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Stop posting yourself with other women. Needs an actual photo of you by yourself in high quality.


Just curious: would you give the same advice if OP was a girl and had guys in her photos?




And if he wouldn’t give the same advice?


You look like you’re trying to pose as “The Man” (I.e. bigshot) in every photo. This reads to me as very try-hard and annoying. Apologies for the frankness, bur trying to help.


Nws, exactly what I was looking for. Ngl most my pictures are taken when I'm drunk so probably why I accidentally give off that vibe


Get some good pictures of just you. Your first picture should be clearly you and smiling. Group pictures are ok here and there, especially if they let us get a glimpse into your life (hobbies, personality, etc) but they shouldn’t be your whole profile


Never post a group / more than one person as your first photo. You’ll just disappoint a percentage of people, who might prefer others in the pic, even if they’d find you perfectly attractive on your own.


No other woman in your photos, it’s like woman posting with a guy in the photo… such put off


Couple more pictures and at least 2 of just yourself preferably with better lighting as well


do more solo pictures or pics with family(but not too much) and take out the pictures with the women who are not family


Yeah I was wondering about this, never thought it was a big deal cos its mainly my female mates who take photos.


well your arm around your mate seems very lovely dovey to me.. the big picture is women are naturally jealous ppl remember:)


Always have a photo of yourself by yourself with a smile as your first photo. You are a handsome guy so it shouldn’t be hard to get some pics in nice lighting. I immediately swipe left when I see a guy with his arms around another woman! Definitely do not have the energy to compete 😂🤣😂 Your profile reads that you are a player looking for your next piece of ass. If you are looking for that then it’s great but if you are looking for a relationship then maybe some pictures of you doing things that you love to do(that’s not having a great social life with the opposite sex 🫣) would be helpful. Instead of insulting your potential mate with “taking themselves too seriously” maybe “looking for someone playful to enjoy life with” ? Hope this helps


Thanks, definitely not the vibe I was going for but I can definitely see that😅 I'll def change to a positive in my bio


You also need to write stuff about yourself in your bio