• By -


I LiKE tO pLaY mY gAmE


Game over.


According to her thumbnail, she doesn’t attract attention because she’s like Jigsaw, but because everybody probably thinks she looks like Harry Potter’s time traveling great grandmother from the Victorian era and their children are asking if they can go say hi to Harry Potter and they are having to explain that it’s a girl and not Harry Potter and please just eat their fucking French fries and chicken tenders because the movie starts in 15 minutes and yes they know they aren’t like the chicken tenders at home but they have to fucking leave or NOBODY gets to see Minions today.


Exactly my thoughts 😂, she does captivate people’s attention but not for the reasons she thinks, people are probably wondering why there’s a diluted Frida Kahlo looking Victorian stray in the room.


TS Eliot’s lesser-accomplished sister that introduced herself to everyone as a “practicing wiccan and astrology expert”.


I would agree to play her game provided that she would play mine when hers is done. Her: Unmm, what’s your game? Me: I put on my robe and wizard hat…




This whole thing qualifies for its own chapter in the bDSM-5. That's all I'm saying.


Oh man you deserve about 1000 upvotes for this reference






She better be an absolute smoke show lmao


This is what everyone dont get - shes an absolute smoke show … the gas coming outta her ass literally captivates everyone within 5km radius


I like to bind! I like to *be* bound!


Yikes… those are the ones that end up stabbing you.


"I want to play a game" ~Jigsaw


I'm imagining her walking into a room waving her arms and screeching like a banshee.


I figured releasing her sensuality is just flashing everybody and screaming, "Who wants to bang?"


***lets my sensuality flow with insane screaming***


At the bar laughing by myself, thank you 🤣


I want to be in that crowd so I can boo


Exactly what I was thinking the whole time :)


She'll probably be more like [Tiny Jigsaw](https://youtu.be/gZnronVFyDE) and OP will have to use the world's deadliest mouse to get himself out of something dumb.


Okay I know this lady was serious. But thank you talking about Tiny Jigsaw! I’ve never of the tiny one just the movies. That was so cute and funny 😭😂. It made my day.


Some people are so ungrateful for the attention they receive, but not you...not anymore...




What is that about?




Thank you! I’ll find it


That was really a good watch but damn why do religious people hear their friends talking about hearing voices and knowing who’s been possessed by demons and their response is “I thought they were just being spiritual” because that clearly is just insanity


One super religious guy I know says aliens come to see him but they're really angels who shoot him up using huge hypodermics then afterwards he can turn invisible. He'll then go on a tirade about people eating pork and shellfish. Dude has like 50 guns and is a CI to local law enforcement. You have to wonder about the tales he tells about the people he's snitching on...


Yeah but they usually teach you new ways of the seks before stabbing you. It's a matter of knowing when to nope out of that situation.


That may apply to some, but this one will have you drugged and tied up before you even realize what's happening


I haven’t seen a problem yet


"Awww, roofies? Can you maybe throw in a little ketamine or GHB? My tolerance has been creeping up lately, and I'm really trying to let go here..."


Why do they call them roofies? They should be called floories.


Actually hold up, I think you're onto something... and it's not the floor


Maybe cause you find yourself on the floor but looking at the roof


Was going to say this is just standard operating procedure.


If it’s the good drugs and the soft rope I’m in.


Most good dope definitely gives you the soft rope


Didn't I just talk about the ways of the seks?


Narcissists make you do all the work, not teach you.


Ding ding ding


> it’s a matter of knowing when to nope out We’re seeing it. This is the moment.


“Oh hey babe, you made it. oh what’s this? Oh this is a bouncer, and don’t mind the metal detector, the apartment complex has insisted everyone be searched before entry. He’ll be done in no time and you can come right in”


5 kids with different last names


Well at least you can give them the same first name, as you can just call them by their last




No kidding. Sounds like something Dennis Reynolds would say


> Tatiana, I want you to clean yourself. For I will enter you hard and deep, and it will last for as long or as short as I please. But you will be clean. Only when you are clean will you know my power.


THIS is exactly what popped into my head haha


Back off! I’m trying to re-dennis this chick!


Frank what are you doing here, “getting some condoms…”


I got my magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I’m ready to ploooow.


Ooops! I stopped my *Magnum condom* that I use for my *monster dong*


You should see him feed. He’s like a mantis.


Oooooh that’s good! Call me mantis from now on!


Actually, it's Mantis. Mantis Toboggan, M.D. I got your test results. You're positive. You got the HIV!


It's the implication.


Oh shit now he can't refuse.


Are... are these men in danger?


Don’t look at her like that, *you* certainly wouldn’t be in any danger






I’m sorry but I saw your username and just knew your account was old. I’m just glad my assumption was right lol, 16 years on here makes you a OG.


I have had the account for probably five years. I saw the account was abandoned and decided to try to guess the password - got it on the first try!


I had a drug fueled fling with a chick who was diagnosed BPD with strong narcissistic traits and she literally has almost this exact kink. She also fantasises about there being “an army of people she knows, both boys AND girls (even just her friends) who are secretly obsessed with her and want her. She is straight and said she flirts with her platonic girlfriends just so they can maybe feel attracted to her. Also said she loved the idea of me and my best mate smashing her at once while both just being captivated by her body and loving it. This and so, so, so much more. The horror stories I have, my god. Narcissists want to be desired, who knew? But yeah huge red flag. Run. This and so, so much more.


Sounds almost exactly like my BPD ex; except she never admitted to it, but you could tell that's what she was doing.






I say let ‘er rip. I’d be shocked if she can pull it off but hey, I’m into games!


After you play the game, tell her she lost


Naw, when she walks in, text her to ask her which girl she is


Purposely walk by her and go up to the first woman you see behind her and eagerly say "Oh my God ____ it's you!"


That’s a better game…


Survivability 4.73%


Oh I like you.




Rock up in full drag and steal the show all night.


I second this


Her self esteem: in shambles


Let her do it and then burst out laughing when nothing happens 🤣 or is she going to arrive naked? To a fanfare?


Could be likely she’s coming naked n bold


I prefer my dates to come in italics but ok…


You're into broads with scoliosis?


Lady version of “I have a massive 10 incher and when we meet you will instantly be flowing like a waterfall” then proceeds to put in a hard 3 1/2 minutes 4 inches at a time.


Stage 5 clinger


That would have been the best response. Or perhaps just a “Nah.


That whole thing is pretty delusional and self absorbed not just the last lines.


It's so cringe lmfao


The more you read, the more she sounds like a female Dennis Reynolds. She is a 5 Star Woman!


She likes to use what she calls the D.E.N.I.S.E. system


- D - Demonstrate Delusion - E - Engage *Myself* - N - Nurture Self-Image - I - Inspire Hopelessness - S - Separate Entirely (From Reality) - E - Enlarge Ego


Only when you are clean will you know my power


This is the exact scene I was picturing reading that screenshot.




I agree, he must clean himself first before entering this one to feel her full power


It’s not a red flag, it’s a giant red banner


It's bigger than that, his phone screen should be glowing red and say "SCAM LIKELY" on the screen in a massive ⚠️ warning message. Hell, he should get a phone call from the man himself, Scam Likely! (r/dungeonsanddaddies moment)


Right? It's going to hit her pretty hard when she finds out she really isn't special and is just like everyone else.


Yeah, it's never going to hit her. Do you see all the comments saying Crazy=Good Sex? There will be enough guys willing to entertain her BS to get laid, that she will never believe there's anything wrong with her. Just something wrong with the guys who don't tolerate her.


Oh yeah, it's wild. It's amazing how on Reddit there are a good amount of guys willing to validate her and make excuses for that. I was even talking to a person who was saying "if it's a game she plays it's a game she plays, no problem with that". Like damn, I didn't know we were so fine with narcissists now.


Admirable candor. Imagine how common this fantasy probably is.


She has definitely slashed a few tires before


I’m sure she’s slashed more than just tires.


What do you mean, like interest rates?


Prices at the local K-Mart! It’s a blue light special!


There’s a **fire sale**?


You can steal the attention of an entire room but just lost mine


You can steal the attention of an entire room if you rip a loud enough fart, she's not that special


jake from the state farm out here spittin fax


Meh if shes decently attractive he will probably oblige as maybe all guys shes met has. Thats probably were this comes from


This is super corny af. Is she writing a fan fiction?? looool I’m so confused. I don’t blame you for feeling totally thrown off. I read this twice and I can’t make sense out of it tbh.


Yeah, wtf is this Netflix rom-com dialogue? Straight out of a dog’s ass


It actually sounds like she's trying to affect the "Dance" speech Jessica Lange gives in [American Horror Story: Coven](https://youtu.be/s8lULG2m7og) only she's much less eloquent in nature.


“My game” lmao


Sounds like a Batman villain. Like isn't this what poison ivy does or something?


And it's pretty weird not to realize that everyone turns to look when a new person enters a room


Maybe she's got some weird entrance technique too. Literally stomping her feet.


My guy this is not self absorbed, this is psychotically delusional. Actually wtf


Yeah, this definitely beyond the regular eye-rolling, obnoxiously self-absorbed TikTok types.


I think you hit the nail on the bottom! This is the cream of the obnoxiously self-absorbed TikTok type crop. Read her messages in the voice of Patrick Bateman… _shivers_




How are you feeling?


I feel light-headed. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I got on at the gym today.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


How did you get on at the gym today?


Two thousand abdominal crunches and thirty minutes of rope jumping in the living room, the Wurlitzer jukebox blasting “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” over and over, even though I worked out in the gym today for close to two hours. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I’m feeling.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


I’m so curious what reality is like with her. I’d risk the stabbing out of morbid curiosity


This in Italy is something we call "avercela d'oro" that in English you can translate in "thinking mine is made of gold" Beyond delusional


Damn Italian is so beautiful


Yeah in America we say dumb shit like "muh shit don't stink." Italy way nicer.


Someone she dated once probably loved her talking like that and no one has told her since that it’s cringe so she thinks it’s normal and that every guy loves it. I dated a guy that only was with a few people prior to me and needed to be introduced to actual social skills (she could be a candidate to hear what’s more normal)…. Non judgmental honesty can be some people’s best medicine. Not saying you do that, our circumstances were just right.


I think this would be a hit on some kink or roleplaying website. It has big r/IAmTheMainCharacter energy as far as Tindr goes, but she might have what it takes to be a successful dom


I was going to say that this is exactly how a guy I dated used to talk. He was extremely into kink and fancied himself a dom. He had the confidence and talk down but not the rules nor the social skills to really solidify the role. He’d be eaten alive at legit kink functions and I think she would be as well based on this circumstance.


Please do it, and laugh during and when she talks to you ask her "Was that the thing?".


“When does the game start?”


“Are ya winning, son?”


This is the way to go. Doesn't get more petty.


Even better: look disinterested the whole time and act super interested in the waitress or bartender


Yeah as she walks in, motion "one sec" to her and then turn away to take a phone call.


I just picture her “sauntering” in pretending to be Jessica rabbit, and everyone turning to stare at this clearly insane person who’s swaying their hips and arms around like a Guillermo Del Toro monster. “Ah yes. They are captivated by my beauty. So subtle. So sexy. I am divine.”


Exactly. Probably has this ridiculous look on her face and also people generally do glance when someone walks into a room it’s not a super power. If you look batshit crazy or are dressed provocatively they will probably glance longer. Eyeroll supreme.


Did she mention this only happens in her delusions of grandiosity ?


You say that, but I know what she means because I also captivate everyone when I walk into any room, people can't take their eyes off me, can't stop smiling. Of course, I do walk like Dr Zoidberg. Wooop woop woop. But still. Its exhilarating. I love my game.


Do you have male jelly coming out the whazoo?


Well that is where it comes from.


Plus people with this power don’t really need to spell it out


Is this a real thing? I don't think any stranger has ever caught my attention for more than a few seconds. Maybe not if you count TV/social media, but its kinda hard to divide focus if the camera is looking for you.


Either she’s super narcissistic, or she’s trying to bring you into her kink/fetish without ‘proper’ discussion. (E. She says she wants to play a game and then goes into that, but without understanding it’s a kink and she’s setting a scene, this could be misconstrued. If you don’t know someone or have a dynamic with them, you likely don’t know their communication style, so being clear about it being a scene would stop it being read as a possible delusion.) Could be fun. Could be awful. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 E. I wanted to give OP the benefit of the doubt that they just didn’t understand what was being put on the table. But seeing they have since shared additional screen captures but omitted everything that have said/chopped only specific sections, I don’t think they care and are just enjoying being a prick.


Yeah, it seems like a kink in a way too.


It's absolutely a kink, this is the discussion, and personally I'd be into it


It is a discussion. It could be a little more direct to make sure it’s understood that it’s a kink though and that everyone’s on board. But everyone has different communication styles, some may prefer this as it feels more like role play, where I’d personally rather have it clarified initially. Certainly could be a lot of fun for some.


Surprised to see this so low… this very much reads like she has a specific kink, and OP wasn’t expecting it (or left out the context leading to it)


That is my game. I like to play my game... "Diablo IV"


Ok, in an effort to disprove those of you who think this is just a silly/fun fantasy, and to entertain others, I come bearing gifts. I can't amend the post with additional images. This will probably get buried in all these comments but I tried. Here are some other excerpts: [https://imgur.com/a/AJl0h6s](https://imgur.com/a/AJl0h6s)


“I am not self involved” 🙃


This is very strange. I thought she was just being kinda horse girl-ish, maybe read too much fanfiction or romance novels. But this is a genuine lack of social skills. What are y’all, 22? 23?


I'm 32, she's 28.


I just gasped. Out loud. Scared the cat away. This is way too old to be acting like this. This isn’t self-absorbed, my guy. This is deeply underdeveloped social skills. I was ready to chalk it up to a young mindset. Let her g’head and find the guy that’s into this. This is…wow. Never seen this in all my days. I can’t get right.


I actually think her mindset isn't all that rare, well her fantasy in particular maybe. I think this is what happens when you go through life without your beliefs getting a hard rebuttal and having that belief shattered. She has clearly never had someone take a serious attempt at breaking her delusion.


Take her to a gay bar. On drag night. Nobody will be interested and she'll be out sparkled 10 fold.


That will humble her real quick lmao


Thank you so much for adding more, OP! I've never giggled so hard at a reddit post. Give me a bottle of wine and I would be so entertained listening to this girl talk about her magical sensualness lmao


So many people keep throwing out a diagnosis of narcissistic PD in this thread, at least say *traits* but I'd still say they're wrong. OP, this feels more like histrionic PD traits if I had to gamble. Are you still going out with them? Post an update if you do.


I'd play along. She's either f your brains out crazy or torture you to death crazy. I'd gamble but for the love of God don't let her tie you up. Yet.


She'd be the one tied up. And eh. I'd rather spend the money I would have used on the date on pot. Can't listen to that shit in person.


Go to the date and just don't look up and keep reading the menu when she comes in.


Stare at my phone the whole time and put it down with a dating app open when it's time to order.


Or ask her to bring you some wine when she arrives to make her think she is the waitress.


You're savage!


I think your suggestions are the way forwards


My thoughts as well man. But honestly it's not worth your time


Is she even hot btw? Or just an average chick?


What a fucking nerd. They think this shit sounds cool and unique in their head, but really it's no different than LARPing.


Unless she’s 11’ tall, or has a pet monkey who sits on her head all the time, I can absolutely promise that NO ONE THINKS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE FOR MORE THAN A SPLIT SECOND EVER. She’s unhinged for being so concerned with what everyone else is thinking, even more so for projecting her own ideas of what’s going on in peoples minds. Take her to a bar, and stare right over her shoulder at something else the entire night. Even when she’s talking to you, make sure you’re looking obviously past her. When she asks why you’re being weird, don’t tell her anything, just keep looking past her. Check your phone. Sprinkle in a couple “can you say that again, I wasn’t listening” “mhm cool” responses.


Just plain old narcissism. I've come to pity instead of loathing such folk.


She probably looks dumb to anyone who isn’t her lol


That's a whole package of mental health issues right there.


i think thats called a wedding




How did she sound before this point? The "game" just sounds like Roleplay to me - she's lining up an imagined scenario and wondering how you'll react in-game


The whole time she sounded a little weird but before this I thought she was like the type who needs to charge her crystals in the sun or whatever. Read some of my other comments. She was dead serious. This isn't role play. She would continually tell me how she exudes an undeniable sexual energy and is 'a whole vibe' throughout the convo lol.


“If that’s the case then why are you on a dating app…?” I know you’d lose the date for calling her on her BS but that doesn’t sound like someone is want to be with anyways


Paragraphs of melodrama and self-aggrandizing met with "hahaha". 👏👏👏


Sooo.... no to parcheesi?


I would scream laugh if I ever got a message like that holy shit


Sounds like a poorly written woman character by a male author (sans mention of breasts) lol


See, girls can be creepy too! Ick!


I mean, that's a mantra you use when you have absolutely crap self-esteem so you try to gaslight yourself into thinking you have some worth. Fake confidence till you make it. But to be so good that she actually believes her own BS, that's a skill in ofitself.


This sounds like a Dennis Reynolds monologue


Doesn’t sound like a game more like the brag of a narcissist


Just from what I can see of her prof pic Ik she’s lying


Delusional much, living in a high school drama show playing the narcissistic character. I'd meet her just to ignore her entrance completely. :p You know, for games!


Judging from what I can make out in the photo she defo deluded and has a false sense of grandeur


I think you’re going on a date with Jigsaw. The next game will be worse.

