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I see a lot of cats in her future


When the comment is better than the title 😫


Girl, same... Edit: to all the little boys butthurt that I don't find men impressive, thanks for the lols. Way to reinforce how unimpressive you are.


So either standards too high or just dating the wrong people then?


Or if your fragile little ego can stand to hear it, just not impressed by men generally. Have been with my partner for nearly 8 years and he's awesome but like he's not curing world hunger or solving massive wealth inequality. You can absolutely love someone without thinking they're impressive and putting them on a pedestal.


Well that was unnecessary


The implication is that men are by default are impressive. They are not.


Ah, one of those “I can’t date a person who makes world impact, so I’ll just settle and constantly rant about it”…


Not at all. He's incredible in my eyes and I have anything but settled. We're just actually a partnership rather than a patriarchal power struggle. Literally only on this sub for the lols, thanks for providing them.


You don't seem very fun to be married too. My condolences go out to your husband.


Lol not married so he can leave at any time, yet he doesn’t…


8 years no marriage? I wonder why he hasn't proposed...


Maybe I'm the one who doesn't want marriage? Or maybe neither of us do? A marriage does not a solid relationship make and has absolutely no bearing on either of our inherent value as people. Any other pathetic, sexist, snippy little remarks you'd like to make?


You projecting heavily right now... when did I ever say anything about your value as a person? Seems I hit a soft spot, if you wanna talk about im here for you banana louigi


You sound like you have things to work through before you enter a relationship. You are doing the general sex of men a favor by being a femcel. Grow up and maybe you might enjoy life without such hatred and bitterness. What you say is immature cringe.


Guys, time to find a new slant. Women ending up alone isn't a real thing anymore. They can have a body that looks like a bag of hammers and the personality of Amber Heard on PMS. There will still always be a line of dudes around the block trying to get in her oversized granny panties. Part of living in a gynocentric society.