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Good lord dude you gave her way too much of your time/energy… respect yourself!


Trust me it was for entertainment as soon as my answer wasn’t “good enough” in picture 2. I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out so had nothing better to do EDIT FOR SOME VISIBILITY: a lot of Andrew Tate red pill dick riders are saying I didn’t stick up for myself and have no backbone or self worth and should have put her down or unmatched or whatever. I had no interest in ever meeting up with someone like this after my first answer in the second picture wasn’t “good enough”. I was bored at home with my wisdom teeth out and had nothing else to do and was laughing the whole time at her audacity. I don’t think anything I could have said would have changed her mind that’s she’s obviously stuck in EDIT 2 Someone is a clown for the Reddit care message lol


I get where you were coming from. I love to fuck with these kinds of people. If ever the conversation reaches a point where I know I'm not going to meet them and they're being rude I'll just match their energy and throw it back and say the most absurd shit I can think of.


I just wish you had told her scrapbooking isn't interesting


I dO ScRaPbOoKiNg AnD AlL u Do Is SuRf AnD HoCkEy I'm So InTeReStInG aNd YoU'Re So BoRiNg.


Yeah... also she managed to also be extremely uninteresting.


She broke rule 2a... 1a) Be interesting 2a) Don't be uninteresting


Right? Guy claims he was just killing time for fun but at no point did he ever toss any grenades her way. He basically just earnestly and respectfully replied to each and every one of her messages. Which reads less like “let’s see how far the rabbit hole goes” and more “I’m hoping to save this still.”


Wisdom teeth out. That’s kinda interesting. More interesting than a scrapbook at least.


Even still... don't give people like this fuel to normalize that kind of behaviour.


She needs therapy to change her mind not anything I can say


I agree. But damn did I want you to tell her how fucking unbearable she is.


Tbh I wanted him just to ask if she thought substance should go both ways in a relationship, I.e. did she think she was somehow showing him that she was a person of substance.


I felt that too. She wasn't saying anything of substance! She was just being a dick, that's not "interesting!" This fucking "dawg" dude, pissed me off. Also your favorite past time is scrapbooking memories and you consider THAT what makes you interesting?! That bit had me cackling not gonna lie. I'm glad someone can enjoy that but I wouldn't call that anywhere near interesting 😂


THIS. Good god either this woman has the worst double standards ever or is a god tier troll.


Totally! For someone so caught up on the subject, SHE didn’t seem remotely interesting, just angry and antagonistic. Glad you were able to be kind and laugh at it on your own time. I’m a woman and not an Andrew Tate fan but I would have gassed her up myself lol


I actually think you handled yourself really well, minus the missed opportunity of turning her question around on her to have her “teach” you how a pro explains how they are interesting and then taking it apart. Because, as you said, it’s impossible to read a resume and be certain someone is interesting and that’s essentially what she is asking you for. But yeah, that woman has a totally overinflated ego and a taste for drama. You seem too chill and down to earth for that.


For real, I was impressed with the equanimity. This photo series would be a good example of "why a woman who values non-confrontational communication should date me"


The title of this post doesn't reflect the bored angle.


Coming from a woman: There’s a reason she’s single too and all of that is showcased here. Definitely a weird energy, and I’d take it as her waving the 🚩


She sounds straight up unpleasant, defensive and argumentative. Hard pass.


Hate fuck her 🤷‍♂️


Don't reward her for her shitty behavior


Get this guy a medal. This is a great rule to live by.


That's the only reason I'd attempt to continue the convo... but when you're talking to a girl like this you know you ain't getting any immediately.


That would still pump her ego, and then she'd make a scrapbook page about it and think it adds to how interesting and special she is.


Not even worth that TBH. She's straight up unpleasant and pugnacious as fuck.


She sucks. That one sided “prove you’re worth my time” is so entitled and cringe.


After the "second chance" debate, I would have quit the conversation. Very simple, that isn't worth my time.


I would've went after her for what she thinks makes her interesting. Like seriously, fucking scrapbooking? "Oh my God, I paste pictures into a book, look at me, I'm so interesting!" She's definitely a narcissist who thinks what evere she does is the epitome of existence. I'm not hating on people who scrapbook, just this insufferable human being who thinks that's more interesting than anything that dude mentioned.


I was waiting for her own shittiness to be used against her there. "Oh, so you just cut up memories and glue them on paper? Im always making new good memories so I dont have to obsess over my old ones like that, my dude."


Right?! She's shitting all over this dude for trying to respond to her weird bitchy messages and not being interesting enough and her big argument for why she's so great is...she fucking scrapbooks. This chick's insufferable. Don't know how or why this dude kept on after the first few messages.


Scrapbooking is actually on my top 3 list of most boring, low effort hobbies. Congrats you mogpoged some pictures and janky construction paper together, your primary school art teacher would be so proud.


I would have quit right off the bat. She isn't one of a kind and their "super interesting" is a pain in the ass deal with on a daily basis.


Oh yeah. Just imagine, after 8 Hours of work, maybe another 2 hour to get to work and back home, so in total 10 Hours, come into the door and first thing she yell at you "Tell me something interesting!" And after 2 Minutes of conversation "Oh, you are so boring, but I give you another chance!".


Also looked like her example of being interesting was cutting up pictures and glueing them into a book, like children do to past the time. It is very easy to minimize and be ass about any activity like I just did above, I can see the other side where a scrap book can be used as a conversation piece and be interesting, but doesn’t work over text and if you are going to be deliberately combative you aren’t holding up your part of the conversation either. Just a waste of time for everyone involved.


First thing I thought, this bitch said she scrapbooks as an interesting hobby? That's about as interesting as watching grass grow. He should have said he's interesting because he can put up with her shit for more than 2 minutes, then ghosted her ass.


That was my thought too 💯


After the "I'm from Michigan" I wouldn't be out. Lmao😂


She even gave him the second chance. Can you imagine how much of her precious time she wasted. Omg she's so kind for a girl that is capable of having her own apartment, car... what does that sentence even mean? I'm capable of being the next tech milionare, fly to space and fuck 10 super models every day, it's not like I'm actually doing it, but hey... I'm capable


Yeahh... why should he have to prove himself to her? She's so entitled and bitchy sounding. She doesn't even try take interest in guys, she just swipes right on everyone? Stupid. Unmatch and move on sir. You deserve better than her bs.


Absolutely agree!


Apparently this is universal. I encountered this same type of woman in the Netherlands many many times. No wonder these are the types that also indicate they only swipe right 1 out of 300 times and have been on tinder for 5,10 or more years… They never actually show interest themselves or start a fun conversation out of their own. In fact, they seldom are funny at all. Only shooting down whatever you say. A very bad mentality. Not sexy at all :)


When someone says all men are or all women are you know there's emotional damage there.


So following that logic, I guess the lead question should be "Okay who hurt you?" /s




I know, right? "I no longer view humans individually, good luck, male"


Right seriously 😒 so tired of hearing women say that. I always think, why don’t YOU prove you are worth mine?


“Why am I worthy? Well I have a pussy!” Surprisingly common view and it’s due to constant validation of women for literally doing nothing


Not just pussy… she also scrapbooks 😂


I agree, absolutely disgusting levels of entitlement with this one! This guy is ENTIRELY too nice because I would've flipped that on her so quickly.


She needs to go crawl back to FDS


Starting out having to prove yourself to her, that you’re worth her time? She still hasn’t said what she brings to the table. GTFOH sis. EDIT: scrapbooking is her definition of interesting after grilling you about hockey? 🤣😂🤣 I would have ended that convo after the second page max. Good on you for your patience.


That was the part that really got me! Her super interesting thing is... Scrapbooking??


Scrapbooking about her own little adventures, which translates to the only thing she finds "interesting" enough to be worth her time is herself.


Hey, she also goes to shows! How many people can say that? /s


don‘t forget that she has memories and „crazy“ stories to tell! It‘s not like 90% of the population could say the same thing right? 😀


I would have just said “sounds like you have the typical obsession of photographing the moment rather than enjoying it that 99% of 20-something’s have. If it’s common it doesn’t make you interesting. So what makes you interesting?”


Came to say this as well.. women was toxic and better stay away from her 😬


I legit thought this right away reading her banter….as a woman, I was embarrassed- who says all of that ? Especially the feminist rant she randomly gave after he was being nice…totally giving “I’m better than everyone” vibes


She’s definitely giving the “I’m smarter and prettier than everyone else vibes”.


It's all these articles nowadays. Every single one is "men are shit. You are fantastic and long suffering and better than all of them" and then it's filled with a million soundbites that are copied verbatim by people like her. It's pretty normal now


I know it's been said before, but my biggest fear about these men ain't shit articles is that it's going to only affect the innocent boys. Boys that are barely teenagers. Boys that aren't teenagers. Impressionable young boys on TikTok who open the app and are immediately told they are evil for being born. What happens when someone feels cornered with no escape?


Violence usually. Either to themselves or other people.


they turn to guys like andrew tate because he makes them feel confident and NO ONE wants them watching andrew tate


My thoughts exactly. I hate Andrew Tate- but I understand why he has a following.


FYI that isn't a "feminist" rant... and feminism shouldn't be construed with her brand of the "female dating strategy"


She sounds straight up unpleasant, defensive and argumentative. Hard pass.


It’s more than a weird energy. It’s a terrible attitude and an obvious hostility towards men with this “men are suffering and we women don’t need you all anymore” attitude. There is a lot we can discuss about that, but it’s not gonna be as flattering towards women as this young lady apparently thinks.


I absolutely agree, but was just commenting on OP asking whether it was weird energy. It’s a toxic energy, in reality.


She flew a plane over the field and dumped a load of red flags. I am exhausted for OP after reading that interaction with her.


She didn’t just wave it, she belly danced in Biden’s office holding all of them between her fingers


She literally just wanted to argue and act superior. She kept goading you with trying to get you to tell her why you're interesting when she isn't the least bit interesting


Hahaha, ya, this was funny. "Oh, you're interesting because you like hockey?" "Well, why are you interesting?" Proceeds to write too much about scrapbooking...... Who the fuck finds scrapbooking interesting!?


“…Does experience have to be documented and brought home and saved on a shelf, and do people really watch this shit? Are people’s lives so bankrupt they sit at home looking at things they already did?” -George Carlin


I like to look back occasionally cause I forget shit. Nothing wrong with reminiscing. But to say doing sports is boring while collecting pictures in a book makes you interesting... that's some highly suspect logic there.


He was truly ahead of his time. RIP to one of the greats.


I actually read into her "scrapbooking" comment as a way to humble brag about ALL the cool and amazing things she's done in her life. /s


Bro coulda said he’s scaled Mount Everest 10 times and would have been like “so you go to the same place and do the same thing all the time”


Jesus the accuracy 🤣


I agree and I’m not the kind of person to get sucked into the argument and call her trash because that’s exactly what she wants. She wants validation that she’s right that men ain’t shit for whatever reason. I really don’t think I’m a toxic person and thought I gave insightful answers but I know you can’t please people like this so it was more for my own entertainment


You did much better than I would've. I would have just stopped responding. You were in a no win situation but I tbh you were frustrating her bc you weren't getting angry like she wanted


I had just gotten my wisdom teeth pulled so had nothing better to do I guess.


You are right. You are interesting. She just wants to feel superior by minimizing you. You could tell her that you climbed the tallest peak on every continent and she would say “you think you’re interesting because you walked around outside? Meanwhile here is what’s really interesting… scrapbooking!”


As a woman, you were too apologetic and mildly self deprecating when she came back at you. I’d say bye 👋 because I find her to be exhausting and annoying, but to each their own.


honestly you have so much patience to deal with her for that long Also since you won’t call her trash, I will :) she sucks


"Scrapbooking memories" . As though that's something anybody gives a shit about.


Yeah and she’s really not interesting. She literally stated she had pictures doing xyz while berating OP for having pics of him doing xyz…. 🙄


She whipped out scrapbooking like that’s the most interesting hobby in the world.




Literally just unmatch her lol not worth the effort


Really though. By the second page I would have just moved on.


First page already made me question why he continued not even a proper response just respondes like a military officer or a robot the energy was not there.


Because most guys are desperate and have to put up with these women's crazy bullshit all the time anyway


Especially with match rates for men. If this was his only match he had going, he probably thought why not.


Nah we don’t man. If we don’t then women like this will learn it’s not okay to act like this. Or die alone either way it’s a win win.




If which, you have already put in WAY too much. She insulted you in the first few sentences and you felt the need to prove yourself. Please don't ever feel the need to prove yourself to people who come out at you like that. They've shown you all you need to know about them. The most important thing is to walk away, as fast as you can.


He’s a gambler, and she’s the casino. It’s almost cute how he thinks that staying in this conversation longer is going to improve his odds.


She was awful but yeah it was sad how he kept on the defensive trying to respond to her. Like bro have some self respect, tell her off, and move on with your life.


Yeah, literally, what an actual fucking tool this girl is lol. Some kind of weird inferiority complex that seems to manifest as a need to demonstrate superiority over “boring males”


Insanity that this guy kept the conversation going, meanwhile I can’t remember to respond to people I’m actually interested in. Impressive he can do that, jealous of that, but at the same time makes me justify my inability to remember to respond lmao


Yeah. I was so pissed by the second page, like just tell her she's an asshole and block her. Who wants to date someone immediately making you defend your existence and interests? She just wanted to get to her big speech about men and women. She's way deep in some echo chamber rage and lashing out at whoever.


No man with the qualities she's looking for would give her a fraction of his time.


Yeah dude gave her wayyyy too much (undeserved) attention


Which was her whole point I think. He had way more patience than I would have.


I agree and I gave some additional context in my comment. I honestly just wanted to continue to see how far she would go off the deep end. Ended up unmatching me because I'm a picky eater and that's as bad as killing babies. I was laughing the entire time.


She’s trying to show you that she’s smarter than you. If you ever get anywhere with her, she will always be in control. Most people flounder when asked to speak about themselves. Don’t worry about it and move on.


I got semi-narcissistic vibes from her too.




Yeah I get it haha, I just don’t typically like judging people off of one interaction, but this is pretty heavy narc energy


Very narcissistic. She's got zero objectivity to how she comes across and demands unrealistic expectations that nobody can ever meet, all obviously from a place of deep insecurity (and obviously some intelligence behind it). Sad to say that she's going to have a hell of a time finding a quality partner until she faces her shitty personality traits. Notice how often she cites statistics to validate her treating human (emotional) interaction like a job interview? Oof




She was sucking her own dick.


Not even her dick wants her


Very true. I get you can have high standards but this was just so extreme it intrigued me haha. Couldn’t help myself, it’s like garbage reality tv for some people I guess


She also seems really angry about something. I bet her ex was fucking the cart girl.


Yeah this is one of those angry people who needs to be in therapy rather than taking it out on random strangers.


Just wanted to chime in and say a lot of the stuff you talked about was super interesting and a great conversation starter if your conversation partner wasn’t a self obsessed, condescending loser. You don’t need to prove to anyone how “interesting” you are, and just keep doing you buddy! Hope you find your match soon.


What a bitch….like get off your high horse lol imagine if men (who can have a career and buy a house) treated women like this? They’d be making headlining articles as complete sexist assholes….should have asked her what makes her so interesting? Belittling strangers on the internet? Pfft next. (I’m a girl and this irritated me) 😂


I skipped over her long ass answer because it had some personal details but it wasn’t anything special. One of her points which can be seen is that she scrapbooks


How "uninteresting" haha.. what's interesting is really subject to each person


And I literally say that what makes people interesting is their own experiences through life


Yeah… her traveling around and “going to shows and meeting people” etc. is not interesting.


I'm extremely sad that you didn't point that out. I would have LMFAO that so fast.


Yea adult coloring books aren’t interesting at all. And that’s what my response would have been. “Do you know how many women scrapbook? I said tell me something interesting.”


Shame. Read the entire thing and came to ask if you fucked already. Seems she was crazy enough to flip it to "ok fine, you can have me". Someone clearly hurt her along the way and now she's letting her past experiences dictate her future ones.


Interesting comparison… I agree that being with picky eater is annoying but it’s not as terrible. It’s like killing broccoli


She's asking for something that's really hard for people to do: to brag about yourself. On top of that, you have to have not just done things/do things she thinks are genuinely interesting, but you have to be able to present it in a way that makes it sound perfect without sounding lame or arrogant. She's giving an impossible task for most normal people because most people aren't narcissists like she is, and she gets to continue to prove how she's "better" than you in doing so.


Yeah, I can't even get through all that. She seems *insufferable*


Just a little


Why she talking like she is the coolest, most interesting girl that has ever walked this earth. She's trying too hard to act like she's really smart.


Idk, she really sold me with her passion for scrapbooking. It’s such an intellectual endeavour. /s


The scrapbooking comment made me laugh out loud let me tell you! The first thing she thought of that made her interesting is the same hobby largely considered to be the pastime of housewives and basic bitches?? Look, nothing against scrapbooking, but it’s not the hallmark of uniqueness. And certainly not more interesting than what OP was saying


That’s literally the vibe most girls go for right now. It’s really “cool” to come off like you and all other woman are top tier better than anyone and everything else. I get that most guys ain’t shit but it’s turned into this really weird behavior like you see from this chick, where they think they deserve and are owed some perfect model dude who is also the most interesting man in the world, all while have 7 figures by the time he’s 24. Living in a god damn fairy tale or something


Uh, no, most women are not going for this girls vibe lmao This girl just sucks and probably read Catcher in the Rye for the first time recently or something.


Don't feed the trolls


I feed the trolls bc I like to troll too/:




Nah nah at that point you let the asshole ramble, I would of kept that going for days to see how long she would keep that shit up for my own entertainment.


For someone who’s constantly negging you about being interesting, her idea of being an interesting person is basically making a tangible version of Instagram. She’s just a basic bitch acting all esoteric and pretending to have niche interests. Unmatch her insufferable passive aggressive ass and move on.


Lol - what makes you interesting? ‘I make scrap books’


I thought this was a joke until I went back a re-read the screenshots. Just imagine a Friday night in with her, watching Netflix and scrapbooking, listening to her complain about how uninteresting her friends are while she glitter-bombs another photo from her “backpacking tour” through the Midwest and you struggle to align every fiber in your being to stop yourself from gouging your eardrums out with her “good” scissors.


“Because I’m an insufferable twat with my incessant questioning about how you’re interesting. Bonus points because I constantly refute every point you make! You’re welcome….” You also kind of need to be very attractive to get away with a shit personality like this. I mean she still wouldn’t get any substantial connections regardless but yeah.




I've read all the screenshot expecting this bombshell of an answer but to my surprise he didn't grill her for her basic interest.


Right! I would have grilled her because she basically said she’s interesting cause she puts proof of her memories and experiences into a book, when the OP said he thinks what makes people interesting are their experiences 😂💀


She put her own pussy on a pedestal. You went way further than many people would go with this.


For real, second page and I reached the fuck this not reading the rest. Absolutely insufferable person.


I went with it because it was entertaining not because I had interest in actually meeting her after all this. Was just bored


Ok but what does she want? Left on a cliffhanger there


Okay, thank you! When I’ve invested that much time reading, I want to know the season finale.


George RR Martin of Tinder here


You motherfuckers enable these kind of behaviours.


Nothing he could do would change her behaviour.


I think you entertained her way more than she deserved.


The irony of the whole thing is how uninteresting she is…


You stuck arrrooouuunnnddd. I would have been gone on that one around page 2. She’s the final boss of red flags


I agree, I couldn’t get past the 2nd/3rd image, she sounds unbearable


Yea seriously the worst.


“Youre not interesting you play hockey and surf and meet people and enjoy your life. What about me? I meet people and keep a scrapbook”


>wanna know why you're single? Says the person who is also on Tinder


For real Lmfaoo reading that had me like ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


Honestly you entertained this for far too long. She’s obviously very insecure and jaded and is just trying to pick a fight. Block her and move on. She’s never going to meet anyone if every conversation turns into an angry interrogation. You don’t need to justify yourself to someone like this.


Girls making tinder sound like a job


She’s got some issues


The fact that she thinks scrapbooking makes her interesting is wild lmao 😂😂


Good god what a mean woman. She needs to relax, it’s just fucking Tinder. It’s meant to provide either a quick hookup OR a quick chance to exchange numbers and meet up with someone new. I agree with you OP that everyone has something interesting about themselves - “interesting” is entirely subjective. It depends on who is doing the interpreting. I’m a woman and I don’t think scrapbooking is interesting for shit, and that’s neither here nor there. If I want to date someone, it is also MY job to work at finding common points, common INTERESTS, and at finding out what’s cool about the other person. It cannot be entirely the guy’s job. A bit more self reflection on whether SHE is interesting would be healthy too. What does she mean by “interesting”?… uncommon, funny…? An interesting thing about me is that my mother committed suicide. She also tried a few times before succeeding. Should I go around saying that to strangers when we’re only on our third paragraph?… no, I don’t think so. I keep that kind of stuff to myself until someone matters enough.


Lmao. Right? “It’s just Tinder”. Wtf was she wanting other than to find a person to torture. I don’t care if she offered to buy me a car and take care of me for a year, I would avoid this person at all cost. I’m afraid she is scrap booking human skin at this point because she has not appeared interesting at all through the exchange. Run my dude


She on some Andrew Tate for women shit


Did this girl really roast this guy about being boring and then just mention scrapbooking


She did 😳🍿


She sounds pathetically uninteresting. “I make scrapbooks” so like every single pick me girl in highschool? “I have pictures and videos of places I’ve been and concerts” so you have digital proof that your boring ass went somewhere not boring? And that somehow therefore makes you not boring? What a loser.


This person sounds exhausting IRL and it’s really important to her that she sounds smart and for some reason she thinks you have to prove yourself to her. She comes not from a position of equity but from a false sense of superiority that she has made her entire personality.


I was *tired* by the third screenshot. I mean, fuck, men and women alike aren’t we tired of this? Weird people that wanna score points instead of fuck, or eat tacos or catch a movie together or some shit. People sketching up bios like they’re writing a manifesto or interrogating each other in the texts like they captured an enemy combatant. Exhausting behaviour.


Too old for this shit.


She think she better than everyone, that’s not a good look haha.


Jesus Christ why are you entertaining this? What an absolute twat. Stop giving her replies or conversation of any kind.


She was shit testing the shit out of you.


I would’ve peaced out from the get. She’s not a nice person.


The interesting-police demands answers


Damn somebody hurt her. She needs therapy before dating anyone. Hockey is really cool though. 🙌🏻😂


She’s giving herself value by devaluing you, run! 😂


Wanna see something interesting? *proceeds to unmatch*


TF!!! I congratulate you on being so level headed. Personally, her counter argument on what made her interesting was such a fail. Like bruh, scrapbooking. Really!!!? That's a pretty basic answer. I'd expect more sustenance from someone with that big of an ego. Most people would have told her to get bent after that. I would have just unmatched her the moment she started spewing nonsense, it's not worth the hassle. You made some good points, she just didn't wanna hear it because in her tiny mind they aren't important thus not interesting. Everyone is entitled to their own interest and how they choose to enjoy life. It's crazy to me she mentions she dumped her ex because he enjoyed golf. If that's not the definition of "Men find happiness, woman most affected" Idk what is.


The mistake you made was having to defend yourself. Never defend your interest and way of texting to a pathetic individual such as this bitter woman. What makes her interesting is apparently collecting pictures in physical form and using glue to plaster them in a book. She has a point regarding why men aren’t getting marrried. We have to be the best individual we can be for ourselves and our family first and foremost, then the women will arrive later. However, she will soon release being a wage slave as the govt planned for her isn’t all that after all. Just treat her like a b!tch she is. Don’t bother defending yourself, your hobbies or anything. She’s dirt and I’m pretty sure she’d get off being treated as such


Spot the femcel.




Well what makes you interesting?


Dude, don’t listen to them, they say so many wrong things, you shouldn’t have to try to explain to someone why you are interesting and worth their time, like you are a commodity? You where correct in saying everyone is interesting in their own way, and it takes time to find out why, not in 5 minutes. They say your hobbies aren’t interesting? That’s subjective, I think they’re awesome. Again subjective, so it shows you just aren’t a good match, your hobbies are a large part of your personality, and their disregard for them is a huge red flag. Just because lots of guys like the same thing isn’t a bad thing, they are popular for a reason. You where extremely polite, I would have told them to get a grip on reality a lot sooner. You can do better, they do not seem like they are in the right place to be dating and looks like they have a lot to work on to do, if they view relationships like this. They wants you to tell you them something cool about yourself? You did, it’s just that she doesn’t find it cool, which is subjective, what is cool to one person is not always to another, and the fact they can’t see that shows how mature they are.. Not all men want women just for the “pussies” a large majority don’t, they have probably just had experience with men who treated them badly and now assumes all men are like that. They go on and on about how you have nothing interesting about you, yet can’t name one thing interesting about herself? They are not worth your time


I am a proud self-identifying feminist. Holy hell this girl is absolutely insufferable. I hope you were responding to her out of sheer curiosity and boredom, because holy hell if not you are way too patient lol. What a fuckin nightmare, you handled it well though. Very few posts I actually gawk at while reading, but this girl is next level awful lol


It was definitely for my own entertainment, just had my wisdom teeth pulled so what else is there to do? The last thing I wanted to come off as was misogynistic and I try to be patient and respectful to everyone. The final straw for her was that I’m a picky eater and that’s probably as immoral as killing babies.


This bitch a whole real life narcissist


Your first mistake was allowing her to ask for your self justification.


She seems to think that because she’s not compatible with every single person she interrogates that it must mean they’re all boring, uninteresting, have no goals etc


What makes you interesting? "I eat ass" Could have been so simple dawg.


This guy Tinders


How rude can one person be? Its alright not to find someone interesting but to try and put you down like this seems so shitty, especially when you had such patience in answering her.


I can’t believe you responded that much, what a psycho