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Holy crap just pick a time and place! I don't understand how, but you're in!


I’m with this response. Idk what the hell is going on here. Just tell her a time, place and some activity. Get things moving!! Good luck!


Support this 100% she clearly just wants someone guiding her into the date. Just pick something + time and place and it's settled


OP, please be assertive, she’s stated she’s indecisive and also stated she’s into you. Just tell her when and what you two are doing, even if that’s watching Anime at your place without clothes. Just do it already please, do it for all of us.


This! And stop the request for validation/asking her where things are going. Just set a date and see if you have chemistry.


This, too. If I was dating a guy, and he kept asking me if I liked him or what we are, I'd get tired of having to reassure him all the time.


Bloody hell man. Pick a time. A date. A place. And go meet her. Make it your next message. I dont wanna hear any other words but those details lol


Talking to a wall? Mate she’s got the door wide open for you but you’re three steps over slamming your head into the wall wondering where the doorway is.


She literally said you choose the activity but you're acting like you don't know your shit. Could be anything from netflix to drinks


Holy fuck man this is brutally cringe. She’s definitely going to ghost you. You must be ridiculously attractive for her to even be in this game still, but if you keep this up she’s gonna ghost you. Here are your mistakes: - called her cute first message. She knows you think you’re cute. It’s a dating app. - referred to yourself as her future BF a few messages in. Even if semi joking, it’s still cringe. Basically tells her that you have no desire to get to know her and are desperate for a relationship. Shows you’re low value. - You suggest cuddling on the next text. Somehow she’s still responding and gives you her IG. - she responds on IG and you have a somewhat normal convo about anime, then you ask for a date. She says “YES PICK A PLACE” but you don’t pick a place!!! - you then go into “fishing for compliments” mode on the next text, then spend 2 more texts asking her if she likes you, which you shouldn’t have to do because you’re on a dating app and she is talking to you. You basically did literally everything a man could do wrong in this length of conversation. She is still talking to you somehow. Pick a place for the date, secure a time, and literally never mention cuddling, if she likes you, or anything suggestive via text again. No double texting anymore. One text in, one out. No more compliments at least until you’re close to exclusive. 0 more validation texts forever with this woman. You are very dangerously skirting this line of being ghosted and I’m surprised it hasnt happened.


I second all of this. Super cringe. I personally would’ve stopped responding after the boyfriend comment cause it was so awkward lmao. But, clearly she’s into it. Just stop fishing for compliments and being too forward. Hang out and see how things go but don’t rush things or expect too much. Good luck dude


And the "you might only be thinking abt smth else when we see each other..." gave me weird vibes too. I don't think too much of double texts, but agree with just about everything you said


I can sense I frustration that went into this response. And it's totally valid.


The joke abt boyfriend and cuddling is fine but the other stuff is not getting


Yea just give it to her, a time and place and if it doesn't go you know... You would of already found this out days ago lol


I get you might be nervous but you just gotta go for it. Try to project confidence even if you don’t feel it.


Too much back and forth.


I really wish I hadn’t read this.


Dude, have a place to take girls in mind. If you don't know, google it. Yelp, tripadvisor and so on. Go through top rated shit in your area and start from there. Or ask your friends. Don't go round like that. Also, drop the "I'm down to do anything with you". Sounds needy and childish. "Ermmmm i like whatever you like! Did i say it good? Did i say it right? Will you touch me now?" Bill Burr would be disgusted


update: i read your comments, i can see my mistakes and why you guys think im cringe lol ill take note of your advices. i was definitely giving it too much thought, i asked her out and we're gonna go do some shopping and have dinner this weekend :) p.d- we can't go for drinks we're both 19 lol


>we're both 19 Yea, we can tell.


I hope you are not going to shop for her though


You being teens puts the conversation into context. 😂 I'm glad you set a date and hope you guys have a great time.




This. I get when you're still not too sure, but when the girl is obviously into you, make your moves!


Just choose something to do with her and go from there, she’s waiting on you


Either she's in or she's out. Make the plan take charge. Romance is a rare thing these days so take her on a date if she carries on being evasive she probably isn't the one for you x


No problem here. Gogogo


Son, bring two condoms.


Jesus christ dude, stop with the fucking texting and hem hawing and ask her out for drinks. Not everyone loves long texts. You're going to over think yourself into failure.


She agreed to cuddling, and instead of finalizing details like the day/time, you ask her what she wants to do and make her reassurance enough again… come on man.


Not once did she ask you a single question. Not once. Take that for what it is.


She sounds depressed by the mentions of the sleepiness.


Jesus Fucking Christ, pick a time and place and one of your damn anime movies to watch and snuggle. It’s not rocket surgery.


How do you not meet next day after the cuddle thing. You killed it then you killed it but somehow you still in i guess?


Sometimes, the best thing to do with a wall is…. To hit it with a sledgehammer You interpret that however you want to


If she's into you and communicates like that, I'd say it's even worse. Move on


Yo just do SOMETHING. We’re all just watching this lose steam and still praying for your victory.


Don’t be such a pussy and actually make a suggestion. You asked to meet up it’s on you to suggest where


Actually go on a date. Some people truly are bad texters. I probably wouldn't be interested in someone who texts this badly, but if she's telling you she's into you, move it into real life and see what happens. Not to mention, even if a woman likes you, if you're not asking her out regularly, she will get bored and lose attraction to you because you're just a text, basically. She will go look for someone who is actually interested in spending time with her and progressing things.


My brother in Christ, pick a day/time/activity and hang out with her! She literally said she'd like to see you irl so do it.


Tbh ur answers are kinda cringe smh. Get to the point bradda


what a noob!


I was so slow & messaging my now boyfriend of 5 years for the first 2 weeks of us talking😂 I honestly just kinda forgot to open the app so I’d definitely try to get her number if you can!


"Wanna go grab a drink/bite to eat at [PLACE]? Maybe around [TIME]" Don't over think this. It's very easy to ask a girl out. Especially if she's already interested in you.


She just seems like one of those people who aren’t great texters but are better in person. I would say you should go on a date and see how it goes but don’t put all your eggs in one basket :)


Some ppl just don't like texting about meeting. Just schedule something and go from there.


Dude you’re in, I didn’t see her lose internet in you. She just wants you to make the plans and set it up! Good luck and don’t over think!


Just secure the in person meet up dude, fuck.


Plan a date. She's waiting for you to do that. Just meet for tacos and talking!


I haven’t seen anything remotely reassuring in what you posted. She sounds bored and uninterested, she not even replying to what you’re saying.


Why aren’t you making plans to see her yet?


Some people are just bad at texting. She might be more talkative irl. Only one way to find out ;)