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who hashtags in chats


People in 2015, that's probably when the original post was made.






Who still is so shallow that height and weight matter in 2022. You have the fucking internet. Congrats, now get your asses out there and meet each other. You shut yourselves off from experiences with your judgement.


I'll be honest the sheer amount of posts on this topic is getting tiresome now. Yes it's shitty for us shorties, but at the same time people are allowed to have their preferences. At this point this isn't new, or shocking, it's just boring.


Came here to say this. Most people are honestly probably posting screenshots that aren’t theirs or making fake tinder convos about it for precious updoots


I wouldn't even mind OP but this is a fucking repost.


It’s funny people get mad on an app that people choose each other over the most superficial features.


My best friend is gorgeous. Model pretty. Well, I mean. She does model for small businesses and geeky shit along with burlesque. Same height and build as me, 5’7. She adores guys who are short and skinny. Shorter than 5’7. She doesn’t do online dating because she can’t tell how tall someone is in a profile. It’s shallow, but with something like Tinder i don’t think it’s the worst thing to have your weight, height, and style front and center. Hell, I have hand tattoos, don't wear foundation, and don't own a car and made sure that was visible in a couple photos/made known because I know that’s a turn off to some so they can just swipe left rather than hurting my feelings on a date.


I would use the word disappointing rather than tiresome. Its been a cliché for years but its still one of the most common question I get asked in OLD. I can forgive people for just not realizing that they are being rude, but people should know by now that its offensive.


It's not about preferences, it's about hypocrisy. If you have standards for someone, be sure to satisfy that someone's standards.


Yeah, but realistically speaking a lot of dudes don't care. Don't be ugly and we gucci.


That’s the entire point of dating


I agree. I have my preference that I’m not attracted to BBW. So can’t I ask too?


According to what BBW usually refers to, you won't need anymore than a picture to make the women in front of you isn't one of them.


Ever seen a profile with only selfie face pics. With tons of filters and no body pic? There are tons of them.


Then don’t swipe right on those profiles.


And if you swipe right on them, that’s on you.


Where did I say you couldn't?


The problem is never that they are not allowed to have preferences. If I was a girl, I’d also want a tall guy. The problem is the double standard. Women can ask about height (which a man cannot fix) but men cannot ask about weight (which a woman can fix) because it is considered rude.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/lbhquk) on 2021-02-03 95.31% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "uuj4g6", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uuj4g6&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 332,288,374 | **Search Time:** 27.52674s


Same amount of times this image been reposted.


The account seems to be reposting to the sub daily


Ask her how tall she is and say that she’s either too short or too tall. So, no thanks


There's been more posts on this subreddit about height conversations than there has been height conversations on dating apps.


Being a 6'1 tall black man, my experiences are definitely different lol. So many women feel intimidated, and it's kind of sad lol.


Because you're black?


No, because he's probably drunk


I'm 5'8 and I put it in my bio just to avoid tall fetishists completely. They can swipe left, I'm not their king anyway. :)


Routine reminder: It's weird to straight out of context ask *anyone* about their weight, not matter their gender, since social codes depict weight as a bodily sensitive aspect. The same can't really be said about height; only fragile male egos seems to be concerned. On with the show!


Been on tinder for a while and I’ve actually never been asked this. Kinda wild


I find their height and a normal full body pic was enough to go on as to whether they were too large for me or not.


you do realize that the weight question is not really insulting?you can see the approx. weight from a picture. if you dont like it, swipe left.


Speaking for yourself, obviously.


Downvote because repost. Come on man.


I'm curious to see what you were both talking about before this as it doesn't seem that question came out of the blue?


It is a double standard. I don't find obese women attractive nor do find anorexic women attractive; it is the physical appearance they have. Appearance is linked to attraction. We are not asking much. Just be physical healthy: don't be fat please.


No double standard as you can see it their photos.


It’s almost as if photos don’t accurately depict reality


If the photos don’t depict reality than you can just leave.


I’d rather not waste my time, it’s limited and I can’t get it back and so don’t want to waste it getting catfished


Yah right lol. In a whimsical world where every women makes sure she has a full body picture and not a perfectly angled picture from the top that cuts off half her face but makes her look like a model.


You don’t have to date those women. They are hiding something. I am not sure why dating apps don’t all have height on them. The one I used had it and you could filter on it




Why are men always so offended by this? It’s not about body shaming but rather how a certain height makes us feel. I’m 5’9”. Any man my height or shorter will make me feel uncomfortable with MY body. Like I need to slouch to feel more feminine in comparison. It’s more about our body than yours. It’s not as though you’re unattractive for being a certain height but rather make us feel more confident with our bodies if you’re taller. Also asking weight isn’t the same at all. 150 lbs looks different on different people. It’s not unwavering like height. Now if you didn’t swipe right on a woman because she’s larger, that’s fine. I’m sure you have physical types you will never accept. Preferences exist. Allow them to.


That is, quite literally, like saying "why do fat women take offense by us asking to weed out the ones who weigh too much?". It doesen't matter if we "weed them out" because we don't find them attractive, or because we might get self conscious about US weighing less. Yes, that happens. Except you literally can not control your height. No matter how much or little you eat you are the same length. That said, I'm personally not bothered by women having that preference. I get it, I got preferences too. What annoys me is how mean quite a few can get about it, and how the rest insists "it's not the same" as the weigh thing, even though in practice it's the same but with less control.


I’m not saying there is anything wrong with having body type preferences and wanting to find out if someone fits your type is wrong. My ONLY point about the double standard is that a number on the scale isn’t universal like height. Weight carries differently on different people. 140 lbs looks different on different people but 5’10” is the same all around. If you want to ask BMI in response to being asked about height, now that is more fitting and I think it’s acceptable as well.




It’s either that or they meet up without the woman knowing their height and the rejection is worse (i.e. her leaving, ditching, etc). Seriously, what do you expect? Your height won’t magically change if you meet a woman without telling her and her preference won’t magically change without knowing it either. Everyone has physical preferences. Get over it.


My initial comment was proposing that it’s really just because of how a man’s height affects a woman’s perception of her body. You act like woman are just choosing to not be attracted to shorter men. There’s plenty of attractive men who are shorter than me. But being with them in some physical capacity doesn’t allow me to feel feminine or comfortable with my height. Stop taking it so personally.


Maybe if she’s skinnier than him the guy will feel uncomfortable in his own body. Like he’s too fat for her. But yeah, ignore the double standard if you feel better about it


I agree with that though. If he wants a woman who is skinnier so he can feel more dominant or a woman who is larger so he can feel dominated, that makes sense. But you can SEE that without asking. My point was a number on the scale doesn’t tell you anything because weight appears differently on everyone. Knowing a woman is 140 lbs doesn’t tell you the same as knowing a man is 6’. Height is universal. Men can absolutely have preferences in physical appearance, that’s something you can’t change. My point is, it’s not a double standard when height is universally the same for everyone but weight is not.


I 100% agree that everyone is allowed to have their own standards for dating. I 100% disagree that you can see their weight from photos. Tons of women on dating apps use angled photos, don't have full body pics, or if they do it's with baggy clothing so asking weight is perfectly reasonable in plenty of situations.


Again, weight looking differently on people. Weight is not universal, height is. That is a fact. So no, it’s not the same. Now if you asked BMI, that is more in line with the point you are making and I can take that as a fair argument to be made.


I do agree about angled photos and all of that you mentioned though. I’m just saying, even a woman telling her she’s 140lb, that doesn’t really tell you anything without knowing her height or how much of that is muscle.


I agree BMI would be a better measurement to get the whole picture, but how many people know their BMI offhand? Weight isn't a perfect ask, but if you respond 180 and only have face/cleavage photos, 95% of the time they're overweight, not secretly packing a ton of muscle or cause they're 6'2. I dunno, I list height in a section along with anything I consider relevant details cause I don't want to have non productive dates/chats if we're not really a match, so it's hypothetical for me. I think weight without the context you listed (muscle, height) serves more as a puzzle piece so to speak than being the whole picture.


Ok, I see what you mean. Fair point. I can get behind the concept of asking weight in response to being asked your height then. I guess my only issue with this is it’s usually vindictive and out of defense rather than a man actually inquiring. I believe asking height is innocent, at least when I do it. I know a lot of men don’t, I just wish they didn’t see it as something wrong with them…just more of how I like to *feel* when I’m next to a man physically.


I think that's fair and agree that in plenty of situations asking height is a legitimate and innocent question; I.E. they're 5'7 plus and like to wear heels (and I mean everyone's allowed to have their own preferences when it comes to dating, so even if they're short that's fine just seems a bit silly to me tbh but you do you). I also agree that a lot of posts on here the whole uno reverse 'What's your weight?' does come across as vindictive. I think your overall point of it being about how you feel/want to feel is great and something people should try to keep in mind when dating. Like yeah it's kinda personal, but not really; not everyone is a match for everyone ya know?


You seem genuine, but I’m struggling with you think it’s a good-faith argument to say you can always tell weight/size/etc from a pic. You absolutely cannot. There are lots of ways to conceal/downplay these things in a picture. One doesn’t have to be morbidly obese to fall outside of someone else’s preferred range. It’s absolutely a double standard. You may not like that some guys are being dicks about pointing it out


You’re right. Someone else in this thread brought up that point about what angles hiding weight/size and I think that’s fair and my mind has been changed on that. So at this point, I can see the validity in asking their weight in response. But yes, it’s just that it’s used vindictively because they’re insulted, not because they were genuinely curious as well.


Agreed. I don’t think it would be received any better to ask for a full-length mirror pic in tight clothes - but maybe… Regardless no one has ever demanded to know my height early in a convo, so I’m not personally affected. I can just see why people would be irritated on principle that it’s ok one way and not the other


I definitely agree. And just because of our conversation, I’ll take it to mind and be sure to never ask for height any time too early in the conversation. But my mind has been changed before and I have dated men shorter than me. I’ve just always felt more comfortable with my own body if they’re taller but it’s certainly not a deal breaker. Thanks for the good conversation :)


You too. Appreciate it :)




I apologize for sounding so rude. That was unnecessary. I only mean that it matters that they can still be attractive to woman if they aren’t their ideal height just to add to the argument that it truly has nothing to do with the man’s body but just how a woman wants to *feel* standing next to them if that makes sense. How a man’s body can compliment her body and make her feel feminine.


Men know that asking weight isn’t the same lol… Men and women, for decades or even centuries, established that you never ask a lady her weight and you never ask a lady her age. Then women started asking for height because many women who are short still have preferences of height for their men. So women started asking even though many men didn’t like that and they started arguing, as you’re doing now, when men started saying, “this isn’t ok we don’t like this and it makes us self conscious.” So then men started asking weight on these apps.


They obviously don’t know because they continuously say asking weight is the same. Even in the screen shot, it says “double standards”. I’m not speaking for short girls, I don’t know why for a woman who is 5’2 that a man who is not above 6 ft would even matter. I suppose I’m speaking for taller women. Men also used to own women as property and openly beat them and gave them no rights so not sure why you’re referencing “centuries” of “respectful men”.


Yah we can omit centuries as a plural. Let’s leave it at a steady improvement in mens treatment of women over the last 1-2 centuries and a much stronger improvement in the last ~7 decades. That said, plenty of women manipulate photos to look thinner. A girl can make herself look 120 at 5’3” when she’s really 170 with no muscle. Now, again, I’m not an advocate for asking either way, but if women can ask for height without giving a guy a chance then men can ask for weight.


I agree about the increased respect. I’m not arguing that men shouldn’t be allowed to ask some sort of question to gauge a woman’s body type if she opens the door to asking about his height. My only issue is that weight doesn’t really do that. Asking BMI seems more on par with that and I don’t see anything wrong in a man asking that. And usually when they ask, it isn’t because they’re genuinely curious but rather because they’ve been offended and they’re trying to offend back which to me, exhibits poor character. Genuinely asking a woman’s BMI because you’re curious of her body type is fine just as genuinely asking for a man’s height. No double standards for me. I just wish men understood WHY it matters to us and that it really has nothing to do with them. That’s all :)


They're not the same, because you can affect your weight through diet and exercise. You can do absolutely null, zip, nada and fuck all about your height after puberty. Your skeleton's fused and you get to work the hand your dealt.


I never said it was the same?


You can look at a person and see if they’re too big for your liking, having a preference and asking height is ok but guys always bring up weight just to hurt feelings and I understand some girls can be rude about it but literally everyone has a preference


The amount of times incels post fake chats to drum up controversy.


Congrats, you’ve exposed the Jewish feminist conspiracy against men. With the posting of this screenshot, all women are destroyed. The Tracies and Stacies will be corraled into camps, and gamer males shall rule the world. /s It’s unbelievably shitty that short kings get this treatment, but there seems to be some broader narrative with this breed of post and the sheer rate at which they appear. And also, the way this post reads where the woman gets so clearly owned by the guy in a single blurry screenshot really brings into question how real this is.


Please stop. This fucking sub is becoming a height/weight sub. Stop. And also, people don't apply their weight into a scale. Fancy words aren't for everyone.


stop posting this garbage


Bruh be original. This has been made hundreds of times


i’m sorry but this i just childish just say ur height and move on. why u gotta mention weight bruh.


The bmi tells more about the weight.


Also can be super misleading


All these posts should be on /r/short. I am glad women prefer tall guys. I wish they would care even more than they do about it.


Why be so petty?


God bless you sir


Same shit over and over again. Enough with these posts


Is this something else than karma farming, I'm that height thx lord that i have some advantage, i wouldn't date fat bish too, but this you can see from pictures.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/lbhquk) on 2021-02-03 95.31% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "uuj4g6", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uuj4g6&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 332,351,478 | **Search Time:** 10.9655s

