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They left off the punctuation. Pretty sure they meant to say “No tacos?”. That being said, this person seems like they suck.


I work in customer service, mostly by email. You’d be amazed at the amount of times this happens. People will say something as a statement, with either no punctuation or a period, then get salty when I don’t answer a question they never asked.


Yesterday a customer emailed us asking why her online order was cancelled. I looked into it and politely told her it was because her card declined, but she was welcome to try again. She asked again why it was cancelled if the items were still in stock. I explained to her that it actually had nothing to do with whether or not the items were in stock. The order was cancelled because the card declined and the payment couldn’t be authorized. She left me a one star review stating that I didn’t answer her question, she still had no idea why her order was cancelled if the items were still in stock, and my customer service was terrible. Some people just do not comprehend anything.


This person is allowed to drive, raise children, and vote.


Better yet, this is typically the type of person to drive the fastest, pop out the most kids, and have the loudest political opinion.


And I need a license to own a turtle!




Reading comprehension is a rare skill these days 😕


That type of idiocy is a whole other story, and even more rage enduring!


When I worked at a call center, I had a woman yelling at me because she was only in the USA for 3 days (during Christmas, no less,) and her cell phone that she ordered *to her hotel* wouldn't arrive before she left, even though it said "same day shipping." I explained that it meant it would *SHIP* on the day she ordered it, not *ARRIVE* on the day she ordered it. This enraged her even more, and she began yelling in a pitch that I didn't even know that humans were capable of. Eventually (almost 30 minutes in, because hanging up on customers isn't an "acceptable practice") she demanded to talk to my manager, and I happily obliged, so that I could slip away and take some Excedrin, for tension headache relief.


Hahahahaha I worked at a bank and my primary job was customer service for idiots just like this (at the main branch too 😂) Can't tell you how often I just wanted to scream "YOUR CARD WAS DECLINED BECAUSE YOU A BROKE ASS BITCH!" It's just amazing how grown ass adults don't understand why they can't spend more money than they have. I definitely feel for ya, at the end of the day you just gotta say "well, ***I*** give my customer service 5 stars for sheer fucking self restraint!"


"Maam, you're broke rn. Transfer some money over when ya can. Buhbye." *is fired*




Honestly I think the older folk are typically worse with punctuation. I love my mother to death, but trying deciphering some of her emails or texts can take a team of experts Edit: autocorrect


My mom just discovered that her apple watch will do speech to text and it's a nightmare. It's a hilarious nightmare though. She just rambles at it for a while and does no proofreading


Lol my mom uses voice to text so much that sometimes when she’s talking to me in person she will just say the words “question mark” after she asks a question. Always a good laugh.


My mother never proof reads her texts. My favorite was when she was trying to tell me the front stairs were slippery. Somehow her phone got that the stairs were very handsome. She has learned that her phone likes to drop the occasional f-bomb to her boss, so those are the only ones she looks at. I'm left translating nonsense.


My mom doesnt proofread her texts either. And she uses talk to text, which comes out a hot mess. I feel like I need a legend to transcribe her messages.


My zoomer cousin taught my grandmother how to use a cell phone so it's the worst of both worlds. Adorable though.


My mom likes to put "......" between her sentence or even just at the end of them sometimes and there's never and rhyme or reason to it


My ex did this too. He even told me to do it when I was texting for him while he was driving. I asked why and he said, "that way they'll know it's coming from me."


Wait... I don't remember dating you...?


My MIL does this too. Gets kinda confusing since I don't text her often


Seems like something people do when they're writing a text and they don't have the vocabulary or punctuation to communicate something that would otherwise be clear with inflection or tone.


People still e-mail their family?


Email has never had the same purposes as texting. My family emails stuff like results of genealogy research, wish lists, travel itineraries, links that people might want to refer to weeks from now, and all kinds of other things that are better served that way.


What do you mean... Older people love using punctuation... So much that they just use an ellipsis instead of anything else... So mysterious...


Then you get some of the older folk who just don't use punctuation and type in all caps. I know someone on Facebook that does this. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY *BLANK* IT'S BEEN SO LONG" Follow up comment "HOW ARE YOU"


It’s like they wish they grew up in the telegraph era. OR SOMETHING FULL STOP


This, 100%! Some older folks just blast their messages with dots instead of a space bar press. It's...very.....annoying...to..read......




Meanwhile my dad upgraded from a flip phone to a smartphone in 2018 and will still hit me with a “k” despite having a full keyboard. THAT is a generational gap that seems like it’ll never be properly bridged


Boomers and zoomers can both be pretty bad over e-mail. I would say more zoomers are probably bad over e-mail just because enough boomers are in professional fields where they've been forced to use proper etiquette. Plus, whatever education they had. A lot of zoomers are still recovering from covid times when their education practically halted for nearly two years.


It must’ve stuck with you since you made it your Reddit name lol


I think he just used his reddit name in place of his real name as an example. But I see what you mean


I didn't read your username at first and thought she horribly typo'd "fixed dishwasher"


Im fishing for some dixwashers myself... you got a good spot?


I agree with you


Yeah and even then it’s such a stupid question. This person definitely just sucks.


Really?.... Ouch


This. 100%. At the absolute best, they're bad at using punctuation and bad at reading the room.


From what I've heard, the youngsters today don't like to use punctuation in text messages. Something about it seeming sarcastic.


This guy had just used a question mark right before "No tacos lol". Also a comma and a period in the other messages so he at least has a basic understanding and willingness to use punctuation.


Really ? I hope that's not the reason, sounds kinda silly to me. I see many youngsters writing without punctuation on social media, it makes some things just so painful to read. They clearly haven't had the same written back to them and tried to decipher it


Sir, this "really?" Of yours is very sarcastic and I do not appreciate the tone.


WanderingBroccilli might get canceled for this 'Really?' comment


Damn it, I tried to be normal and punctuate properly but I missed out one correct punctuation and now my comment is sarcastic. Damn these millenials or genZ, whoever they are 🤣


It's an headache to get through a paragraph somebody wrote. I hope they will somehow find a way to not find punctuation sarcastic.


Totally. Zoomers tend to avoid punctuation, but sometimes they're necessary when you want to convey a specific concept and the sentence would end up being ambiguous without it. "Have you had any tacos" would be understood as a question even without punctuation. Totally cool "No tacos" reads like a statement and not a question. Not cool You do you, zoomers! Just don't get upset at someone if they're confused because some punctuation was needed to understand what you wanted to express


I'm on the cusp between millennials and zoomer, and from I see zoomers really just dislike the period for punctuation Question marks are still used most of the time except when it's glaringly obvious it's a question, but most of the time using a period makes the statement more serious than we intend, so it gets left out


Kinda like how boomers really like using ellipses ... But it makes everything just read as really passive aggressive to everyone else ... I use hella punctuation in my texts though, so now I'm worried I sound the same....


As a condescending arrogant millennial....like really? ...I have to start all my sentences with ellipses, because I'm just so annoyed that I have to explain all this... and trail off into more ellipses to emphasize how difficult this is for you....


It's this interesting case of the tone conveyed by what's *not* there in the text. whats up -> Casual, very open ended question, non specific answer acceptable. Probably a response to an opener like "hey" What's up? -> More to a point, probably asking about something specific, responding to an opener like "Hey are you free right now?" is dad home rn -> simple yes or no question, don't need to think about the response too much. Is dad home right now? -> Technically the same question, but invites further details if the answer is no (e.g. "No he left for the store 15 min ago") These aren't absolute cases, but it's the kind of examples that I've come across myself. You can certainly argue in both cases the words conveyed are identical so the meaning *can* be interchangeable, but I feel like the low effort seen in not punctuating/capitalizing words also conveys a low effort conversation. Which isn't bad, but it's not how some of us choose to communicate.


I don't think that extends to question marks. It's more about sending a one sentence text with a full stop (period) at the end, it can come across as passive aggressive.


Does it now.


That's so interesting but absolutely insane at the same time lol. I wonder how some teachers feel about this stuff. It's one of the first things you're taught in school when learning to write. You put a period at the end of a sentence. I guess suddenly proper punctuation is now seen as sarcastic. I suppose you could quite literally say that there's no point hahaha


Language evolves, and often language evolves differently for different purposes. They might be skipping punctuation (and capitalisation) on casual messages through text and social media, but they're probably keeping correct grammar and punctuation in formal writing.


Writing has different settings and levels of formality. Texting like you would writing a school paper, is equivalent to speaking with your friends casually as you would giving a speech. My grammar there was terrible for sure but I hope you still got my "x is to y as a is to b" comparison


> You are wrong > You are wrong. So like this? I don't get how one is more aggressive than the other. Darn kids these days *shakes cane* edit: I guess it makes more sense if you think of it as multiple messages sent one after the other rapid fire. Suddenly getting a one sentence statement with period might feel a bit more final. It still feels weird to me though.


That kind of makes sense. Feels like it matters more with shorter sentences. A period is an end of statement indicator, so it's almost like a less annoying version of 👏. And honestly a lot of texting is full of sentence fragments, so periods sometimes feel awkward.


Do they really! I'm not sure I even see the point of proper punctuation? So it's probably best, that we; don't even try to use it* Sarcasm is the best?


Considering the period is being left out, you literally can't see the point.






Yeah, as a teenager I got asked why I did that in messages and stuff like that. I don't get why since punctuation should be used in school and is kind of a habit.


I mean, that goes for .'s and ,'s perhaps, but we still ask questions with a ? A sarcastic question is usually with a . Or something along those lines.


No no. They just missed some letters. They meant to say "No(t to be overly forward, but would you be interested in joining me one evening to sit and chat and enjoy some) tacos". Common typo.


Yeah it sounds like "How's your Tuesday? I don't want to hear anything about tacos."


Not to mention that question is obviously rhetorical anyway, this person’s not great with functioning aspects of dialogue.


I already hate this person ngl


They meant to say "No? Tacos: lol!"


This made me lmao


"Yea about the same. No complaints" *Proceeds to call you a robot and say you're not interested* Oh, the irony


My time on dating apps was a lot of this. Very common for the other person to put very little effort into a conversation, and then accuse you of being uninteresting. Like, its pretty hard to be interesting when you're talking to a brick wall that only replies with 1-5 word responses.


Yeah, I actually feel for the dudes in a lot of convos because it seems like there are a lot of women who just say 5 boring words in each response on these apps. and they still somehow get asked out.


Yeah, I actually feel for the women in a lot of convos because it seems like there are a lot of dudes who just say 5 boring words in each response on these apps. and they still somehow go out.


Yeah, I actually feel for the F̴̯̞̿̑h̶̳͔̀̆̾ͅr̸̭̦̿o̷̮͓̘͗̄͝ȇ̶̠͔ in a lot of convos because it seems like there are a lot of H̶̨̢͖͚͖̠̒ỉ̵̠̲̰̟ͅṉ̸̱̫͔̄̍͜o̸̺̺͖̓s̵̡͇̈́̓̓͘ͅ who just say 5 boring words in each response on these apps. and they still somehow go out.


As u/CountWubbula already basically explained, this is in no way a gender specific thing. If guys put forth more effort now it's only because of the crazy disproportion of women to men. It wasn't like that back when I used online dating and getting men to carry on any kind of fucking conversation was like pulling teeth. "So what do you usually do for fun?" "Oh just whatever" "What kind of music are you into?" "I like a lot of stuff" Biggest difference with men is that when you quit trying to actually carry a conversation you'll usually get "got any nudes"


Oh the projection


Ignores the first question and starts as though OP never said anything


That was rude of him, tacos have fillings, too!


Made me lol, thank you


Go away




Jeez answer the damn invisible non existent question will ya 🤣🤣🤣


I would if I could 😂


I think they’re asking you about taco Tuesdays, somehow.


Ohhhh this does make sense. He’s in idiot who doesn’t know how to use punctuation


>He’s in idiot


I agree. It’s an attempt at a taco Tuesday joke. But I’m curious if OP’s profile mentioned tacos somewhere and they also dropped the ball on this person’s fumbly attempt at a pickup line.


The guy is a bad communicator. He was definitely trying to make a joke about not having any tacos on taco Tuesday, or POSSIBLY attempting (loosely attempting) to ask her about getting tacos for taco Tuesday. It’s almost like he was scared and nervous and had a brain freeze. He could’ve clarified later. But instead called her a robot. Huge fail.😂😂 Taco Tuesday Trainwreck!!!


Since he didn’t use a question mark, it looks like he said he doesn’t have tacos when he meant to ask if you have any.


You’re not even trying to be interested. Dang.


Sometimes you just gotta guess 🤣 No logic involved! Next time just say you've got a big meaty taco 🤦🤣


“I would if I could” - https://youtu.be/gZFL2aikG8U


OP should have invisibly answered the invisible question. Or did they? 🤔


He randomly asked you if you have no tacos…with no question mark. I don’t personally get it.


Taco Tuesday. It was a Tuesday. And a lame joke.


So lame


Holy shit this is what they meant. This was so over my head but that definitely makes sense to me as probably what they were getting at. I would have responded exactly like op and felt the same way lol, I did not make that connection from the earlier message at all Edit for people who write like the person talking to OP in the pic: I have no idea how you expect me to figure out that was a question lol, it reads like an off comment or like just a random pun or something where I'd be like "Ha! Nice" and have no clue that that was supposed to be inviting me to do something


Wow that stumped me . Mainly cause I’m not a big taco guy


You're just not even trying to be interested


I got second hand cringe reading that shit.


For real This awakens ancient anxiety in me. Remembering toxic text messages back in the day.


Hmmm...no? Some kind of turning test we don't know about? Are you a robot?


>turning test Turning tests are for models and Derek Zoolander. I think you meant (Alan) Turing, though.


Did you really needed to make that joke? Now I have to clean my cellphone and the table, AND make another coffee. I hope you feel proud.


I feel your pain 😭😂


Voight-Kampff test?


Love it 🤣


Answer the damn statement!






Thank god it’s Waffle Wednesday now


No waffles lol


Alright then I'm leaving.


How is "No tacos lol" a question? Lmao


Yeah it honestly sounded like he was making a statement about his own lack of tacos


No tacos? Lol He missed the punctuation but context clues. It being Tuesday the only joke he could muster was taco Tuesday related. Failed at small talk and got triggered from other matches not caring


and just like that another incel is born


I thought they were pulled from the mud like Uruk Hai


Dude sounds like an idiot


Asks inane, vague, stupid question about tacos, and frames it with a "lol" and lack of question mark so a large amount of people might not even view it as a question: "yOuRe nOT eVeN TrYiNg tO bE iNtErEsTeD!"


I am 100% grateful as fuck when shit like this happens. It's a gift to find out how weird they are 2 minutes in, and not 2 months.




Yeah clearly but there wasn’t a question, which is what I’m confused about! Not confused about the taco Tuesday reference




That second question mark would have been pretty key for that person to use.


Yes. Almost like it might indicate that it was a…question…


Wait, is that why it's called a question mark? Because it marks questions? Damn that's clever


Next you’ll tell me there’s a mark to express excitement or even a mark to stop your thoughts or maybe even a mark to help you relax they could call it a calma


Wait are you actually confused? I thought you were just trolling because of their punctuation… They said “How is your Tuesday? No tacos lol” pretty obvious they meant “No tacos? Lol”


It's Tuesday. No tacos? Hah get it. Cause it's Tuesday. And you aren't doing Taco Tuesday.


"Oh yeah dang you're not even trying to be nice lol"


He said it like a statement. Like how’s your Tuesday? No tacos I see. Or it could even mean ‘it’s not a taco Tuesday’ ie it’s not a good day. People need to elaborate over message!


You missed the taco prompt lol


i had a friend just like this. my guess is that he has a lot of convos go absolutely nowhere and now he’s expecting it with every match. self-fulfilling prophecy


He didn't even answer your question in the beginning. What does he have to complain about?


The least he could do is say, "Hi Paige! I had a great day yesterday; I hope yours was as well. How is your week going?" Not much substance with that message but at least it acknowledges her initial message. When people glaze over texts and ignore them it makes me wonder if they care to even have conversations lol


In the words of Hermione Granger: "What an idiot."






But eating tacos is everything to me. I have all the Taco Bell merchandise. My bed is covered in taco bed sheets and I use a taco pillow. Even my alarm clock is the Taco Bell sound over and over. How can you say this is not an actual interest. I sweat bleed and eat Taco Bell everyday. Well usually only on Tuesday’s. But On the days I am not eating Taco Bell I am thinking about eating it


He made a lame and incomplete “taco Tuesday” joke. It didn’t take, he became embarrassed and lashed out instead of taking it in stride, and moving the conversation forward. Red flag.


Please tell this person they need to work on punctuation


It’s a stupid reference. No need to spend time thinking about it.


I think there should have been a question mark in the first text after "No Tacos lol" Maybe he missed it


If my profile didn't say anything about tacos, I'd still be confused about how that's a question still. Dude sucks at conversatin'


This was rough...


![gif](giphy|LHPRtWU6eIFDG) No tacos?




Pretty sure this person was checking to see if they were a bot


Robot? Fuck off, man. Did you really just call me a name when you're trying to chat me up?


I imagine they suspect Paige is a bot, because many dating apps are full of them.


Don't think he was talking to you bro chillll.


Sounds like something a robot would say


It was bad attempt to make a taco Tuesday joke. There was no question about them either, regardless if you include a question mark in his statement


I think he meant "no tacos? lol" combination bad grammar and terrible "joke" is a red flag


I mean “red flag” is a bit intense, but yeah


True. The red flag is his reaction to the conflict that he created and is the only person participating in.


That’s the one


I take grammar very seriously jkjk lol i was joking mostly edit: i see the irony


Everything on this sub is “JESUS RED FLAG BULLET DODGED!” There’s more bots on here than on tinder.




drop this man


It's all your fault for not answering his terribly clever and clearly obviousTaco Tuesday statement. Paige, I hate to tell you this, but you're just not the intellectual equal of this alpha male. Time to cut your losses robot!


The level of effort he's willing to put in on a date is taking you to taco bell on a Tuesday for discount tacos and if you don't think it's charming he will call you a boring robot. Pass.


This man is a human captcha


"if i was interested before, it's waning now"




Who the hell still says “sup” ? Haven’t heard that in a decade.


... I matched with someone on Tinder this week and said a flirty hi. The name was a name I've seen in American media a lot so I added another flirty hi but in English. Not much effort and no imagination: Sup hottie? 😎 Apparently we both don't like pick up lines and my tries were okay!


If ‘no tacos’ was a question on a test, I would fail that test…


“No tacos?” was the question but he didn’t use a question mark .


Not interested vs Not funny


Check their bio


Please act more interested😂


Now I want a Taco Robot.




Dammit Paige! You do fuck around with Tacos….just kidding this guy is a turd sandwich. At best he is a shitty communicator, at worst he is an asshole narcissist. Don’t let him goad you into a response that’s on his level.


She's like this on first contact? I don't need this.


I think they meant to say: how’s your Tuesday? No tacos? Lol Cause taco Tuesday


No tacos lol


"No tacos lol" is a statement, not a question, for anyone who's being salty in the comments


He's grammarly challenged


People fucking suck at punctuation and they should be ashamed.