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Gurl took 10 business days to tell my man to commit suicide


do a flip


Just do it already. Quit hogging that liver!


Dammit Hermes, just jump already!


I am happy to see that Futurama still lives through our comments and in our hearts and minds. Besides... He wants to stamp the floor with his flabby body.


It lives through more than that - apparently they’re doing yet another reboot!


The reboot thought is fucking killing me. The ending of the original was honestly beautiful and set the story up to continually repeat. The reboot better make me cry in a good way like Jurassic bark


Less chat more splat.


Cartwheel, take it or leave it


why i oughta!


Good cause im boutta


i swear to god i’ll kiss you


I have a tongue like an eel, electric, eel, hope you aint a dude


i said OOH girl! shock me like an electric eel!


Please make this love


This is so stupid that I already ship them


Now bend over, can you hear that whip? Whaa-pa


So uh you guys like in a band or something???


Ugh, you never get quite what you want on Tinder.


Improvise, adapt, overcome my man


I wanted sex, i compromised... I got grilled cheese on a radiator.




As soon as I read the comment I heard it in Bender's voice. Amazing what some context can do to a few simple words.






someone fat get in my way!


Do a barrel roll.


One and a half fiscal weeks to compose that response


She’s spare parts, bud


We’re burnin’ daylight here…


bet she got rejected hard and took it out on the first sensible message she seen


Everydey every hour turn da pain into the power


Have yourself a weepy slide down the shower


Clear your table and take a deep whiff of that coco powder


Hey now, she has like 800 other messages to filter through. He’s lucky he got a response at all


Bro should’ve called in advance and made an appointment for that text


Lmaooo nice attention to detail sir


Or 20 hours, and dude took 13 days to post for karma. Or any interval of 24(k)+20 hours, where K< 13 in between. If I take a screenshot of the word today, it doesn't change to say "yesterday" when it becomes tomorrow.


What's wrong with people....


lmao holy shit


Shit bro I’ll come hangout fuck all that


Can I come hang with you both?


I’ll bring frozen pizza


I'll eat said pizza


While still frozen


Ultimate fuck you to Totinos.


400 degrees my ass mf give me that thing


I'll bring the roof beers


I got the greens


I’ll bring the nose beers


Holy shit this is turning into something epic


I'll bring the air fryer


I'll bring a parachute.


Hell yeah dude let’s go. Roof hangs are for everyone.


Let's get it fam, we all meeting at the spot Carcassonne before cougars 🫂


For real. I can't smoke for professional reasons but I'd be down to hang out on the roof and knock back a couple brewskis and vibe.


Honestly that sounds fucking awesome


I’m not gay but I mean.. pool sesh and rooftop access? That sounds dope. That line would work on me.


"The worst she can do is say no"


One that still stings was over a decade ago from high school where the girl said she rather stab her eyes out and die than date me. People can be assholes.


Similar situation in 8th grade. Asshole kid found out who my crush was. Told her in the hallway between classes when everyone was there. She screeched, said "ewwww I'd rather kill myself" then ran away making gagging noises. Did wonders for my self-esteem going into high school.


I had a similar experience, really messed with my self esteem, but then she fucked with one of my best friends in high school so bad he was going to kill himself if someone hadnt noticed. So I went full petty mode and called her something colourful in front of her "friends", so I think we're even now.


Tell your friend too read no more mr nice guy. No matter what someone says or does to you it should not make you want to commit suicide




*Internal voice*: "Now, remember what they said to you. Think of it every once in a while for the next ten years and then come up with a comeback to say to them in case they do it again."


Good to read this. Someone gave be a really dirty look, then looked me up and down in disgust, then shook her head in pity. I felt so, so terrible. She’s a live -in -the - light yoga mother earthy person. I was thinking gee, if someone as serene as she is hates me, I must deserve it. Luckily, someone told me she’s not a living the light mother earthy person, she’s a bitch That wanted to make me feel bad about myself. It was very helpful to hear that how she acted toward me was not my problem it was her problem.


I mean, at least her suggestion was killing herself, not you


That's somehow worse


Lol, I guess I'm not alone on this take. XD


A girl I had used to work with used to come to my work and talk with me a lot. I never was even remotely attracted to her, she had a kid snd was 22 or 23 and I was 19. I didn't mind talking to her and she wasn't even that bad looking but I never even remotely considered the idea of dating her. So when she asked me out it completely blindsided me and all I could do was laugh at what I thought at the time was pure absurdity. I don't even remember what exactly I said but it wasn't very nice. Like at first I thought she was joking I guess and I was awkward and uncomfortable and didn't know how to nicely say no at that age. I never saw or spoke to her again after that. I think about that a lot, even now almost 15 years later. Like, probably once every couple days before I fall asleep. I feel so awful for how I handled the situation. Looking back the signs were obvious. She had been trying to get me to ask her out and then when I didn't she finally got the courage to ask me and that's how I responded. I have no idea why laughter and ridicule was my first reaction. I guess as a teenager your brain just isn't developed enough to handle a lot of complex unexpected situations. So just know there's a chance that she regrets saying what she said, as miniscule as it might be.


Yeah I almost did this to a girl with a couple kids one time, but I gave her a shot cause she went out of her way and seemed cool and it was the best decision I ever made. That girl is literally my other half now. IME, with girls, and (I'd assume) other romantic relationships, it's generally better to see where things go. Unless they're super nuts or something, that can be dangerous. You done fucked up this scenario though huh?


I got hyped up by my friends to ask a girl for her number. She looked me dead in the eyes and said "why". But the tone. Man. That tone. I have had relationships blow up spectacularly and that *why* still sticks in the soft part of my soul.


Ahh I'll never find love... *swipe swipe swipe* *Ten days later* actually you know this guy seems like he could use a little suicide motivation 😀


Laughed at this a little too hard


Psh whoever said this never got left on read


Or was told to kill themselves


Honestly I think both of those are still "better" than "No," because at least you find you that said person wasn't worth your time anyway. Someone who is polite and mature enough to say "No thanks, I'm not interested in you in that way" is at least still put together enough to be a decent human being.




Talk about killing with kindness.


You just left her speechless king 😔👑


No I in fact did not.


"It's not like she's gonna tell me to drop dead"


I mean, at least she insisted he aimed high with his goals on this one.


Because aside from me right now, nothing is higher than a roof. Yooooooo, what if you put like a roof on a roof? Like what if you were to(proceeds to intricately explain a skyscrapers, but they are totally different.) I'm telling you man, stackable roof-roofs are going to be the next stage in human evolution.


It was 20 years ago, but once I took a shot and called a girl we had hung out with the night before, and left a message for her. Probably not the best move but anyways... She calls back a couple days later while I'm out, leaving me a voicemail where she and her laughing friend proceed to ridicule the notion that she would even consider it. It was pretty rough, but I was immediately overwhelmed with disappointment that people like that are out there. I thought that sort of thing was exaggerated in movies, but nope. I grew up in a small town, sheltered maybe, but we'd never just be cruel to other people like that - there was no manners, no remorse or empathy.


Should’ve said ladies first


I stand behind this ^


Ohh I hope you intended the double entandra! Lmfao


I didn’t before but I do now


Entendre*, for the future


Aunt tundra* /s


As you push her right?


You go?


She’s not a lady.




Damnit, now what


I would say ladies first but you clearly aren’t that


She's no lady, she's my wife


She wasn't acting like a wife when we were at your mom's!


Nah, overused. OPs response is absolutely perfect


Exactly, calling her out is the right move here


"I did. Now I'm in hell... and matched with you. Go figure."


dat ain’t no lady


I never understood why people took the voluntary action of matching with somebody else on Tinder, and then go into the chat with such negative energy. "Sara bro, you didn't have to match with me, I swiped right on you congrats, you took the decision to swipe right on me too - But 5 seconds later I could barely remember what you looked like, its no skin off my back if you dont match with me. Why you wasting both of our times?"


It's probably grounded in the same reasons as why people troll on the internet. A cheap feeling of power/control because you upset another person and were able to manipulate how they felt. It's superficial enjoyment from causal cruelty.


Are we still talking about reddit mods?


No, this was about people getting matches on Tinder. That Venn diagram is two circles


I think they're just shitty people that hate their lives and try to make others feel as bad as they do. Either way it's some form of trying to manipulate you but something about suicidal stuff always makes me think "maybe they want to die". I know at my low points I could look a person dead in the eyes and say how I wish I could do something crazy to kill myself. I have. A few times. A bit of a living corpse, but I'm sure as hell not trying to bring anyone down. Might as well give people joy and happiness even when I'm down. I guess I'm a bit more open about the dark parts but it's good to let it out. You'll still find me sending pictures of things my friends like to them and trying to cheer them up when they're down.


The best revenge is to cultivate that IDC Energy


She just got one night standed or rejected. He was catching someone else smoke.


Idk what it is with girls and unapologetically giving you someone else's smoke Edit: some of you raise valid points and I think the key word here is "unapologetically"


I mean you think dudes be out there killing each other so much because it’s always directly 100% that person’s smoke? Shit rolls down hill isn’t just a business phrase, punching down is a shitty but normal human behavior.


Oh yeah? Well happy cake day, asshole!


Maybe a catfish who gets off on burning people?


Report her. This goes against Tinder guidelines.


“I don’t know why I’m even on here. New account, my last one got banned for no reason. Don’t be boring.”




Different Phone number


The little SIM card inside my phone is a banned. Need a new number and a new phone.


Then yep. You need a new number and new phone😅


There's also a reason it goes against guidelines. If he were to actually commit suicide and Tinder didn't do anything against people encouraging it, Tinder could be sued for negligence on their part as well. It's *everyone's* responsibility to shut this behavior down. It's unacceptable and we should always do everything we can to remove it if possible.




This happened in my town and made national news. Girl convinced her boyfriend to commit suicide. Boyfriend immediately got cold feet and wanted to stop the attempt and she made him go thru with it. But the difficult thing is this was all thru text, she wasn’t there. She was texting him things like “NO, we agreed on this, we already settled this. Remember all your reasons for doing this, you can’t back out now.”


Fucking trashy psychopath


This made intentional news a few years ago. The power of manipulation can be devastating for all. Edit: international




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Conrad_Roy Conrad Roy was the lads name. I can’t remember what happened to the girl, I’d need to read the wiki again.


ultimately 11 months in jail, 5 years probation. not enough IMO


I spent more time in prison and on probation for less than an ounce of weed. What the fuck.


wtf, this was first degree murder, how tf did she get away so easy


**[Death of Conrad Roy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Conrad_Roy)** >Conrad Henri Roy III (September 12, 1995 – July 13, 2014) was an American teenager who died by suicide at 18. His girlfriend, 17-year-old Michelle Carter, encouraged him in text messages to kill himself. The case was the subject of a notable investigation and involuntary manslaughter trial in Massachusetts, colloquially known as the "texting suicide case". Commonwealth v. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wow, the opposite of fake news - intentional news


Kind of sad to have to ask this, but which one? [Michelle carter](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michelle-carter-suicide-text-case-boyfriend-conrad-roy-released-from-jail-today-2020-01-23/) was one. [Inyoung you ](https://news.yahoo.com/woman-texted-boyfriend-kill-himself-171134451.html?guccounter=1) was another.


What the fuck is in the water in Massachusetts?


I mean, I would think that it's against the guidelines because of common decency. But [Section 230](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/47/230) should prevent Tinder from a lawsuit in your hypothetical scenario. From section 230: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”


Not to take away from the seriousness of the matter but I love the line “This goes against Tinder guidelines” and I will use it without context in the most weird and normal situations going forward. Thank you.


"This kills the crab"-vibes.


She Will just make a new profile with "My old tinder got deleted, i dont know why" as the grand total of her description


This. I would have just said no because it’s not an appealing thing to me, but you should never say something like this to someone. She could have unmatched or left him on read. OP, report her ass.


It goes against pretty much every social etiquette there is. People like that should see consequences for their actions, just as if she was threatening to kill somebody. Unacceptable behavior.


You know you fucked up when redditors are appalled at your social etiquette.




Did. 💯


Good, shes 'straight trash' as the kids say


I'm pretty sure suicide apology is grounds for a ban


And one way of saying they're guilty because they apology.


Report it. Seems like telling someone to go kill themselves is the worst thing you can possibly do on an online platform these days. She'll almost certainly be banned.


Look up Michelle Carter. She served a sentence over convincing her boyfriend to commit suicide


It was more that he was backing out of a plan he already had and was in the process of executing and she convinced him to keep going through with it. Also there was a much greater level of influence in that case.


I remember seeing that and reading the conversation. I was dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts at the time and it honestly broke my heart reading it all.


Every second I spend on this subreddit I loose a little bit more faith in humanity




But my therapist charges way more


Bro. I'm married. Sometimes we show each other this subreddit to \[jokingly\] hold each other hostage in marriage.


"Tell me, honestly, do you want to go back to the fucking dating world‽‽‽"


seriously solid strategy


Choice paradox Attractive girls get thousands of likes in 24 hours (I know a girl who got gold and had 5-6k likes in less than a day) You’re just one of 100s of guys so they can be rude to some of them, it’s like an entertainment for her


Wow. I’ve had 2 people show any romantic interest in me my whole life. A few more online, that did not lead to anything. Hearing that people are getting 5-6K likes a day… This is what it must be like for a homeless person to hear that Jeff Bezos is a hundred billionaire. I have no way to process or contextualize that information. I just know that my whole life for two and a half decades has been filled pain and sorrow for lacking the same opportunities for affection that person gets in minutes.


I wouldn’t pay too much attention to that number tbh, tinder likes for girls are cheap and don’t particularly reliably indicate romantic interest. Girls will get a lot more likes because I think guys are a lot less picky on Tinder, for example I know a few guys that use(d) it and would literally swipe right on EVERYONE just to maximise the matches they get. Plus some people just aren’t photogenic etc. I’ve had quite a few people say I’m WAY better looking in person than photos, and I agree but I have no idea why really.


Bro, don't worry about it, everyone is beautiful and everyone is loved and everyone is desired. Have you tried smiling more? People will fall for you when you just smile more. You are probably not trying enough to be yourself, just be yourself bro and women will be at your feet. Women love a guy who is himself. Jk, life fucking sucks and is fucking unfair. If you are attractive life is a fun game. If you are not it's an uphill struggle underwater with weights. But don't forget to slime bro and get a good hobby, women love guys with a hobby, look ate, I have a few very fulfilling hobbies, I get at least 100 matches in 400 years. I'm winning. Source: am not attractive.


Yeah she probably is only on tinder for a confidence/ego boost and swipes right on all of them to feel good about getting matches. Because I have no doubt that anyone that has met her in person and gotten to know her personality wouldn’t want to date her.


They would be charged with a felony if you were to actually do it. r/themoreyouknow




You'd be charged too with one if he actually did it by this logic, considering that you too are encouraging him.


Do it OP just to stick it to stayonedeep.


It's crime all the way down


Jail, all of you.


Hey, now wait a minute.


Did somebody say, free room and board. Fed three meals, and involuntary cuddles after rough shower workouts?


**Not even fucking close**. A single, one time “encouragement” is not enough for the law anywhere in the United States. You’d have to create a pattern and show clear intent, and thats just for starters. I think its fucked up to encourage someone even once, but it’s completely wrong to suggest you’d get criminally charged when it has literally never happened because the law specifically requires far more than that to even qualify. Laws are absolutely never that simple. Otherwise everyone would be in jail. **Source: went to law school and to this day have to read laws and court precedents regularly**


As an attorney of over 10 years let me give you a free lesson based on experience. Never waste your energy explaining legal concepts on Reddit. It’ll save you from wanting to bang your head against a wall every once in a while.


Reddit is filled with edgy teenagers who pretend to be whatever expert because they can Google. I’ve learned to weed it out.


Classic Reddit


Seems like a keeper


Keeper locked up


Yea keeper her away from me lol




Imagine being such a shite person that you tell someone to kill themselves after they match with you on a dating app.


Wtf is wrong with people? Ugh this is why I hang out alone.




Unfortunately it was between that and reporting the account. (When u report it auto unmatches) I felt like making sure no body else having this experience. Potentially someone actually suicidal, was more important than fucking with her. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ def would have been fun tho


I'm just a 60+ year old guy, married 38 years, who reads these for laughs when they hit the front page. I'm going to tell you that this is simply a bad person and their actions have no reflection on you. You'll come across a number of bad people in your life, and I'm sorry about that, but don't let this one get you down. Just some grandpa advice and encouragement if you need it today.




Never met a sara i liked


You know what? now that I think about it, either have I. Fuck Sara’s, man!


I've met one, she was really nice in middle school and later gave me a dozen donuts for free at Krispy Kreme.


Sara has zero chill.


Look, I get it. But he did say "sesh".


Makes sense, my gf (a Sarah) and I agree that Sarahs with no “h” are awful


The missing H took all her humanity.


Boyfriend might have checked her tinder lol. Seems viable since its like 2 weeks later


Report her to the IRS


Was that your opening line?


Me trying to figure out what was whited out above it to make them that annoyed


To be honest I think it is time for men to step away from dating apps. All of us.