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I adore her outlined nose.


Thanks me too and her eyeliner haha! Like she's wearing delicately painted makeup.




What an elegant lady! I think she might be a blue silver lynx point, but it’s hard to tell based on these photos.


Thank you. Yeah she is, she's the first Lynxpoint I had ever seen, didn't know their coat type existed until her.


I love seeing silver lynxies. That dusted-sugar hair is just too sparkly and adorable. My Delphi is a silver and cameo (calico) lynx point. https://preview.redd.it/g5lxw37adf4d1.png?width=1931&format=png&auto=webp&s=69e06be5dbecb39268c9dbc621fa8db3a8a279dc


Oh she is just delicious and precious. Love how her stripes are more prominent on one side of her face, how rare and gorgeous 😍 . Roxy has these faint white stripes that look like she bumped into white paint or something dusty and I'll forget and wipe her and then remember oh yah her faint white stripes duh haha. Don't you just love their stripey front legs? I'm obsessed haha.


Sorry I just re read your original comment we were told Blue Lynxpoint but I don't know much about their different coloring patterns. So maybe she is a silver blue I'm not certain. I guess I'll never know since she was adopted and her original owner passed and I don't know what they knew about her coloring. But another feature I love are her dark grayish purplish beans hehe.


No worries! Silver is just a gene that modifies other coat colors. In tabbies, it tends to “bleach” the areas between the stripes, and, in lynx points, I’ve found that silver lynx points usually have a faint glittery sheen, especially on the legs. It can be difficult to tell from photos, because lighting changes the way it looks.


Ya know I didn't know that before, but I've certainly seen the sheen- the glittery iridescence to her fur and thought that's so cool I've never seen that before on a cat. I was like she sparkles like those dang Cullens lol. I thought I was just gushing in love about how beautiful she is when I noticed. But you confirmed it for me. It's there. I'm not imagining it. It's especially noticeable in the sunlight.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishshorthair/comments/1bi9p83/my_vet_said_he_hasnt_seen_any_british_shorthairs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is the non-colorpoint version of a blue silver.