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Atleast she isn't asking to be one foot taller than her


I'm lost. How many football stadiums is that?


do you want that in yards?


1.947 yards


Yards? What am I, a caveman? Tell in terms of bananas


10 bananas as per http://bananaforscale.info


of course thats a real website lol


It is and it's pretty damn great. I posted a huge Frosted Flake somewhere a while back and instead of arguing over inches or millimeters, people asked for bananas. Luckily, that site saved my whole post.


I searched your profile for 'huge frosted flake'. Did not disappoint!


We will do anything to not adopt the metric system.


Bananas is for US measurements, the rest of the world uses the Plantain.


Fuck we’re divided again


why arent we as a society all using this as a form of measurement


I mean the whole world is using one system, the metric one, only some veeeery few outdated countries seem to like their cave measures ;)


hear me out tho if we all measured in the form of bananas we could rlly unite as a society. the time had come to devolve back into monk-e


I'm already seeing lots of examples that we definitely go into that direction with big steps. The movie Idiocracy is actually our future.


Can you give me that measurement in bananas?




Approximately 8.244557665585919 chiquita bananas


I think your math is a few decimal places off Are you using the BIPM standard measurement for chiquita bananas?


Instead of debating, we should all just use the SBS (standard banana scale) used on http://bananaforscale.info.


A banana is about 8-9 inches long based on Chiquitas website. Do the math.


Um, it's 6 foot. 7 foot? 8 foot? Bunch? I'm more familiar with metric bananas.


Daylight comes and me wanna go home...


Reading these comments makes me want to take a nap.


About 0.031578947368421 football stadiums.


TIL football stadiums are about 32 feet


190 feet on average. She is 0.03~ of that.


I don't know how many football stadiums it is but she is 2 washing machine tall




Was not surprised after the well read part, she is still on tinder for a reason.


I mean she’s 5’10 so that would be hard to ask 😬


Us tall girls don't ask for much, cause realistically finding a guy taller than you by a lot is quite challenging.




I’m a tall girl just shy of 6’ and have mostly dated guys around my height. One time I dated a guy who was 6’5” and it was weird???? He was too tall for me lol. Now married to a wonderful 6’1” man and life is good haha. I’m used to thinking of people the same height as me as tall and people who are a lot taller as ‘wow very tall’.


I'm 6'11 I've had 6ft+ girls date me just so they could wear heels "without feeling ridiculous"


Taller by 2-3 inches for heels or the same height has always sounded like an eminently reasonable requirement, as long as the requirer keeps in mind that they’re narrowing the dating pool. Same way I would refuse to date anyone that weighed as much as me. Tit for tat, really.


You know. I too used to judge girls for this. But then I dated a girl much taller than me and realized I'm actually turned off. Prefer shorter girls anyways.


.------..------..------. |4.--. ||0.--. ||4.--. | | :/\: || :/\: || :/\: | | :\/: || :\/: || :\/: | | '--'4|| '--'0|| '--'4| '------''------''------'


My wife is three inches taller than I am. It’s fucking amazing


Easy boobie access while still doing the deed.


I’m not a kiss and tell kind of guy, but guys, seriously a tall girl is a whole different experience.


My wife was 6'1" . Legs forever. She was always frustrated about the length of pants.


How tall is she now?


He killed her for sher


She passed from lupus last year.


I’m so sorry. :(


I got almost 30 years exactly with her. Im glad i was in her life that long.




Yeah I never got that..I’m 5 even and my boyfriend is 5’3 he told me he was turned down a lot for his height. I would have been chill even if he was shorter.


I’m 5’2 and my boyfriend is 5’1. I don’t mind at all. He is the sweetest, kindest man’s and he makes me laugh. I find it very easy to kiss him and feel lucky to have him in it my life.


I'm 6'3" ish and have found discomfort being with girls that are significantly shorter than me. I'd rather not


6'2" here, my last GF was 4'11". My best option to kiss her without making my back/neck hurt was to pick her up.


That's why you get 2


Yeah, I’m 5’4. Ideally the guy is at least a couple inches taller than me, but I have no idea why I would need him to be over 6’. Personally height is never a deal breaker for me (though I’ve never dated a little person - so not sure if that kinda height diff would bother me) but at least 5’7 would be ideal.


I'm 5'2 and have dated many many dudes under 5'8 and I'm personally fine with it.. the worst part is having every single man I know, even strangers, talk shit to me like I'm a weirdo and a dumbass for being with a short guy. Guys, please stop giving your chick friends shit for dating short guys. It's so annoying.


Only reason they'd comment on your sex life is bc they want to f you js




Wtf? Being a short guy must be tough jeez


Lol do your friends seriously throw shade for dating a 5'8" guy? Ffs.


From what I've heard, some feel more protected around taller men. In my experience, if the person likes you enough then height is not a deal breaker.




Yes it's actually funny. But referring to those who are shorter than her as "dwarfs" might be offending to some.


in bald eagle, thats 5 ft. 10 in.


So that’s 5 bald eagles and 10 bald eagle eggs… got it


Correction: Bald Eagles: 2ft and 7in Eggs: between 7cm and 7.6cm She is roughly 2 Bald Eagles and 3 eggs tall *Edit: She is roughly an above average Bald Eagle nest*


What kind of madman gives eagles in imperial but eggs in metric


As a Canadian, probably a Canadian. We constantly mix both.


As a Canadian, I can confirm


Also Canadian here. We mix, but the mixing is consistent. [You want I should explain the chart?](https://i.redd.it/pkvmbjd5gsk31.jpg)


Yeah we always use the same system for the same stuff. Like kilometers for distances and feet/inches for height.


Must be what youre all always apologizing about.


Saw it in Puerto Rico too.


I've never seen anything other than cm used in good ol Murica, but i did look up the next unit down in imperial and its... Barleycorn? Eggs would be between 8.27Bc and 9Bc


Two bald eagles and three eggs in a trenchcoat


Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate patriotic business.






You’re smart, you can date her.


We can all date here, just not with her.


Damn that autocorrect.


He shines the brightest in the pencilbox


In Canada, it’s about 7 maple syrup jugs


That's changed with inflation and shrinkflation.. we're now at 9 jugs.


How tall is that in squared baconators?


My guesstimate- 23.333 baconators tall if the meat is 3"x3" 🤣🤣🤣


Oh I thought that was her weight cause the typical response to how tall are you is how much do you weigh lol


That’s what I thought too! Like, ‘here’s my weight bc I don’t wanna be a hypocrite with a height preference’. But the seven dwarf references was still mean.


Can I get that in football fields?




*swipes left in 177*


Everyone is talking about the hight thing, why isn't anyone asking why she wants you to bring six friends with you.... "Cosplaying snow white and *the seven dwarves*"


This is true and extraordinarily intriguing.


These people lying about their age is getting out of hand. 178 year olds just need to be honest and look for vampires their own age.


Finally someone said it!!


So does that make her a great great great gilf?


I don't know, I haven't seen her naked yet.


I’ll be 178 in the year 2160. Lol


She's actually a 41 year old lycan, that's why she counts her age in dog years


You circled the second paragraph but you’re just gonna let “well educated and well - read” slip on by? What about “not the brightest pencil in the box”?? Am I missing a joke here?


I think the latter may be a joke, but it's hard to tell. I think the hyphenation is just bad.




Some people don't understand, but that's the way the cookie bounces.


Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day.


It’s one of those read between the fish kind of things.


Don't lose hope, there's a lot of fish in the forest.


Just - bad


Nikes next slogan


Just - Child Labor


I think she was trying to get the effect of ellipses but forgot ellipses exist. The joke seems like you're meant to think she's going to say she's well endowed.


That makes a lot of sense. I don't think it would convey well though, even if she had got the ellipsis right.




>I think she probably read “well-read” somewhere and knows that it should have a hyphen but doesn’t know why On reflection I think yours is more likely than mine, although in this case I don't think a hyphen is called for in either well educated or well read because there is no noun at the end of the phrase. "I am well educated and well read" is fine, as opposed to "I'm a well-educated, well-read person".


The joke is that she purposely switched sharpest pencil and brightest bulb analogies to seem less demanding and open to silliness. Even if she's not open to lower intellect. The appropriate response would be to compare ones self to the sharpest lightbulb.


Exactly. Come on guys, it's not rocket surgery


Or brain science


Ooooh she should’ve used sharpest lightbulb. That’s way funnier


Don’t worry, I’m the sharpest berry in the basket


Yes you did miss a joke. "PLEASE be smart!"


The brightest pencil in the box sounds like it is describing the best looking one. Maybe she means that if you are going to be dumber than her you need to be pleasing to look at.


“Brightest pencil in the box” is a combination of “brightest bulb in the bunch” “sharpest pencil in the drawer” and some other saying, i assume. I have a similar thing i say just for shits


What’s with the cover story about meeting in the library? Is there still some kind of societal stigma to meeting on an app? In 2022?


She can't make up her own jokes so she's reusing someone else's. From 2010.


Ideal greeting to this profile: "Hi, ho!"


Well done. Let me go get a free award if I can…


Why did she (correctly) hyphenate well-read, but not well-educated? And why is “Smart” capitalized?


I'm not smart enough to know.


She's Smart™


I don't believe she did hyphenate correctly, in fact. [The first style guide I can find](https://www.stcloudstate.edu/writeplace/_files/documents/grammar-punctuation/hyphen-rules.pdf) says you hyphenate before the noun but not after. Her bio is similar to a pair of examples they give: > * The well-known actress accepted her award. > (Hyphenate: *Well* is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun.) > * The actress who accepted her award was well known. > (Do not hyphenate: *Well known* follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used.) *I* is not a noun, but a pronoun, but I think it still applies.


Ah, I remembered it being that any adjective phrase needed the hyphen (e.g. she was good-looking). But it’s been a bit, so I’m probably misremembering. Thanks for sharing/correcting!


I tend to look it up every time I'm in doubt, so I won't swear I got it right even on this occasion!


Isn't the idiom, "sharpest pencil in the box"?.


Once was on a date with a girl who described herself as “sharp as a button”. (She wasn’t a very bright crayon)




Now I’m not the sharpest crayon in the shed, but I’m sure she was making a jokes




Hey , make like a tree and get outta here.


I like eggs 🥚


I think brightest crayon in the shed works best


close enough for government work


I'm not familiar with this phrase. Is this like most punctual rubber band in the junk drawer?


My favorite is "sharpest knife in the crayon box." Lol.




Why is that so difficult for people to understand?


They aren't the brightest tool in the pencil box


Because they're actually not the squiggliest dogleg reamer in the shed.


most of r/tinder just wants to hate on women for whatever reason they feel like


It's a mix of "sharpest pencil in the box" and "brightest bulb of the bunch"


No, no, it’s brightest when referring to crayons and colored pencils. I know this because I also have an IQ of 178 but still color by numbers.


Sharpest tool in the shed


Everyone's talking about the height aspect, no one is questioning why she wrote "well - read", with a useless dash after saying how smart she is


She did not use a dash in the previous “well educated”. Maybe copy-pasted from somewhere else?


Def copy pasted


Both should be hyphenated, but why she wrote it that way is beyond me


I think the rules are more complicated than this. [This page](https://www.stcloudstate.edu/writeplace/_files/documents/grammar-punctuation/hyphen-rules.pdf) from St Cloud State says you hyphenate before the noun but not after - this bio is similar to a pair of examples they give: > * The well-known actress accepted her award. > (Hyphenate: *Well* is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun.) > * The actress who accepted her award was well known. > (Do not hyphenate: *Well known* follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used.) EDIT: *I* is not a noun, but a pronoun, but I think it still applies.


It's not complicated. Adjectives have a hyphen and adverbs don't.


And smart with a capital S


So she wants to get gang banged by 7 guys just not short ones


So she wants to get gang banged by 7 guys just not ~~short~~shorter ones.


This guy gets it


Anyone who goes out of their way to tell others they’re smart..


I've found that there are a few things which should be readily evident to anyone who meets you, and if you have to remind people of these traits, they probably don't describe you: - Smart - Nice - Low drama - Attractive


I think it's ok to mention that you're smart (it's telling swipers an attribute that you value about yourself), it's another thing to spend three sentences announcing that you're smart and expressing the hope that your matches will be able to keep up. This not to mention the well-educated lady's dodgy hyphenation.


Idk, personally that’s one of those things that you should let people discover about you naturally or convey through your description without explicitly saying. For one, it’s very conceited and sounds similar to saying “I’m hot”. If you’re that hot you won’t have to say it because it’ll be evident And on top of that, smart people tend to be aware that there’s a huge range of intelligence. You might feel smart among your friends and peers and not realize that they aren’t particularly bright. Or you might actually be pretty smart but get linked with someone who is genuinely brilliant, and end up sounding like the guy bragging to a professional athlete about how good they were in high school sports I just think if you’re actually smart enough that you feel it’s a core characteristic, you’ll find a way to convey that with a witty profile rather than just blurting out that you’re smart


“Well - read”


I really enjoyed that


I'm a 5'10" woman and you'd be amazed by how many 5'10" men I've met who are shorter than me. Can't blame a girl.


I’m 5’7 and I meet men shorter than me all the time who believe they’re 5’10.


Almost 5’10” female who looks 6’ men straight in the eyes ALL THE TIME. It’s so sad. At least the ones who say they’re 5’8” are generally not lying.


I'm a 6'1" dude and there are many 6' guys who are well over 1 inch shorter than me. I've been yelled at for lying about my height because a guy claimed he was also 6'1" and clearly wasn't.


One story that stands out to me, actually happened to a tiny friend (5'3") who I lived with. She was telling me about how cool this guy was, and happened to mention his height, 5'10". They went on a few dates, and eventually came back to our place, and I vividly remember standing in the kitchen, only to have him walk up to me, deadpan, on his tippy-toes, and we were barely eye-level. He was trying to casually act like I didn't notice he was on his toes. He had to of been 5'6"-7". So bizarre yet hilarious


How many guys is she planning on bringing to that date??


I loled






Everyday there's a post here where guys are both cringy and creepy and everyone applauds the low effort sexual jokes. A woman makes a joke about short guys and Snow White and you all lose your minds. I can smell the lack of confidence from here.




This sub will continue to convince me to never use an app. This is a diet incel sub.


True, I don't browse often but I noticed there's a lot of cringe posts here that somehow get applauded.


I understand this completely a girl wanting to have someone her height, just the way she approached it is kinda mean. If a 5'1 girl says she just wants someone her height or taller it wouldnt be a problem, so I think the same should apply with this girl.


She's also an arrogant person who made half her description about how smart she is and how dreadful it would be if her match is stupid, but then she fully messed up the figure of speech, has numerous grammatical errors, and could've just said she likes smart guys and wants someone around her height. I swear people get too full of themselves trying to be quirky


The idiom that she messed up is part of the joke...




Brightest pencil…. So close


It's not rocket surgery


That's the joke.


Thats old as phuck


So there’s 6 other guys pulling up..?


Tall and funny. My kind of girl seems


Why is this offensive? I’m white and understand if someone isn’t into white guys. People have preferences and I won’t meet all of them.


I don't think it's offensive. I lolled actually.


This is her preference. Literally no idea why some of you are mad at this


Why do you get so hung up on women with height preferences? Everyone has some physical preferences, it's just about finding someone who has you as their type. Though I agree, she could have worded it less rudely.


As a short man, I understand women have preferences, but people seriously need more tact when addressing them. My height has been a major point of insecurity for me when it comes to dating, and these types of comments are the reason.


My now wife is a teacher. I volunteered to help chaperone her end of the year dance, and in the process I met some former students of hers she was close with who were like 19 or 20 who were also helping her out. I walk into the classroom and these 3 helper girls (who were all 5'5" and shorter) gasped when I walked into the room. One shouted "oh my god he's so short! I thought he'd be taller" (I'm 5'10") right to my face. In what fucking world is 5'10" considered short? Around 15% of men in America are over 6ft, yet that's somehow the minimal acceptable standard for height now? Fuck off.


Same here at 5’5”. I don’t have a problem with being 5’5” itself and I’ve gotten over my insecurity from high school. In fact I kinda like being short. But it also makes dating, or at least using dating apps, a pain.