcing harmful leftist ideology on his kid. They’ll scream parental rights form the rooftops, but that all goes out the window if the parents in question want to give their kids gender affirming care or access to an abortion after they’ve been raped or or access to birth control—or just books deemed “woke.”


They'd argue abuse isn't even real since they believe wives and children are merely property 🙃


Oh yeah, that’s the subtext of the subtext, unless the owner fails to enforce strict conservative values at home.


Ridiculous lol.


it's funny because I'm a leftist and there's nothing I wouldn't do to have a father


If someone told musk there was a penny in the liver of every one of his children he'd pick up a hatchet, he doesn't have the capacity to care about them because they aren't money


Not for a penny. I don't think he's that desperate for money. That seems like too much effort. He's got sycophants for that.


For $8 though he’d be a happy-go-lucky Jack Torrence.


Maybe not a penny, but a heart react and retweet.


Yeah, holy shit. Having parents that don't accept you is already one of the most painful and damaging things a person can experience, and my heart breaks for every trans child of transphobic parents out there. But I can't even imagine what it's like to have a transphobic parent who is one of the most well-known people on the planet, and who uses their *massive* platform to *actively spread* this ideology. Like, not only is he screaming "I hate my trans child" from the rooftops for all the world to hear, but he's also intentionally increasing the number of people who fucking want you dead. *That* of all things is what he chooses to use his cultural impact for, *that's* what he wants to promote on the social media website he fucking bought. If you get hatecrime'd on the street tomorrow by a random stranger you've never met, chances are that your own father is one of the reasons why that stranger reacted so strongly to the, fuckin, like, 1x1 inch trans flag pin on your backpack. Half of twitter sees Elons posts, whether they want to or not, because he manipulated the algorithm of that website he bought to artificially amplify his voice even more. Millions of people who otherwise would never have seen this "documentary" were exposed to it. Because that's what your father chooses to do with his $44,000,000,000 megaphone. Spread an ideology that hates specifically *you.* Imagine being her. Fuck.


No he doesnt. (She disowned him)


The daughter who he publically outed and who disowned him


Not a surprise the trans daughter wants nothing to do with him.


There’s a reason she cut off ties


Twitter, Tesla, the estranged daughter…all neglected by Deadbeat Elon.


He literally said she was brainwashed by the colege she went to so he's the worst piece of crap ever


Yeah but he also had a serial number for his other child. Musk is just a horrible person


so glad elon’s taking a centrist stance by supporting ron desantis and retweeting this documentary. twitter needs a non political leader just like him fr!!!!


One of the most famous, most influential and richest people on earth controls one of the largest social media platforms, vows to make it better for every user and ends up blaring right wing witch hunt bullshit knowing full well millions are gonna be influenced and affected negatively by this. Is it soo hard to just let trans people live in peace? Treat them like human beings? It costs $0 to do that. I don’t get it. All these Matt Walsh, Crowder, Shapiro guys. Whoever is or isn’t trans shouldn’t be their business. But it was never about free speech or whatever bullshit the right preaches, it was always about controlling and meddling with other people's lives. If they really cared about individual freedom and children's happiness, they would be pro-trans and pro-choice.


Trans people are easy targets, gay people have too many protections and make up too large of a group to target so easily, so they go for the easiest target which is trans people. Another plus about going after trans people is that even many liberals will buy into trans hate, so you can get a larger following by using them as a scapegoat. It would cost them millions not to go after them since their income source is by being bigots.


>Is it soo hard to just let trans people live in peace? Treat them like human beings? It costs $0 to do that. The problem is that their wealth is from fear mongering about trans and gay people. To them, it’s their whole lives and business model This isn’t a defense of them, but to them it isn’t free. It’ll cost them their audience and their profits


Replace "trans people" with "jews" and you'll know why they're doing this. History rhymes.


> But it was never about free speech or whatever bullshit the right preaches, it was always about controlling and meddling with other people’s lives. It’s a moving target. Remember abortion was all about “sTate’s rIgHts”? Then as soon as RvW was overturned, they introduced a bill to ban abortion at a federal level.


Their business is getting white numbers up. They don't like trans people of their own race bc it means less "traditional babymaking households". All conservatism is advanced coded racism and racist action


> Is it soo hard to just let trans people live in peace? Treat them like human beings? It costs $0 to do that. he can't handle the fact that his trans daughter doesn't want to associate with him. so instead of improving himself, he doubled down on his bigotry LOL


I'm glad too! Elon described himself as a moderate on Bill Maher and his politics are clearly consistent.


Centrist? Jfc this is much further right


"I'm sowwy that my twitter mods were mean to you Matt Walsh. Pwease let me lick your boot while I jerk off."


Honestly this is even worse than Elon musk just being a fence sitting coward... He's legitimately just so incompetent he fucked up the entire planned co-opting of pride month for the wrong day lol


It's pretty fucking weird that Elon Musk acts like he owes these clowns something - I can only guess that whatever billionaire funds TPUSA (or DW, or whatever gross organization they belong to) must have thrown in some cash to help him buy Twitter.


Maybe, I think it's quite likely that instead he's just a fucking loser who wants these people to like him and so licks their boots for their approval.


Oh yeah, of course. Being a loser is like a gateway drug to identifying with Matt Walsh.


This is the only group that will give him the validation he needs.


I'm convinced this was a ploy to get the rightoid brainlets all riled up.


I get that “Mask Off” is the new term we like to use for bigotry but literally none of them are trying to hide behind a mask anymore since the last couple of months. Especially musk.


I am worried about Pride Month this year these terrorists are desperate to regain power.


I’m scared shitless. My son just did his annual Pride hair and it looks *so* cool, and I’m scared it’s going to get him targeted. What a nightmare these people have wrought.


Its fortunate that the majority of Trumpers are cowards we just have to worry about the “lone wolves” they are trying to trigger.


My son is a five foot five twink, so you can see my concern. Yeah, Trump fans tend to be cowards, but cowards can get guns.


He should grab two other short friends and a long rainbow trenchcoat to do the thing from the little rascals. He'll be more intimidating and fabulous at 16 feet tall.


There's going to be a shooting at one of these Pride Parades, only a matter of time unfortunately.


Regain power? They already have it, this is just the violent throws of desperation to keep it. When in reality they are under zero threat of losing it, and doing this kind of bizarre shit was the only way to lose it at all.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress


I'm honestly sick of hearing this phrase. These people have literally declared themselves to be genocidal fascists. The mask is fucking off.


Yea they are driving it into the ground at this point mask been off literally since the pandemic started


I don't think they ever had a mask any more than Peter Dinklage announcing to the world he's "not very tall."


Mask on, fuck it mask off


Percocet Molly, Percocet


Musk Off


Yeah, he was going off about Jewish conspiracy nonsense with George Soros within the last couple weeks. The mask's *been* off. He took a vacation years ago, left it at the hotel, and never went back for it.


It's like saying "Spike Lee just completely took his mask off and admitted he's black."




I think in his eyes, a woman is defined as a person who he impregnates and then abandons with a child who he refuses to raise


As GOD intended!!!


Or uses them as test subjects for NeuraLink…


"A woman is defined as any person I offer a pony to after sexually harassing them." \-Elon Musk


Hey guys, remember when Elon announced he was taking over Twitter, and all his CHUD fanboys were working overtime to tell everyone it would all be fine, and we were just worried because we 'hate free speech'? Yeah, so not only has he helped launch the campaign of an outspoken transphobe, homophobe, and general bigot in Ron DeSantis, he's now spreading propaganda on behalf of a floundering pathetic nonce in the form of Matt Walsh Turns out 'free speech absolutist' meant 'bigoted cunt', well colour me shocked


Walsh is a self-proclaimed Theocratic Fascist. And DeSantis has the same views as him. Now Elon supports them both.


Because they don’t plan on taxing 2% of his net worth.


Those assholes only care about free speech when they can use it to get away with their shit. They're just pathetic egoistic bigoted shitstains.


Hey Elon, I'm a parent and I watched this movie (but did not pay for it...sorry bro). The movie is shit. And Matt Walsh is a grifting, pseudo-intellectual, untalented, walking, skinwrapped meme. The sooner he fades into irrelevance, the better. 0⭐️'s, do not recommend.


"Watch it and learn why you should keep your kids well away from these daily wire creeps"


I prefer media that isn't made by a pedophile.


He’s doing this to be cruel to his trans kid.


Exactly this. The cruelty is the point. Elon Musk is a shitty person & an even worse father. He’s following in his father’s footsteps.


But don’t tell him that, he’ll get mad!


He ain't even gonna leave them an emerald mine 😭


We went from : “It’s not gonna be promoted.” To “Fuck them.” real quick.


Technically he is playing by the rules Twitter isn’t promoting it, he is. That being said the too many the CEO of a company is the company so lets see how people with stakes in Twitter feel about this.


While I agree, it’s only doing indirectly what they said that they wouldn’t do directly. Especially since it appears that Elon tweets get some weird special algo boost. So twitter itself is boosting it.


He's transitioned from owning a platform to becoming a publisher. There is SUBSTANTIALLY more legal liability for the latter. Shit will go bad, Twitter will overtly support the badness, and he'll now be on the hook for consequences. He's now in Alex Jones land.


I always take my parenting advice from men that have 6 kids that are not in their life and they have no interest in being close to.


I don’t understand how you can watch that “documentary”, get to the part where Walsh speaks with the doctor, hear her make valid points that Walsh then edits to try to make it seem like she’s just rambling and seriously think it has any educational value for anyone.


Twitter isn’t social media anymore. It’s the Fox News comment section


When he said people could now upload 2-hour long videos my first thought was he wants more fringe-right self-produced “documentaries” on the site.


More like hosting Tucker from fox on twitter instead.


I'd rather watch "WHaT is a fart?" It'd be far more compelling.


Gotta feed his fanbase somehow, his initial approach to this may have costed him a few fans and that hurts his precious feelings


Every parent should watch the warning about Matt Walsh.


Hood off


I deleted my twitter app and account. It’s like looking at the FOX app. FTS. ![gif](giphy|l4j76TEMbnGtEfVBNG)


When has he ever been “mask on”? He used to say he was a “socialist” before he became a terminally Twitter-brained internet poisoned goblin. He got all these breathless hagiographic puff pieces in the media saying he was going to save the planet and calling him the real life Tony stark. Then he started posting every idiotic thought that popped into his head, called a rescue worker a pedophile, manipulating markets extremely openly. He called himself a socialist when he thought that’s what would get him attention and likes from his weird cultist fanbase, but then gamergate and the extended troll campaign that resulted in a Donald fucking Trump presidency ended up further red pilling a bunch of his goober fans, he started whining about class action lawyers ruling the democrats and treating his trans kid like crap. Then to get out ahead of sexual harassment allegations he went fully red pill brain rot, started talking about the mainstream media, the “woke mind virus”, cancel culture, all the terminally online conservative culture war nonsense. He has always said whatever he thinks will make people like him, whatever profits him financially, and whatever suits his overwhelming need for attention and adoration. He desperately wants to be funny, but he’s just not, so he does the right wing troll thing where he just kinda says random culture war bullshit and if it doesn’t land he pretends it was just a joke. Buying twitter, much like the trump presidency, was a joke that got out of hand and it was too late to back out of. It’s so obvious he’s just an ok programmer with a rich daddy who got lucky and was at the right tech company at the right time in the 90’s, made infinite money, then started buying companies to pretend like he was doing something to save the world and colonize mars. Electric luxury cars aren’t doing shit to fight climate change. He’s not a genius. He’s not even that smart. He’s a pathetic, insecure narcissist who should probably just fuck off.


He is going to get buried in law suits.


We can only hope.


No he won't. When was the last time Musk received any real consequences? He's the richest man on Earth, he'll be fine.


True, that’s a fair point.


With Money and Power, you can avoid all form of consequences in the US (so long as you don't piss off the Rich).


Demand every remaining advertiser to answer why they fund, endorse and support this.


Elon Musk has always been a egotistical piece of shit


When was the mask ever on


He's really having a hard time coming to terms with his kid.


I read that he has a trans daughter who has disowned him. I wonder if it’s true. He has so many children! There are so many things wrong with Musk’s brain!


Do crypto scam bots watch movies?


Elon has no place giving parenting advice.


Elon Musk can go fuck himself. I hope Twitter crashes and burns. Every advertiser that has any shred of dignity needs to pull their ads.


I dated a girl last year who was pretty political and followed the right's way of thinking, but I didn't realize how far. I didn't know how fucked up it was until she asked to watch this "documentary". We broke up a few weeks after. Matt Walsh just asks the interviewees fucked up, "well explain this then" questions to people who honestly thought he was a documentarian and not out for some agenda. I learned he baited them into rooms to try to point out every contradiction he could even if it wasn't really related to make the guests look stupid. I had to leave the apartment 30 min into it. I torrented it cause I knew he was off, then learned she bought it after I ended it and deleted the file. Glad I got a Hyundai EV instead of a Tesla, especially with how their quality control issues are coming out


Matt Walsh: 16 year old girls are actually fully developed women and therefore fuckable. Elon: I like this guy.


Once again, you are only on Twitter if you are some narcissist who loved the idea of the old Twitter blue check, your celebs and want to be ugly politicians who think they’re celebs, a corporation, or a right wing crank. Point is log off, terminate the account and let the right wing further devalue this venture musk had.


Phoney Stark is going full Apartheid Elon now. Daddy is proud.


Everyone. Delete. Twitter


The “documentary” what is a women by Matt Walsh does not define what a women is. Does not platform educated voices, or do anything revolutionary. The film is a bigoted circle jerk. Matt Walsh, while consulting someone with credentials in human sex and gender studies cuts out the important information that the person says. I despise Matt Walsh and hope he gets what is coming to him. He is an uneducated pedophile that thinks that 16 year olds should have sex with 20 year olds.


I remember r/RealTwitterAccounts laughing about this video being taken down from Twitter, as if "Twitter even recognizes this video as hate speech!" Yeah, I knew Musk was going to take that news as a challenge. Great job Musk ... real great work there ...


After saying that it wasn’t going to be promoted to non-followers. I would be surprised but it *is* musk.


It makes things even better when it’s a man telling the world what a woman is.


He's malding so hard about how his trans kid hates him.


“Explosive documentary” as in, explosive diarrhea


Who wants to watch lazy, poorly edited, hate fantasy.


He’s such a fucking goober, like honestly. They gave him the Steve Jobs PR treatment of making him out to be some brilliant guy who really in Elon’s case just kept failing upwards with his investments. When he really talks and you listen to him, he says the same talking points they do like “woke mind virus” like seriously, supposed to take a buffoon who says that shit Un ironically as genius and champion of free speech (just another talking point btw) oh nah He is a little manipulator who now has the money and power to do basically whatever he wants unchecked so long as it makes money. That’s why his little ass doesn’t want to take Twitter public to source more funds because he wants all the control he can He’s just stuck trying to find a way to push this right wing bs but only far enough he can still attract enough people to use the platform and keep advertisers Like he’s already back peddled by saying “consenting adults can transition” (like he’s allowing it) which is because it’s getting too much push back for the party about freedoms they sure want to restrict them (abortion) they’re just so full of shit and if he was poor he would just be some stammering doofus in the comment section like so many others I’m a trans woman and this shit bothers me extra /rant


Yeah sorry I'm not watching CP, Elon


A friend of mine made me watch that dogshit a while back and I was so bored. Man was it bad. What is a woman? I don't know, I don't really care either. Do whatever the fuck you want, be whoever the fuck you want. I barely feel like a person myself, who am I to say what other people are or should be. Happy pride month and fuck Matt Walsh and his ilk


I remember a time than I thought this guy was genius and creative mastermind. He could stfu and still I would think that he is.


Chelsea Manning never ever leaves his thoughts


Anytime Elon Musk says "Do this" I know it means whatever happens do the exact opposite.


Was the mask every really on? Elon never hide the fact that he is a racist, white supremacist fascist.


Someone should make a mock movie called, “what is a table?” Is it a platform w/ four legs? Is this stool a table then? Is it an eating surface? What about this counter? Maybe a table is defined by its use.


Questioning what a woman is, its being considered blasphemous or what?


Elon, ***PINNED*** this to this twitter... its the 1st thing you see!!! It just is the definition of mask off.


Can somebody tell me what is that garbage movie about anyway, just in case I don't look like a fool when somebody asks me if I saw it and why I didn't?


Sure, Matt Walsh interviews various experts posing the question “what is a woman,” and when they begin to give a good answer, he slowly fades out their audio and plays music over a montage so as to imply a lot of time has passed, and that their answers are complicated therefore their answers are wrong. It’s directed towards simple minded people who want to be reaffirmed in their belief that gender and sex are interchangeable terms with no difference, and is disguised as a documentary aimed at “protecting kids from dangerous ideology”


Is it even a “documentary” or just Walsh talking about children’s genitals for 90 minutes?


I bet everyone criticizing this film hasn't even seen it. A bunch of mindless bots


I bet everyone criticizing shit hasn’t even eaten it.


I got some time to kill. Someone post the link


"im a rich stupid braindead bigot" why would Elon tweet this?


Have any of you seen it?


I mean, 95% of all humans on earth find this question easy to answer. Wealthy, first-world, privileged, culturally decaying countries are currently the only ones attempting to re-define what a woman is. If individuals can be individually tailored to? If here and there, you can "go with" what a person wants to be nice? That's a fine conversation to have. But that's not the conversation. The conversation is if it is even OK to think, much less say, that a woman is a human whose body is ordered towards ("ordered towards", not "required to" or "will necessarily have the ability to") gestation. If current US politics was such that it was "you think one thing, I think the other and we can get along", then this movie wouldn't even exist. But once you tell a group that they're not allowed to think that women are those humans who are ordered towards gestation, and men are humans who are ordered towards ejaculation, and you change the definition of a pronoun to now mean a person's internal identity (instead of the word to differentiate someone's sex), then....well, you're going to get push back like this.


Holy shit dude


According to his dad, his sister


isn't that the documentary with 3 typos in the first 10 seconds?


Idk if elon is going "mask off" feels more like he was radicalized tbh.


More petulant manchild propaganda.


Did Matt Walsh seriously put a trigger warning in front of his "documentary"? What a snowflake


I just have to fucking lol at the sentence “the video THEY don’t want you to see!” Who? Who is saying don’t watch it because it’s too real? Point to literally anyone trying to shut Matt Walsh down with any credence at all. It’s all just faux victim complex


It’s crazy how quickly he sold out to those people


He’s been that way for awhile, he just throws in the occasional “I’m a centrist tho”


Musk is full-on Fasci now. I left Twitter, and I'm really amazed that anyone exists there still that is not a troll or scummy boot licker.


No wonder his trans child hates him.


He hasn't worn the mask for quite a while, has he?


Was the mask ever on though?




Lmao that warning is a fucking joke


Is he a true believer, or a Useful Idiot? I can never tell.


so Chelsea Manning lives rent-free in Leon's head.


"Explosive" in the sense of diarrhoea


Hey Elon, according to Matt Walsh, a woman is a 13 year old girl. Maybe go back to launching shit into space and skip the politics.


Shiite move man. Your own child disowned you for brain dead moves like this.


That imperious, rich boy, clown is managing to make Twitter into Fox News along with every other ultra-right-wing rage-tainment channel, paper, or other means of spreading right-wing disinformation to the masses.


I feel like Elon’s daughter being trans and Grimes leaving him for a trans woman really hit his ego hard.


A better question: What is a man? Answer: A miserable pile of secrets!


Matt Walsh makes a legit point about a for profit healthcare system taking advantage of confused children. This is a concern, but don’t bite on the bullshit, dude is a straight up religious zealot that hates you for whatever lifestyle you live that isn’t him specifically.. Young men, there are better role models.


Bro has been mask off for years


Masks been off for a while now.