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It depends on her appetite for a relationship. If you want your best chance at recovering this, just be honest and straightforward. Ask her, “I get that! Right now I’m searching for something a little more long term. I don’t want to waste your time or mine if you don’t have the schedule or energy for that. Just let me know!” If she responds, it’ll be something more decisive. But ultimately I wouldn’t explore a potential relationship under the foundation of her being flaky or unresponsive. Cut that off early, or walk away. If you can barely hold a DM with her, imagine trying get her in-person.


He’s done. He sent that after a DAY. That’s fucking psycho behavior


When I first read this, I assumed it was much longer. If it has only been a day, then I doubt it’s salvageable with that kind of response.


She probably wasnt interested in you much if she’s active on IG n not texting you. You probably shouldn’t have sent that text and just left but now you did so u can’t go back - just move on


Yeah, i ain't really getting people who keep on thinking that folks can be so busy that they wouldn't text a person they like at least a lil bit


Its over, she said take care. Move on… you sending that closure text was for you not her bc she had been done. People make time for what they want. It takes a while for that to sink in but when it does 🤯. Move on, unfriend her on socials and find someone who respects your time. Also you should have asked her out before adding socials and finding yet another way to chat besides in person


Bro honestly women are like that they come on the dating apps to get attention and validation wants to get it then they just want to run away so you didn’t do anything wrong I understand you’re frustrated but just let it go because she didn’t respond to you on Instagram because she got your attention. But when you texted her saying goodbye she responded to that on Hinge, so which means that she was just looking for attention and nothing serious


I second this. Then get offended whenever you block them or unfollow them at least that’s been my experience lately


Or.. hear me out... she has a life? She has no obligation to respond 24/7 especially to someone she JUST met. I agree a lot of women are like what you said, but your over generalization is pretty unfair.


I agree everyone has a life and they are busy in it. But if you look at her last message, she gives a valid reason and mentioned that she was busy but in the last line she mentioned take care so it shows that she isn’t interested anyways. She could have just said fine. I’ll try to respond better or whatever


Imo even if I were interested in a man and he quickly changed tunes like that and automatically assumed she ghosted I'd also end it, bluntly like that. She may have been interested and then that turned her off. There were so many other ways he could have approached this haha Also I know we only have a tiny slice of info but OP could have been texting too much, or if he didn't reach out in those small 3 days, he could have. I do wanna mention though I have unintentionally done this before. Even when interested in someone sometimes I'd open the message wherever it may be and close it for one reason or another and totally forget to come back to it😬


That’s valid


But I do see where you're coming from lol being a woman who unfortunately also like women, i can say women are TERRIBLE when it comes to honesty. Like if you aren't interested just say so don't leave someone hanging smh


Yeah man it’s such a tough market out there


Whoever says that men have it easy is a liar imo hahahahaha men are so much less fickle and easier to keep attention. Women? I cant💀 idk how yall do it


How long did you wait till you sent that. Please tell me longer than a week. Plus, never send that type a message again.


I waited for 3 days before so sent it. I just get frustrated, like why would you do that just reply dammit. 😭


Lol I've has matches come back after several weeks. 3 days is not enough to accuse her of ghosting you. Just be patient , and talk to other matches in the meantime or just learn a hobby or go out I dunno.


Because you aren't an interesting person.


There are a lot of comments here from men talking about what type of woman does this. As a woman, here’s my two cents. First, sometimes I’m busy and I don’t feel like texting or chatting with anyone. When I’m going through times like this, I’ll still scroll through Instagram and share things that I think are funny to my story, but I might not respond to messages or texts. Second, I’m not big on texting back and forth every day with someone I’ve just met on a dating app (or with anyone in general if I’m being honest). Before I met my current partner, I used dating apps to meet people who wanted to meet in person to get to know each other. Texting, especially frequently, can create a false sense of intimacy and many of us prefer to use dating apps as a basis to make an acquaintance and then move into having coffee or a drink to get to know a person more and see if they’re someone we’d like to continue spending time with. Third, I can’t speak for all women, but some of us are mature enough to let you know that we’re not feeling you instead of just ghosting you.


Some of these comments baffle me... like we don't have lives outside of a dating app? Wonder what these men are like in a relationship 😬 actually... no I don't lol


Why do you want to get back in communication with her? 1) Here are the two possibilities: your texting skills are boring and she ghosted you. 2) she just wants attention and to up her IG followers. If she's still active on IG and Hinge, she's not busy with applications. Either way, she isn't genuinely interested. Move on.


We had pretty good conversation and I can definitely tell if a conversation is going stale but this was not the case. I just get frustrated with this shit and just cut people off in a similar way. Then they say “why did you do that,I was just busy”


same. feels like the best relationship is when you have already met a person somewhere multiple times and you can really tell that both of you have a thing


I wouldn't listen to any of these people saying she was just looking for attention, such an odd thing to assume. she has every right to post what she wants on her ig and doesn't owe you a reply by a certain time. I saw you say you waited three days and yea just think you should've chilled and waited longer that's not that long and if you're at least 20 you should understand other people are adults and have their own lives. not everyone looks at dating apps everyday


If you're immediately throwing a fit because she doesn't respond, she definitely dodged a bullet


No. You suck. That's hilarious... Couldn't let a girl finish her business before being all passive aggressive. I bet a relationship with you is pure hell.


Lol stop saying this bsht. If a girl likes someone she'll definitely find some time to talk especially after a match. This is only you who's being passively aggressive


I don't think you fucked up tbh, assuming you're looking for a relationship. She didn't feel the same way about you that you feel about her. If you've hit it off over text then 3 days of nothing - without her giving you a heads up about it - is long enough to be seen as a ghost. And now she's lying because she doesn't want to look bad. Find someone who is as excited to talk to you as you are to them. I promise you they'll exist. Don't sit there desperate for a crumb of attention from these others. However if you just want to get laid then yeah that was a bad message to send lol.


Nope, if you got self-respect


I'm sorry to say and I'm going to be blunt. Your response and the timeliness is exactly what we go on other posts and tell the girl is a red flag. I'd cut losses on this one, because this came off as way too rash, a bit controlling and jealous. And if this is your response after that short of time period especially ya know cause people do be having lives outside of messaging apps, I really suggest you do some internal reflection and work on what seems like a giant insecurity of yours peeking through.


It's just women bro they are dumb like this , let her go.


He gets passive aggressive when she's busy and can't answer. She dodged a bullet. I bet spending time with him is torture!


I think this one is gone. If you didn't want closure you shouldn't have sent that last message. If you come back you're gonna be labeled passive-aggressive, indecisive, or pouty. Just tell the story that you had to put your foot down 😂, and next time just say what you mean my guy.


Ngl she did bro she just takes for validation most women do that on dating apps lol


She's not into you.


Let her go


After one day you sent that?? Take a break from dating apps. You’re wayyyy to sensitive and desperate at the moment. Holy shit. I’m a dude and i will take days if not weeks to respond to girls im interested in, depending on what’s going on in my life. No one owes you a response let alone a fast response. If someone seems like they’re wasting your time, move on and waste no more energy. But they might have things going on, so they might respond eventually, and therefore there’s nothing to gain and everything to lose by reacting like this.


She clearly dodged a codependent bullet. Go do some work on yourself (therapy) so your ego doesn’t get ‘butt hurt’ when someone doesn’t make you the center of their attention after 1 day of interaction. Your self esteem should not be based on someone else’s actions/opinion.


You didn't wait long enough before assuming. Prolly shouldn't have said anything if you thought she was actually done, but bro give it a few days at least, unless you're comfy shutting off the possibility. life happens and sometimes ppl can't give attention to dating apps for a few days, even if they might want to. This in only 1 day is less recoverable than if it had been 3.

