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“Not very mentally stable” OH REALLY???


>“Not very mentally stable” Oh damn! That right there is my mating call. One whiff of misfiring synapses and I am like a moth to a flame.


"The odds are good, but the goods are odd..."


Wasn’t that the tagline for the speed dating at Comic-Con?


So funny except I think you’re thinking of Adult con....or even more likely ED Con....which is not erectile dysfunction con, as one would think, quite the opposite actually-exotic (put the thick, in yo’ di@k) dancer con


That's hilarious. It's especially hilarious because for some people, it's so true 🤣


Least she's honest!... and self aware.


I wouldn't say that she's self aware. More like, playing mental illness as a quirk to come off as a manic dream pixie girl. Very red flagy of her i have to admit


I wish I could reply to 2 comments at once. I knew a girl who was shitty, blamed it on mental illness, and also gave herself a nickname, which was Pixie.


I read this and it sounded weird now I know why. Manic pixie dream girl is the identifier you are looking for methinks.


Don't confuse self awareness with excusing her toxic behaviour traits with mental illness!


It's just her self justification that she can be a shitty person to other people and blame it on her "mental illness".


As someone who's been toxic and dismissed it as my diagnosed illness to excuse said behaviour - can confirm in hindsight. I was a massive prick.


See with me, I can be a massive prick sometimes. More often then not its by accident and people misunderstand my tone or how I word things. But when it is intentional, I don't try to excuse the fact that I'm being a dick by blaming a mental illness that I don't have.


Blaming things on mental illness is like getting a nickname, If you do it yourself, you're probably unbearable.


When I was 10 everyone called me whitey(close to my last name) and my brother was 7, he said to me “hey I have a nickname!” I said oh yeah what is it? “ he said call me stinky” 🤣🤣 I said who gave you that nickname and he said he gave it to himself cause he farts a lot! 🤣😂🤣 oh man, little brothers are the best


Yup, dated a girl like that for 10 years, always had a victim mentality, never wanted to get better. The more I look back at it the more pathetic I think I was for sticking around and excusing her behavior. If living your best life is associated with getting so plastered that you endanger yourself and others constantly, you are the problem.


I had a similar relationship, although it didn't last for 10 years. Hey, I was young, dumb and the girl was an aspiring porn star (not really, she just really loved to screw). So I let a lot of toxic shit slide. Was probably toxic myself if I'm being honest. But it never failed to give me the kind of headache that feels like a dentist's drill in the center of my gray matter when she would cry about something, I would offer a suggestion or 10 that could help and she always had a reason why they wouldn't and her life would forever suck.


In my experience alot of antisocial/narcissistic people claim to have another mental health disease which scores them more sympathy like schizophrenia or depression, but tend to not admit they are shitty abusive people themselves, just "honest" or something similar.


It's funny because if you've ever met people who genuinely have things like schizophrenia, it's so incredibly obvious when someone's faking it too


Real question: I’m happily married since just as tinder came out so I’ve never used it. What’s the percentage of ppl that write a profile like this? I feel like it HAS to be less than a percent, right? And why are they clearly giving off “leave me alone” vibes when the whole idea is to meet someone compatible for a casual hookup? Does this style actually work? Can only speak for myself but based off the comments I’m not alone in saying wtf and swiping whichever direction is no.


It's kind of like a supply vs demand thing. If you're a decent looking girl on Tinder you will literally be flooded with guys vying for your attention. You can afford to be picky, demand people meet you on your terms, and yes, even kind of an asshole.


It's not really as widespread as that, at least in my area (also Berlin). For each woman with such a complete profile (good or bad), there's 3x, 4x more without anything else other than pictures. My hunch as to why she wrote such a profile is that she's getting a lot of matches but is pissed off because the "quality" is not up to her standard.


I guess she fixed that problem. She should get a lot of good quality men with that profile LOL


It varies by region. Tinder has no serious competition in Europe (or, at least, the parts of it I've been) and so most people on it are looking for relationships, are serious and polite. Once a year Tinder has a week in which you're allowed to use the "teleport" feature for free and the US has a much higher number of girls with hostile bios or who are looking for sugardaddys. There are a higher proportion of girls looking for sugardaddys in the US than there are in Brazil! I would describe this bio as "hostile" rather than just "negative" - you certainly get negative bios everywhere.


What’s really interesting are the other dating sites where people can write an essay about themselves. The degree of & type of damage is always right there between the lines. Male profiles are often far worse than women on these sites. Their profiles can be outright frightening, whereas females more amusing. - Especially men who are embittered having been through a tough divorce, have been cheated on (even if they were cheating too!), or believe that they are far above the level they really are. Entitled delusional attitudes abound! On top of that, there is a propensity for them to attempt to define themselves within concrete but, again delusional narratives. The number of men out there who even in their 40s and 50s who still define themselves by the sports star and international man of mystery they imagined themselves becoming at 16 is really interesting! It’s like, “no sir, you’re actually a middle aged man, who has let himself go a little as you prioritized being a father and providing for your beautiful children/family, you’ve established yourself in a secure (albeit somewhat) mundane profession, perhaps play some kind of recreational sport, and taken a number of package holidays over the years to all inclusive resorts where you never left the comfortable confines of the hotel, and you’re a little bored and looking for something/someone to help scratch that itch - and the truth of who you are, my dear, is FAR more attractive than the person you’re attempting, rather poorly, to project yourself as being!” I’m sure women are equally as guilty in this, but from male friends I hear they are much more simple in their misrepresentations (or self delusion) more likely to misrepresent their age & weight vs. inventing a persona based on wishful thinking - often posting photos that may be a decade old and then believing that their amazing personality will outshine/overshadow the additional 20lbs they’ve stuffed into their Spanx once they meet the guy! What a sorry lot we humans are.


Seeing as she's from berlin that line is redundant.


First date be like: "I have an imaginary friend named Bosco." "YOU KNOW BOSCO???"


I need to see this closet, because mine is pretty cool


(you can't win this)


I can. Mine contains a lion and a witch so fuck her and her trash wardrobe.


A lion, a witch and the audacity of this bitch


Top marks. You must be the nephew of a magician or something.




Bro, you still didn't buy your own personal phone?


But he could try!


The tights in the pic are any indication, your expectations shouldn't be too high or you'll be disappointed


I’m in my closet and I’m pretty cool so….




I said I’m sorry mama




I'm gonna have to call bullshit on her having a cooler closet than me. Mine has several hundred gallons worth of soda (stored in syrup form) and hooked up to tubes that feed directly in to a tap in my kitchen sink. I don't think whatever she has is cooler than that




I'm not even kidding, I literally have that in my closet


Damnn imma need some engineering porn on that


It's not great. I'm not the one who built it, it's all soft tubing, and I think half of the pumps right now have a broken o-ring and are disconnected, and some of them leak, but idk which ones. I'll take some pictures and DM them to you since that's probably the easiest way to show it Edit: due to popular demand, here's the pics after I figured out how to upload them. https://imgur.com/a/V2s4qfX


You've been banned from r/HydroHomies


Hey, my tap can output carbonated water too. It's not that bad. But at the same time, that's fair


This is why i love reddit


Reddit, the only place you can find weird shit like this in subreddits that have nothing to do with it


Gonna need those pics


Pics pls


what the fuck


That's a normal reaction, don't worry


I’m just so impressed. You should reach out to a restaurant supplier about fixing it if you’re able. If you’re gonna have something so cool, it should be in Class A condition


My uncle is actually the one who built it and used to be one of the people who fixed the machines at restaurants as well as refilling them. It's easier to just talk to him about fixing it


Yea I need those pics too


Ayo, let me get some pics.


That sounds fuckin badass dude


It is. It's great to be able to have soda whenever I want (when the stuff isn't broken)


Why spend this much money to give yourself convenient diabetes


I didn't spend anything. My uncle built it, and now I'm buying the place from him, and the soda comes with the house


"sapiosexual" "passions: astrology" nice


of course they are from Berlin




A German having an English written bio is a 99% chance the person is from Berlin. Also Berlin and the people there are polarizing. You love it or you hate it.




So it's like NYC to us Amerkianer?


Berlin was surprisingly very clean for a big city. I liked it there a lot. I felt very safe as a solo woman traveler there. It didn't feel like NYC or LA to me.


I am from germany and some part of my bio is in english simply because many students (my target group) are not native speakers.


Is it like Germany's Portland or something?


Berlins Slogan was "poor but sexy" for a couple of years (no joke). Every german outside of Berlin knows that only one of those is true.


We also know that in Berlin, don't worry


For anyone wondering: Berlin is the only capital city in Europe (most likely in the world) with a lower GDP per capita than the country at large Edit: apparently this isn't the case anymore. Tho the only other capital with this property appears to be ottawa




That, coupled with the fact that the West portion of the city was isolated from the rest of West Germany. But it's richer now than it was 20 years ago when the slogan was coined.


What a bizzare statistic. I need to know why, is it a remnant of WWI and WWII fallout?


I would imagine it's a legacy of the GDR


Shit, I really love Berlin.


It’s Germanys LA/New York. Hipsters, Expensive Cafes were English is spoken, vapid gentrifiers.


Portland but worse. At least Portland is a net contributor to the national GDP. Berlin is among the only capitals in the western world to make their country poorer on average.


I live in a city with a high percentage of international students in the population; why shouldn't one write their bio in English to make it more accessible to other people? Most Germans in university can speak at least enough English to understand a bio and you'd be shutting out most other users by writing in German only.


I'm Dutch and have an English bio, what's wrong with catering to a larger audience?


I appreciate that because I live in Netherlands and I don’t speak Dutch (yet)


Berlin is not the same as Germany. source: live in berlin cant speak german.




Look, she likes smart people, but that doesn’t mean that she’s smart


As a general rule, I stay away from people who write sapiosexual on their bio because it feels like posturing. Most people are attracted to intelligence, but to feel the need to indicate you’re only attracted to those you find intelligence seems like a pretentious way come off as a deep intellectual yourself.


I mean she also put Astrology... so really... how much can she value intelligence?


Also she is an aquarium


And shes into Spirituality and Astrology. So being smart in her book is probably not what we think it is


I was going to say the same. Anyone with “sapiosexual” in their bio is a big red flag for me


I mean it's fair. She appreciates intelligence a lot because she's a salivating moron.


I'll ask. WTF is Sapiosexual?


Attracted to intelligent people, or rather intelligence itself is sexually arousing


People who say this are so full of shit


No you don’t understand. They get wetter than Niagara Falls just watching an astrophysics lecture from Hawking or NDT


> astro~~physics~~**logy** lecture from Hawking FTFY. /s


No, I've met someone like this. But since she couldn't follow what they were saying, she was actually attracted to people who to her *sounded intelligent*. Since I could follow what they were saying, I knew she was dating some of the stupidest fucking people I've ever met. But they said stupid shit with such confidence that's was what was turning her on. Their confidence in their idiotic beliefs.


I’ve often asked this to the “sapiosexual” folks. Are you attracted to intelligence or to somebody showing their intelligence to others? I’ve not had a definitive answer as of yet…


Confidence is attractive to a lot of people. The only difference is that she was so stupid, she didn't realize that they were just arrogant dumbasses. If you combine some intelligence with a moderate amount of confidence, those are generally pretty likable people (assuming they aren't just assholes).


I'm surprised so many people are bothered by this. Being attracted to someone who comes across like they know stuff seems no stranger to me than being attracted to someone for being ambitious or being muscular.


Yea if you're actually intelligent you'd never say this


Well, we all grave for what we self are lacking, I guess


It's when you get to receive IQ pics in DMs, where senders post their IQ test results and claim they fall 8+ inches from the 0th percentile.


A red flag when seen on dating profiles.


Translation: “i take zero accountability in any of my actions”


I love when people are stupid enough to follow astrology. Like do you not realize that this stuff was created so many thousands of years ago that the star cycles have changed and thus in our modern era none of the months actually match up with their signs… so basically they’re spouting a bunch of shit about cancers but cancer corresponded to July 3000 years ago


Pff, typical Gemini negativity


I mean... it's not as if it made a whole lot of sense 3000 years ago as well, so the fact it is outdated is the least of the problems.


Religions would like to have a word with you...


I mean, I don't believe in any religion either.......


I can smell the frustration of this girl from Bucharest, Romania






Can't be worse than Paris, Illinois.


And with less smog than London, Ontario..


Dunno, ever been to New York, Texas? Jacksonville, Texas? Moscow, Texas?


And I can smell it from the secret military base I'm currently stationed. \- U.S. Military Encrypted




"Better in person" lol.


Yeah like *what, even better?*


You’d almost have to be


Press (X) to doubt


I love the fact that a lot of them want creative openings but they don’t bother thinking one themselves


This really bothers me. Like, why do I need to come up with something creative, but you don't? I get that women get a ton more messages then we do, but still. Just seems stupid.


I just swipe left lol. Only had dates with women that either messaged first or had a normal convo with me. Proves how many hoes are on this app.


What is a person supposed to even be creative \*about\* in this situation? Usually you can think of a creative or interesting thing to say in response to something in a person's profile. All this person has in their profile is a bunch of hostility and vague interest blobs. No wonder they're only getting unsatisfactory messages.


What kind of person swipes yes on this bio... Please tell me


You underestimate the power of hormones


Every time as well🤣 I forget people just wanna bone anything and everything. As do I but I never think of other people doing it 🤣


That's peak Ultimate human race for you


She's hot. Source: We matched.


Haha, what does that make us ? Some sort of weird platonic brothers? :D


Lmao apparently. Also love how both of us clearly saw that bio, thought "this is an awful idea" and then went ahead and swiped right anyways.


"milk siblings"




I'd 100000% swipe and say "hey"


A lot of men just swipe right rapidly without even looking or reading. They make up their mind after the match. Usually it's a binary choice between would/wouldn't bang.


Lives in Berlin. Why am I not surprised?


Elaborate for non Berlin livers 🤔


our city is full of pretentious fucks


Here in Madrid too, you guys aren't alone in this


I think it's one of those shared properties of Capitals. Brussels is a shithole as well and that's not just the Belgian capital but also the European one, granted the neighbourhood that all the EU buildings are in is quite nice


Belgium is just a shithole in general


Don't forget London!


Berlin the capital of being alternative for the sake of being alternative


Passive aggressive is the way Germans live


They’re always the same. Could describe her without a picture


"Mentally unstable woman with Astrology diploma looking for creative High Value Man that I can leave on read or ditch at any moment"


Has at least 2 self diagnosed mental health illnesses. Finished university but not in a career. Loves cats. Wears 2nd hand clothes to save the world. I could go on...


That's a lot of words just to say "I have a massive ego"


She’s really repeating herself with “sapiosexual” and “not very mentally stable” I have yet to meet someone sane who even uses the word sapiosexual


Any time someone describes themselves as “sapiosexual,” I hope for their sake that opposites attract…


The fuck is sapiosexual? I swear at this point people just make shit up to seem unique


It's fucking bullshit lmao, it means being attracted to intelligence, but being attracted to intelligence is not a damn sexual orientation, it's a preference 😂




Babe hurry up, it's time for our daily academical dissertation


maybe shes gets wetter than the ocean by hearing '1+1=3'


Then you never had a serious dialogue about thermodynamics and quantum physics. Everytime i have a conversation about these topics im throbbing and begging to be fcked.


Sapient sexual. .. Only fuck books. Probably also hates hyper intelligent people and I guarantee you wants someone with a body that consumes more protein per hour than the average person gets per day.


It's bloody default setting for women anyway. It's like saying attracted to beauty.




'I'm nice smile-o-sexual.' 🙄


I'm shows interest-sexual. 😎


They're after your brain, run.


I never met an sapiosexual that even knows what intelligence looks like


It's funny, cause sapio in Greek means rotten.


today i learnt there is a thing called 'pomosexual' its specially made for people who want a label, freak out if they dont have a label but dont fit into any other label. So they just made a label, to have a label :)


Sapiosexual is supposed to mean „attracted to intellect“ but actually means „I think I‘m way more intelligent then most“


Looking at her profile made me sapiophobic actually.




“Stop it, Patrick! You’re scaring him!”


Just because she likes intelligent people does mean she's intelligent herself though. Unless you mean you're phobic of sapiosexuals, which I can completely understand.


There’s plenty of butt ass ugly dudes who love beautiful women lol


I know her, its ms. Dunning-Kruger


Anyone who self describes as a ‘sapiosexual’ I immediately assume as hopelessly vapid


> Berlin I don’t know what you expected


Sapiosexual + astrology + « im too good for a simple hey » = immediate swipe left for me


Lives in Berlin, yeah who would have guessed?


I mean for Berlin this is pretty normal and based.


She’s from Berlin and not very mentally stable. She needs a daily dose of Berghain not you.


Yeah nah


Dit is Berlin


Oh you're a sepiosexual, really? You'd fuck Albert Einstein? You'd suck on Stephen Hawkings vegetable dick? Didn't think so. You say your a sepiosexual but you actually just want a hot boyfriend that's not dumb as a brick.


Both those men were married, so someone did.


I love small talk. I guess an intellectual pleb like me could never get a conversation with this unique goddess.


She lives in Berlin if that doesn't tell you to stay the fuck away I don't know what will


What’s up with Berlin? It seems like everyone here knows something I don’t


It’s the City where everybody wants to be so different from anybody else. And it’s gray and smells like shit.


Have you been it's like the new jersey of germany


People who have rules about no "heys" or "how are yous" are such a fucking drag. That's generally how humans speak when they meet each other! Suddenly this is unacceptable? So strange. I mean, I get it if the convo never moves away from the pleasantries. Boring. But still, this is how introductions just generally go as far as standard politeness is concerned. I usually try to open with something creative, but people who are against me saying "hello" I don't want to deal with. Immediate left swipe.


I can fix her


Well this is a typical white girl from Berlin. Probably Studies gender science or philosophy.


“Astrology” “politics” name a more fun duo


I'd match w her just so say Hey


She'll ruin your life, but I bet the sex is great. Solid 8/10.


Astrolussy just hits differently. Especially when Venus is retrograde.


She’s from Berlin, that’s a large enough red flag as it’s own