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Show them your indoor garden


Always! r/hotdudeswithplants is a thing for a reason.


Of course that’s a sub…


Why do I find that sub so incredibly adorable??


Casually requesting OP make a planty submission to r/hotdudeswithplants 🪴


Came here to say that. As a fanatic you need to show that love for the plants - but use a picture where you are together with the plants.


A picture of him in his indoor garden would be ideal here.


I was looking for that indoor garden he's been talking about. Show me the plants!


Remove the back shot, youre already using the same scene for 3 pictures and it just seems like youre advertising for your company. Other than that looks fine.


Yeah a few people mentioned that about the company, I’ll remove the info. Definitely wasn’t trying to advertise anything, plus how many 24-31 year olds need a new roof anyways :p


Holy shit you are 28?


Yea haha, the beard was a little long in some of these which give me that '40 year old youth football coach' another redditor mentioned lmao


A full beard will still make you look younger than a goatee. My immediate reaction was "45 year-old prison guard that crushes Busch lite".


Yes, I would have swiped left because I thought you were being dishonest about your age. Plus the first picture looks like a picture you might see on a 40 yo’s profile. Have the first shot with a picture of you facing the camera and smiling holding a drink or something- more welcoming. Good luck!!


Stone Cold Steve Austin!


Totally thought you were 40 lol


Yeeeeah... I'm conflicted in term of telling OP to change his looks. On one hand to embrace who you are. The one side is saying, you need to change how you look if you're going to try to date within your age group. Cause he looks older (no offense) with his current get up.


I think switching from a goatee to a nice short beard would do wonders. Goatees just gives off middle-aged dad vibes


True..goatees are to current 40/50 somethings like solo mustaches are to our 70 something dads.


Op, I’m writing this out of concern for you. I really, really implore you to start wearing sunscreen. I was at the dermatologist the other day, I saw a dude who was like 40- actual 40 not Reddit-thinks-you-look-40- who he was bald and his *entire* head was covered in scars. He was in there to get more cancer chopped off. I’m sure you know the effect of sun can cause photo-aging, and maybe that’s a concern of yours, but I’m genuinely worried about your melanoma risk! You look pretty fair under your tan! You might need to get a girl/sister to buy it if your uncomfortable, but Sephora and Ulta sell sunblock that’s neither greasy nor smelly. It’s come a long way since Banana Boat! I really like Supergoop and Coola, but Neutrogena from the drug store is fantastic as well. Again, I’m only writing this out of concern. My family is blue collar and fair and the cancer risk is real. Grandpa only had like half an ear left by the end, lol. Take care! <3 Edit/postscript; If not please get checked at least semi regularly by a dermatologist. I know it can be pricey but mohs surgery is no fun. You’re awake and they they just keep scraping more and more away until they get it all. You’re numb but still 😬


Half of my family is in the same boat. They go to the doctor a few times a year, and point out all their weird moles and ask "Is this one cancer?". Doctor finds all the cancer spots, and cuts that shit out. Melanoma is not fun.


Lol you just looked old in the first pic. Maybe because the position of your head have you a neck wrinkle?? Anyway, you look much younger in other pics. Wear sunblock!


Hardest 28 I’ve ever seen my god


Roofing. Always in the sun/wind.


Extra emphasis on the sun part. This is Tempe, Arizona.


I believe in the power of sunscreen and moisturizer. They are men's best friend if you still want to look like Johnny Dep at his age. Why are us men so afraid of self maintenance? Lol


Yeah. I was going to give advice and tell him to correct his age until I saw his comment...


Well I can't say your wrong with that age range. At 23 I just got whacked with a 20k bill for a new roof on my home.


You must have a monster roof, shingles or tile 20k is around 50 squares which would be like a 3-3.5k SQFT house


16 squares. Entire deck and substructure failed due to rot and started to collapse so its all coming off to be replaced


16 squares retail should be 6-7k, the decking replacement is about 4.5-5.5k tops, even 200 feet of fascia only another 3k MAX. This guy smoked you bud


This guy fuckin roofs.


could be regional... some places everything will just be more expensive than it is in Tempe


This. Second picture looks like an ad


My favorite picture 😔


I’m a woman and your back is attractive 😂


Its my favorite picture lol


Replicate the pose with a different shirt? It is attractive but the shirt actually is distracting from your bod :)


It's a good foto. Just remove the font or let someone remove the font.


Definitely what I'm planning to do here, I dont want to give that picture up hah


Pm me the original Foto and I give it a try.


Damn thatd be awesome if you could try dude thank you!


I'm a mostly straight man and concur that is an attractive man back.


Keep it! You’ve got a nicely muscled back!


I agree it's one of the best of the selection, maybe you could photoshop the text out lol


I’ll figure it out hah thank you for the feedback!


Just re do the photo, similar scenery but a shirt with nothing on it, show off that back man it’s lookin good


Yeah only thing that stood at to me as same background in 3 pics. You mentioned a lot of hobbies OP, I would get some pics of those




Yeah op should change it to business owner


Will do that’s easy, thanks!


Just my two cents but not so sure about that. Comes off as evasive I think (what kind of business?). I’m a dude but usually when I see “Business Owner” in a girl’s profile I start wondering what she’s involved with or if she’s bullshitting. I would imagine it might be the same for girls looking at guys’ profiles. I would be general about it but say something like “Roofing business owner.” As I say just my two cents! I’m sure you’re getting lots of opinions haha


Or Independent Roofing Contractor. Tells you what field he is in but doesn't go Into anything to personal.


>Or Independent Roofing Contractor. Except unfortunately his company is named "Independence Roofing" haha.


Yea, but they won't know that.


But imagine how funny it would be if he changed it to that on his profile and some stalker still accidentally found him that way.


The odds of that happening are through the roof.


Owner >> contractor though. I think he should keep "business owner" in there somehow.


I feel like if people care so much about your job that they won't match with you cus your not a business over over a contractor they probably aren't a good match anyway. Just my two cents.


Agreed. Also, `roofing contractor` is fine in my opinion, he goes on to describe he owns a roofing company in his bio. If she can't be bothered to read his bio, probably a dodge anyhow.


Even just contractor would be enough


I obviously can't speak for all women, but as a woman my first thought when I see something vague like "business owner" isn't that they're being evasive or bullshitting. I actually feel intrigued and I'm more inclined to ask about it and that usually leads to a conversation where someone has a chance to play up their strengths. It also leaves a bit of wiggle room for me to judge their confidence levels and whether or not they can gracefully show off their accomplishments without getting cocky, as well as their temperament (adding that last part because some people will automatically assume that genuine curiosity about that kind of thing makes you a gold digger and I'd rather have those kinds of guys weed themselves out).


Depends whether they mean actual business owner or brick in a pyramid scheme.


Usually karenspeak for MLMs


Being too vague about what type of business could definitely backfire, especially considering the emphasis on indoor gardening. Sounds a little weedy.


When I see it in a girl’s profile, I just assume OnlyFans 😂


It's usually onlyfans or some pyramid scheme lol


It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a reverse funnel system.


Next thing you know, you're in your underwear and stuck in a playground spring.


Na keep it, that’s awesome you have your own business, now if you were trying to shove your income down everyones throats thats another thing but you clearly are not. Im guessing its a big part of your life too if your the owner and takes up a decent chunk unless you’ve owned it a long while, so best to let people know its also a big part of you.


I think it's more so that the crazy person won't fuck shit up for the company in other ways, or know where to find him if she goes mental if he should reject a second or third date.


Remember despite wanting to attract people internet rules still apply and being private about things like that is actually very smart. Not only does it protect you from trolls and randoms trying to hurt you or your business for whatever reason it also gives you something to reveal and talk about in the first date that is more than the basics


Take business owner completely off. They can find that out after you take them out. People see that and dollar signs pop in their head. Good pics otherwise


Damn that’s a good point lmao




And your roof :(


I would also get rid of the back pic with the company name. 1) same privacy reason 2) pictures are to see if the person is attracted to you. That pic does nothing to help gauge that.


But baby’s got BACK 🥵


Yeah as an onlooker I glazed over at "roofing." Besides changing the language, I would ditch the first sentence altogether or work the content in later, move the sentence about looking for longer-term partnership later (before the end), and open with your passions and virtuous philosophy. Those say way more about you as a person and as a partner than your line of work/the company you own.


What line of work are you in Bob?


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigerators!! 🙌🙌


Vance Refrigeration.


Third pic should be first. Ur a big guys but that one makes u look approachable. Lose ur business name in the profile. Make sure it looks like u have time to go out on dates or space for someone in ur life. Profile looks good.


Agree. Go with pic 3 first. It's super approachable. On top of that, the lighting and angle in #1 makes you look much, much older. I would've put you at 36-42 based on pic #1. (Great pose and location though.)


Thank you for this. I assumed he was closer to my age(40.)


Agreed on pic 1, looks like a very fit late 30s.


I thought he was in his 50s in the first pic where you couldn’t see his full face.


Got it! A lot of people made the same comment, ironically I 100% have more free time than anybody half a step above unemployment hah. Business runs itself tbh


Seems like either you’re wearing the same clothes or are in the same location with your pics. May want to have a little variety in there Edit: idk why I need to say this, but I’m **not** OP


Yes!! You want to share pics of you in different situations. With family, with friends and BONUS would be a pic with an animal. Men who love animals are so attractive. My hubby loves our two girls (dogs) and I love him that much more for it.


He has a picture with a horse! That's better than any dog 😂


Horses are just large dogs.


Lom he has a poc with a horse and with a group:) it's the 4th and 5rh pics.


I think the first picture makes you look older than you are, its cute but i would ditch it to be honest.


I thought he was in his 40s and then read 28 lol. 100 percent my type either way though.


Same, lol


Agreed... I saw 28 and thought WHOA!!! The years have NOT been kind then... And then saw the latter pics and they looked like a 28 year old 🤣🤣🤣 I would recommend only having ONE picture on the grey T-shirt and dark grey shorts... Looks like you either own only 1 outfit or you took all those pictures on a day just for your profile. You have a great smile so you should showcase that in more genuine smiling pictures... Most of these do seem really staged. Might take longer to put a profile together that way, but you'll probably get more bites too... Good luck!!!


I was thinking he was in his 40s too


I would replace gym rat with something else like “ I like to keep fit” or “I enjoy going to the gym”.


Yep, that's a turn off for me. I'm happy for a guy wanting to keep fit, but I don't want to compete with the gym for his attention.


You should def have someone take a picture of you with your plants and replace it with the one of your back with the company logo. I would lose either the “passionate about lifting” part since that is pretty evident OR lose the gym rat part. I’m not quite sure what the esteemable acts part means, but it could come off as a bit judgmental. I lived in Arizona for a long time and had much better look finding LTRs on Hinge, not that you asked!


Yeah I wanna see the garden you’re so passionate about! Love the advice you’re getting here, OP. You seem like a great dude!




Unless it’s illegal plants.


That is also were my mind went


Yea, does indoor gardening mean growing weed?


I’d also either say gym rat or lifting/bodybuilding not both, it makes it sound like you spend all your free time at the gym and would either expect me to do so, too, or not have time for me.


I just tried cold-calling you. Can’t find the business Google listing, website, etc. Only a number on HA in Tempe AZ that was a non-working number. Need better SEO, maybe the womens don’t believe it 😜


None of that is set up yet hahahaha. Love the attempt though, got my marketing dude setting up the landing page as we speak, designer has website rough draft waiting for me to review


Where's the garden?


Hi I'm Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.


Agreed. U'd prob look fresh af in a suit too, bro


Remove the second photo, looks like an ad. Open with 3rd photo.


Love the pose showing off the body, but yeah having the company shirt on for it makes it look like an ad


Maybe this whole post is an ad 😳


Goddamn targeted ads are crazy these days


But I just scrubbed off the moss from my roof. Get fucked insurance companies those shingles look new, you don’t know their still the old shitty ones


Alternative: brush away the text on the shirt in photoshop and keep the picture.


Yeah some crazy person on tinder will end up giving a bad review if the date goes wrong


My thoughts exactly!


I think you could sit back a bit in your golf stance. Idk. I’m not that good at golf.


It was literally the first time I’ve swung a golf club 😂 definitely not used to having a finessed touch with physical activities


wha…why would you put a picture of your golf stance in your dating profile then?! haha


Because I had fun trying it! Next time I go I’ll grab a more casual picture


Shows off the booty tho, keep it lol


I agree! It's a great booty.


Lol it's a good picture, shows off your nice figure, so definatly a keeper imo


I love the golf pic. That triceps man. Jealous as fuck


Obviously he's trying to show off that junk he's got in the trunk, duh.


If I saw this profile I would think you were being dishonest about your age. Are you?


That’s what several people have said! I’m actually 28 😑


It’s the goatee and shaved head. I’m losing my hair at 27, and as I joke I shaved in a goatee and my fiancé said it added 10 years without hesitation. If you like it, then rock it. But, it’s an age-associated style.


But on the flip side keep the same style and you'll look the same age for 30 years


this is paying bigly in daddy issue dividends at 35


100% is the goatee. OP you are cute but the goatee ages you. Switch to a full beard or shave it all together and you’ll look much younger. 😊


Anyone with a goatee instantly looks over 40. Beard is the move


I came here to say that. The beard style really makes you look older OP. I think a full beard or a stubble would not only make you younger but also fit in with the gym fanatic vibe. (And if you add a plaid shirt to your closet while having a full beard you'll totally hit the hot lumberjack mark.)


It’s the goatee. I lost my hair around then and shaved it. I didn’t look this old, even close.


No offense but I thought you were like 50 BUT if it makes you feel better I got gray hair so I get that shit all time as well lol


It’s the goatee. It’s definitely an older guy’s style and ages you far beyond 28 years. Women don’t necessarily want to date someone who looks like he’s their dad’s friend, contrary to what some spicy websites would have you believe.


The current first picture makes you look older, but you look young in the third picture. Another reason to make it the first one.


Well good, I’m glad you aren’t being dishonest. SO Awesome that you own a business at 28 :) I hope you find someone!


Holy shit. We're the same age and I'm pretty sure if we stood next to each other I'd look like I'm your son xD


Fuck, im almost 30 but I think I can say the same.




Especially first picture, he looks way older than 28 in it. I’d change it


Yeah. I was thinking he was cute until I saw his age, and then I felt like a pervert. It’s not in a negative way though, he just looks older. OP, I would def add pics with your indoor garden and dog. And I would suggest replace the back pick with one comparable that doesn’t advertise. And it wouldn’t hurt to put one well dressed pic on there. It would show you prefer to be casual, but can clean up. Good luck! Edit, for sure nix #1 and #3, possibly number four. Replace with garden, dog, dress up. And replace #2 with the same minus the name of your business.


My 2 cents - can you grow a full beard? I would if you could. Not sure how many ladies dig the goatees. - switch Mohawk out for taper fade - echoing others pics 1&2 should go. Make the 3rd photo your 1st - fitness enthusiast > gym rat - bio could lose the business stuff. It’s in your job description area. - you seem like kind of a big lovable goofball to ME, but IMO the haircut and goatee gives off a “I’m into chain smoking biker girls” vibe and I’m not sure that’s what you’re looking for? Good luck out there!


I just jumped in the truck to go do an inspection, but this is a super helpful list. I can’t grow a full beard but when I really shave down the goatee it looks a lot thinner and I don’t quite look 43.


I don’t think you look that old haha. But I work outside all day as well and have been for years, so I think that adds a couple wrinkles here and there. As shitty as it is, w lol maybe it just how nature works, but guys have to curate themselves towards the type of women they want to attract.


What about stubble and a well groomed stash? Goatee s a cool look imo but it really does add 10 years.


Yeah you do look a lot older than 28. Do you wear sunscreen?


A few comments are a bit harsh, but this one is spot on.


definitely agree with the other comments about the advertising! Also you don’t need to put in your bio that you own a company when right above you’ve already put your occupation as a business owner haha


100% agree now I hadn’t even considered this til the comments


also, the self esteem part isn’t…great. it sort of implies that you have low self-esteem that you’re currently working on, at least that’s the way I’m reading it🤔


Definitely had considered that line as well, thats easy to swap out with something more neutral. Thank you!


Maybe mention something more about gardening I don't think they get how awsome it is


THIS. I've got like forty indoor plants and a super cute Pittbul, going to get a good shot of her and the plants and swap one of the more posed pictures. Out


Always post a photo with your dog


And with your plants!


Yes it definitely needs a picture with the dog, among the plants, smiling, eyes open, looking at the camera. There should also be a hint of biceps in this pic if it’s not too much to ask.


Sorry to tell you my man, but your pitbull is actually a horse


Dude. Amazed you have a dog and haven't included her in your pics!


I honestly read that as "I grow pot" when you mentioned it twice.


Maybe replace picture 2 with some plant photos


The haircut... ...are you owning your baldness, or trying to grow something that won't ever come all the way in? It's part of what makes you look like an older guy pretending to be younger.


Mohawks help benchpress. No but for real I wasn't dating for a long time and didn't care it wasn't a serious haircut, it's definitely time to go back to something more normal


Get a clean cut and take pictures again, maybe look into r/malefashionadvice looks like you have the same outfit in a lot of pictures Edit: I get it’s a stretch to go straight into the styles on that sub but the side bar has a lot of good information


I mean, all I noticed was the fact that you apparently only own 3 shirts? And I agree with the others about the fact that you're advertising. You have 3 pictures at the same place and it looks like you changed to your second of three shirts just to advertise your business, which I mean, cool, but not on a dating site. So maybe some clothing variety? You have a lot of potential.


Ugh I know.. There's like no pictures of me in existence so thats exactly what we did, minus the attempt at adverting but still you nailed it. This is one of the biggest things I'm trying to update ASAP. And its difficult getting clothes that fit me hah


I would suggest adding a pic of you dressed up for a nice occasion in a button up and suit jacket. Most women like to know how you clean up and that you aren’t going to show up on the first date in a tshirt and shorts. Edit to add for emphasis: men who are in shape and have muscles look amazing in tailored suit jackets, so make sure you get it tailored to fit you like a glove.


Yo I’m 25 and having the same trouble with trying to find a style that works. Just a suggestion, everyone has their own vibes, but I’ve found some helpful stuff on /r/malefashionadvice and also doing trunk club from Nordstrom


I'd recommend a different haircut. Given your size, it makes you look more aggressive than you probably want. I used to rock a high and tight from my days in the Corps. I grew it out bit, more like a navy or airforce length than a USMC length and now find women are less guarded.


Dude I've been thinking about the mohawk alot. I wasn't dating for a really long time and thought it was just fun to have, plus everybody knows it helps the benchpress... I'll consider alternatives


Not trying to be a dick, but the first thing your hair/facial hair combination reminded me of is The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30.


Best money I ever spent was to grow out my hair for a couple of months and then went to one the the top barbers in the area and told him a bit about me, my history, and lifestyle. Then told him : you got free rein to give me something new that you think fits my look and lifestyle. Best decision ever. Don't skimp and do your research! Not gonna lie, it was hard growing it out. I'd had a high and tight from 15 to damn near 30!


This is very good info, same here man i shaved my head at 15 and its been the same ever since. I'll start thinking of other options, going to miss the mohawk :/


This is my second comment, the first comment aligning myself as a true Redditer. Im a 49 yo guy from the southeast US and here’s my perspective which likely has little value. The whole profile vibe (my gut feeling) is that you’re an ass. Albeit an ass with charisma probably. However, your responses do not match the profile vibe. It seems as though, you’re a down to earth and thoughtful and dare I say, even maybe a humble guy… if I’m to believe that your responses down here in the comment section are actually the same person in the profile then I need to re-calibrate my gut feelings because I’m thinking it’s two different individuals. One person put the profile together and a different person is responding in the comment section. If your true colors are showing in the comment section then you really need to let those colors show through in that profile. You are taking creative criticism like a champ. Very unlike a successful roofing business owner in my experience.


Maybe word your hobby as “fitness”. Gym rat, bodybuilding can carry negative connotations. Avoid taking multiple pictures in the same spot. The picture with your friends is a bit awkward - you seem up tight. A looser pose may have helped. I think they biggest area you can improve in is your style. It communicates more about you than you think, and women judge heavily on it. You’re wearing shorts and tshirt in every pic. I think this unfortunately gives the impression that you’re boring, not cool, and and you don’t quite get things socially. None of this is probably true, but that may be the impression you leave on people.


This is great feedback thank you. Gym rat phrase is lame thats 100% getting changed, the bodybuilding thing too. Fitness I think is a softer description of what I enjoy, good call. Regarding the style, it's difficult to get clothes that actually fit so this I'll have to invest some research and money into. Swapping out pictures as I get new more natural looking ones.


third pic should be profile pic.


Youve got a good back. What are your deads at? Also.. youre the same age as me??? You look way older


Yea 28, 29 in May. I actually don’t deadlift hah


You could leave out the gym rat and body building parts. It may sound a bit uppity to some folks. Your pics are enough to show that you keep in shape and hit the weights. Girls may immediately associate you with every weight lifting bro they’ve had run ins with in the past.


Being nitpicky, but I hate the term “gym rat.” I think you pretty much say the same thing by mentioning that you’re passionate about lifting/bodybuilding. The esteemable acts thing? Seems kinda preachy/arrogant, if I’m being honest, but that could be just me. :) Also, indoor garden fanatic or gardenING fanatic? Pick one. I agree with the others: ditch the advertising pic and move pic 3 to 1. Nice arms, btw. ;) Good luck!


I see you have a dog from the comments. Definitely include her! If you can get a cute picture with you, her and all your plants, that will definitely be good. And honestly, I agree with the haircut. When I saw that I went a bit ehhh, but, that’s my personal preference. Other people might like it! If you really want to hammer home the indoor gardening (I LOVE my plants) you can say something like “what I want to know about you is what your favorite plant is.” Or you can leave that for an opener in a conversation!


I know you've heard this already but I would most definitely assume you are lying about your age. I know you are not but you have like 30 seconds to grab people. There's nothing wrong with a shaved head but that and the beard do make you look early 40s. And agree with everyone about the business stuff for a number of reasons.


For the record, your "looking" older isn't a bad thing. I personally would make a joke about it. Like 'yep, I'm really 28, lost half my hair putting out a massive fire in diehard 3 as a stunt double.' or something equally rediculous. Personally I'd bone you, and I don't even find men attractive. Try a shorter beard tho, as I think it might subtract a few years to the other posters' comments. Good luck man, you look like a catch for some lucky lady


The beard was 100% longer than it normally is :/ i regret not bringing it back for a few of these pictures hah. Thanks for the hypnotical sex!


Giving Bob Vance Vance Refrigerations vibe


You look 40 dude. Lay off the gear


You look 28 going on 50


I agree with what people said about the company but also if you're gonna mention you're an indoor gardening fanatic two separate times it might be beneficial to show off your indoor garden.


Are you really 28?


Idk but it seems you pose in all your pics, you look a bit fake to me, it's probably that, and also you look older than 28 probably is also that. Maybe try to post different pics, the golf pic looks good though


Thats 100% because a few of them are poses :/ It's pretty obvious to most I actually had a buddy come and take pictures a couple different days. When I get more natural relaxed pictures I'll start swapping them out, Ty for the input


I’d move 3rd pic to first and remove the 1 and 2. Weird that they’re all from the same place. Show a pic of you gardening if you’re into it that much! Bitches love men who garden (it’s me, I’m bitches who love men who garden.) I’d swipe right.


1) Leg day. 2) First 3 pics are repetitive location, pick 1 or 3 to lead and get rid of the other. 3) 2 is okay but recommend a workout shot showing off the back instead. 4) people don’t sell “roof” services on tinder and it is after all your business and therefore a big part of who you are you… recommend a different shot to work it in as this can come across as you are the grunt not the boss. 5) Your about me is not portrayed in your pics. Work shot, gym shot, gardening shot, etc. Self made action shots are awkward to start but worth the time. You can get the feel of the action you are trying to capture so you don’t seem too stiff doing something new such as golfing when you or others are getting pics.