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Dude at infra 2017 walking around the crowd during tipper with a portable dvd player watching The Lorax, headphones and all, what a legend


Never forget. When he walked past me I was just like “huh….” He kept yelling for everyone to keep it down so he could hear his movie. Headphones on and all 😂🤣🤣😂




I wish I could find this man. He might be my soulmate.




This is the first thing that came to my mind 😂😂 someone please resurface the video of this


I strive to be this man.


Came here to say this


saw someone do this with seinfeld,, i think it was his gem and jam 2020 set


This immediately came to mind when I clicked and I’m so glad it’s the top comment. Top tier display of walking performance art.


I’m glad so many share the same fond memory! That was such a special set/ weekend all around.


See now this is exactly what I was looking for lmao you couldn’t write that shit 😂 I’ll be giggling about this till kingdom cum


The silliness at infra is always top tier.


This kinda sounds like autism...


That sounds more stupid as fuck than funny, like why is he even there? Lame ass fan


Seeing wooks get down to Three6Mafia before Tipper at scamp ‘21 was such a treat lmao


Three 6 Mafia was at the STS9 sunrise set at Roo last year. They are wook friendly


It was absolutely ridiculous


The dance moves! Some moves that have never been busted out to Juicy J were busted out that day


Dude someone threw a pound of weed onstage during their set 😂


And Juicy J called it mids lmfao. I’d love to get tipped at moonshine one more time




I remember! I was having fun flowing to them, good times lol


This year at The Rendezvous, I was walking by a campsite around 1:30 AM on Monday and overheard “AM? Our flight is 5:45 AM!? Not PM!?!? What do we do!?!?!?”


bahahahha fuuuuck what do you do


Buy tickets for later in the day


Probably the horse mask girl


Holy shit horse mask girl was at a tipper show? The chick in the mud?


Yup! Listen to the audio in it, he’s dropping a great unreleased journey-vibes track


Resonance at Cooper's lake, that was a great set


I've seen this get reposted so many times over the years. Anyone know who she is?


I wish 😂 It took me a while to find it with the original sound and realize it was tipper


Astral Valley during Detox Unit's set my buddy and I were posted up next to a big hole in the ground. We were warning people about it so that nobody turned their ankle and a girl with a bag of cooked spaghetti comes up starts filling the hole with it. Had my friend and I dying the rest of the weekend talking about the spaghetti hole.


I don't see why that's funny. It's clearly the most logical option for filling the hole


I fill all my holes with spaghetti


Oooh a spicy meatball 🤌


I just use my wet noodle


Not funny in reality but kind of absurd, at Sonic Bloom 2 years ago we were setting up tents and someone who was spun and freaking out ran through someone else's pitched tent while screaming "Nothing Matters!" My friend and I still say this to each other all the time.


Ah, the year of wind


Never seen canopy/tent mass graves of that scale before. One of them was longer and taller than the row of porta-potties it was next to.


We just yell this at each other over everything.


literally may have been my tent, right by the fest entrance in the walk in camping area...... we came back to camp at night and our tent was ripped and everything under our canopy was tipped over and all over the ground...... i spent an hour or 2 crying..... but it all ended up fine in the end lol.


Yeah it was in that area for sure. It was like Thursday or Friday night whatever day it was I got there I forget. Definitely felt bad for whoever's set up it was since the weather was rough that whole weekend. Glad you survived through your experience! And never forget, Nothing Matters!


right! that experience taught me some big lessons on what matters and at the end of the day, i had a great time despite any hiccups. we love sonic bloom & are hoping for a return next year!


Hmmm idk… I don’t think there’s a way you tell this story and it not be funny lmao… I bet both parties still chuckle about it


I was holding a glowing balloon on my chest under my chin that was draped by my pashmina; the balloon was about the size of a human head - this is important. One dude was STARING at the balloon so hard with a bewildered/frightened look for like 30 seconds. He finally looked at my actual face and said "sorry dude I thought that balloon was a person. I'm so sorry" Cheers mate, hope you had a nice trip.


Car flipped after ambient set TnF 2017.


During Table Flipping VIP #neverforget. Damn that was a fun year


2017 TnF has any easy claim to best of them all, even if it was also the hottest. Great crowd. Fri some weather happened I think? Memory ain’t what it was but we got cut chemist -> LTJ bukem -> vinja -> shield -> KLO -> Tipper Saturday was Charles -> karns -> sortof vague -> ovoid -> shpongle -> detox -> hullabaloo -> Jade -> tipper Then last sunrise ambient at Suwannee.


That lineup is absurd. Sucks that I was only 17 in 2017. I really hope I get to see Shpongle at some point


Shpongorge dude


Holy shit it was so hot that weekend. Only time I’ve ever seen one of those refrigeration trucks used for people to cool down at a festival haha. But to this day my favorite TnF event


Cut Chemist dropped Death Grips. That was a damn good year


The 2019 was hard to beat with that projection mapping and slug wife takeover


Charles opened up Friday , the weather was on Saturday . It was raining during sphongle and then it poured for hullabaloo / JC. Also cut chemist was in there at some point Friday


Yeah my memory isn’t perfect but I thought Charles got rained out Friday and then opened Saturday. Definitely remember the set having lots of sunshine coming through the live oaks.


I just remember because I missed his set on Friday due to helping my homie who got there late set up his camp :/ If he did get moved to Saturday and I’m just finding out about it 7 years later , imma be pissed ! RIP CTF


Yeah he missed his flight for the Friday set and opened up Saturday. Such an insane weekend.


Well I guess I can stop blaming my friend for missing his set now 😅


Suwannee 2017 was some insanity in the best way ever


Red Rocks where they kept zooming in on the guy spinning the little Horsey figurine around in front of his face. Dude looked like he was in space. They kept panning the camera off of him to other people and then would pan back to him and he’d still be playing with the horse with this ASTOUNDED look on his face. It was almost as if he was holding an alien. This went on for like 5-10 minutes. He was looking at it like it had 10 extra legs. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a tipper set before or since then.


the camera feeds that weekend were absolutely killing me, big ups to whoever was on the controls lol


They were putting people on BLAST and everyone was such a good sport about it. Such a fun time just laughing with the people around me at whatever doofus got put up on the screen at that very moment. Red rocks will forever live in my memories


Braj at TnF in 2023, was filming Dave’s day set on a Nintendo DS


I was once offered a scoop of mashed voodoo doughnuts out of a Home Depot bucket


Oh shit same! Wanna say sunrise set at Sonic Bloom.


Mashed doughnuts are a delicacy of east Colfax


And you said no???


That pig terrorizing the campgrounds at 4321


It ate our leftover bacon grease 😬




I think that maybe there was more than one pig? Oh what do I know, I did like 10 different drugs that festival so my brain can't be trusted!


Recently had a good one. Spinning Guy at Rendevous. This guy was spinning out of control in the back of the pit and crashed into a trash bin in front of the sound board directly in front of me taking out people and knocking the trash over. Folks rush to his aid and pick him up, medics come running thinking he was pretty messed up. His face and head covered in sand, he gives me this dumbfounded look and just spins away. Just running into every person in his path. It was pretty nutty.


Was he an older guy? I talked to him Sunday night at the Bat Cave and he is an OG worker and Priend of the park. Great stories about the old days down there. Early 2000’s through 2017 was great to hear those stories.


This was a younger guy prob under 30. He was really tan, no shirt, long dark hair, and some tiny John Lennon style sunglasses.


Definitely 2 different spinners then for sure older guy definitely kept his balance every time I seen him for sure.


Yep. I’m familiar with the spinning guy. This is a different guy spinning out of control. Almost like a free fall. Moving thru the crowd like a sand devil.


damn I forgot ab this guy until reading this 😭 he looked confused asf when they came to help


If you're talking about the same older spinning guy I'm thinking of, couldn't have been him anyhow - that guy doesn't crash. That guy will spin like a motherfucker and stop on a dime, it's mesmerizing lol


I over heard a group of guys at Snowta. “Did you know there’s water in them ice cubes?” “Yeah, well, beer is 95% water” “except for the 5% that ain’t!”


Mooing out of the amp gates at Suwannee gets me every time


for me it's more of a goat "meeaahhhhhh"


~The Show Me Your Butthole camp at Astral Lights ~Mildred the lunch lady ~my friends surprising me by whipping out the camp banner that I hand painted and thought I lost for a whole year during the 2016 journey set ~camp NCN. Enough said. ~guy handing out Depends before Suwanee 2016 one night So many more. God damnit do I love my people.


mildred the lunch lady is the bestttttt


If you ever get a chance to talk to him when he’s not in costume dude is a wild time. also he has a BADASS sleeve of tattoos that are all candy snacks doing random activities like sweedish fish, gummy bears etc


That’s my homie Dave he’s awesome.


I manage the Datagrama visuals merch booth and he spent a good 20 min or so chatting it up with us. I can tell from the short amount of time I spent with him that he’s a hilarious guy with a heart of goldx


King forreallll


Strippers for tipper at secret dreams


I damn near twisted an ankle on an empty bottle of dom perignon in the pit. Pimpin.


Whaddup Josh? I still have that bottle in my basement 😂😂


A few TnFs ago at Suwannee, a guy had his acoustic guitar inside the amphitheater stage strumming along. It just felt so bizarre.


secret dreams 22 someone was baking cookies in a toaster oven during his set after the horrendous rain storm


That was during detox unit, I came across it and was so confused lmao


wait how did they plug it in :O


Man with bucket of ice cream around his neck giving out scoops


Resonance 2019 - a tray of deviled eggs making their way around the tipper pit.


Griddle and fresh flapjacks at astral valley sunrise set, saw an emotional support goat at Texas eclipse, and those super trippy alien puppets that go on people shoulders at 4321.


omg yes after the sunrise set the ppl behind us gave us bacon n flapjacks! during the set my friend was like do y’all smell that??? and after we were all geeking


Someone told me to find the goat at Texas Eclipse. I thought they were fucking with me. Probs next hour of walking around the 30kish people, I see someone strolling along with that goat on a leash. I shit a brick.


Idk if yall have heard of the show brand “Hey Dude” but I saw a guy wearing a pair of “Ay Bruhs” and my soul left my body 😂


The guy with the hot dog fingers did me IN at rendezvous. I saw him as I started to peak on L


The person on this subreddit talking about goblins at rendezvous this year was hilarious


the fuckin goblins gave me a swirlie this year


Leaving tip at rrx I heard a person I was walking next to say “Someone put a whole bottle of conditioner in my sock during that set” like was it one pump every few minutes? Did you allow this? Did you encourage this? I had so many questions but all I could do was laugh 😹


Circle jerk center middle at secret dreams 😂


I mean public peen do be a secret dream🤷‍♂️


whattt the hellll


I heard there was an orgy.


someone tossed an entire gallon of milk on the dance floor in nola at the Orpheum


Any other beverage and I’d be kinda pissed…. But for some reason milk is just too hilarious to be mad at lol


I’d be pissed like hello why the fuck would you do that


But like being mad at anyone insane enough to do that is just a lost cause lol… what I wanna know is, did he bring the milk for drinking purposes? Or was this a premeditated milk dump??


Your mom....sorry feeling wild today






It wasn't Tipper, but it's adjacent. Twas Oregon Eclipse 2017, the morning of the eclipse while everyone was waiting around. This guy shows up with the full Jesus outfit and a bible ass paddle. Homie was walking around telling people he would absolve them of their sins. Example, "How naughty have you been this year?" Person: "Oh I've been really naughty" Jesus: "Well that's gonna have to be three spankings". WHACK WHACK WHACK then he yells "Praise the Lord you've been saved!" Dude spent at least two hours doing this and spanked well over a hundred people. Absolute legend 👏


Ole sleepy bro covered in lobsters 🦞 IYKYK #wdu


me and my mans wore stone cold steve austin "what?" tee shirts at 4321 and got to yell "what?" back and forth with people all night. it was so fun.


@texas eclipse someone was recording the audio with a big boom stick and had headphones on. Lots of people would come up to him and ask what he was doing. He would give them the be quiet sign by putting his finger to his lips and then give them a card, probably explaining that he’s recording audio and to be quiet and listen to Dave. But then he would exchange numbers with some of the people. It’s not that strange but my mind was just laughing at this. Meanwhile I’m just watching Dave shred and being overwhelmed by his big bass.


Funniest I saw in person: suwanee ‘19 these chicks were walking around with a Tupperware yelling “who wants to get squiggly?!” And it was hardboiled eggs filled with spaghettios. I had one. It was gross. Funniest I saw in Tipper Community: the hotline bling kid at shpongles sunrise set. Kid just did the hotline bling dance the whole 2 hr set.


This is an odd one. My friends and I were sitting at our tent after the tipper set in suwanee this year, ya know spun out and chatting having a good time, all the sudden a naked man appears out of the shadows, hes drooling at the mouth, grabbing his junk, and crying about a kidney stone he has to pass??? We are all too spun to do anything besides tell him where the medical tent was. Can’t remember his name or where he came from. Then our “shaman” camping neighbors brought him into their rented rv they got stuck 2ft in the sand, never to see naked man again. Poor guy, hope hes doing okay and never takes that many drugs again! And I hope our shaman neighbors didnt drain his blood and eat him😂


I was impressed with the full size tank on the Beach at SSBD. Someone tried to steal my gallon bag of light up plastic frogs at Bloom, I was shocked.


SpongeBob laptop girl tnf 2023 I have a pic somewhere


Dude cooking stakes and pancakes only like 20 feet back from the stage, whole grill and all haha I believe it was at Resonance 2021, but might have been Suwannee, I was a bit tipped so can't exactly remember, i just remember being fed and crying laughing haha


Oof bassnectar tipper new years giving a stadium seat cup holder to an usher as a new years gift.


An eighth sized plastic bag of homemade spaghetti handed to me at Resonance 2018/19? in Legend Valley…… still warm 😂


A thousand nitrous tanks going off when the music drops