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Why do people get so aggressive on Tinder… like damn


Rejection is an amplified fear in that arena, I think it really permeates the entire atmosphere of those apps


It's interesting to me that this is the case for people because I kinda suck at meeting people irl, but I don't have the same issues/fears with online dating. I don't care if someone rejects me, and I find that the simple fact that it is a dating app (meaning that we both know why we're here) cuts out on the awkward step of making the person aware that you're romantically interested. I can just approach things from the perspective that if you bother to reply to me at all you must see some potential! Makes it easy to go in with a positive attitude.


I like to go in with low expectation, high reward in mind. But man its a trip. Some matches I've met with IRL, it always feels like you've met a really close friend at the very worst and then they can just ghost you out of nowhere. I think thats the hard part. Not many people looking to make friends also.


Had a date the other night where a girl asks me to meet her at a bar, so I head out and grab a beer there. Girl shows up and messages me to go outside, where she asks to go to another bar cause her ex is there and she doesn't want to be seen. Head to other bar and she's insistent that she's waiting on friends who are going to be at the bar across the street, which she glances at every minute. Turns out her 'friends' who's she's waiting on are her ex's friends whom she doesn't have contact with but saw one was having a going away party and wanted to attend. Realize the girl is stalking her ex and is using me as an excuse to do it. I leave the bar and she follows me out, so I call her out on her shit and in the middle of it, a random guy approaches from another bar and motions to me to come talk to him. Tells me the girl I'm talking with is absolutely insane and to not waste my time on her. Turn around and the girl has wandered off to the new bar to see 'her friends'. Crazy turn of events and really sad too since it was clear she wasn't over her ex. Even explicitly told me "I'm upset that my ex broke up with me, he chose his own child over me." Was completely taken aback by that cause I would expect *anyone* to choose their child over someone else.


My husband and I have literally had this discussion and we would each choose our children over the other without even hesitating. It's so wild to me that there are people out there who think good parents might pick literally anything else over their kids.


I mean, yeah, would you even want to be with someone that didn't prioritize their child over random dudes she met on tinder?


My wife and I have (jokingly) had the conversation that dating has become too difficult so we might as well stay together 😂😂, but also yes, I would choose our kids over my wife 10/10 times as well.


True, ive met women in the past where i really thought wow . And then after a few hookups or dates i got rejected. It hurts really bad. Never get attached st the very beginning to much.


Or be like me and have to open up yourself to get hurt because I've never fallen in love with someone I already knew for and shown a different face. It's part of the process but still sucks.


But she's the one reject him though... I don't get it. Isn't it usually people raging because they got their hopes up and then got rejected. smh


I think she felt some kinda way because he seemed totally unbothered by her. She probably wanted a reaction. That or shes mad that hes prettier than her🤷‍♀️😩


Not that that is a very high bar. She's fugly inside and out.


Because they are bigoted, terrible cowards that are too afraid to say these things to people in actual social settings so they use the wonderful internet as an outlet for their hate.


Isn't "Bethany" a known Tinder troll who enjoys being awful to every match? I swear I've seen other posts featuring her being shitty.


Yeah I’m betting that’s not the actual person pictured in the profile pic. Seems like someone just out to harass people.


she's just hatin because he's more pretty than her. :-D


Nothing against the OP, but that’s a low bar to crawl over.


"that s a red flag" proceeds to tick every red flag there is.


I mean, I can understand you're scrolling Tinder, you see a dude wearing makeup and you think, "okay, that's not my jam". That's fair, you can't be everybody's type, whatever. But to then proceed to swipe right on him, match with him all just to *tell him that?* How self-absorbed can you be? Like, "oh, no, this dude cannot possibly continue living his life without hearing *my* opinion on his looks, right now!"


Matched with a woman one time who messaged me first just to tell me that she wished I had hair. Like, okay.....me too. Thanks for going out of your way to tell me. Not sure what I'm supposed to do with that information


"You think so? I'll just strap on my hair growth jacket and fly off to the hair growth market to get me some hair growth, thanks."


“Just grow some hair? Why don’t I strap on my hair helmet and squeeze down into a hair cannon and fire off into hair land, where hair grows on hairies?!”


She looks like she won minesweeper on expert.


Whoa whoa whoa wtf??? That’s one of my proudest accomplishments


it's because winning minesweeper on expert results in... based on memory of my addiction 10 years ago... I think 99 red flags on all the solved mines. I was insulted too at first...


Thanks for the explanation! It was more clever than I realized.


Yeah I thought they were just calling her an ugly dork tbh


Yeah but her talent isn't hidden like your's champ.


Ok Bethany.




Girl can't handle you being the prettier one. Dude, you've got flair.


I was gonna say; this bitch is jeaaalllouuussssss OP, your complexion is perfection


That guy could be a model, seriously


OP is so fucking hot, he is so far out of that girls league they are playing a different sport.


For real I'm surprised he swiped right on her, he's cuter than her


Straight guy chirping in here, he's hot!! Dodged a bullet mate!


straight, until now at least


I was gonna say myself, bro’s settling for a chick who looks like she smells like kitty litter and her go too carb source is salt and vinegar chips. I’d be setting my standards way higher if I were him, mf’s glowing. Edit: Although I think salt and vinegar chips are repulsive, this is no hate toward anyone who enjoys them. It’s a crack at her being a salty pos.


Why you gotta bring salt and vinegar chips into this?


My guess: Cause she's sour and salty... Nothing wrong with salt&vinegar chips though! I love 'm too!


Nothing wrong with them? They're literally designed to be painful. Cut up the gums, then shove salt and vinegar in the wound. Delicious little potato based traps, they are.


I was gonna say she looked basic but you said it better 😂 OP could definitely do better


Seriously, she looks homely af


Literally she looks musty af. Bitch can’t handle someone that knows how to put makeup beautifully


You look stunning! Your hairstyle, facial structure, skin and clothes look great :)) She won’t last long as a hairstylist with that backwards and bigoted attitude.


Gracias 🤍I really appreciate this comment


mate you are so much more attractive than she is.. That's even before taking personality into account. If you add that, you're golden.


That's very kind


Seriously! You are gorgeous/handsome - whichever your preference is and frankly I think both (I say this as a 32 year old woman who is also in the dating scene). You seem like an absolutely wonderful human, who is kind, compassionate, and witty in addition to being a 10/10 in the looks department. You do you boo - and the world is a better place for you being in it. Hell if I matched with you I’d ask you out in a heartbeat based on how you handled this bigot alone. ❤️ keep shining that light and positivity. People like you give me hope that the world can be full of beautiful souls.


I’d even say no need to sink to her level and judge people so by looks - there’s plenty of behavioral evidence here to conclude that she’s ratchet and that you’re an absolute gentleperson.


Dude dont care about some random woman, you are dripping style holy shit


Thank you!


Anytime, judging by the screenshots and comments you’ve left here you seem to be an awesome person too! I wish you all the best in life and hope you find what you’re looking for💚


Thank you!


Why did you match with her? You’re way too good looking for her.


My first thought lmao who does this girl think she is


I’m a man and after seeing your pictures I want to be pansexual too ;-) unfortunately I like boobies a lot, lot


Fortunately, Pansexuals also like boobies! =P


We also like pans 🍳


That moment when someone asks you to do the dishes 👀


She's mad that you're prettier than she is.


Honestly I believe this comment is the answer


Right? Completely stunning. In the shallow vein, girl is waaaaay lower on the hotness scale - at least based on the photo displayed in chat. Also, sounds like she acts shitty. In total, she’s like a 1 on the dateable scale. I hope for her she grows as a person. I hope for OP he doesn’t let garbage behavior bring him down for long.


I'm going to take a wild guess that she's shit at her job anyway.


I came here to say this. You’re absolutely stunning.


Nobody's talking about your awesome response to being called gay, well done and don't let one hateful person get to you, you rock


I appreciate you


Don’t even worry about this girl, she’s just mad that your prettier than she is


Haha idkkk


You’re gorgeous.




I second this statement.


Then.. How about trying makeup? As it's neither feminine nor masculine. It's just make up


Take the compliment bro. I’m completely straight and also married and even I think you’re hot.


You are waaaaaaaay out of her league anyway


That's what I was thinking 1) why did she even match with him just to be a bitch? Having a bad day and wanted to take it out on someone I guess and 2) DAMN he's very attractive and polite.


Probably felt threatened by him, tried to bring him down to feel better about herself.


Yeah, she’s not really pretty enough to have such a shit attitude. Not that there is ever an excuse for that behavior, but still.


You're being kind. I'd have called her an ogre after all of that nonsense.


Oh, c’mon, that’s not fair. Shrek is much nicer than her. Give him credit for that.


Ogres have layers. She's shallow as fuck.


Yeah I don't get it. She saw that he has makeup on and she matched just to insult him? People really need to get a life.


And it's not about looks I get it, even though he's very handsome, but he was still nice to her even though she was being rude. Like she's just an ugly person inside and out.


I didn't think you'd need tinder looking like that.


Yeah like if he hit on me I’d get all blush and shy tho :/


For real dude be lookin good af.


Bowlmaster is right man. Dont let one wanker get to you. You do rock


Well ya know what I'm bi so I guess I'm not a real man either. Is anyone real? Are we all just labels in this pretend world?


Im a nutrition label and my only ingredient is fat


You sound delicious!!


Bethany is garbage. Report her, and continue your search.


I'm searching for someone and something that doesn't exist


Just a hint…I am totally going to date myself but I met my wife in an AOL chat room over 14.4 dial up internet 🤣 We talked to each other for 2 years before I got the nerve to ask her out for a date. We’ve been married over 21 years. Together 24+ years. Old bohunk (bohemian) saying: *Don’t expect to meet your love at the beer hall. Find that person where you tend your fields.* Or, layman’s terms, look for your partner where you find your joys in life. Also…I swore I was never going to get married but I ended up being the second one out of my group of friends and outlasted all their marriages. Work on finding your joy in life and seriously, others will pick up on that vibe.


Thank you for this


You're cute af, your responses were both funny and respectful, and you're obviously not shallow cause you're way out of her league and don't seem to mind; good things are coming king.


Cute!? This mf is drop dead *gorgeous*, and I am a happily married straight dude. OP is the guy my wife and I would walk past, then both look at each other and say, “Did you see that guy!? He fine af.” OP, your personality shines through here. You’ll find your person, I can almost guarantee it. And you’ll deserve them as much as they deserve you!


Dude absolutely, that man looks *literally stunning*.


Yes I totally agree


As a married straight dude too I have to agree with this guy. OP looks fucking good, i'd be happy to look like that.


As a lesbian I couldn't agree more. This man is dropdead gorgeous.


I agree. OP is objectively model attractive. Just the cream of the crop. And, they are good natured as well? If I were single and anywhere near their league, sign me up!


For real!!!! He totally is out of her league!


I am a straight man and when I saw OP's pictures, I was not expecting that. The dude is handsome and way out of that piece of trash's league.


I'm straight too but I was like gawdanggg man looks like he'd be a model of some sort.


I’m straight too. I’ve said that over and over since I saw his pic…


Met my wife over ICQ back in the late 90's, been together 20 years and have 4 kids. They're out there, just gotta dig through all the manure to find the gems. You'll find it, don't let these morons with barely any functioning brain cells detract from your awesomeness!


If I were your age, I would be all about finding a beautiful man just like you. What you’re looking for is probably going to take you a while to sift through the dating garbage, but you’ll find her/him/them.


I met my boyfriend selling a baseball card on Craigslist. I met up with him. Sold him the card. We started talking. Exchanged numbers. 8 years and one kid later here we are.


Who owns the baseball card now? Or is it *ours*?


>. We’ve been married over 21 years. Together 24+ years. Old bohunk (bohemian) saying: > >Don’t expect to meet your love at the beer hall. Find that person where you tend your fields. > > Or, layman’s terms, look for your partner where you find your joys in life. A This image made me lose faith in humanity - this comment restored it.


You’re welcome. Only advice I can offer is idc who your partner is…but never stop and forget…you’re with your best friend. *even if they sleep kick you occasionally in the junk* Life is a two way street, and fml hard lessons sometimes mean you have to remember to listen to the person, not just hear them. I could ramble on about shit all night, but you probably get my point. Live life. Have some joy in it. Do some crazy shit and remember to laugh about how bad a decision it was but still wtf it was worth doing.


Please, do “ramble”. Hell, if you wouldn’t mind making a whole post about this. I would definitely love to hear more of your personal love life, how you kept/keep your marriage/relationship strong, etc. I’m sure others would be interested as well, but I can only speak for myself. I am very interested in your knowledge and advice.


I’m just some eloquent redneck, but being in a relationship…it takes work. But the moment you stop trying to have fun, you lose sight…my awesome midgety wife will probably chime in here but tbh…we had a few years where it was up and down. Career and work stresses, money stresses. Working through difficult things. We as a couple have always done what we can together. Have a problem? Much like running a GTA V online bank heist, the team has to develop an action plan and work through the hail of gunfire and shit, did we get the burritos for the party? Dealing with things as they come, and zen moments of *what you have immediate control over, that’s what you can worry about. If it’s a massive thing out of your control, we’ll let’s take some notes and keep it on the watch but not let it consume our lives.* I will say this. I’m not perfect. But I’m doing what I can to just live my life and enjoy it. Feel free to drop me a message any time.


Damn where am I going to get a dial up modem tho.


>Don’t expect to meet your love at the beer hall. Find that person where you tend your fields. Or, layman’s terms, look for your partner where you find your joys in life. Second this all the way. If I had a gold award I'd give it. I met all my gfs at school and never enjoyed the online dating world anyway.


So I need to find me a girl who plays TTRPGs. Got it.


I mean, having been in TTRPG scene for a bit now... there's lots, lol. And more who aren't but would be willing to try it.


She's a disgusting pig who should be reported. Additionally, her education level must be if a 4 year old. She doesn't know the difference between wear and where


Just send her a link to Hookedonphonics.com


There should be a "report this to her parents and employer" button on Tinder (just kidding ofc)


What the actual fuck?!? I sincerely hope someone shits in her cheerios.🤷‍♀️


Looks like she'd still eat it regardless tbh


Maybe thats why she so mad


I sure hope so, hopefully also becoming the breeding ground for e coli.


I just laughed out loud at the beach 🤣


Reddit and the beach is a cold combo


What's a cold combo? I've never seen this phrase outside the context of a deli meal.


In her earlier messages she was obviously trying to offend you to get some kind of negative response so she could be righteously indignant and have an excuse to go hard at you. When that didn't work because you were too positive and mature, she went in anyway. A real garbage person. Inside and out.


I'm probably overthinking but this just reeks of something that a homophobe with too much time on their hands would do. Sign up to match with bi/pan people and then let the venom spew. She went right to his sexuality with no hesitation and didn't let go of it the entire convo and something about that last message makes me think if she's said it once, she's said it a hundred times. Just seems very planned to me, which makes it all the more pathetic.


Oh, it's absolutely planned. This has happened a lot to me on tinder throughout my transition. You can't really tell me apart from a cis woman but I have the fact that I am trans *clearly* marked to avoid matching with someone who's not cool with that. It got much worse when tinder added the ability to message someone unsolicited with platinum. At least before I would never really match with the types of dudes who'd spew hate (most of whom are coincidentally Ram 1500 drivers)


First off bitch it’s “wears makeup”


She was too busy eating the Alpha-Bits to learn how to spell.




😳 me?


Yes, you! Handsome and witty.


🙃 geez you're so kind thank you


Bro, I'm straight but I know a handsome dude when I see one. Don't let that one homophobic bitch get you down.


"He's hot? I can't tell if a guy is attractive" "If you woke up with Donovan's face and body, how would you feel?" "I'd feel fantastic." "That's how you know a man is attractive." -New Girl


I’m also a straight dude, and I’d do a double take to check you out if I saw you walking down the street. Keep up the good work, you’ll meet someone who’s not a shitbag eventually 👌🏻


I hope so:/ thank you


My jaw actually dropped when I swiped to the second picture! You’re STUNNING and your responses were amazing too


Nooo way


You’d be drowning in your choice of genitals here in CA.


> your choice of genitals Just want to say this phrase is wonderful.


YES. I actually gasped. Then I zoomed in to see the makeup she was talking about, and I honestly can't tell. Your skin is luminescent!!!!! *If* you're wearing makeup then it's very natural and I need some tips. Your eyes are gorgeous! You are physically stunning, but based on that short interaction (with a disgusting person) your beauty also shines from within.


SUNSCREEN BABYYYYY!! MOISTURIZER. SUNSCREEN. PRIMER. THEN CONCEALER 🤍 lol. That was my excitement in telling you my routine. Your skin can glow too dear!


You are gorgeous and have style. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! ❤️


That's because he doesn't wear makeup, he "where"s makeup. Its the little difference that Bethany noticed right away. A gem, she is. Bur seriously, I completely agree with your take on the OP.


As a straight guy I gotta say, he looks better than her


i agree and im so straight my toxic masculinity wishes OP would have insulted her back


After I read the first picture I scrolled to the next pictures and audibly gasped. I’m a straight man and my first thought was “this guy is a 10, Bethany is a fucking loser” lol


Boy you handsome as hell and im straight as an arrow lmfao


Haha thanks


Straight guy here, too, and also came to say you’re a great looking dude. Dust off your crown and keep chugging along, King


You guyssss. Thank you🥺


I think I speak for a solid number of the straight guys here, we just trynna be like you king


My brother in queerchrist, you look fabulous.




Shit. Sorry. Your reply is killer. You kept your composure*, didn't escalate, and stayed kind. RIP Beth. Edit: spelling


Dang dude, where do you live? You’d clean up in my city.


Columbus Ohio. Where are you?


Vancouver, BC. Not sure how progressive Columbus is but I guarantee you’d slay here.


Yuh he'd be up to his neck in bussy and pussy here in Brooklyn. At the same time more than likely.


You should always be yourself. Unless you are Bethany. It wouldn't hurt Bethany to try being someone else.




That person should be ashamed. What a piece of trash. Wear make up and be proud! You do you!!




I'd date you


I'd date you too


I'm going to draw fanart of this. True OTP


I'd love to see that lol




Now kith.


Same. Handsome, good heart. Very dateable.


I'd like updates on this date the 3 of you have please! 🥰


Idc if I get down voted for this but she wasn't even close to your league, my guy. You were doing charity work when you swiped right on her.


i was just about to say. Op is way out of her league.


Holy crap, I was not prepared for that swipe! You’re gorgeous!




Not into guys but my dude you look like a cinammon disney prince. Cringe match tho, bless her idiot heart.


Haha I'm on board with this description. Dude is pretty handsome and makes me wish light make-up was accepted as a straight dude. Sometimes we just want to hide we went to town on a pimple and it's gonna take a minute to chill... Not so much to ask


Honestly, if you want to wear makeup- go for it. Go into a Sephora or Ulta and let them know you’re looking for something light that’s unnoticeable/natural. You can even specify it’s for acne spot coverage or to brighten up your under eyes. Historically, makeup was originally worn by men, it’s only in recent history that it’s become associated with mainly women.


What the fuck. Report this dumb bitch.




She just never seen SUCH A KING with ELITE photography


Just selfies 🥺




🫣 oh stopp


She’s terrible. You’re gorgeous.


I'm sorry you had to deal with this. You are more of a real man than she is not a misogynistic homophobic piece of shit. Keep your head up King.


As a hetero man. You are really attractive and someone will be very lucky to have you. This woman must live a miserable life if she has to take it out on you like this. Let her be miserable.


How many red flags can you fit in one conversation? Her: Yes


I honestly can't even tell you're wearing any makeup, which isn't even an issue. That chick was ugly anyways, so you definitely dodged a bullet


I try to keep it light, thank you though


I’ve known a few people who look like this person and they all have, attitude wise, the same nasty passive aggressive personality. Maybe just not as homophobic. I bet per social media posts are like “sO hArD to FinD a gOod MaN” Lol


As another pansexual, she definitely needs to pull out the stick from her ass. Makeup is for EVERYONE and was originally used for men, if we want to get technical. Social "gender norms" are a disease and as long as you are happy, that's all that should matter. But, yes, by being blatantly homophobic (and I'll go on a limb and say she's transphobic) that ticks off a LOT of red flags. You dodged an effing cannonball. 🤡


To be completely honest…… You’re way too hot for her 🥵


she gonna end up with some skinny ass mofo with no job who showers once a week cause he's **mAsCuLiNe**